
Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

Assignment II

Post here for the following tasks:
1. Topic for your presentation (as a group)
2. Task division (who's doing what)
Deadline: March 3, 2015: monday midnight.

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  3. informative speaking
    Group 10 : Mobile Phone

    1. La Ode Ardiansyah DJafar as definitional speaker (explain about the definition and historical of mobile phone)
    2. Yeti Serli as descriptive speaker (elaborate about the features of mobile phone)
    3. Sartiani as explanatory speaker (talk about why people use mobile phone)
    4. Yesti as demonstrate speaker ( explain about how to use mobile phone)

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  7. Hi, Apriani's Group is here. We are going to present about MUSIC in informative speaking form. Here are the group's members and their tasks:

    1. Hasdairta Laniampe: Define the etymology and the origin of music (definitional).
    2. Anita: Describe what music is and what are the kinds of music (descriptive).
    3. Apriani Sarah: Explain how music affects our daily lives (explanatory).
    4. Saum Ratman: Demonstrate how music sounds/looks like (Demonstration).

    Thank You.

    Group 7 : FOOTBALL
    1. Een Faradilla : Definitional Speaker
    2. Sarsulvia Dewi : Descriptive Speaker
    3. Endang : Explanatory Speaker
    4. Faathir : Demonstrate Speaker

  9. Informative Speaking
    Group 6 : Wakatobi
    1. Wd. Masrina : Definitonal Speaker
    2. Wd. Riskan Hasanah : Descriptive Speaker
    3. Sarianto : Explanatory Speaker
    4. Vinoy Estianti : Demonstrate Speaker

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  11. Informative Speaking
    Group 2: The new world order, Illuminati conspiracy theory, and its impact for human life (comparing between a novel: Novus Ordo Seclorum and Real life)
    1. Rafan Agusti as Definitional speaker
    2. L.M. Alfian Ombi as Descriptive Speaker
    3. Rosmawati as Explanatory Speaker
    4. Nunung Amalia as Demonstrate Speaker

  12. Persuasive Speaking
    Group 5 : Capital Penalty Should Be Abolished
    1. Husrin as proposition of fact, elaborate the fact of applying the capital penalty all over the world.
    2. Elyn Fita as preposition of fact, compare the apply of capital penalty in Indonesia and the other countries.
    3. Oda Daniati as proposition of value, describe the human right point of view in applying capital penalty.
    4. Sri Wulansari as proposition of value, elaborate the innocent possibility of the suspect.
    5. Wa Ode Siti Amanah as proposition of policy, describe the effectiveness of capital penalty.

  13. informative speaking
    Group 4 : Comic Book
    1) Muh.Adrian Lusa as Definitional Speaker
    2)Sufatri as Deskriptive Speaker
    3)Muh.Kamaruddin Jamal as Explanatory Speaker
    4)Firawati as Demonstrate Speaker

  14. Great to all groups for your having done this second task. I have to say that some groups have been very clear in mentioning their real plan for presentation by elaborating what each member is going to present. The groups which have not done so are suggested to post such an elaboration ssap. We will discuss your plan more in classroom the next day.

    Group 8 : ARJUN SEPTIADI

    General purpose : to inform
    Specific purpose : to inform of UFO is one of the most famous phenomenon in the world because people are still confuse what is UFO itself.
    Thesis : the appearing of UFO, still remains many speculations about its existence.

    Job Task
    1. Hasrina as the first speaker (definitional speech) will talk about :
    a. What is UFO itself !
    b. Where did the word “UFO” come from ?
    2. Munayanti as the second speaker (descriptive speech) will talk about :
    a. What makes UFO familiar ?
    b. Why UFO can not be identified
    c. How many shapes of UFO ?
    3. Siska Nugrawati as the third speaker (descriptive speech) will talk about :
    a What color is it ?
    b. Can it be seen by naked eye ?
    c. How does it fly/appear ?
    4. Arjun septiadi as the fourth speaker (explanatory speech) will talk about :
    a. History of UFO !
    b. Why scientist have put UFO in the category of pseudoscience ?
    5. Nurmayana as the last speaker (explanatory speech) will talk about :
    a. The current issues related with UFO both happen in Indonesia and another country.

    In the end of our speech, the listeners will understand what is UFO and get many information about the existence of UFO.

  16. Group 1: Air Pollution
    Irawati sumarna will give definition about air pollution, air pollutant, & clean air.
    Risya Fatimah Zahrah will demonstrate how air pollutant affect the environment.
    Risna Nur Hasanah will describe the fact about air pollution in the world.
    Nur Fadhilah will explain about why we should stop air pollution.
    Risna Nur Hasanah will describe

  17. Informative Speaking
    Group 6 : Wakatobi

    1. Wd. Masrina : Definitonal Speaker, she will explain about the meaning of wakatobi it self.
    2. Wd. Riskan Hasanah : Descriptive Speaker, she will present the few and the situation in there with mention and show us what kind of culture, people and the transportation in there.
    3. Sarianto : Explanatory Speaker. he will tell us the way the people in wakatobi do their actifities and how to get there.

    4. Vinoy Estianti : Demonstrate Speaker. she will show us the culture and language in wakatobi. how they do it.

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  19. Group 9
    Speeches Type: Informative Speaking
    Speeches Topic:Global Warming

    1. Definitional speaker will be present by Sulasmi
    She will inform Definition of global warming in general and specific aspect, History of global warming, and when people know about global warming.

    2. Descriptive speaker will be present by Nur Aini Hafifah
    She will inform about Global warming causes and Global warming impacts

    3. Explanation speaker will be present by Ajis
    He will inform How global warming occurred, how global warming show it symptoms and expansion of global warming every time.

    4. Demonstration speaker will be present by Risna Mustika
    she will demonstrate how to reduce global warming’s impact in many ways such as: reduce carbon emission, reduce greenhouse glasses, do not burn the forest, Save fuel, Etc.

    Thank you..
