
Senin, 10 Maret 2014


Those who have missed the deadline (or later than 10 March midnight) for responding to assignment IV may send their tasks under this post.

40 komentar:

  1. Mem, when the deadline to post our comment in previous post?

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  3. Group 1: Air Pollution
    Nur Fadhilah (explanatory speaker)

    We should stop air pollution:
    Air pollution does harmful things to your body.
    Air pollution does bad things to nature.
    Clean air is much better because we get so many benefits.
    Saving the air is important because it can cause global warming so it will effect everyone.
    Its important because we can stop global warming so it will be good for everyone.
    Solution's for air pollution are walk or take public transportation.

    Sorry, mem. Actually I'm quite confused how to write my slide. Because the majority of my slide are pictures. So, I just wrote what I'm going to say.

  4. Hello mem I am Risna Mustika from group 9.. I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding of that post..
    here my general point in what I will present in speaking later. I as Demonstration speaker will demonstrate about how to reduce global warming’s impact.

    My presentation slide :

    • Demonstrated how to reduce global warming’s impact in many ways such as:
     Reduce carbon emission
     Reduce greenhouse glasses
     Reduce using things that made from plastic
     Save fuel
     Stop deforestation and go green

    Thank you.

  5. Name : Ajis
    Group : 9
    Topic: Global Warming

    This is my general point what I will present in my presentation as explanation speaker. I have two main point and each point has some part. these point are:

    1. How global warming occurred

    -how could Glasshouse causes global warming?
    -how could Solar activity causes Global warming?
    -how the process of feedback effect

    2. How global warming show it symptoms

    -What are the symptoms of the global warming?
    -When the symptoms of global warming are visible?

  6. Group 9 - Global warming

    I am Nur Aini hafifah as descriptive speaker.
    This is my general point what I will present later in presentation slide.

    • Global warming causes
     Glasshouses effect
     Feedback effect
     Temperature changes
     Solar activity

    • Global warming impacts
     Global temperature increase significantly
     Forest burning
     Weather and climate not organize
     Melting of the polar icecap that resulted in rising sea levels and water temperatures

  7. My name is sulasmi as a definitional speaker from group 9. Our topic is global warming. This is my point in presentation slide:

    • What is global warming generally
    • What is global warming specifically
    • When people know about global warming or when people start to investigate about global warming
    • Expansion of global warming every time

  8. Group 1: Air Pollution
    Irawati Sumarna (definitional speaker)

    What is air pollution?
    If there are other particles or gases in the air that are not part of its normal composition, we call this "air pollution" & the particles or gases are called "air pollutants".

  9. Good morning.Group 4 will be present Japan Comic or called Manga. Here as Demonstrative speeches i would tell you what i will present :
    • Pre-production
    • Production
    • Story board
    • Layout
    • Animation Key
    • Animation director
    • Composite / to film

  10. Name: Sufatri
    Group: 4
    Topic : Japan comic/Manga

    here i as descriptive speaker. This is my presentation
     The kinds/genre of manga base on the reader
    • Josei
    • Sheinin
    • Shoujo
    • Shonen

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  12. Name: Muna yanti
    Nim : A1D2 12 054
    Group : 8

    I am Muna Yanti as descriptive speaker from group 8.
    This is my general point what I will present later in presentation slide:
     What makes UFO familiar ?
     Why UFO can not be identified ?
     How many shapes of UFO ?

  13. I am Faathir from Group 7 with Topic 'Football' and I am here as a Demonstrative Speaker will present about how the football match running, for example :
    - How the foul happens
    - When the Red and Yellow card should be taken out
    - How the Goal happens
    - How to determine the winner of the match

  14. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  15. Sartiani ( A1D2 12 046 )

    Hello mom, I am Sartiani from group 10.
    Here my general point in what I will present in speaking later. I as Explanatory speaker will explain about Why mobile phone technology is so important?
    This is my presentation :
    - People are increasingly accessing the internet through mobile devices
    - Mobile phone technology is replacing the television and the radio
    - People are transaction through mobile phone
    - Mobile phone technology allows location based marketing

  16. Assalamu alaikum mom, I am La Ode Ardiansyah Djafar from group 10; I apologize about my tardiness to posting my outline. I am as definitional speaker with the topic mobile phone, automatically I will elaborate about:
    1. The definition/what is mobile phone?
    2. The historical derivation of mobile phone (means here An evolution of mobile phones from "0G" (zero generation) until “4-th” (fourth generation))

  17. Name: Muh.Adrian Lusa
    Title: Japan comic/Manga
    i'm definitional speeches.
    Etymology of comic and manga
    The history of Comic : discovering 2500 years old comic in Egypt
    The history of manga : started in Edo century

  18. Assalamu'alaikum. I am Yeti serli from group 10. I as descriptive speaker. Our topic is about mobile phone. My explanation is about:
    1. The common components in mobile phone
    2. Text messaging
    3. Sim card
    4. multicard hybrid phones
    5. Khoser phones

  19. Hay mom, I am waode siti amanah. In our group, I am as proposition of policy speaker that will describe about:
    1. The number of capital penalty case per year
    2. The function of a punishment and the aim of a regulation
    3. the effectiveness of capital penalty in Indonesia for decreasing the same criminal case

  20. Group 3 : Music
    Hasdairta Laniampe (Definition Speaker)

    This is my point in presentation :
    • what is music ?
    • history of music in the world
    • Era music
    • composer music in six Era
    • kinds of music

  21. SARIANTO A1D212004
    I am from group 6. we are going to talk about WAKATOBI. in this group i am as the explanatory speaker. l will explain to all my classmate about wakatobi airland. my explanation is will refer to what the defitional and descriptive speakers points.

    do you really want to know it?
    just wait in two weeks later...
    thank you

  22. SAUM RATMAN A1D2 12 076

    In my group presentation i will take a job as demonstrate speaker. based on my job i will show you how does the music sounds. to do that i will play you some musics, sing a song with my own voice.

    Thank you for the pleasure..............

  23. Name : Een Faradilla
    NIM : A1D212060
    Group : 7
    Topic : Football

    I am here as a Definition Speaker will present about :
    a) The origin word of Football
    b) What is Football?
    c) How Football spread in the world

  24. Name : Riskan Hasanah
    NIM : A1D2 12 036
    Group: 6
    I will take a job as descriptive speaker in my group. I will describe about the condition in Wakatobi, they are:
    1. Culture
    2. People
    3. Transportation
    4. Weather

    Sorry for being late to send this....

  25. Name : Risya Fatimah Zahra (A1D210015)
    Group 1
    Schematic drawing, causes and effects of air pollution:
    (1) greenhouse effect,
    (2) particulate contamination,
    (3) increased UV radiation,
    (4) acid rain,
    (5) increased ground level ozone concentration,
    (6) increased levels of nitrogen oxides.

  26. Group : 1
    Risna Nur Hasanah (Descriptive Speaker )
    In here there are some description about Air pollution and then there will be a picture that I am going to show in the classroom tomorrow.
    1. 80 % lung damaging
    2. Visible from space
    3. 527.700 Fatalities a year
    4. 2 million cars cause 80 %
    5. 70% in Chinese cities
    6. 8.000 people were killed
    7. Tracked to California
    8. 5.000 annual premature deaths
    9. Save up to 161£ billion

  27. Hay mom, I am Sri Wulansari sedia, from groups 5, in our group, I as a value proposition, I will explain:
    -how likely innocent suspects.
    -how much crime or mistakes done by the suspect.
    -what a mistake done by the accused resulting in the death penalty.

  28. group : 3
    Ida Yani ( descriptive speaker )

    first I will explain about what is the music?
    and the second I explain what is the kinds of music. in here there are many kinds of music but I only explain some of them
    1. rock
    2. jazz
    3. dangdut
    4. J- pop

  29. i'm vinoy estianty from group 6, our topic is about wakatobi islands and we will give information about wakatobi itself. . here, i'm as the demonstrate speaker and i will demonstrate the culture of wakatobi itself.

  30. Name : Oda Daniati
    NIM : A1D2 07 140
    Group: 5
    This is my point in presentation :
    1. what is possibility of Innocent
    2. innocent case in united state
    3. innocent case in general punishment

  31. Name : Elyn fitasari
    Nim : A1D2 11 085
    group : 5
    This is my point in presentation :
    1. List of countries that apply capital punishment in their law.
    2. List of country that have been deleting the capital punishment from their law.
    3. List of countries that don't apply capital punishment in their law.
    4. The comparison between them.

  32. Name : Wa ode marsina
    Nim : A1D2 11 089
    I am from group 6. I want description WAKATOBI it self.

  33. Name : Husrin
    NIM : A1D212 056
    Group : 5
    Topic : Death Penalty
    in my group i will expalin some point our material to presentation, these point are :
    1. compare the applying of capital penalty in Indonesia and other country.
    2. the phroses, condition and amount of capital penalty in Indonesia and China
    3. The comparison and the bad condition of implementation of death penalty

  34. Name : Sarsulvia Dewi
    Nim : A1D2 12 044
    Topic : Football
    Hello mom, I am Sarsulvia Dewi from group 7.
    Here my general point in what I will present in speaking later. I as Descriptive speaker will explain about football.
    This is my presentation :
    1. How to make a goal
    2. Spirit
    3. Teamwork
    4. defending

  35. Name : HASRINA
    Topic : UFO
    My concern about the topic is :
    a. What is UFO itself !
    b. Where did the word “UFO” come from ?
    c. Where and when this issued first appear ?

  36. Name : HASRINA
    Topic : UFO
    I am as the first speaker (definitional speech) will talk about :
    a. What is UFO itself !
    b. Where did the word “UFO” come from ?
    c. Where and when this issued first appear ?

  37. Name : siska nugrawati
    group : 8
    topic : UFO
    as the third speaker (descriptive speech) will talk about :
    a. Can it be seen by naked eye ?
    b. differentiation between UFO and IFO !
    - what is IFO !
    - why IFO reported as UFO !
