
Rabu, 05 Maret 2014

Assignment III

This task requires you to provide a brief summary of the general lecture by Rene Van Den Berg, Ph.D. you attended today.
Deadline, 6 March 2014, Thursday midnight.

39 komentar:

  1. Name: Nur Fadhilah
    Reg. Number: A1D2 12 010

    René van den Berg (Summer Institute of Linguistics International researcher) had done a research about “First and Second Winner: The Comparison between Indonesian Language and Papua New Guinea Language”. He found that there are some similarities between those languages, especially local languages of two countries. Muna language (Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia) has similarities with Vitu language (Papua New Guinea). For example, the word ‘hand’ is equivalent with the word ‘lima’ which means hand in Muna and Papua New Guinea language as well. He said both of islands are a distant cousin, because it has a very strong relationship in term of language. But, Muna language is a little bit more complicated than Vitu language.
    Not only Muna and Papua New Guinea language, but also Indonesian and Papua New Guinea language have a similarity. For example, the word ‘house’, in Indonesian language it is called ‘rumah,’ while in Papua New Guinea it is called ‘ruma’. It happens because Indonesia is of the same family as Papua New Guinea, which is Austronesia. Although have some similarities, Papua New Guinea use English as their national and formal language. But they use Tok Pisin language for everyday use. It is quite similar with English, but more complicated than English.

  2. Name : La Ode Ardiansyah Djafar
    Class : B
    Student Number : A1D2 12 064

    The Comparison between Indonesian and Papua Nugini Language by Rene Van Den Berg,Ph.D.
    We know that Indonesia and Papua Nugini is the neigboring country but both of them are in contradiction each other. Talking about the traditonal language, if we look from the number of traditional language between indonesia has and papua nugini, Indonesia occupay in second range and PNG in the first range.
    PNG : 836
    Indonesia : 706
    But in other hand, if we look from the number of society, Indonesia is in first range namely around 251 million, and PNG in the second namely around 7,1 million. Indonesia also already get much outside influecing, so it is quite long for indonesia to know about the modern life. And while for PNG, everything is still new, because PNG is free in 1975. So, the condition of PNG is so different from Indonesia now.
    As we know that, the nation of the language of Indonesia is indonesian. And it has relationship with Melayu language. In PNG, it’s nation of language is English. But most of people of PNG using Tok Pisin. Where Tok Pisin same with English in pronounce but in orthography is so different with English. Tok Pisin have became daily language of PNG society, even, it have taught for elementry school’s student. But the weaknesses of this language is found in the lexical, means that one word has one pronounce but has different meaning and Tok Pisin full of idiom, so it’s difficult to learn this language. But the fact, Tok Pisin is the familiar language and many people of PNG use it. The example of Tok Pisin: ‘airaun’ means pusing, ‘bel hevi’ means susah,sedih, lemas, ‘bun kakanak’ means sangat kurus
    Actually Indonesian and PNG language have a similarity. For example, the word ‘house’, in Indonesian language it is called ‘rumah,’ while in PNG it is called ‘ruma’. It happens because Indonesia is of the same family as Papua New Guinea, which is Austronesia.
    Traditional language in education, Indonesia had taught it since 1995 and we called muatan local. In South east sulawesi, the most traditional language that is taught namely Tolaki,Wolio,and Muna. But the implementation still incredulous. In PNG, the traditional language is vitu (Wes New Briten) but have been changing to English and become their nation of language.
    The comparison of two traditional language
    No Muna Vitu
    1. Narrator 30000 8800
    2. Variety of dialect Much Less
    3. In school
    (application) Less Less
    4. Education language Indonesian English
    5. Menace status In danger Strong yet
    6. Modern connection Beginning of twenty century Beginning of twenty century
    7. Absorption language Hundreds (from Melayu) Tens of (from tok pisin)
    Muna much influecing from outside and other traditonal language in Indoensia. And it is same with Vitu but there is little bit side efrfect from Tok Pisin. So menace status of traditional language are in trouble, Indonesia : around 265 and PNG : around 104

  3. Nama : Risya Fatimah Zahra
    NIM : A1D210015

    Kuliah Umum
    Topik :
    ‘’Perbandingan Antara Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Papua Nugini Oleh
    Rene Van Den Berg,Ph.D (penelitian SIL)”

    Bila dilihat dari segi jumlah penduduk serta luas wilayah, tentunya Indonesia mempunyai wilayah yang lebih luas serta penduduk yang lebih banyak, namun bila dilihat dari segi jumblah bahasa yang dimiliki Papua Nugini mempunyai jumblah bahasa yang lebih banyak dibandingkan Indonesia. Papua Nugini juga belum lama mengenal kehidupan Modern berbeda dengan Indonesia. Bila kita melihat perbandingan antara bahasa daerah yang ada di Indonesia(Bahasa Muna) dan Papua Nugini(Vltu),bahasa daerah Papua Nugini 80% mengandung Bahasa Inggris, namun ada juga yang mempunyai bunyi yang sama namun mempunyai tulisan yang berbeda dalam bahasa Inggris.
    Contoh :
    Papua Nugini (Vitu) Inggris Indonesia
    Ai Eye Mata
    Haus House Rumah
    Mi Me Saya
    Em He, she, it Dia
    Yu You Anda

  4. Name: Risna Mustika
    Reg. Number: A1D2 12 018
    Assignment: Brief summary of general lecture

    The Comparison between Indonesian and Papua New Guinea's Language
    By Rene Van Den Berg, Ph.D.

    The general lecture was presenting by Mr. Rene van den Berg. He has presented concerning language comparison between Indonesian and Papua New Guinea. Basically, Indonesian has many local languages , about 706 language with number of population around 251 million people. Nevertheless, in fact, Papua New Guinea has a number of local languages more than Indonesian. It is about 836 languages , with a population, which is much less than Indonesia, that is only about 7.1 millions. This is causes by the population of Papua New Guinea is different in the community rather than in an area or an island wide. Papua New Guinea's national language is English but not whole Papua New Guinea's society can speak English because of their studied is low level. So, to communicate everyday their speak with oral language namely Tok Pisin. Tok Pisin language similar to English but it is more complicated. There are several languages in Indonesia, which is similar to the existing local language in Papua New Guinea include Muna language similar to the Vitu language one of local language in Papua New Guinea . However, on the other hand like a way of life, Indonesian and Papua New Guinea is different so far. Indonesian has influenced modern life but Papua New Guinea still far behind. Although Papua New Guinea's national language is English, but their lives far away from the influence of modern western and most of the people of Papua New Guinea does not know well the English language.

  5. Name : Nur Aini Hafifah
    Stambuk: A1D212030
    Brief summary of general lecture by Rene Van Den Berg, Ph.D. “The Comparison between Indonesian and Papua New Guinea’s Language”

    Mr. Rene van den Berg presented about language comparison between Indonesian and Papua New Guinea. He had done research Indonesian language and Papua New Guinea language. Those countries have many local languages. Indonesian has about 706 languages whereas Papua New Guinea has 836 languages. Indonesian has number of population around 251 million people whereas Papua New Guinea about 7.1 millions. Papua New Guinea's national language is English but some of them not know English so well. To communicate everyday they using spoken language it is Tok Pisin. Tok Pisin language is similar to English but it is more complicated. Mr. Rene Van Den Berg also had research about differentiate between Indonesian language exactly Muna language and Vitu language one of local language in Papua New Guinea. There are similarities of those languages for example, the word ‘hand’ is same with the word ‘lima’ which means hand in Indonesian and Papua New Guinea language as well. However, on the other hand Indonesian is more advance than Papua New Guinea so far. Although Papua New Guinea's national language is English, but most of them does not know the English language very well.

  6. Name : Sulasmi
    Stambuk: A1D212078

    Topic : The Comparison between Indonesian and Papua New Guinea’s Language By : Rene Van Den Berg, Ph.D

    Mr. Rene Van Den Berg, Ph.D had done research the comparison between Indonesian language and Papua New Guinea language. Indonesian has many languages as well as Papua New Guinea. Indonesian has about 706 languages whereas Papua New Guinea has 836 languages. Indonesian has number of population around 251 million people whereas Papua New Guinea about 7.1 millions. Papua New Guinea's national language is English but some of them not know English so well. To communicate everyday they using spoken language it is Tok Pisin. Tok Pisin language is similar to English but it is more complicated. For example, take away in English whereas in Tok pisin language is tekewe. He also had research about differentiate between Indonesian language exactly Muna language and Vitu language one of local language in Papua New Guinea. There are similarities of those languages for example, the word ‘hand’ is same with the word ‘lima’ which means hand in Indonesian and Papua New Guinea language as well. Although Papua New Guinea's national language is English, but most of them does not know the English language very well because they did not learn about English language in their school.

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  9. Name : Sri Wulansari Sedia
    Reg . Number : 12 034 A1D2

    Topic : Champion 1 and 2 : comparison between Indonesian and Papua New Guinea
    By : Rane van den Berg

    As we all know Indonesia ' s Papua New Guinea and neighboring each other only separated by a barrier gate between Indonesia and PNG . And speaking of local languages of Papua New Guinea in Indonesia compare . Papua New Guinea : 836 local languages while Indonesia : local languages.However 706 , when compared in terms of area and population of Indonesia is superior to Papua New Guinea and Indonesia are already familiar with modern life different from Papua New Guinea who only know modern life . And as we all know is Indonesia Indonesia which has a relationship with the Malay language , and language of Papua New Guinea have in common with the English language that have similar but distinct mention of writing , and some also wear tok Pisin language . As an example ai ( PNG ) , aye (English ) mata ( Indonesia ) , Indonesia also has similarities with Papua New Guinea language " rumah " in Indonesian and " ruma " language of Papua New Guinea and compared the local language, the language that takes some languages muna other countries and is also similar to one of the areas in PNG is Vitu.Sample language : the language muna : " malaikati " and, in Arabic: " malaikat " , and Vitu language : " enjel "and in English " angel " But some Indonesian traditional language is almost extinct or disappeared as the sample language may taluki now rare in the know . Unlike the regional languages of Papua New Guinea is still frequently used .

  10. Name : Muh.Kamaruddin jamal Reg.No : A1D2 12 070
    This is my report from René van den Berg's public lectures "First and Second Winner: The Comparison between Indonesian Language and Papua New Guinea Language".He said that there is distinction between amount of local language and amount of citizen,which Papua New Guinea has 836 local languages but the citizen of Papua New Guineas just 7 million instead of Indonesia has 836 local languages and has 251 citizens. Indonesia language much more influenced from Malay whereas Papua New Guineas using English for they national language, tok pisin is local language in Papua new Guinea that used for inter-tribe, the origin word of tok pisin 80% from English. There is differentiation between Indonesian's dictionary and Papua New Guinea, Indonesian's dictionary consists of 35.000 entry and Papua New Guinea (tok pisin) consists of 2000 entry. There are similarities between Muna Language (South east Sulawesi,indonesia) and Vite (Papua New Guinea). Indonesia much more influenced by India,Islam,Portuguese, and Holland. Papua New Guinea far away from modernization.

  11. Name : Vinoy Estianty. B
    Reg. No: A1D2 12 084
    Class : B

    General lecture ( topic is comparison between Indonesian and Papua new guinea language )
    The topic of general lecture is about comparison between Indonesian language and Papua new guinea. In this case, Indonesia has 706 language and Papua new guinea has 836 language with number of population around 251 people in Indonesia and number of population in Papua new guinea around 7.1 million. So, its mean that Papua new guinea has more language than Indonesia. The national language of papua new guinea is English language but not overall society of Papua new guinea can speak English. In Papua new guinea has oral language namely Tok Pisin and most of society there not finished their school because they can’t understand what they learn. In fact, most of society there can’t read. And the national language of Indonesia is Indonesian language but some of society there can speak English. Today, Indonesia has followed modern life from western culture but Papua new guinea not influenced with that culture.

  12. Name : IRAWATI SUMARNA (A1D212062)
    Class : B
    "Champion 1 and 2: The Comparison between Indonesian and Papua Nugini Language "
    by Rene Van Den Berg,Ph.D.
    (SIL researchers)

    Indonesia and Papua Nugini are the two areas that used to be one before Papua Nugini became independent in 1975.
    And talking about language, why the title “Champion 1 and 2: The Comparison between Indonesia and Papua Nugini Language”? because, if we look from the results of a survey, Papua Nugini occupied the first position in the traditional language of the largest in the world with 836 languages. while Indonesia came in second position with the highest number of 706 languages. Where Indonesia using Indonesian as the national language. While Papua Nugini using English as the national language.
    In Indonesia, the Indonesian is the national language that used by all of people in government, education, mass media, etc.. and there are traditional languages that different between regions. Traditional language in education, Indonesia had taught it since 1995 and we called muatan local. In South east sulawesi, the most traditional language that is taught namely Tolaki, Wolio, and Muna. But of the many traditional languages in Indonesia there are some are in trouble around 265 languages.
    While In Papua Nugini, the traditional language is vitu (Wes New Briten) but have been changing to English and become their nation of language. Although Papua Nugini using English as the national language, but most of the people in Papua Nugini using Tok Pisin language is spoken language among tribes. Where Tok Pisin same with English in pronounce but in orthography is so different with English. Example:
    (Tok Pisin) (Indonesian) (English)
    ai mata eye
    moni uang money
    haus rumah house

    And Tok Pisin have became daily language of Papua Nugini society, even, it have taught for elementry school’s student.

  13. Name: Rafan Agusti
    Reg. Number: A1D2 12 074

    The Comparison between Indonesian and Papua New Guinea's Language
    By Rene Van Den Berg, Ph.D.
    Mr. Rene Van Den Berg (Summer Institute of Linguistics International researcher) has presented concerning language comparison between Indonesian and Papua New Guinea language. Indonesia has many local languages , about 706 language with number of population around 251 million people, but Papua New Guinea has a number of local languages more than Indonesian (Papua New Guinea has a number of languages in the world and Indonesia in the second place). It is about 836 languages , with a population, which is much less than Indonesia, that is only about 7.1 millions. This is causes by the population of Papua New Guinea is different in the community rather than in an area or an island wide. Papua New Guinea use English as national language but not whole Papua New Guinea's society can speak English because of their studied is low level. So, to communicate everyday their speak with oral language called Tok Pisin. Tok Pisin language similar to English but it is more complicated.They use it when they meet people from another tribe because every tribe has its own languge. There are several languages in Indonesia, which is similar to the existing local language in Papua New Guinea include Muna language similar to the Vitu language one of local language in Papua New Guinea , for example word ‘lima’ in Vitu language means ‘hand’ in Muna language ‘lima’ has meaning ‘hand’ also. However, on the other hand like a way of life, Indonesian and Papua New Guinea is different. Indonesian has influenced modern life but Papua New Guinea still far behind. Papua New Guinea's national language is English, but their lives far away from the influence of modern western and most of the people of Papua New Guinea does not know well the English language. Although at the school they use English as national language, but the teacher also not too fluent to speak English. So it makes education there disturbed because in learning process had problem with communication.

  14. Name : Saum Ratman
    Reg. Number : A1D2 12 076

    Brief summary of the general lecture by Rene Van Den Berg, Ph.D.

    René van den Berg, Ph.D. (Summer Institute of Linguistics International researcher) Mr. van den Berg had done a research about “The Comparison between Indonesian language and Papua New Guinea language”. He said that Indonesia and Papua New Guinea is two countries with so many traditional languages, Papua New Guinea has 836 traditional languages with the number of population is about 7,1 million people it is less than Indonesia, Indonesia has 706 traditional languages with the number of population is about 251 million people. Papua New Guinea and Indonesia is the first and the second winner, because they have so many Traditional languages. and that,s noted in Guinness Book World of Record. Between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea have some similarities for example in Indonesia we called house with rumah, but in Papua New Guinea they called hose with ruma those are quiet similar between Indonesian language and Papua New Guinea language. One of the languages in Papua New Guinea is Vitu language, in vitu language they called hand with lima also in Indonesia especially in Munanese language they called hand with lima also. Most of the dialect in Papua New Guinea language is quite similar with English, maybe it is because they use English as their first language rather than traditional language in everyday life. So, we can conclude that between Indonesian language and Papua New Guinea language has similarity in terms of linguistics not just in national language but also in traditional language.
    Although Papua New Guinea has so many traditional languages but, most of the languages are in trouble because they almost don’t have any books about their own language, and they just have only one kind of newspaper, they just use storytelling to keep their traditional languages alive. You want to know what is going to happen because of those problems, most of Papua New Guinea languages will undergo of existence.

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  16. name : Waode Siti Amanah
    reg. number : A1D212042

    The Comparison Of Languages In Indonesia And Languages In Papua Nugini
    By: Reňe Van Den Berg
    In comparing the languages in Indonesia and Papua Nugini, we will find who is the first rank in one aspect and who is the first rank in the other aspect.
    If we look at the number of the traditional languages, then Papua Nugini (PNG) is the winner. PNG has 836 traditional languages and Indonesia has 766 languages. But, the bigger number of “in trouble” languages refer to Indonesia. It means that the pronouncers/speakers of its language are decrease.
    Indonesia has “Bahasa Indonesia” as its National Language. It came from “Melayu” language. In position, Bahasa Indonesia has its own power because it is used in Government area, education and mass media. Indonesia also has its own institute that managing the development of Bahasa Indonesia called “Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa”.
    PNG has “English” as its national language. It is used in Government, mass media and written form of books and news paper. In PNG, in the periode of 1975 – 1997 English is only policy that everybody has to use English. But, in 1997 – 2012 there is another language that taught in the 1st until 2nd year learners, it is Tok Pishin. But, it 2012 there is a policy that called “English Only”, they only learn English. Different from Indonesia, PNG has different oral language that is used for communication of different tribes. It is called “Tok Pishin”. It is used since 1850.
    If we compare the dictionary of Bahasa Indonesia and the dictionary of Tok Pishin, we will find that Tok Pishin has less number of words than Indonesia. It’s only 2000 entri. While in “Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia”, or Indonesia’s Great Dictionary has 35.000 entri, because one word in Tok Pishin may has many different meanings.
    There is also a comparison of one of Indonesia’s traditional language and PNG’s traditional language. They are “Muna” and “Vitu (West New Britain, PNG)”. Why should them? Both Muna and Vitu have some similar words.
    Muna has wider area than Vitu. It is used Bahasa Indonesia in its Educational activity. But, it has “Wamba Wuna” as its Traditional Language that is already being taught at school. Wamba Wuna (Muna Language) has 300.000 speakers. There are hundreds words that are taken from Melayu language. But the status of Wamba Wuna is in problem because the number of the speakers are decrease. Wamba Wuna has got many influences from the other language such as Bahasa Indonesia, and the other language that came from colony.
    Vitu has English in its Educational activity. It has its own language called Vitu. There are some words that are taken from “Tok Pishin” language. But the status of Vitu language is still strong because it still has many speakers. Vitu language almost got no any influence from outside just some from Tok Pishin.


  17. The Comparison between Indonesian and Papua New Guinea Language
    (By Rene Van Den Berg,Ph.D).

    As we know that Indonesia and Papua New Guinea are neighboring countries where the country is located in the east of Indonesian region namely Papua province. They almost have the same culture with the peoples in the border region. According to Mr. Van D en Berg research and from the data we compare the local language between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, they are the first and second rank in the sum of traditional language where PNG : 836 language and Indonesia : 706. This fact is really shock us. Papua New Guinea with the number of people that stays in is smaller than our country has many languages than Indonesia with the highest number of peoples.
    Indonesian country use Indonesian language for national language, educational, and as the unite language of all Indonesian peoples. Now according to the data show us that most of Indonesian peoples can speak Indonesia very well. Different with PNG, the unite language is English; they use it as educational language and communicative language. They also have an original language as their unite language namely tok pisin language. Tok Pisin is the familiar language and many people of PNG use it. Some example of Tok Pisin: ‘airaun’ means pusing, ‘bel hevi’ means susah,sedih, lemas, ‘bun kakanak’ means sangat kurus”

    There are some similarities of the word between two countries.
    Indonesian (rumah)
    PNG (ruma). These words have the same meaning namely house.

    Indonesia and PNG have a similar phonetic in local language, here Muna language and vitu (Wes New Briten). In south-east Sulawesi there are about 300000 peoples speak muna language and in PNG 8800 peoples speak vitu language. Both in Muna or Vitu the local languages are almost getting lose because the young people don’t speak this language again.

  18. Name: Yeti Serli
    NIM: A1D212012

    Theme: Comparison between Indonesian Language and Papua New Guinea's Language

    Rene Van Den Berg researched about the comparison between Papua New Guinea language (especially Tok Pisin and Vitu language) and Indonesian language. Actually, there are some words that similar with Indonesian language, like “Rumah” in Indonesian language and “ruma” in Vitu language. Tok Pisin language also has some similar words with English, e.g “orait” that has mean “baiklah”. It has same pronunciation with “Alright” in English. So, this is unique and interesting to be researched.
    Actually, Papua New Guinea’s residents are less than Indonesian residents, but they have many local languages that exceed Indonesian’s local languages. We do not know the reason why like that, but there are some theories about it. One of them said that maybe in the past a lot of the residents are used to be nomadic, move from one place to another places. So, the language also diffused to another places, but of course had changed.

  19. Name : Sartiani
    Reg. Number : A1D2 12 046

    The Comparison between Indonesian and Papua New Guinea Language
    (By Rene Van Den Berg,Ph.D).

    According to Rene Van Den Berg Ph.D in Indonesia has706 local languages and PNG has 836 local languages. Even thought Indonesia and PNG are neighboring country. But they have very contradicted. In PNG are still there many people who cannot speak their national language. The national that they use is English.
    In PNG is still categorizing as the traditional region because the peoples there do not get many innovation out of their country. Otherwise in Indonesia, the peoples had already got the effect from other countries since 16 century.
    In PNG when they want do a communication with others the language that they must use must be oral language called tok pisin language. The reasons why they use this language is most of them are not able and even can’t use English even though it is their national language. . Some example of Tok Pisin: ‘airaun’ means pusing, ‘bel hevi’ means susah,sedih, lemas, ‘bun kakanak’ means sangat kurus”

    There are some similarities of the word between two countries.
    Indonesian (rumah)
    PNG (ruma). These words have the same meaning namely house.

    Indonesia and PNG have a similar phonetic in local language, here Muna language and vitu (Wes New Briten). In south-east Sulawesi there are about 300000 peoples speak muna language and in PNG 8800 peoples speak vitu language. Both in Muna or Vitu the local languages are almost getting lose because the young people don’t speak this language again.

  20. Name : Waode Riskan Hasanah
    Reg. Number: A1D212036

    Comparing Languages in Indonesia and Languages in Papua Nugini
    If we see the number of population, Indonesia is in the first position than Papua Nugini. But Papua Nugini has more traditional languages than Indonesia.
    Indonesia has Bahasa Indonesia as its national language. And Papua Nugini has English. Beside that, Papua Nugini has the other language called Tok Pishin. It used to communicate between different tribes. The number of words in Tok Pishin are less than Bahasa Indonesia. Because, one word could has many different meaning.
    If we compare one of the tribe in Indonesia and in Papua Nugini, Muna and Vitu. The speakers of Muna language are more than Vitu. But the situation of Vitu language is stronger than Muna. Because there is always decreasing number of speakers in Muna language.

    A1D2 12 086
    Rene van der berg is a researcher from summer international of linguistics. He had done a research in term of the comparison between indonesian language and papua new guniea language. The number of Papua New Guinea language is more than indonesian language. Indonesian language consist of more than seven hundred languages. And papua new guinea consist of more than eight hundreds of languages. Indonesian language has been influenced by another country started from the early age of twenty century till colonialism era. Indonesian language has been used in almost formal and informal activities. Such us in education side, soceity side, and mass media. To keep the authentic of indonesian language, indonesia has a corporation that is called “ badan pengembangan dan pembinaan bahasa nasional”. As compared to Papua New Guinea system, english language is being a national language, and most of local languages are still natural. There is no any corporation like “badan pengembangan dan pembinaan bahasa nasional" in indonesia.

    In his speech, Rene van den berg focus on two languages. Those are muna language from south east sulawesi and vitu language from west new britain. He made a comparison to those languages that muna language is tend to the distinction. According to Mr. Rene van den berg, muna language have three thousand spoken. But unfortunately, they are comes from the old people. He was very sad because of Muna people are poor of knowledge about their language and do not spoke the origin of muna language anymore. In other hand, vitu language is still natural. Eventhough the number of people in muna is more than vitu languagu, vitu languagu are still consistent to speak their local own language.
    In other point of view, muna language and vitu language have some similarities word and meaning. For example word “lima”. Both for muna language and and vitu language, its has similar meaning. However, vitu language is more complicated than muna language in terms of linguistic.
    Rene van den berg has succed to translate those local language in english form. Specially for muna, Mr and Mrs rene has made a number of books related to development of muna language itself and also a website that contains everything about muna language.

  22. Name : WA ODE SUFATRI
    Reg. No : A1D2 12 082

    The comparison between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea language
    by Rene Van Den Berg

    If we see from the number of the peoples between Indonesia and PNG according to Rene Van Den Berg research Indonesia has the highest peoples compared with PNG. But if we see in language aspect PNG has many kinds of local languages namely 836 languages otherwise Indonesia is about 706 languages. Because there so many kinds of community, because the society of PNG are always moving from one island to another. National language used by the people of Indonesia is Indonesian, while Papua New Guinea was English. But the people of PNG only use English when they are in school, this is because not all people know English. They learn English at school but limited, because the teacher also has its limitations as well in English. But they are required to use English because English is the national language of PNG. PNG is one of the countries that are still lagging behind, it proves there are some new things that exist such as paper , rubber. PNG also has a gold mine called the Lihir Gold Mine
    In his research, Rene Van Den Berg also compare the language used by the people of Indonesia and PNG society, especially the section Muna ( southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia ) and Vitu ( Papua New Guinea ). Between the two languages have many similarities based on the words used in everyday conversation. Both of these languages also take the words uptake of various countries. One example is the word Kahitela ( Muna ) is the uptake of Caseville = > kasitela = > Kasitilia , which Kasitilia is one of the city's name in this part of Europe . While the area Vitu is yu, which means you, which is the word yu uptake of the English language that is you. The language used by the community called Tok Pisin Vitu. Tok Pisin is a tool that simplified communication between tribes that appeared in 1850. Community Vitu tok Pisin language based on pronunciation of the English language. In south-east Sulawesi there are about 300000 peoples speak Muna language and in PNG 8800 peoples speak Vitu language. Both in Muna or Vitu the local languages are almost getting lose because the young people don’t speak this language again.

  23. Name : Hasrina
    Reg. Number : A1D212052
    Brief summary of general lecture by Rene Van Den Berg, Ph.D.
    “The Comparison between Indonesian and Papua New Guinea’s Language”

    René van den Berg had done a research about “First and Second Winner: The Comparison between Indonesian Language and Papua New Guinea Language”. Every country has any kind of traditional language. Indonesian has about 706 languages whereas Papua New Guinea has 836 languages. Indonesian has number of population around 251 million people whereas Papua New Guinea about 7.1 millions. There are similarity of Indonesian Language with Papua New Guinea Language. For example, the word ‘house’, in Indonesian language it is called ‘rumah,’ while in Papua New Guinea it is called ‘ruma’. It happens because Indonesia is of the same family as Papua New Guinea, which is Austronesia. As we know in Indonesia the National language is Indonesian different with Papua New Guinea The National Language is English. But, most people in Papua New Guinea can’t speak English because they always using Tok Pisin. Although Tok Pisin traditional language on PNG is similar with English, but it’s more hard than english.

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    How excited of information that is presented by Mr. rene van den berg. We have already be a young people but lees of knowledge about our language especially me from muna. Accordingly, I just summary that material in comparison of muna language and vitu language.
    Right now, Muna language it could be called as a “sick” language because the existence of its language. Based on the researcher that Mr. Rene van den berg had done, he found that approximately the speakers of muna language just remains 300.000 of people. But unfortunately, almost those people comes from old people and their condition are sick. Muna language has been influenced by another language such as indonesian language end other languages. Muna language is the unique language in the world because its linguistics. One word of muna language can product a number of word. That is why Mr. Rene pay much attention to research this language. Can you imagine that one word can consist of 3-4 affixes and suffixes. For example, ka-ti-fo-ka-ha-mate-ha-no-mo with the basic word is “mate”. Mr. Rene van den berg han made a dictionary of muna language-english language. Also, his wife has made some of the story book that tell about the local anecdot from muna.
    On the other hand, vitu language is still natural with their consistence of using their language. There is no much influence from another language. The numberof word this language is less than muna language. When we analyze in linguistics term, vitu language is more a litle bit complicated than muna language. Vitu language can not be given an affixes or suffixes for the same word.

  26. Name: Ajis
    Stambuk: A1D2 12 048)

    The Comparison between Languages in Indonesia and Language in Papua New Guinea
    By: Reňe Van Den Berg
    If we compare the language in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, we will find some similar and differences for its language. Indonesia has “Bahasa Indonesia” as National Language, which came from “Melayu. “Bahasa Indonesia has an institute to manage the development” of Bahasa Indonesia called “Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa”.
    Papua New Guinea has “English” as its national language. It is different with their oral language, in which their oral language is called “Tok Pishin” that used since 1850. In periode of 1975-1977 they only use English, but in 1997-2012 they also use “Tok Pishin” and it is taught in the 1st until2nd year learners. Now, since 2012 Papua New Guinea uses “English Only” as their national language.
    Tok Pishin has less number of words than Bahasa Indonesia. Tok Pishin has only 2000 entry of words. It really different with Bahasa Indonesia, in which there are 35.000 entries in “Bahasa Indonesia”.
    At the number of tradition al language, Papua New Guinea has more than Indonesia. Papua New Guinea has 836 traditional languages, in which Indonesia has 766 languages.
    Not only differences, there also a similar between Indonesia Language and Papua New Guinea Language in their traditional language. They are “Muna Language” as one of Indonesia Traditional Languages and “Vitu” as one of PNG Traditional Languages. In Educational activity Bahasa Indonesia is used, but “Muna Languag”e is being taught at school and it called “Wamba Muna” (Muna Language) that has 300.000 speakers. In “Muna Language” there are hundred words that are taken from Melayu. Bahasa Indonesia and other language from colony give many influences to “Wamba Muna”. “Vitu language” got no any influences from other language, there only some from “Tok Pishin”. Vitu Language” is not used in educational activity.

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  28. Name : Hasdairta Laniampe
    NIM : A1D212002
    The Comparison between Indonesian and Papua New Guinea Language
    (By Rene Van Den Berg,Ph.D).
    Many people argue that Indonesia and Papua New Guinea are the same country, but the reality is not like that. Indonesia is an independent country in 1945, while Papua New Guinea is an independent country in 1975, then a comparison to the total population in Indonesia there are 251 million, while in PNG there are 7.1 million. we know that, in Indonesia there are a variety of languages, but it turns out in more languages Papua New Guinea, in Indonesia there are 706 languages in Papua New Guinea while there are 836 languages.
    Indonesia's national language is originate from Malay. The number of speakers is now about 165-225 million, Indonesian is also very strong in the world of government, education and the mass media whereas in the national language in Papua New Guinea is used English, in Papua New Guinea there is a language called Tok Pisin. Tok Pisin is spoken tribal language. Tok Pisin language is referred to as Pijin or oral communication tools tribal simplified in the Pacific region and appeared around 1850. In 1860 standardize spelling in Tok Pisin as an oral appliance. Tok Pisin dictionary consists of 2000 entries while Indonesian dictionary consists of 35,000 entries.
    A local language in education has long been taught in Indonesia since 1995. In Southeast Sulawesi most languages taught are Tolaki, Wolio and Muna. While in Papua New Guinea in 1975-1997 English Only Policy, any person using the English language. However, the status of regional language extinction has become a problem, in Indonesia there are 265 endangered languages in Papua New Guinea while there are 104 languages.
    Muna language originates from outside or colonial language, foreigners who come and a lot of influence from other regions Vitu language while barely affected by external language, but there is some influence of the language Tok Pisin. Comparison between two languages this area in view of the number of speakers, Muna 300,000 and there are 8,800 in Vitu, dialeg variation in Muna much if at Vitu slightly. Muna using Indonesian language education in Vitu while using English, then there are hundreds of loanwords from Malay and there are dozens of Vitu in Tok Pisin.

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  30. Name : Nunung Amalia
    Reg.Number: A1D212022
    The comparison between indonesian language and papua new guinea language By Rene' Van Den Berg (SIL)
    Rene' Van Den Berg make research about comparison Indonesia language and Papua New Guinea (PNG) language, In the category of language diversity, Papua New Guinea (PNG) is ranked by the total primary language diversity as much as 836 languages.Next followed by Indonesia as many as 706 languages.However in terms of population, Indonesia and PNG have significant differences,that is Indonesia with a population of 251 million people, while the PNG population of only 7.1 million people.
    PNG is also a newly independent country in 1975, as well as with modern life, they have not known it long. About language, Indonesian is a language derived from the Malay language while PNG Formal language is English,although most people in PNG do not quite understand the English language.
    Common language used in PNG is Tok Pisin language, the simplified language of English.Rene'Van Den Berg also compared two other traditional languages,it are Vitu languages (PNG) and Muna language (Indonesian). Both of these languages have some similar meaning, however Muna language is more complicated.

  31. Faathir
    "Comparison Between Indonesian Language with Papua New Guinea Language by Rene van Den Berg"

    Rene van Den Berg has talked about the comparison between Indonesian Language with Papua New Guinea Language. According to the research, Papua New Guinea is the first rank of country that has a lot of languages, they are 836 languages. But actually the number of people there is just about 7.1 million. It’s of course different with Indonesia. With the total of population about 251 people, Indonesia just produces 706 languages, and takes the second rank. One of the languages that have been presented by Rene van Den Berg is Tok Pisin. We can say that this language, Tok Pisin, is the uptake of English language. Almost all the word in Tok Pisin is from English language. The presentation is about 80%. But it is really complicated if we see the written of Tok Pisin, because the pronunciation is as same as the writing. It is English, but it has been adapted with fact that their English is not good enough. To say something, they just combine some word to become a sentence without formulate it. For example, in English we say widow. But in Tok Pisin, when they want to say that, they have to combine some word to describe that word without caring the structure of the sentence. The other example is about place that in English we call kitchen. In Tok Pisin, they call that “Hauskuk”. For an English, to understand it, they just have to divide it into two parts, Haus and Kuk. Haus means House, and Kuk means Cook. So, in English we say House Cook. It’s what I mean they combine without formulate it. After that, there an Indonesian local language also that has similarities with Papua New Guinea local language, that are Muna Language with Vitu Language. Like “Lima” in Vitu language means Hand. It’s same with Muna language, “Lima” in Muna language means Hand too.

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  32. Name : L. M. Alfian Ombi
    Reg. Number: A1D212050

    The comparison between languages in Indonesian and languages in Papua New Guinea
    Rene Van Den Berg

    Mr. Van den Berg started the symposium with comparing and Introducing Indonesia and Papua New Guinea (PNG) generally and then comparing Indonesian languages and PNG languages. At least, there are 836 traditional languages in PNG which have been researched and automatically PNG takes place as the first rank in the world which has many languages while Indonesian takes the second with 766 languages. However, PNG is a small country which has more than 2 billion population while Indonesia has 250 billion and more. Moreover, Indonesia and PNG are likely a neighbor, even though there are numerous difference in language and culture but PNG has close relation with Papua in Indonesia (Irian Jaya). This is because both of these counties come from similar race (Austronesia).
    In Indonesia, ‘Bahasa’ is the lingua franca which used in educational, government, economy, politic, and social as well. In distinction, PNG uses English as the national language. Moreover, using English obviously became the only policy in 1975 – 1997 in PNG but in 1997 – 2012, the traditional languages are taught in the first and second grade in Elementary school. After that, English will be taught and become educational language.
    In this symposium, there are two traditional languages which will be compared. ‘Muna’ language which comes from Muna Island, South east of Sulawesi in Indonesia and ‘Vitu’ language which is from West New Britain, PNG. Both of these languages have similar word and pronunciation as well. Muna has wider area than Vitu. It is used Bahasa Indonesia as educational language but, it has “Wamba Wuna” as its Traditional Language that is already being taught at elementary school. Muna Language has 300.000 speakers and numerous words that are absorbed from Melayu language. Although Muna has many speakers, it predicted will be dying if the language is not taught to the youth generation, while ‘Vitu’ still be the strong language because it used in all of generation.

    REG. NUMBER : A1D212020
    “The Comparison between Indonesian and Papua New Guinea's Language”
    By Rene Van Den Berg, Ph.D.
    As we know that , Indonesian has number of population about 251 million people whit has many local language about 706 languages and become the second rank. Papua New Guinea has number of population about 7,1 millions which is much less than Indonesian. In fact Papua New Guinea has many local language more than Indonesian and became first rank . It is about 836 languages . It is caused by the population of Papua New Guinea is different in the community rather than in area . National language of Papua New Guinea is English but not all Papua New Guinea ‘s society can speak English well because of their studied is low level. Everyday they speak whit oral language namely Tok Pisin. Tok pisin began as pijin language ( a tool oral communication between tribe that they have made it more simple in pacific area. Papua New guinea also have already know modern live . In here also there are two kind of languages that have explained by Rene Van Den Berg, Ph.D. namely ( Muna Language) in Indonesia and ( Vitu) one of local language in Papua New Guinea. Muna language and vitu have similar language like” lima”. "lima" in Indonesia is hand (tangan) both of them is same. it is so surprised and this is interesting to research .” He said”. About education in Papua New Guinea still use calk to write on the black board and they rarely use paper or hard to find it in Papua New Guinea . It is different whit education in Indonesia. why to be like this because their language it self. that caused hard to communication to other people.

  34. Apriani Sarah
    On Wednesday there was a seminar about the comparison of Indonesian language with Papua New Guineas’. Based on the amount of the used language in both countries, Papua New Guinea wins. Papua has 836 languages spoken by its citizen while Indonesia has 766 languages. It was surprising to know that Papua, whose area is narrower than Indonesia, has more languages spoken in there. Papua is hardly influenced by the other countries, while Indonesia has been gaining a big deal of influence from the other countries such as India, America, China and many more. Although Indonesia is influenced by many countries, it is still able to retain its original language, Bahasa Indonesia. The researcher found that almost all of Indonesian citizen that he encountered can speak Indonesian. But it is advised to us to also retain our traditional languages and keep it from extinction because they are one of our amazing cultures which are also the identity of Indonesia.
    In Papua New Guinea, the official language of the country is English. Even though the official language is English, the citizenz and even the teachers at school are not really good at it. There is a language called Tok Pisin which is widely spoken in Papua. Tok Pisin sounds like English, but different in written context. For example “Yu go we?” means “Where are you going?”. Tok Pisin has been used in Papua since 1850 and it comes from Pasific. There is also a traditional language that has been used in Papua called Vitu Language. Vitu language has some similarities with one of Indonesian’ traditional language, Muna language. They have words in common.

  35. Name : Ida Yani
    Reg. no : A1D2 11 028

    Comparison of linguistic condition between Indonesian Language and Papua Nugini Language

    Papua Nugini has many veriety of language because it has many variety of ethnic. If we compare with Indonesia. Papua Nugini has many number of languages. Papua Nugini has 836 languages and Indonesia has 706 languages.
    If we see from the using of language, Indonesia language is used as National Language either in the government or in the education. But in Papua Nugini, they use English for government area and for language that is used in every ethnic is tok pisin language. Pronunciation in tok pisin language is almost same with English because Papua Nugini ever be colonied by England. For example
    1. English : read
    Tok pisin : rid
    Meaning : membaca
    2. English : eat
    Tok pisin : it
    Meaning : makan

    NIM : A1D212044
    Topic: The comparison language between Indonesian and Papua New Guinea

    General lecture that I attended on yesterday is about equal language between Indonesian and Papua New Guinea. The presenter explained about equal language between Papua New Guinea’s language and Indonesian’s language. In both language has same vocabulary each other but PNG has more language than Indonesian does. PNG has 836 languages and Indonesian has 706 languages whereas Indonesian has more citizens than PNG. The people in PNG know less about modern period than Indonesian. The human in Papua New Guinea much life in forest. There are some equal of languages between those countries such as Muna language from Indonesian and Vitu language from Papua New Guinea. Those languages have same word that seems meaning. Papua New Guinea’s national language is English but in fact, most of society of there does not know well English. They just using their spoken language namely Tok pisin. Tok pisin is seems like English but it is more complicated. Tok pisin is how we read the word in English that is Tok pisin. For example, “eat” in English whereas in Tok pisin “it” but that meaning is same.

  37. Hello,i'm Endang
    reg.Numb : A1D211098

    The Comparison between Languages in Indonesia and Language in Papua New Guinea

    i have followed the seminar by Rene van den Berg,and i will make summary from his examination.Rene had told us that Indonesia and PNG have many language which PNG is number one and indonesia is the second.While there are 836 traditional languages in PNG which have been researched and automatically PNG takes place as the first rank in the world which has many languages while Indonesian takes the second with 766 languages.Then, PNG is a small country which has more than 2 billion population while Indonesia has 250 billion and more.almost of Indonesian language from melayu,while PNG from English.i remember some words from PNG language such as :
    -Airaun = mata berputar / pusing
    -Tekewe = membawa pergi
    -Nambaileven = ingus
    -Tok = berbicara,,etc..

    And Rene told about munanese language too,and so many words they had mention in munanese language,such as : mate,kamateha,kahitela,,etc..
    i just can conclude that so many unique language in PNG and Indonesia.

  38. Name : Elyn fitasari
    reg.numb : A1D21108

    The comparison between indonesia language and PNG
    By: Reňe Van Den Berg

    If we compare the language in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, we will find some similar and differences for its language. Indonesia has “Bahasa Indonesia” as National Language, which came from “Melayu.meanwhile PNG,their language from English,but have the differences in writing and pronounciation.
    As we know that , Indonesian has number of population about 251 million people which has many local language about 706 languages and become the second rank. Papua New Guinea has number of population about 7,1 millions which is much less than Indonesian. In fact Papua New Guinea has many local language more than Indonesian and became first rank . It is about 836 languages.
    But so many differences between Indonesia language and PNG,like rumah (indonesia) and ruma (Papua),,ai (Papua) and mata (Indonesia).
    As i said before PNG use English as their basic language but have different apply.so that,PNG is Number one country has so many language in the world.
