
Selasa, 30 September 2014


Task: Learn this material to improve writing the literature review of your study. The assessment to your writing for mid test will be based on some aspects elaborated here. (Deadline for writing literature review will be posted in the next post). Your task for now is to write comments of your brief understanding of this material at maximum 50 words.

A literature review:
- a body of text that aims to review the critical points of current knowledge on a particular topic.
- a description of the literature relevant to a particular field or topic.

What is the Purpose of a Literature Review?
To demonstrate your scholarly ability to identify relevant information and to outline existing knowledge.
To identify the 'gap' in the research that your study is attempting to address, positioning your work in the context of previous research and creating a 'research space' for your work.
To evaluate and synthesize the information in line with the concepts that you have set yourself for the research.
To produce a rationale or justification for your study.

To assure the readers that you are familiar with the important research that has been carried out in your area.
 To establish your study as one link in a chain of research that is developing and enlarging knowledge in your field.

A literature review must have an introduction, body, and conclusion.

The introduction should include:
the nature of the topic under discussion (the topic of your thesis)
the parameters of the topic (what does it include and exclude)?
the basis for your selection of the literature
Introduction Structure:
General statement about the subject
Beginning to focus onto the topic
Becoming more specific
Specific thesis statement

The body paragraphs could include relevant paragraphs on:
 - historical background, including classic texts;
- current mainstream versus alternative theoretical or ideological viewpoints, including differing theoretical assumptions, differing political outlooks, and other conflicts;
 -possible approaches to the subject (empirical, philosophical, historical, postmodernist, etc);
- definitions in use;
- current research studies;
- current discoveries about the topic;
- principal questions that are being asked;
- general conclusions that are being drawn;
- methodologies and methods in use; … and so on.

The conclusion should include:
- A summary of major agreements and disagreements in the literature
- A summary of general conclusions that are being drawn.
- A summary of where your thesis sits in the literature (Remember! Your thesis could
become one of the future texts on the subject—how will later research students describe
your thesis in their literature reviews?)

The Purpose of a Conclusion
The purpose of a conclusion is to tie together, or integrate the various issues, research, etc., covered in the body of the paper, and to make comments upon the meaning of all of it. This includes noting any implications resulting from your discussion of the topic, as well as recommendations, forecasting future trends, and the need for further research.

Link to previous paragraph: ‘In conclusion…’
Brief summary
Identify main reasons/causes/factors
Reinforce the thesis statement (see the introduction part)
Recommendations/speculation on future action

Some Possible Ways of Structuring a Literature Review

Chronological organisation
The discussion of the research /articles is ordered according to a historical or developmental context. If your review follows the chronological method, you could write about the materials according to when they were published.

Topical or thematic organisation
The research is divided into sections representing the categories or conceptual subjects for your topic. The discussion is organized into these categories or subjects. Thematic reviews of literature are organized around a topic or issue, rather than the progression of time. However, progression of time may still be an important factor in a thematic review.
Inverted pyramid organisation
The literature review begins with a discussion of the related literature from a broad perspective. It then deals with more and more specific or localised studies which focus increasingly on the specific question at hand.

Discussing and Evaluating the Literature

Critically examine the literature
The literature review needs to critically examine the texts that relate to your research question, rather than to just list what you have located. Therefore, you must link the literature to your research question, demonstrating how it supports or extends the topic or the existing knowledge in the area. You should also highlight the strengths, weaknesses and omissions of the literature, providing a critique of the research. Hence, the language used in a literature review is often evaluative and demonstrates your perspectives of the literature in relation to your question.

Make your 'voice' clear
Your 'voice', that is, your perspective, position or standpoint, should be clearly identifiable in the literature review, as in the thesis as a whole. However, in the literature review because you are writing about other people's work it is easy for your own 'voice' to be lost. The literature review then reads like a mixture of different tones and arguments. It is important that, firstly, your theoretical position is clearly and strongly stated and that your critical evaluations are an integral part of this. Secondly, it is important that your language indicates your own or other writers' attitudes to the question or issue.

__________ the literature review needs to relate to and explain your research question. Although there may seem to be hundreds of sources of information that appear pertinent, once you have your question you will be able to refine and narrow down the scope of your reading.

Citation Focus and Verb Tense

Beginning citation (simple present&present perfect)
1. Nutrient restoration is a common phenomenon in forest trees (Kramer, 1979)
2. The factors that control the concentration of aluminum in seawater are poorly known (1)

1. Several researchers have studied the relationship between classroom adjustment and mobility (Madsen, 1980; Biggs, 1983; Randall, 1985).
2. The psychology of annual plants has been studied by several authors (3, 7, 13).

1. Little research has been done on topic development in ESL students’ composition.

later citation (simple past)
1. Allington (1983) found (showed/reported/noted/observed) that teachers allocated equal time to all groups.

25 komentar:

  1. i have read abou literature review mom and it can help me to accomplish my proposal

  2. The material above well be valuable for me to write my research proposal. .
    because it is elaborated clearly and easy to understand.

  3. Thank you for the explanation Mom. The material is very clear and detail. It can help me to write my research proposal.

  4. I have read the materials above mom, and I get many new information about literature review especially about the purpose of literature review, and it can help me to write my literature review.

  5. I have read about the material mom. I think it's very helpful to me to understand how to make a good literature review when I make a proposal in the future. thank you

  6. I have read all the materials above mom, and i get a lot of new information about how a literature review suppose to be. I new know some possible ways of structuring a literature review. It's very helpful for me to make a better literature review. Thank you very much mom.

  7. Thank you mom, I have read this material. The explanation of the materials above is very clear and useful. Every part of explanation is complete because there is some information about the way of structuring literature review can help me to write and accomplish my literature review .

  8. Assalaualaikum wr wb :)
    I’ve read the explanation above and I got it very useful and valuable for me. It helps me to do my literature review easily, because it mentions the very clear and detail structure of making a literature review. I hope after this I can make a good literature review which appropriate with the structure above. Thank you so much Mom for giving us the beneficial aid in conducting a research. It extremely helpful. :D
    Wassalamualaikum wr wb :)

  9. I get some useful information in order to accomplish my literature review by reading the passage above. Do we have to write the gap of our study in the literature review? Because it said: LR’s purpose it to identify the “gap” in the researcher that your study is attempting to address.

  10. Thanks for your material above mom, I’ve read it and surely understand about the way to make a literature review. It has a clear explanation about the structure of making a literature review. It does help me so much in accomplishing my literature review. I wish my literature review is well done. :-)

  11. I already read this material , and it helps me very well to construct my literature review. Thank you mom for posting this material.

  12. thank you mom, I've read the material, and it's really helpfu for me to conduct my literary review, thank you mom..

  13. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  14. I have read this material, and it can help me to write literature review. Thank you mom...':)

  15. I think the material you posted above mom about literature review is very good and it can be a guide for us in writing literature review of a proposal.Indeed,literature review is including the major part in proposal that we have to give more attention because it contain theoretical framework supporting our study.

  16. I have read the material above, and the material have clear and I hope can be help me finishing my research proposal. thank you mom.....

  17. thank you mom for your material.... I think this material help me for write my research proposal.

  18. Thank you very much for the material that you have posted above mom. I have already read it, the explanation is very clear and it help very much. Now I have an idea of how to make a good literature review.

  19. I have copy and also read this material about literature review. I'm very happy because this material can help me to make a good literature review.
    Thankyou very much.

  20. Thank you very much mom .I have read this material, and it is help me for make literature review

  21. Thank's for material mom,I hope this material can help me to make literature review,,,

  22. i have read about literature review mom. This material is very clear and it can help me to make literature review... thank you mom....

  23. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  24. Assalamualaikum wr wb :)
    I’ve read the material above and it very useful for me. It helps me to find the easy way in making a literature review for my research, because it shows the very clear structure. After this I’ll try to make a good literature review which appropriate with the structure in the material above. Thank you for giving us the beneficial material related to literature review. It’s really helps me to conduct my research later. :D
    Wassalamualaikum wr wb :)

  25. Assalaualaikum wr wb :)
    I’ve read the explanation, and I got it very useful for me. It helps me to do my literature review easily,. I hope after this I can make a good literature review which appropriate with the structure above. Thank you so much Mom for giving us the beneficial aid in conducting a research.
