
Jumat, 07 Maret 2014


Wednesday, March 12, is to start the oral presentation by groups 1, 2 and 3. By the deadline, you (all group members) are required to firstly send your presentation outline (what you plan to appear in the powerpoint of your presentation: one page only). It is suggested that you send it earlier if you need it to be commented on.
Deadline: March 10, monday midnight.

20 komentar:

  1. Group 1: Air Pollution

    Irawati Sumarna (definitional speaker)
    What is air pollution?
    Clean air is a mixture of about 78% N2, 21% O2, less than 1% of CO2, Ar, & other gases & varying amounts of water vapor.
    If there are other particles or gases in the air that are not part of its normal composition, we call this "air pollution" & the particles or gases are called "air pollutants".

    Risya Fatimah (demonstrative speaker)
    1. Greenhouse effect
    2. Particulate contamination
    3. UV radiation
    4. Acid rain
    5. Ozone level
    6. Contaminating by NO
    There will be a picture provided.

    Risna Nur Hasanah (descriptive speaker)
    Over 80% of lung damaging particulate matter in cities comes from cars, trucks, buses, and other vehicles onthe road.
    Air pollution around cities clearly visible from space.
    Some 2 million cars in manila now cause 80% of air pollution there.
    The great smog of 1952 in London killed at least 8000 people.
    Air pollution from china has been tracked to the central valley of California.
    In southern California alone, 5000 annual premature deaths are attributed to pollution from short-haul diesel trucks.
    Tailpipe emissions account for 70% of the air pollution in major Chinese cities.
    Europe could save up to 161£ billion a year by reducing deaths caused by air pollution.
    In india, air pollution is believed to cause 527.700 fatalities a year.
    There will be a picture provided.

    Nur Fadhilah (explanatory speaker)
    We should stop air pollution:
    Air pollution does harmful things to your body.
    Air pollution does bad things to nature.
    Clean air is much better because we get so many benefits.
    Saving the air is important because it can cause global warming so it will effect everyone.
    Its important because we can stop global warming so it will be good for everyone.
    Solution's for air pollution are walk or take public transportation.

    1. The powerpoint version should be sent by each member not the leader.

    2. The powerpoint version should be in phrases not in long sentences. The demonstrative speaker has done it right in phrases. However, after each item you could add semicolon and some words explaining the items. Providing pictures is a great idea but make sure you know how to make them effective in your presentation.

  2. We are from group 9. Our topic is global warming.
    Here our general point in our speaking in presentation slide.
    1. Slide 1 by Sulasmi (definitional speeches)
    This is her general point what she will present in our presentation
    • What is global warming generally
    • What is global warming specifically
    • When people know about global warming or when people start to investigate about global warming
    • Expansion of global warming every time

    2. Slide 2 by Nur Aini Hafifah (descriptive speeches)
    This is her general point what she will present in our presentation
    • Global warming causes
     Glasshouses effect
     Feedback effect
     Temperature changes
     Solar activity
    • Global warming impacts
     Global temperature increase significantly
     Forest burning
     Weather and climate not organize
     Melting of the polar icecap that resulted in rising sea levels and water temperatures

    3. Slide 3 by Ajis (Explanation speeches)
    This is his general point what he will present in our presentation
    • How global warming occurred
    • How global warming show it symptoms

    4. Slide 4 by Risna Mustika (Demonstration speeches)
    This is her general point what she will present in our presentation
    • Demonstrated how to reduce global warming’s impact in many ways such as:
     Reduce carbon emission
     Reduce greenhouse glasses
     Reduce using things that made from plastic
     Save fuel
     Stop deforestation and go green

    1. Can you read my previous comment to group 1 (St. Nurfadillah). Ajis needs to give some phrases related to the two main aspects in his powerpoint. Still, each single member needs to send it on his/her own.

    2. Thank you for the comments mem.. I get the point right now..

  3. group II

    Title: Illuminati conspiracy theory: the new world order (comparing between a novel: Novus Ordo Seclorum and real life events)

    Descriptive speech
    Specific purpose: at the end of my speech, my audience can be able to recognize the characteristic of Illuminati, freemasonry and other secret societies in comparing with the novel.
    Central idea: Illuminati and freemasonry are similar. They are having a planning to do conspiracy in order to make a new world order through inserting their symbols and beliefs in every single part of life.
    a. Illuminati conspiracy theory
    b. Illuminati, freemasonry, and their activities
    c. Using symbols and belief to strengthen their position and take control of the world
    d. The journey to new world order
    e. Relation between the novel and real life events.

  4. group II

    Title: Illuminati conspiracy theory: the new world order (comparing between a novel: Novus Ordo Seclorum and real life events)

    Definitional speech (Rafan Agusti)
    Specific purpose: at the end of my speech, my audience will understand the illuminati conspiracy theory and the novel: Novus Ordo Seclorum.
    Central Idea: Introducing the theory of conspiracy, illuminati, and the novel.
    a. Theory of conspiracy: an overview
    b. The new world order: an overview
    c. Illuminati, freemasonry and other secret societies: an overview
    - Brief history
    - Who are they?
    d. Novel: Novus Ordo Seclorum
    - About the author
    - About the book

  5. Hi, I'm Apriani Sarah from Group 3, our theme is MUSIC and here are the points that i'm going to present about as the explanatory speaker:

    How do animals respond to music?

    *As human being, what we call music is not music for animals.

    *Animals call it music when it’s in their vocal range and heartbeat, which human’s music cannot fit.

    Details from the other members of the group will be sent soon and we are open for suggestions, thank you.

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  9. Good morning.Group 4 will be present Japan Comic or called Manga. Here as Demonstrative speeches i would tell you what i will present :
    • Pre-production
    • Production
    • Story board
    • Layout
    • Animation Key
    • Animation director
    • Composite / to film

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  12. group II

    Title: Illuminati conspiracy theory: the new world order (comparing between a novel: Novus Ordo Seclorum and real life events)

    Demonstration speech
    Specific purpose: at the end of my speech, my audience will understand how they control the world and do the conspiracy easily.
    Central idea: we can’t avoid from this madness because it will take and influence all parts of human life. They do it quickly and we are not even aware that it is happening.
    a. How they do their job well?
    - Depopulation
    - controlling world
    b. What are the impacts for human life?

  13. Name: Sufatri
    Group: 4
    Topic : Japan comic/Manga

    here i as descriptive speaker. This is my presentation
     The kinds/genre of manga base on the reader
    • Josei
    • Sheinin
    • Shoujo
    • Shonen

  14. Group 8
    Topic : Unidentified Flying Object
    Arjun Septiadi as the fourth speaker (explanatory speech) will talk about :
    a. History of UFO !
    - telling the story related to the UFO from the past
    b. differentiation between UFO and IFO !
    -what is IFO !
    - why IFO reported as UFO !
    c. linkages between UFO and crop circle !
    d. link ages between UFO and ALIEN

  15. Hi mom, I am rosmawati from group II, here my point:

    Title: Illuminati conspiracy theory: the new world order (comparing between a novel: Novus Ordo Seclorum and real life events)

    Explanatory speech
    Specific purpose: at the end of my speech, my audience will be aware that there are numerous ways which is being done undetectably for succeeding a new world order.
    Central idea: there are some activities which are being done to quicken their plan.
    a. Depopulation in whole world
    - Controlling population
    - Controlling economy
    b. Illuminate conspiracy theory in health which involves WHO

  16. Hy guys.. I just want to inform to you that if you want to post ur presentation slide, not here but in newer post named "LATE POST" that our teacher posting recently.. thank you :)
