
Senin, 31 Maret 2014

Assignment 2 - Writing 3

Here, you are required to send a argument text (either hortatory or analytical) consisting of 4 or 5 paragraphs only. Include the title, introductory, body and conclusion/recommendation paragraphs. Underline the thesis statement in the first paragraph and each main idea in body paragraphs. You can send it as an individual work or as a pair's work.
(Deadline, April 2, 2014 - wednesday midnight).

107 komentar:

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  2. Assalamualaikum wr,wb, Mom
    This is our assignement II created by:

    NURDIANA (A1D4 12 011)


    Chocolate is a confection made from cacao beans and has many benefits for our body. Chocolate is good for brain, good for heart disease, and Chocolate does not make you fat.

    1, chocolate give good nutrition for brain, the content in chocolate has a positive effect to the brain and chocolate will trigger the release of endorphins, the natural opiates in the brain that are known to reduce pain and improve a person's mood and pleasure.
    2, antioxidant is good for heart disease, chocolate contains large amounts of antioxidants similar to those found in red grape. Antioxidants are known to reduce the risk of heart disease by preventing the buildup of fat deposits in the coronary arteries and chocolate can helps prevent heart disease.
    3, chocolate contain carbohydrate and is ideal as a high-energy, and chocolate doesn’t make you fat, so the chocolate is fit to all people.

    Chocolate has many benefits to our body and can make us healthier, but don’t excessive to consuming it, because overeating is not good for health.

    1. I agree with your argument :)
      RISAL A1D412016

    2. I agree with your argument that chocolate have benefit for brain and etc. But not to all kinds of chocolates, just dark chocolate which have more benefit to health.

    3. I get knowledge about chocolate thanks friends
      RISAL A1D412016

    4. i agree with your argument guys but don't you know the chocolate can relieve the sadness and can calm the mind? and i bet, you didn't :D
      Yohana A1D412034

    5. I'm sorry friend, I know chocolate has many benefits. but did you know that behind the many benefits of chocolate is the chocolate itself also adversely impact our bodies?.

      Eating large amounts of chocolate can do more harm than good, no matter how good it tastes. The most obvious side effect of eating too much chocolate is calories. Other side effects include dental problems related to the high sugar content, nervousness and irritability related to the high caffeine content, and gastrointestinal discomfort.

    6. thanks for your comment friends,
      I get many information of your comment.

      Thank you ^_*

    7. your welcome sister,, Alhamdulillah if like that :)

    8. @putri: yeah its your argument,
      and I tell its own tale in conclusion, when you eat chocolate don’t excessive to consuming it, because overeating is not good for health. I thing its clear. thanks for u comment.

    9. To Parha and Nurdiana
      Guys you have to differentiate between dark chocolate and milk chocolate. Dark chocolate give many benefit for your healt. Such as Diana's says in her assigment, and then milk chocolate can make your bodys have much callories if you consumption too much

    10. To Rhia I agree with you argument friends...

    11. Talking about chocolate! I think chocolate can make someone to be fat. But you said" chocolate doesn't make you fat". can you give explanation!

    12. I agree with you, I think chocolate can make a healthy life and to reduce body fatness......

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    NO.REG: A1D412016

    The positive impact laptop for student (analytical)

    Conventionally, students need book, pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler and such other stuff. Additionally, in this multimedia era, students need more to reach their progressive development. Students need mobile keyboards to record every presented subject easily. Of course it will need more cost but it will deserve for its function.

    First, modern schools tend to apply fast transferring knowledge because the school needs to catch the target of curriculum. Every subject will tend to be given in demonstrative method. Consequently students need extra media cover the subject. Since there is a laptop on every students' desk, this method will help student to get better understanding.

    Secondly, finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as it was. Recently there is an online shop which provides comprehensive information. The best is that the shop has service of online shopping. The students just need to brows that online shop, decide which computer or laptop they need, then complete the transaction. After that the laptop will be delivered to the students' houses. That is really easy and save time and money.

    From all of that, having mobile computer is absolutely useful for students who want to catch the best result for their study. Buying laptop online is advisable because it will cut the price. This online way is recommended since online shop also provide several laptop types. Students just need to decide which type they really need.(conclusion)

    1. I'm sorry before, but my question is how the students who can not afford to buy a laptop? or whatever. especially in the modern era of increasingly sophisticated technology, but there are still many remote schools can not use the facilities as you describe. whether due to having a laptop can be a smart student? many students which do not have the personal laptop can achievement and I think if students use laptop in the school, most of the students only use it as to watch movies, browse and chat in social media.

    2. why you choose that argument.......???
      can you explain..???

    3. to Risal
      I agree with your argument friend, because student a laptop for make a assignment.

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  5. Assalamualaikum Mam, My name is Nur Walman Julianti (A1D4 12 020) .
    This is my writing assignment about Argumet text (ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION).




    Selfie is a self-portrait behavior ,usually taken with a handheld digital camera or camera phone.
    Somebody who take selfie which is commonly referred to NARSIS. Lately, Selfie increasingly prevalent favored by many people. Ranging from high-ranking officials, celebrities, ordinary people, parents, adults, and teenagers like me.
    The perpetrators selfie mostly done by WOMEN and they uploading their selfies on social networks that they have. Such as Facebook, Twitter,Path and Instagram.

    why most women take SELFIE ? First, to get attention from as many people as possible.
    People who do or take selfie especially women love to get the attention of social media. Thus, many style selfie are taken and uploaded socially media. For example when you're sad, happy, and angry etc. That they do, to get more 'likes', compliments and comments from friends in social media.

    Second, to show off.
    It’s human nature to want to show off your own great achievements. Women take selfies when they feel good about their own and and get something good or attractive . therein .. there is usually a desire to document everything encouragement and upload on social media .

    Third, Make a better mood.
    Something that is done by engaging smile, will provide positive energy for women in particular. By take selfie usually make their mood be better. especially if good photographs.

    and the last Because social media is fun.
    In the social media we can upload our selfie as many as possible. and it is a cool way to document the lives of ourselves.

    In conclusion, women utilize selfie photos as productive and rewarding hobby.

    Thankyou Mam.

    1. I just know it, but I think that's very interisting :)
      RISAL A1D412016

    2. i like your argument dear, because i am one of the woman who takes selfie :D

    3. I am very interested in your opinion, yahhh I think it is true. especially in modern era, as now, technology has been increasingly sophisticated, already so many photo applications that can make people's faces look very pretty and very beautiful, and certainly with the photo application, people will upload their photo to a social network that they had to add friends, and certainly would in say cool or sociable and not less socially (katro)

    4. thank you for the comments guys. I hope this argument may be beneficial to all of you. ^_^

    5. haha :) i agrre with your opinion.
      and this title very interesting


    6. It's an awesome topic , like it very much.
      Maybe, the women who take SELFIES just want to have fun.


    7. it's interesting topic!!! but what do you think about the man who take selfies?

    8. sorry I just reply you comment. Fathullah nursalam.
      thanks for your coment.
      I think the man who take selfies it's legitimate. because they also want to take advantage of sophisticated gadgets that they have, but not too often because it would look strange.


    I think that music is one of the most important thing in our life. Music is a part of our life. Music is completing our day and music is always willing to fill our loneliness. So music has a magical power. I believe that. The reasons why music is hear in everywhere and anywhere because music is a way to express our feelings, music can change the feeling and music can replace a friend.
    Music is a way to express our feelings because when we fall in love, the kind of music we listen to is all about love, and when we are sad, we listen to melancholic song and when we are happy, we choose song with happy tunes too.
    Music can change the feeling because when we are desperate and then we hear the song with good lyric and can motivate us, we become optimistic again. How magical music is.
    Music also can replace a friend. When we are teenagers, who has a lot of problems with love or lessons, we must urgently need friend to share and want to hear the story. When no one can accompany, music can accompany and replace a friend to fill loneliness.
    So, can you think how the world be without music, guys? It can be lonely and no colors. We need melody in our life.

    1. I agree with your argument , because without music our life will not be colored
      RISAL A1D412016

    2. I agree with your argument..
      Music brings happiness to us.
      Yeah I love music

    3. JUST INFO : Music can grows your anti bodies and spirit until 15%, Thx

    4. why you think music has a magical power?

    5. yeah i agree with your argument :)


    6. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    7. hay purple( yohana and sinta)!!! could you mention the kind of music that has a magical power!!! or,,, do you think all of music has a magical power???

  7. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu and Good Night
    This is my assignment 2 for writing 3 :)

    Name : Putri Parha Raehana
    Re. No. : A1D412019

    Smoking Should Be Prohibited in Public Places
    (Either Hortatory Argument)
    In my opinion, smoking in public places should be prohibited. There are many reasons that support this point of view, but this opportunity I want to concentrate on three reasons. One reason is that is harmful for non-smokers, another reason is that smoking is a cause of pollution, and a reason is that smokers have other ways to receive nicotine.
    Firstly, smoking is harmful for non-smokers. Smokers should have the right to smoke, but it's not reasonable if that right is harmful to others. Obviously, if people smoke in public places, non-smokers have no choice but to become secondhand smokers.
    Secondly, smoking is a cause of pollution. There is a lot of research that shows that many kinds of gases that are released by smoking and are harmful for the environment, such as tar and carbon dioxide. Everyone knows that now the environment is getting worse and worse.
    And finally, smokers have other ways to receive nicotine. Nowadays, we have many ways to receive nicotine, such as nicotine gum and nicotine patches. Smokers can use these products instead of smoking.
    In conclusion, I want to say that there are no reasons left to permit smoking in public places, and I also think that maybe this is the time for people to quit smoking. Banning smoking is not just for us, but for this world and for everyone who has to live in this world after us.

    1. Info : Cigarette or Smoke is one's largest contributor in Indonesia, Thx

    2. Yup... I strongly agree with your argument.. I wish All the true smokers realize that they do not should be done!

      and Just info use a good evening not good night. because it is said if we want to sleep.

    3. Nurwalman Julianti: thanks for your correction and comment :)
      Aljody Pahlevi: Yes, I know. But, although smoking is the largest economic contributor in Indonesia, but we need to know and be aware that cigarettes are very harmful for the body. Smoke from a smoker can pollute many diseases for which no smoke.

    4. uhh...I'm not agree with your argument. because in the end of your argument there's not recommondation. Why....????

  8. Assalamualaikum Mom :)
    This is my assignment 2 for writing 3
    (Analytical Argument)
    My name is Yaumil Heiria
    Title : Get information by watching is better than reading.
    Exactly, everyone loves watching. Watchinf is activity when you keep the eyes fixed on. Throught this activity you can get many information about news, infotainment, sport, and etc which you need.
    1. More update in every day
    In every day television give new update. With watching television in every day we can get more information about news update without being connected or stay at place of incident happen. And not just news which have you benefit but wtching advertisement in television give you advantages too.

    2. Watching television is more interesting.
    Television give colorfull display and many program television with show live, that's more interesting than you have to read newspaper or magazine which not interesting because have limited picture and less interesting to readers.

    3. You can get motivation
    With program in television you can get motivation for yourself. If you watching news about politic you can get point-point how be someone who have good pronunciation when you speak with other people and you can know new good vocabulary and you can get motivation about fashion too. The all of motivation can you get base on program you watch.

    4. As media entertainment
    You can dismiss stress with watching television about entertainment. When you really tired from your activity, watching television give programs which interesting and pleasure for you.

    Conclusion, watching television is important, because with watching television you can get benefits but be smart audience that can provide usefull and impressions that don't benefit for your life.

    1. yes I agree with you friends because with we watching we can learn about many more and we can know something that far from we,

    2. very good..... i agree with you....

    3. agree with your opinion, because we watch TV we are able to see images on the TV so that the audience would be interested.

    4. Yeahh thank you guys..
      Yeahh I think the all of people need watching tv to get information and etc.

    5. yeah I agree with your statement!! but, we have to remember that reading also is very necessary for us,,,,,,!!

  9. Name: Aljody Pahlevi
    Reg.No: A1 D4 12 032
    Assignments II
    Title : Game’s another way to refreshing
    Many ways to take of your mine, one way is play Game! Games create in middle World War II (search in Google if you need more information about it) the birth of the video game is closely related to the war. Video game begins with the development of cathode ray tubes found in bullet defense system at the end of World War II. These programs were later adapted into the form of a simple game.
    Games in present day very important, primarily to additional features on a Smartphone or PC, the games themselves are not to always be played at any time, the game is very much kind of console, streaming, strategy, quizzes, and other.
    Not all games can damage the brain and not all good for the brain, depending on the content therein, the game also has a conditional code for every child who wants to play them.
    Games are very good for refreshing the mind but not to be enjoyed at any time, let alone when learning, use your time as possible, sometimes it's something bad excessive.


    1. i'm sorry before,,, but i will to explain to you that i think your assignment is not a analytical or hortatory exposition because you didn't write the main idea (thesis) in first paragraph...

      or maybe you have any opinion about that, i just told you what i know about..

      by the way, i didn't agree with your argument that games is another way to refreshing. play gamess too musch can damage to your brain and make you addicted with that. children will not stop to play it and until forget their lessons in school. this is fact which I look in my young brother who can't stop to let himself again and again to play games.


    2. why did you say to play game for refreshing?

    3. i agree with ratih
      your position is not a analytical or hortatory :)

      and i disagree with your argument, because play the games will damage your brain

    4. hay egy and epty,,,,i think games very good for refreshing,,because ganes is my hobby..hehehehe

  10. that's right I agree with you.

  11. Assignment 2

    (Analytical Exposition)

    RATIH PRIHATINI (A1 D4 12 018)


    Cat is a cute animal that is used to being a pet. It be friends with human because it is tame and undangerous. The reasons why take care of cat is diverting, because we channelize our hobby to take care of pet, besides that it can reduce our stress, and as a form of love great being of God.

    One of people’s hobby is have a pet and take care of it. Whether it is a cat, dog, bird, snake or rabbit, people will love it and never think or feel bustle. Therefore, take care of cat is not a job for the people who love animal.

    Cat is a funny animal. Sometimes kitten do foolish act and make people feel comforted. Especially, when it ask to play and too attractive to its fancier, it will reduce our strees because it can make us laugh.

    All animal in the world including cats are living things that great being of God. That is the cause we are as a same great being of God have to love each other although with animal. Besides that we will get a merit from take care of cats.

    It is obvious that take care of cats is diverting because there are some advantages which we can get from that activity. For people who love animal this is the best way to collect many pets and take care of them without feel bustle and be in trouble.

    1. hy ratih.., may u explain,.. why u are say if cat can reduce our stress ???

    2. thanks for your comment...

      ok,,,foolish acting from cats make people will laugh. because in my opinion,, cat is funny and sometimes invite me to play with them.
      especially for kitten which still attractive to play with human, it will be friendly with you if you did the same thing to them too.

    3. Yeahhhh I agree with your argument Ratih :) but actually pets like cat and dog can make you difficult to have baby..altought I love cat,but I ever read an article that cat, mouse, dog and pict have parasites in their body named toksoplasma gondi. The parasites can cause transmission to our body

    4. Hay Ratih!!! I think you like the cat,,,,!!! by chance, there are many cat around my dormitory ,,,would you like to adopt some of the cat???
      ( haha,,haha!!! just kidding Ratih :-)

    5. Hay,, Ratih I don’t agree with your opinion, for fried fish in my room often stolen cats and the resulting.

  12. Assalamualaikum Mom :)
    This is my assignment 2 for writing 3

    My name is Sri Wahyuni Handayani ( A1D412038)

    Smoking Bad for Us

    Before we are going to smoke, it is better to look at the fact. About 50 thousands people die every year in Britain as direct result of smoking. This is seven times as many as die in road accidents. Nearly a quarter of smokers die because of diseases caused by smoking.
    Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. If we smoke five cigarettes a day, we are six times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non smoker. If we smoke twenty cigarettes a day, the risk is nineteen greater. Ninety five percent of people who suffer of bronchitis are people who are smoking. Smokers are two and half times more likely to die of heart disease than non smokers.
    Additionally, children of smoker are more likely to develop bronchitis and pneumonia. In one hour in smoky room, non smoker breathes as much as substance causing cancer as if he had smoked fifteen cigarettes.
    Smoking is really good for tobacco companies because they do make much money from smoking habit. Smoking however is not good for every body else.

    1. assalamualaikum...
      i'm sorry before, friend...

      i just give you a suggestion about your assignmnet, you'd better to write the points idea in paragraf 1 of your text and then you have to describe or explain that main idea in next paragraf..

      but, i agree that smoke is too dangerous for us, whether it is pasive or active smoker, both of them will get same bad impact for their lifes.

    2. hehehehe thanks for your suggestion. maybe next time i'll be careful to write my assignment ...

      yeahh. you are right... smoking is die

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  13. Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
    This is my assignment II created by :
    Ahmadal Badawi ( A1d4 12 009 )
    Hortatory Argument


    It's not good to be A lazier man.
    In my point of view, A lazier man is someone who don't like to do something whether it's easy or not to do it. Then, there are some reasons about A lazier man.
    Firstly, if there are someone who needs it, he will not care it. So, other people will be hated.
    Secondly, to be A lazier don't like to work hard and sometimes they only sleep very much everyday. So, we can say for them that time it's not important for them.
    And finally, in fact for A lazier man there is not to be successful to do something for their future.
    So, I want to remember you now. Don't to be A lazier man because it's not good for our live and future. Besides, for our student if we are lazy, we will can not to be successful like other people. So, be diligent please, in order you get success and you have many friends.

  14. Assignment writing 3
    No.Reg:A1D4 12 040
    Cristiano Renaldo Is The Bast Player Football All Time ( ANALYTICAL)

    Cristiano Ronaldo is a football player from Portugal countries. Famous when he defended the club Manchester United. In two thousand nine he moved to Spain to join the club Real Madrid. With Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo has been getting a lot of titles to Real Madrid.
    There are three reason why Cristiano Ronaldo worth mentioning as a football player of all time:
    The reason is:
    1.Cristiano Ronaldo have extra ordinary skills, capable of confronting all players and scored.
    2.Cristiano Ronaldo has also a very fast pace.
    3.And he is supported by a solid team.
    Cristiano Ronaldo does deserve it all. He was the best all time. I Hope one day to meet him.Assignment writing 3
    No.Reg:A1D4 12 040
    Cristiano Renaldo Is The Bast Player Football All Time ( ANALYTICAL)

    Cristiano Ronaldo is a football player from Portugal countries. Famous when he defended the club Manchester United. In two thousand nine he moved to Spain to join the club Real Madrid. With Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo has been getting a lot of titles to Real Madrid.
    There are three reason why Cristiano Ronaldo worth mentioning as a football player of all time:
    The reason is:
    1.Cristiano Ronaldo have extra ordinary skills, capable of confronting all players and scored.
    2.Cristiano Ronaldo has also a very fast pace.
    3.And he is supported by a solid team.
    Cristiano Ronaldo does deserve it all. He was the best all time. I Hope one day to meet him.

    1. I think the best players not only christian ronaldo football but also still a lot better football players in the example as messi vs christian I think he's also better in comparison christian

    2. hahahaha!!!!! good job safrin,,,,,,,!!!!
      Ronaldo :yes!!!!
      Messi : Nooo!!!

    3. Fhatulla,,i think so,,C.Ronaldo is the bast

    STB : A1D3 09 021
    Theme : Hortatory Exposition


    Nowadays, many people have realized that agriculture is much more important than as the supporting tools in economic development. In Indonesia, agriculture should be the priority of development because of some good reason.
    First of all, the agriculture’s contribution in the beginning of the development is highest among the other sector. At present, almost half of total Indonesian labors are working in agriculture sector, but the contribution of agriculture sector does reach 30 percent.
    Second, agriculture sector is expected to fulfill the need of food in a country. As the number of population increase in an alarming rate each year, food supply must also increase. But in developing countries, food production and agricultural production per capita never increase more than one percent each year, and in some extreme case, it even stagnant.
    Last but not least, without agricultural development, the growth of industrial sector will be hampered because the growth that comes from industry will bring a wider gap into the internal economy in that country. In turn, this gap will create serious poverty problem, wider inequality of income distribution, and increase unemployment.
    Based on the above discussion, it is obvious that the government should put agriculture as the priority of national development.

  16. Assignment 2
    Writing 3
    (Analytical Text)
    By EPTI DAMAYANTI A1 D4 12 030

    Ride Public Transportation is Better Than Ride Motorcycles

    If we are going to go to college and we do not have a vehicle we would ride public transportation such as public transportation or taxis but here we ride public transportation better than ride motorcycles, because
    1. if we do not we go in the afternoon heat
    2. we can save money
    3. we did not hit the dust.

    If we go in the afternoon, going to college is not hot especially when the weather is not necessarily sometimes rainy and sometimes too hot.

    When we are running low on money, we can ride public transportation to save money.

    Because of the dust that is everywhere we are so protected by riding public transportation.

    To ride public transportation we are not exposed to pollution and are not exposed to rain, so we are a little protected from harm. Thank you. ^_^

    1. im sorry i disagree with your argument, i think Ride Motorcycles
      better than Ride Public Transportation. why i say that? because have many reasons that support :
      1. with you ride motorcycles you will not waiting public transportation
      2. more easy and fast to arrive at their destination
      3. You do not have to huddle with others such as in kota kendari name public transportation (angkot/pete pete)
      4. with you ride motorcycles you can save money and ride public transportation is not save money.

      thank you

    2. I agree with you Egi!!!!
      I think ride motorcycles better than ride public transportation!!! especially in Kendari city (PERDOS AREA), motorcycle is very necessary.

  17. Name:Syamsul Rijal Basri
    No.Reg:A1D4 11 001
    The Importance of Education ( ANALITYCAL )

    I personally think that education is very important for us as Indonesian teenager who will take over values, good morals, culture and knowledge. We also bring the future of Indonesia nation in the middle of world global civilization.
    The condition of education in Indonesia is terrible. Why do I say that? In fact, there are many regions that have not been reached by good education. If the condition is going like this, I am sure it is difficult for Indonesia to be a prosperous country. How can it be? As we all know, a prosperous country must have a good basic education, because by having good education, people will get job easily, good life. Due to this reason, it makes the country prosperous.
    To improve education system in Indonesia, the government has tried to provide education evenly to all part of Indonesian and to apply suitable education system that can make people clever and civilized. So, Indonesian can life better in this modern and sophisticated era. By the existence of education in our country, we will be able to reach the degree of knowledge or science. Besides, the Indonesian human resources will be equal with people in all around the world.
    In short, it is obvious that as young Indonesian generation, education is very important.
    1) What does the text tell us about?
    The Importance of Education
    2) What purpose in the text?
    To persuade readers that something is the case
    3) Why the writer think education very important for Indonesian teenager?
    Because they are bring the future of Indonesia nation in the middle of world global civilization.
    4) What effort Indonesian to provide education?
    The government has tried to provide education evenly to all part of Indonesian and to apply suitable education system that can make people clever and civilized
    5) Give me generic stucture in the text
    Thesis: paragraph 1
    Arguments: paragraph 2 and 3
    Reiretation : paragraph 4
    6) Why the writer argument , The condition of education in Indonesia is terrible?
    Because In fact, there are many regions that have not been reached by good education. If the condition is going like this, I am sure it is difficult for Indonesia to be a prosperous country.
    7) How can be it makes the country prosperous?
    A prosperous country must have a good basic education, because by having good education, people will get job easily, good life
    8) What is present in the text?
    Simple present tense
    9) What the conclude in the text?
    In short, it is obvious that as young Indonesian generation, education is very important.
    10) What synonym existence?

    It's very good for all of you. And we can get much imformation..

  18. Writing III
    Assignments 2
    Name : Demaulid
    Stb : A1D4 09 080
    Learning English through music and songs can be very enjoyable. You can mix pleasure with learning when you listen to a song and exploit the song as a means to your English progress. Some underlying reason can be drawn to support the idea why we use songs in language learning.
    Firstly, “the song stuck in my head” Phenomenon (the echoing in our minds of the last song we heard after leaving a restaurant, shopping malls, etc) can be both enjoyable and sometimes unnerving. This phenomenon also seems to reinforce the idea that songs work on our short-and-long term memory.
    Secondly, songs in general also use simple conversational language, with a lot of repetition, which is just what many learners look for sample text. The fact that they are effective makes them many times more motivating than other text. Although usually simple, some songs can be quite complex syntactically, lexically and poetically, and can be analyzed in the same way as any other literary sample.
    Furthermore, song can be appropriated by listener for their own purpose. Most pop songs and probably many other types don’t have precise people, place or time reference.
    In addition, songs are relaxing. They provide variety and fun, and encourage harmony within oneself and within one group. Little wonder they are important tools in sustaining culture, religion, patriotism and yeas, even revolution.
    Last but not least, there are many learning activities we can do with songs such as studying grammar, practicing selective listening comprehension, translating songs, learning vocabulary, spelling and culture.
    From the elaboration above, it can be concluded that learning through music and songs, learning English can be enjoyable and fun.

  19. Writing III Assignment 2
    Name : Darmianti Tamsila
    Stb : A1D4 09 010
    The importance of Reading
    I personally think that reading is a very important activity in our life. Why do I say so?
    Firstly, by reading we can get a lot of knowledge about many things in the world such as Science, technology. Sports, arts, culture, etc written in either books, magazine, newspaper, etc.
    Secondly, by reading we can get a lot of news and information about something happening in any parts of the world which can we see directly.
    Another reason, reading can give us pleasure too. When we are tired, we read books, newspaper or magazine on the entertainment coloumn such as comedy, short story, quiz, etc. To make us relaxed.
    The last, reading can also take us to other parts of the world. By reading a book about Irian Jaya we may feel we’re really sitting in the jungles not at home in our rooms.
    From the facts above, it’s obvious that everyone needs to read to get knowledge, information and also entertainment. Or in summary we can say reading is truly important in our life.

  20. Assignment
    Name : MISNAWATI
    Rug . Num : A1D4 12 026

    Argument ( Analytical )
    Title : Narkoba can make the user become undirected and forget a memory, between, Depressants, hallucinogens, stimulants and addictive.
    1. Depressants is the user sleep and their forget a memory.
    2. Hallucinogens is the user will have hallucination like, their look something what is no there.
    3. Stimulants is a quickening job of organ body, like heart and brain so that the user to feel more very happy just to short time. Because the body organ force to work out normal boundary.
    4. Addictive is the user will to feel addiction their will to do something for able to consumption Narkoba.
    Narkoba can to killing their user. Narkoba is very danger.

    1. yes, i agree with your argument


  21. Name: ika endang siti maryati
    Reg number: A1D412039
    Title: Teenagers

    Internet is very important for human in the world, because internet is technology that can help human to access many information. but the teenagers can't access internet because if they access internet, they can download pornographic picture and video, they can forget to study and easy to negative influence.

    download pornographic picture and video, the teenagers may will be download pornographic picture and video. usually, they follow their friend to access it in internet. so that is very dangerous for their brain development.

    forget to study, teenagers or student will be forget their study if they use internet. for example if they play video game in internet and when they use social network like Facebook.

    easy to negative influence, teenagers will be easy to influence. especially negative influence. if they see or watch the negative things from internet, they can easy to influence. because, generally the teenagers have big feeling to know something.

    internet is very important for human. but it so dangerous for teenagers development.so that, the teenagers can't access internet.
    I've suggest to all parents to care their children and don't give a hand phone that can access internet.

    1. WA ODE SITI HARIANI (A1D412015)

      I don't agree with your argument because if teenager connect to internet they can search some information about some knowledge.
      For example: they search their homework who give from the teacher ,they can helped from internet . so we don't see about about negative impact about internet.

    2. HAY Ika!!! could you give a suggestion to us!! how to prevent the negative impact of internet??? ( teenager that live far away from the parents)

    Reg.Number : A1D4 12 013


    Love is a godsend that have been given by Gad for human in the world. Every people of course have a love for someone or attracted for someone. The love is holy actually and so beautiful. Someone who get love will feel happiness with her boyfriend or his girlfriend. Besides that, love also have negative impact for someone, that is can hurt someone. Most people have felt bitterness of love when they life with their sweetheart. Love is hurt because can make jealous, crying or sad even can kill someone.
    When we have boyfriend or girlfriend that we so love, we will look for her or him and of course we are afraid if our sweetheart is took by someone else. We will be jealous if someone so closed with our life partner although they are just friend each other.it can make us hurt.
    Sometime, love get problem in daily life and that problem make us bicker each other. It can make us crying or sad and we get hurt for love.
    The last is love can make kill someone. In television, news paper, or radio always give information about embellishment. They are so willing kill someone just for love even killed themselves. That is reason why love is hurt.

    so, you have to be careful if you have love someone. so that, you don't get broken heart and don't get three impact of love that I've explained in above. that three impact of love can make damage for someone.

    1. hahahah :D
      i will ask you..................
      whether one of the reasons you took this title because you have experienced love is hurt as well?

    2. hahaha ::: I think you are one of victims of love!!! but, did you know!! without love life will be tasteless,,,,,,,,!!

    3. Guyss..maybe you haven't found the righr person. Exactly, everyone will meet people who wrong before they find the right person for theirself.

  23. Name ; Fathullah nurussalam (A1D4 12 043)
    Assignment II (writing III)

    Drinking Water Can Help You in Living a Healthy life

    Approximately 70% of our body’s mass is made of water and according to a number of doctors, drinking a total of eight glasses of water a day fulfill the necessary requirement of this liquid our body demands. Drinking water that can surely help you in living a healthy life because drinking water has many benefits such as: promotes weight loss, flushes out toxins, and help to look young.
    Firstly, water is the only liquid on Earth that safely reduces weight. It removes the byproducts of fat and keeps you fresh and healthy. Drinking water regularly, suppresses your appetite to a great extent and limits your food intake. Another distinct feature of water is that it literally contains no calories, hence, contributing significantly to weight loss.
    Secondly, water removes toxins and most of the waste products from our body contributing to a healthy quality of life. If our body looks water then our heart has to make an extra effort to pump oxygenated blood to our organs causing severe health issues.
    Lastly, water is a perfect replacement for your expensive ageing treatments. It moistorises your skin and keeps it fresh and glistening thereby enhancing its overall appeal. In addition, it helps maintain the elasticity and suppleness of the skin and prevents dryness by detoxifying the skin. Hence, one should strictly avoid dehydrating foods and beverages such as caffeine (cola, chocolate, coffee, tea) and alcohol.
    So, if you haven’t already, go to nearest water cooler and pour yourself a large glass of water; repeat this practice eight times a day for best results!

    REG. NUMBER : A1D4 12 027

    I believe that drugs are very dangerous in our body for several reason:
    First, in terms of health, many organs in our body can be harm because of using drug. In general, the impact of using drugs are unconscious, make using drugs can make the users depressed, liver disease, dehydration, brain damage and finally it can cause death.
    Second, when view of religion law, drugs are forbidden, because it causes badness, self harm because it is included law. Also if we use drugs, it means that we already do the forbidden things in religion, it means that we are sin.
    Finally, if the users of drugs are teenagers, it can endanger their future, and endanger their homeland, their country. From the data, 32 percent of drugs users in Indonesia are teenagers. So, if many teenagers use drugs in Indonesia it can endanger this country, harm youth generation, whereas youths are nation expectation. If the youth uses drugs, our nation can be destroyed.
    It can be concluded that it’s very dangerous for us both in terms of health, religion, nationality and state.

    1. Yeahh I agree with you,but drugs still used in hospital as anesthetic

  25. Name : Husni Yohan
    NIM : A1D3 09 026

    Become a rock climber

    Rock climbing is one of the extreme sports. This sport is very fun for some people who love a challenge and adrenaline. Rock climbing requires anyone who did should equip themselves with a variety of equipment. Besides that, a rock climber must have physical endurance, understanding the climbing technique, the ability to analyze and have courage.
    Strong physical endurance, as a climber, must have a strong physical in terms of both endurance and strength. Physically strong only gained by doing exercises. These exercises include: running, weight training, stretching exercises, and push ups, pull ups, sit ups, exercises on the finger grip.
    Understand the correct climbing techniques, climber ability in performing climbing techniques determine the success of a climb. The climber should be able to use all parts of the body in order to reach the top. Legs become an important force while the hands as a tool balance which sometimes its strength is needed. The use of the correct leg strength can save the power, so that the movement can be more agile
    The ability to analyze, before performing the climbing a climber must be careful in choosing and determining the climbing routes. The ability to analyze, including how to act at a critical moment as well as flair and precision so power does not running out in vain.
    Courage, a climber must have enough courage, because the terrain is conquered in the sport of rock climbing is a cliff with an unusual altitude. Mental of steel is formed from the frequent rock climbing activities we do, because the more you climb a cliff that the more difficulties we are facing, causing a high confidence.
    Become a rock climber requires integration between the mental, physical, and mind that it must be equally strong.

  26. Name : Wa Ode Silvy M, (A1D3 09 072)
    Name : Wiwin ( A1D3 09 073)
    Agnes Monica
    Everyone have idol artist buttonhole admired by like Marshanda, Asmiranda, Nia Ramadhani, Agnes Monica and many again. But I more take an interest in buttonhole of Agnes Monica because her intelligent, her appearance, and her personality,
    Agnes Monica is an intelligent artist. She was able to master three languages that are English, Mandarin and Spanish. With its intelligent capital, she have deputized Indonesia in " M-Net Music Video Festival". She is also smart in the world of acting. For example she have stared many film. Furthermore, I'm very admire of Agnes Monica because her smart.
    Agnes Monica has a good performance. She is beauty, has a good voice , talented, and him always present something new. She earn to sing with high song lyric while dancing. She always become the source of inspiration to adolescent specially woman like haircut and way of dressing him. Indeed, I'm very interesting to Agnes Monica because she has a good performance.
    Agnes Monica has a good personality. She is a women socially. She Is always greeted her fans with good whenever and wherever she is arriving. She have been delegated by Indonesia of to socialize drug-free teen artists in foreign countries, especially in the United States. In brief, I’m very admire of Agnes Monica because her socially.
    In conclusion, Agnes Monica is the best artist because she is intelligent , she is a good performance, and she has good personality. So, I recommend for our as adolescent can getting inspiration of buttonhole of Agnes Monica.

  27. ASSIGNMENT: WRITING 3 (Analytical)
    Name: SUFIANTI (A1D4 12 004) and YEYEN MUFLIHAN .N (A1D4 12 017)
    Vehicles can Cause Paralysis
    In this day and age, most people have to use a vehicle to travel, both two- wheeler and four wheeler and for a long distance or short distance. Because they think that by using their vehicles can travel quickly. However, use of the vehicle is not always beneficial to humans. Because, without realizing that the vehicle can harm human, namely:
    1. Vehicles can cause paralysis to motorists,
    2. Vehicles can drain the wallet,
    3. Vehicles can cause serious problems.
    The reasons:
    1. Vehicles can cause paralysis to the rider.
    Because, if a person continues to use a vehicle to travel he will feel lazy to walk. Thus, organs and blood circulation will be less smooth and this can lead to paralysis.
    2. Vehicles can drain the wallet.
    Because, the vehicle would not have been able to walk without the use of fuel.
    3. Vehicles can cause serious problems.
    Because, usually teenagers often driving reckless and drunk driving. Thus, frequent accidents.
    Therefore, you should not continue to depend on the rider in a traveling vehicl. If it still can be reached by foot must not use a vehicle to reach them but covering the foot so that blood circulation smoothly and you are also saving fuel. In addition, for adolescents be careful in driving and obey traffic rules that you survived the trip.

    1. ANDI ASMIATI ALI : i agree with your opinion,about
      "Vehicles can Cause Paralysis",because i don't know usING motorcycle.

  28. Assalamalaikum wr.wb.
    Assignment Writing 3 (Analytical) created by:
    Amsahif (A1D4 12 044)
    Radiation Hazards of Electronic Devices laptops
    As we all know laptops are electronic devices that emit electromagnetic radiation . Currently many lap tops equipped with Wi - Fi ( wireless fidelity ) , better known as Wireless local networks , which are increasingly popular use in developed countries and developing countries . With Wi - Fi network people can get into the Internet without the hassle of connecting cables from the computer to the phone line. Behind the convenience offered Wi - Fi there is some belief that considers public Wi-Fi have a negative impact on health , among the resulting danger is the danger they cause can lead to :
    1. Head pain, sleep disturbances (insomania)
    2. Nausea, especially for those who electrosensitif.
    The reasons:
    1. Head pain, sleep disturbances (insomania),
    If someone is too long in front of a laptop screen it will feel pain in the head and having trouble sleeping. This is caused by the influence of light radiation reflected by the screen on the monitor.
    2. Nausea, especially for those who electrosensitif.
    If someone is having health problems in destiny, then it will be easier to get sick.
    Therefore, it is expected to laptop users to always maintain her health, because electronic devices laptop radiation is very dangerous for health.

  29. INTAN PUTRIANI YUSUF (A1D4 12 010)
    WAODE SITI HARIANI (A1D4 12 015)

    Assalamualaikum wr,wb :)
    This is our assignment Hortatory Exposition for Writing 3 . The topic is "WHY THE CHILDREN ARE MORE HAPPY TO LISTEN MUSIC FOR ADULTS ?

    Music is one of the most powerful things to teach positive things for children . melody and lyrics of songs that contain a moral and didactic message . In reality , music to children in Indonesia currently doesn’t often make the parents are very worried . Songs that should not be singing by children , now even become their favorite tracks. They have been poisoned by the theme music and the lyrics are not supposed to be heard and sung at the age that is still under age . This was caused by :

    Firstly , the lack of the role of parents in keeping their children choose songs that suit with their age . Though they may not know that this can gradually change the mindset of their children . Density of activity , often as a reason why the parents do not have time to guide their children in choosing appropriate songs to heard and sung .

    Secondly , the Media TV and radio featuring more mature songs . Scarcity of TV shows and radio broadcast songs children to make the kids change the course of their hobby . And finally they enter the adult world music .

    Thirdly , hard to find songs children . Not easy to find songs new kids . many of child song on CD or cassette only recycling old children's songs . This certainly makes the children more and more tired , and reluctantly fond of children songs that seem antiquated , even though some children already published song's album , very rarely exposed to the media .

    Therefore , parents should be increase their attention again and adjust their songs to suit the child's age . In addition, the music labels have to priority the young artists to record the song which suitable with the age of the singer. And after the song was released that targeted to children aged approximately the same age as the singer .

    THANK YOU ^^

  30. NAME : KARTIKA ( A1D4 12 037)
    SARDIANI (A1D4 12 002)

    Impact of School Education is very Expensive

    Our pro less able to finance their children to school because they think that their will certainly add to their burden increases. So, the parents decided not to send their children eventually exert child not to attend school because their parents do not want to brother her parents. So, they drop out of school and they decided to work anything to help both parents.
    -Core sentence
    Education is the deciding factor between the reciprocation of the nation is a fact that is not formed that again that education in Indonesia is very expensive education and unaffordable to communities whose economics are limited many high school student interrupted school because education is very expensive for the people that the economy is limited. So, the expected high drop out rates for people who are less able to pay for her children’s school to continue their education education colleges.

    That the Indonesia people do not drop out of school is for people who are less able divide school children a way the help the government provide such waivers so that their children could go to school like other children or the children are less able to be given a scholarship to college. That so, children or more generations of Indonesia nation that does not have the education and science.

  31. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  32. Assamualaikum Wr Wb mom
    My name is :ANDI ASMIATI ALI
    No reg :(A1D4 12 046)
    This is my assignment about Argumet text (Hortatory Exposition)
    “women beautiful,and healthy with using hijab”
    Hijab is a Muslim clothing that covers the entire body except the hands and face are commonly imposed by Muslim women, But with using hijab not only a religious order, but using hijab can make skin healthy and face beautiful, but using hijab can make skin healthy and face beautiful,and using hijab have many benefit,
    1 to protect skin from the sun.
    Sunlight, considered dangerous if the skin in a certain time.Health problems that often result from sun rays include: skin wrinkles, dark spots, dry skin, eye damage, to skin cancer. But using the hijab to protect skin from the sun.
    2 to take care of hair health
    With using hijab Hair will be protected from dust, sunlight, and pollution, so the hair shaft more awake and kebersihanya health. Direct interaction between the hair and the outside world can make the color and sheen of the hair so dull. Although hair is adequately protected by using a veil, but needs to be balanced with good care.
    3 giving Peace
    Using the hijab not only affect the health and beauty of the body, but also the mind. This is due to the influence of real action by the user mindset hijab. As hijab is a garment that is required in Islam, then the clothing can calm the mind and happy users. Peace of mind of course affect the emotional state, so that the inner tranquility, radiating an aura of beauty.
    should began to now, start hijab to be more beautiful in the eyes of god, humans, and always healthy physically and spiritually


    1. Good argument!!! finally I know, why you always use Hijab,,,,,!!!

    2. very good,...now i wont to ask my darling always using hijab.....

    3. thanks for your comment guys.

      by andi asmiati ali

    REG NUMBER: A1D412012


    Many women claim to use high heels to look fashionable and stylish, look beautiful, sweet, sexy, and elegant. Though the bad effects to health are enormous. and should not be worn and must be left behind, because there are a lot of ills, including: hips tilt forward, inflammation of the thumb, hip and spine is not aligned anymore, muscles become shorter, bent, crooked toes.

    When using high heels, hips tilt forward, and add curvature to the spine. Spine will spill over backwards to correct the balance, and this can cause compression in the lower back.

    The use of high heels can also continually increase the risk of inflammation of the thumb, foot bone destruction and increase foot slid to the front of the shoe as the body weight is concentrated on the toes.

    High heels push the center of mass of the body forward, making the hip and spine is not aligned anymore. From the side of the body will look curved.

    Adjust calf muscles to contract and angle of high heels. As a result, the muscles become shorter and tense.

    Wearing high heels makes the body tends to lean forward, slowly but surely this causes your spine will not be straight and upright, but leaning forward.

    Pressure on the toes bigger, so will generally curved toes, no longer natural shape as usual.

    Solutions for You: Make sure you have some kind of shoes, and wear high heels only at certain moments, Choose high heels less than 1 inch to make it more secure and comfortable on the feet. When outside the important moments, wear flat shoes or sandals so that the feet can be more relaxed and rested, do therapy on the feet, this can be done by running over rounded rocks or sand on a warm beach, Regular massage with your feet in order to become more fluent blood circulation.

    1. hy yuliana i agree your argument, and i like solution about ''due to poor health for use high heel" and i agree solution on how to choose the type of high heel, it is very useful for women who like wear high heel. thanks ..


    REG NUMBER: A1D412035


    Everyone will recognize and love to wear a backpack. In addition to simple and practical, this bag is also a lot memuak enis purposes of personal items, ranging from computers, books to clothes even once. But for now it seems the use of a backpack should be considered more carefully. Especially if it is used for children's school bag. Because according to research vicarious DR MARY ELLEN FRANKLIN, terafis physical and exercise physiology from the medical College of geogria, stated that back pain often experienced by children who are still in the growth in the 11-16 age thun. To determine how much influence the child's backpack on the back of Mary doing a case study on murud-pupils aged 10-13 years. The results of his research, the heavier the backpack load was the back of the child, the more difficult they are to move the body to rise to the mining equipment. And when they turung of mining equipment, there is a tendency heavy loads on their backs bertumpuh section. These conditions result in injury to the child's back. Because when carrying backpack loads greater than 15% of the body weight of the child, and the spontaneous order of their bodies leaning forward so that their spine is not normal. The position of the body as this will cause the child's head forward or down and when the child hold his head up when walking, neck bones will be tightened and tertekang. As a result, Salain affect the growth of the spine, this position over time also menumbulkan pain in the neck. The use of a backpack with a heavy load bias also resulted skoliosis.skoliosis is hollow spinal towards the abnormal side. This abnormality bias occurs in the neck, chest, and waist.
    1.megakibatkan our backs so sore and causing the child's head forward or down and when the boy raised his head
    2.tas backpack also biased our results in back pain as a result of using a backpack also affects children aged 10-13 years.
    Therefore jaganlah overuse resulted in a backpack because it will be our back and head pain we move forward, and the position of the body when we walked spine stiffens his neck will be tertekang.
    Not everyone uses a backpack so because some are uncomfortable using a backpack can be fed because many leptop items including books and paying to avoid the rain.
    Here is the danger of using a backpack
    1.bisa give rise right backbone of our hospital because due to backpack use
    2.selain influence outcome may result right pain in the neck even our spine pain
    3.hindari also in children aged 10-13 years because the air is very heavy load when the child can use the backpack he had a hunchback.
    Solutions for you do not often wear a backpack and do not also incorporate heavy goods yng because it can also affect the wear bags sederhaya simple and practical.

  35. Assamualaikum Wr Wb mom
    My name is :VERAWATI HAMID
    No reg : (A1D4 12 008)
    This is my assignment about Argumet text (Hortatory Exposition)
    “instant makes someone lazy”

    At the present day leisured more person do instant/ekspres something because them think is fast finished, don’t want fuss, are busy and various reason that their said. But they not realize that actually it can disadvantages our own.
    Why am I get such assumption a lot of fact who we can see at our vicinity:
    1 there are many a mother utilizes dry nurse service, this gets to ensue bad because reducing it affection a mother to its child and while they step out their nearer adult on its sister appealed by its mother.
    2 delivery is this service a lot of utilized by person, but us a women necessarily we can make food for family as shaped as affection.
    3 instant/express finally make family getting separate doesn’t mark sense communication, mutually need its illusion did by others.
    4 this can also reduce creativity.

    Conclusions: I think if someone do something should do with naturally, because we have to add to the experience, and creative, without using the instant case because it can make a person lazy .

    Thank you mom
