
Kamis, 25 September 2014

Writing 4: Revision of Introduction Part

Task: Edit your previous writing of the introduction part based on the comments and send the revision through this thread.
Deadline: Sunday midnight, 28 Sept. 2014.

32 komentar:

  1. (edited)
    The use of flash cards to enhance vocabulary range of junior high school students

    Vocabulary has always been the essence of every language spread throughout the world. It is the source of every studies related to language because It is linked to speaking, writing, listening, and reading. Laufer (1997) stated that vocabulary learning is at the heart of language learning and language use. Vocabulary learning is an intrinsic part of language teaching. A number of researchers agree that there is very little research carried out in the field of vocabulary learning (Folse, 2004; Hunt & Beglar, 2005) and that the most effective means of vocabulary learning is still unclear (de Groot, 2006).

    One way to add new words to one’s vocabularies is by locating words in the dictionary and learning what they mean. But this is a slow process to increase word power. Another way is learning through vocabulary card or flash card. As we listen and read, we often meet new words by flash card. Word lists and flash cards can be used for the initial exposure to a word, but most students continue to use them to review it afterwards. One main advantage of flash cards is that they can be taken almost anywhere and studied when one has a free moment (Brown, 2000). Another is that they can be arranged to create logical grouping of the target words (Gairns & Redman, op. cit.;; Cohen, 1990). Some researchers indicate that working with flash cards help learners in acquiring vocabulary more effectively than word lists (Mondria & Mondria-de Vries, 1994; Schmitt & Schmitt, 1995). It can be seen that flash cards have been used for teaching a variety of purposes during the history of language teaching. An example is to help students to improve word recognition if they are poor readers (Culyer, 1988). Another example is to teach students to practice their vocabulary development and completion drills in the learning of foreign language (Ervin, 1988). Flash cards have also been used in teaching English as second language (Hart, 1982). They are used not only for teaching vocabulary but also for teaching propositions, articles, sentence structures, tenses, and phrasal verbs (Palka, 1988). In addition to teaching vocabulary, flash cards have been used to improve both comprehension and reading speed (Tan & Nicholson, 1997).
    As ESL learners, Indonesian student tend to feel nervous and shy in class. Some researchers believe that it is because of students’ characteristics and cultural differences (Rollinson 2005; Carson & Nelson, 1996). Another comes from teachers. Without an extensive knowledge of vocabulary and strategies for learning new words, learners may feel disappointed and lose their confidence (Nation, 2001). The present curriculum, kurikulum 2013, highly emphasizes on interactive model teaching. It is important for students to always feel hyped when learning. Although there are some studies such as related to flash card, it is still needed to be observed due to present curriculum implementation and precise findings on flash cards, specifically on junior high schools.
    The purpose of this study is to seek the effect of using flash cards towards junior high school students. The topic of this study has been generally known for elementary student, but for ESL learner, this option could be crucial due to the method’s reinforcement towards junior high school students.

  2. Name : Widyanti intan
    Student Number : A1D2 12 033
    The Using of Picture for Increase Vocabulary in Junior High School
    Language is a tool of communication and it is used by human beings all over the world. It hold important roles in human daily activities. Through language one can communicate or interact to express ideas, feeling and experiences to other people in a community in which the language is used. Without is difficult for someone to communicate with other people perfectly.
    In Indonesia English has been stated by the government as the first forign language to be taught at schools. Teaching a foreign language is not an easy task. An English teacher is require to teach efficiently and effectively to facilitate the pupil’s learning process. The theacher should also have the the capability in motivating the students who learn English.
    The finding in every school teaching about English. In teaching English we must have vocabulary. The vocabulary is the meaning and pronunciation of words that we use in communication. It is simply the number of words that we understand or can actively use to listen, speak, read, or write (Tankersley’2003.p.52). The Vocabulary is a collection of words of a language, science, etc, arranged alphabetically and explained; number of words a person uses in speech or writing (Webster’ 1958; P. 818). In English for junior high school, as teaching activity the student are usually use a pitcure for teach. According to Mc Whorter ( 1979 : 74 ) pitcure is one kind of typographical aidsshould be noted by readers. Pitcure can be used to explain the meaning of vocabulary item.
    Based on the above description, that it is possible to conduct a research on the use of pitcure for increase vocabulary in junior high school. The use of pitcures in this research is very afectively in teaching activity.

    1.1. Background
    Speaking is one of important skill that should be mastered in order to communicate in English fluently besides listening, speaking, reading and writing. As stated by Burns and Joyce (1997) cited in Retno, (2010:11), speaking is an interactive process and construction that involving producing, receiving, and processing information. Furthermore, the importance of speaking, Ur (1996:120) says that “…. of all the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) “speaking” seems intuitively the most important”. It is because the indicator that someone masters language is his or her ability to speak the language fluently.
    However, teaching English as foreign language, especially speaking skill still faces some serious problem. In non-native English speakers’ countries, it starts from junior high school level, senior high school level up to Students University level; the students are well-prepared to pass various kinds of tests but they are not good in communicative aspect. Therefore, most of students are good in exams but unsatisfactory in communicative ability. Indeed, this is such bad conditions that lead people into incompetence for applying the language that has been learned for many years as a tool of communication in their daily life fluently and accurately.
    Presentation Practice Production Technique (PPP) is a method for learning language creatively and effectively for students. This technique is used for making process of teaching and learning process interesting in classroom and make student being active and perceptive in language classroom. Studies have shown that when students participate actively in class their understanding, access, and student achievement towards the material seems to be higher than who are passive. Nunan (2008) cited in Alfiatul Izzah, (2013: 24) said that PPP method is relatively straight forward, and structured enough to be easily understood by both students and new or new emerging teachers. It showed that this technique suitable for student which difficult received new material and feel difficult to express their ideas. It is also to make easier for the teacher make some plan step by step to make more understand for the students. Vystavelova (2009: 30) adds that the advantages for PPP methods are lessons is provided clearly and simple and lesson is easy to prepare because the material used for the lesson are ordered from the simplest to the most difficult. And types of activities are arranged from the most controlled to the feast controlled.
    Related to this background, there are some of researches have conducted empirical studies to examine the effectiveness of Presentation Practice Production (PPP) techniques into language teaching (Rintaro Sato; 2010, Oleg Tarnopolsy: 2002, Lenka Vystavelova; 2009, Alfiatul Izzah; 2013, Muhammad Solikhudin; 2006). Rintaro sato cited in Wd. Heni Muja, (2012: 4) finds out that PPP technique is still practical and beneficial for learning in Japanese secondary school since the students are required to learn target structures and efficiently within a limited amount of time. Whereas, Oleg Tarnopolsky (2002) cited in Wd. Heni Muja, (2012: 4) emphasizes on the point that PPP can be applied with various teaching method from grammar translation to communicative. Although much study have been done, more studies need to be conducted to ensure the effect of Presentation Practice Production in teaching language and improving language skill specifically in speaking skill.
    Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested to conduct a study through Presentation Practice Production technique in reducing the problem of speaking. The researcher will conduct this study in university level. The researcher will conduct PPP instruction through communication approach. Indeed, the speaking material will be more about specific purpose in conversation.

  4. (edited) by Gusrianda Bin Rajab (A1D212003)
    Songs to Improve Students’ Ability in Pronouncing English Words

    1. Introduction

    Learning language is very important especially English. English has became an international language which connect people in many countries. Although English is not the largest number of native or ‘first’ language speakers, English has been widely used by many people over the world as the ‘second’ language (Harmer, 2001:1). In this globalization era, Indonesian people in their daily life will frequently use English.
    English is taught in junior high school untill university and becomes a compulsory subject. In Englsih there are four skills that have to be mastered by the students, such as listening, reading, writing, and speaking. However, pronounciation also becomes one of important part in english. As stated by Harmer ( 2000: 183 ) that for all these people, being made aware of pronunciation issues will be of immense benefit not only to their own production but also to their own understanding of spoken English.

    The students often find problem with pronunciation when they speak, read, or listen to English words. It might be caused by some factors. Furthermore, they often complain about english classes. Therefore, a good method is very needed to make them intrested in english class. A good solution is by adding songs in learning English, especially in pronouncing english word. The free encyclopedia (2013) defines songs as a piece of music for accompanied or unaccompanied voice or voices. As for nursery rhymes, they are short and simple rhyming verses, songs or stories which are usually designed, told or sung for little children (Danielson, 2000).

    The findings of studies examining the use of song in improving student’s pronounciation. Study by Fariba Ghanbari aimed to determine the effect of using songs on young L2 learners’ listening comprehension and pronunciation and to discover the possible difference between male and female learners in achieving better results in learning listening comprehension and pronunciation via songs. Study by Zahra Farmand and Behzad Pourgharib intended to explore the examines weather using the English songs can increase students motivation on learning English and it also can used to improve the EFL learners’ pronunciation. Both of the study intended to a good result. However, both of the study have different porpose to in getting a better result from using song itself. Although much work has been done to date, more studies need to be conducted to ascertain the effects of song in improving student’s pronounciation.

    Song can provide attractive and instructional media in learning activities. It is attractive because the student will have more fun in learning processes. According to Scott and Ytreberg (1990: 6), children have an amazing ability to absorb language through play and other activities which make them enjoyable. The pleasant, relaxed atmosphere fostered by songs has proven to be highly conductive to efficient learning. Songs have been designed to motivate the children to participate the English teaching and learning pronunciation. This research tries to find out whether songs can improve student’s ability in pronouncing english words.

  5. Revised by NELY (A1D2 12 027)

    Textbook Analysis on “Headline English” for The Eighth Grade of Junior High School Based on 2013 Curriculum

    Textbook is a main guideline in teaching and learning process. Textbooks take important role for the successful in teaching and learning process. In 2013 curriculum, students are demanded to be more creative, so in this case, textbooks support students to be more creative. As Littlejohn and Windeatt (1989) state that textbooks contain some materials that can be used to improve students’ cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skill. Besides, textbook contains a collection of written or oral texts with accompanying explanations that are selected for the learners (sauvignon, 1983). Textbooks also facilitate dialogues and worksheet, so the teachers are unnecessary to design the exercises to evaluate the students.

    So far, none of the researchers conduct a research of the textbook of 2013 curriculum. However, there are some previous studies in 2006 curriculum. Yusuf (2008) claimed that textbook for Senior High School is inappropriate, in terms of instruction of the book and the content of the book. Moreover, Gustin and Sundayana (2008) found that are some English textbook which do not consider and learning style of the learners in senior high school. More studies about textbook analysis especially textbook based on 2013 curriculum are necessary to be conducted.

    Cunningsworth (1995) claims that there are two approaches in evaluating textbook; they are impressionistic overview and in-depth evaluation. Impressionistic overview is an approach foe evaluating textbook from the general impression of the textbook. In-depth evaluation gives a careful examination of representative features. In-depth evaluation gives detail information in evaluating the textbook.

    The purpose of this study is to find out the aspects of textbook which fulfills the criteria of good textbook of the eighth grade for the Junior High School students based on 2013 curriculum. In terms of cover, layout, design, objectives, content, exercises, activities, and supporting aids for the teacher will be analyzed based on evaluation criteria. This study is identified to give contribution for the improvement of English textbook in Indonesia.

  6. (Revised) by Zumratil (A1D212015)

    Tittle : The Effect of Using Media (Pictures) to the Primary Students Achievement in Teaching Vocabulary

    In the developing nations right now, English is one of language that many countries used most. Every people use English and study it because English is International Language in the world. Many countries used English as a second language. In Indonesian, many people study English. From kindergarten, English has been taught for children. To learn English for the first time, we must know about the vocabulary. To learn vocabulary we can use media picture to improve student’s achievement in vocabulary.
    Vocabulary is one element that links the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing all together. In order to communicate well in English, the students must have the knowledge of English. Students also should acquire an adequate numbers of words and should know how to use them accurately and also vocabulary is important to learn because the students may not have good ability to do the communication when they do not have good enough mastery on vocabulary. Spellery (2002:2) stated that vocabulary mastery goes through a passive stage before becoming active knowledge so that teaching vocabulary must be the first priority in the English language. In teaching and learning process, the teachers are hoped to be able to make a good situation in the class. Commonly, the teacher usually used the old method to teach the students and sometimes they give not attention and feel boring at the same time. According to Uberman (1998:20), “the learners remember better the material that has been presented by means visual aid”.

    Through teaching vocabulary by using picture, the students are able find the new vocabulary from what they are seeing from the picture. The use of picture as the media also is a kind of indirect learning because when the students see the picture, they do not realize that they are also learning to get the new vocabulary too. The use of pictures in teaching vocabulary is a fun activity because pictures keep the students from getting bored. The use of pictures also make the material of vocabulary is more meaningful, to help the students memorize the word and to represent the real object or the thing.

    According to the researcher, the problem of the students when they learn vocabulary is they feel bored when they study vocabulary because the teacher use an old method that make the student uninterested to study vocabulary. The students also difficulties to understand the meaning of words when the teacher learning vocabulary to the third grade students.

    The purpose of this research is to know whether teaching vocabulary using picture improves the vocabulary achievement. Picture is already known as one of the teaching media. Picture which is also known as visual aid is useful in teaching learning activity, like Uberman (1998:20) stated that learner remember better the material that has been presented by means visual aid. Teaching vocabulary by using picture is one of many techniques that can be applied in the classroom activity.

  7. (edited)
    The Effectiveness of Humor to Improve Student’s Self Confidence in Speaking at First Grade of Senior High School


    English is one of key which open the door of scientific knowledge and successful life. The Indonesian government has chosen English as the first foreign language to be taught on the schools. English has taught from junior high school up to university. There are four skill that student have to master it in learn English language. Those are listening, speaking, reading and writing.

    However, even if student can master listening, reading, and writing, student still have difficulty when the teacher asked them to speak in English. As stated by Ramelan (1992: 10), language is an arbitrary system of speech sounds which is used in interpersonal communication by an aggregation of human beings, and which rather exhaustively catalogs thing, process, and events in the human environments. Many researchers like Bailey (2005) and Goh (2007) have proposed methods to enhance speaking skills by means of syllabus design, teaching principles, types of tasks and materials, and speaking assessment.

    Some students take their education seriously in the classroom especially for student at first grade. When they learn English especially in speaking, they study too serious and unconsciously make them under pressure. When they are under pressure, lot of problem will come such as nervous and lack of self confidence. It makes them can not speak English properly. One way to improve student’s self confidence is to incorporate humor into the classroom. As recently as the 1990s, structured use of humor in…classroom was elusive at best, and flat out dissuaded by administrators at worst (Lovorn, 2008).

    Humor can be represented as jokes, puns, riddles, sarcasm, physical antics, nonverbal behaviors, cartoons, and one-liners (Wanzer et al., 2006). Humor has psychological, social, and cognitive (educational) benefits. Humor has the power to make student feel comfortable, improve creativity, and promote social relationships. In 2006, Melissa Wanzer placed appropriate teacher humor into four different categories labeled: “related humor,” “humor unrelated to course material,” self-disparaging humor,” and “unintentional humor” (Wanzer, et al., 2006, 184). In other word, theacher must have sense of humor in making jokes. Another way to view these four categories is by labeling them as “high-risk humor,” “low-risk humor,” “offensive humor,” and “self-effacing humor” (Berk, 2003).

    With applied some humor in the classroom during the learning process, a comfortable situation in the classroom can be made. It is can make students improve their self confidence and make them feel free to express their imagination and feel free to speak in English. In this case, they can feel free to speak English even if the pressures from the teacher still same. The pressure here is the indictment score, the fluency, or from the grammar. It is a good way to use humor during learning process in classroom especially at first grade on senior high school, because it can build student’s self confidence from the first, because the best time to improve student’s self confidence is when in first grade.

    However, not all the students can improve their self confidence to speaking English just because the comfortable situation in the classroom. Therefore, based on explanation above, the researcher aim is to investigate the effectiveness of humor to improve student’s self confidence in speaking at first grade of senior high school.

  8. (EDITED)
    Nirwana Niswar (A1D2 12 025)
    An Analysis of English Textbook “When English Rigs The Bell” for The First Year Students of Junior High School Based on curriculum 2013.

    To get the successful in English teaching and learning process, teachers need to use some teaching tools. The most common teaching tools that teacher usually use in classes is textbooks. Textbook presents the subject matter based on the curriculum. Teacher use it as a classroom management tool for the interaction between them and their students and also as the guidance to provide content of material, teaching strategies and lessons plan. Because of the important role of textbook, teacher need to select the best textbook which appropriate with the obtained curriculum in order to get a high quality of teaching and learning process.

    Some researchers seem to agree that textbook play the crucial part in English teaching and learning process. Benevento (1984) states that “whenever foreign language teachers meet each other, the first words after “How do you do?” are usually “What textbooks do you use?”. Furthermore Dubin and Olshtain (1986) state that “the tangible element that gives a language course face validity to many learners and teachers is the textbook”. In addition Hutchinson and Torres (1994) claimed that textbooks became a universal element of ELT teaching.

    Recently, Indonesia Ministry of Education was starting to apply the new designed curriculum, the 2013 curriculum. This curriculum demand students to more active and creative in learning process. In this case a high quality and appropriate textbook is needed to guide and support the students. Some researcher have been done some study about textbook analysis before, but since 2013 curriculum is a new curriculum, there is no researchers who conduct study about textbook analysis based on 2013 curriculum. Thus study about a textbook analysis based on 2013 curriculum is needed to conduct.

    The purpose of this study is to ascertain if the English textbook “When English Rings the Bell” is fulfills the good textbook standard or criterion and appropriate for the first year students of Junior High School based on 2013 curriculum. The aspect such as, topics, objectives, design and organization, language skill, language content, and practical consideration, as the requirement of a good English textbook criteria will be analyze in this study. This study can help teacher to identify a good textbook to use in learning process.

  9. Name : Naskun Ahmad Wunanto
    NIM : A1D212045



    Language has a very important means in communication in daily human life. English is an international language. People of different countries speak English to communicate each other. English is a key, which opens the door to scientific and technological knowledge in our world. In studying foreign language, reading is one of the important key to master the language itself. Reading in a foreign language, in this case English is considered to be difficult for most Indonesian peoples especially for students.

    Reading skill is very important, a stated by (Rumelhart,1980) When a person reads, he tries to relate the new information in the text to what is already known, consequently, textual features play important role in activating prior knowledge which would lead to the comprehension. There are also a fact that reading is one of the most important skills, it is defined by Grellet (1981, p.7) as a medium of communication, the power to get information from the written language, it is also an active taught-arousing problem-solving-process. In this process the reader must make an active contribution by drawing upon and using concurrently various abilities that he has acquired. It is also well documented in the literature that when a person reads, he tries to relate the new information in the text to what he already knows. The reader must make connection between what a text is about and external referential objects, ideas and people (Mikulecky, 1990).

    Reading comprehension can be described as a complex process which needs reader’s active thinking in constructing meaning to get deep understanding to the concepts and information displayed from the text (Blanton et al., 2007; Neufeld 2006; Rapp et al., 2007 cited in Westwood, 2008:31). Related with that, some research shows that the ability of Indonesian students in reading English texts was very low (Syatriana, 2010:28). Furthermore, an observation conducted by the researcher during her teaching practicum in a junior high school showed that the students‟ capability in comprehending English texts was poor. This is occur because the student interest in reading is very low, and there are some causer factor such as the text is to long, or look bored that can make people especially student lazy to read and automatically do not understand about the content of the reading text.

    Therefore, using short story to improve student interest and comprehension in reading skill can be a good method to measure student ability in reading for the learners from all levels even in school or student from university. In this research, the researcher expected that the students will follow the story easier. Beside that, the story is expected to make the students interested in reading the short story.
    Based on the explanation, the researcher purposes is to investigate how the use short stories to help students improve their interest and comprehension in reading, and what is the student responses about the use short stories in teaching reading itself.

  10. THE USE OF CONTEXT CLUES STRATEGY ON STUDENT’S VOCABULARY ACHIEVMENT IN SENIOR HIGH JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL INTRODUCTION English has an important role in international communication. English is an instrument to students to express their ideas both in oral and written forms. There are four language skill, such as reading, speaking, listening, and writing. In order to master those skills the students have to understand some elements of language, like grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, etc. Vocabulary is total number of words which (with rules for combining them) make up a language (Hornby, 1974: 959). Vocabulary is very important for studying English, learner who just study grammar without vocabulary get difficulty to convey what he or she wants to say. However, learner who just learn vocabulary or just read text or open the dictionary will be able to say something. The students who are less in vocabulary, usually have difficulty in writing their own idea, unable to speak English and difficult in understanding the text. In addition, the students usually read slowly because they don't understand many words or have to stop and look up in dictionary ( Edwards, 2006 : 177 ). Based on researcher observation in junior high school the researcher found that the most of students are still poor of vocabulary and they still depend on teacher’s help and dictionary when they get the unfamiliar words. On the other hand, the ability of students on vocabulary development is still poor. The researcher tried to give the text to students and asks the students to mention the meaning of each word on the text. Besides, many of students feel so hard to memorize the word, because they never use in the daily communication with other person. Teacher still used conventional method for teaching vocabulary like just writing down in the blackboard and to be translated. Then students should memorize those words. This condition make the student forget the lesson easily, for reason memorizing vocabulary need more practice and repetition. The researcher knows that the students need a new strategy to improve students ability in the teaching and learning English especially vocabulary. One of the strategy is context clues strategy. Context clues strategy is a strategy of inferring meaning of unfamiliar words based on the context. It can be done by combining our knowledge of English or simply look at the relationship between the unfamiliar words with the other words, clauses, sentences or paragraphs. In this study, researcher interest to apply Context Clues Strategy as classrooms activity in teaching learning. In Context Clues Strategy, the process in learning vocabulary is not just memorizing and understanding words from dictionary but also teacher teaches students how to identify the new words appropriately. In Context Clues Strategy the students focus on a text which is given and also it implies that learning target words through reading texts, such as acquiring words’ meaning and their typical language environment from texts. One of advantages of Context Clues Strategy is make the reader aware of one important feature of vocabulary, namely, that context determines the meaning of words ( Yang Fengning, 2009). “Vocabulary learning trough text is beneficial in that memorizing the meaning of new words based on the dictionary does not make students familiar with the use of words in the context”. (As cited in English.G.1.TZ blog:2012). Besides that, researcher choose Context Clues Strategy because this strategy is appropriate to solve the students’ problem in the cla ss, where by using this strategy students can be more active rather than passive in finding the meaning of unfamiliar words without depend on teacher’s help and dictionary.

  11. Ahmad Fathin


    The effect of peer group learning to develop student speaking ability

    Student who learn about language need a good teaching method to achieve their goal in learning and speaking fluently is the major goal that language learner need to achieve. Commonly student will feel free when they speak with their fried who have similar age, because they have same common topic and they do not need to afraid to make mistake because they have similar knowledge in the language. Teacher need to concern about it if they want their student to speak naturally. Therefore, peer group teaching is a good method for teacher to teach speaking because the student will naturally stimulate to talk if they are with their friend and talk about interest topic together
    Ways similar to the community, the peer group becomes an agency of enculturation and learning. Even very young children develop a sense of self from their perceptions of important people in their surroundings, including relatives, teachers, and peers. Socioeconomic status, ethnic identity, and parents’ occupations affect how families view themselves and the process by which they socialize their children (Bornstein, 2002). Later, as children leave the home setting, their self-perception and socializing skills become influenced by how their peers view them. That is the overview about the “peers”. In terms of education peer learning is necessary needed because it can stimulate the student to concentrate more about the subject with their peer.
    The term 'peer learning', however, remains abstract. The sense in which we use it here suggests a two-way, reciprocal learning activity. Peer learning should be mutually beneficial and involve the sharing of knowledge, ideas and experience between the participants. It can be described as a way of moving beyond independent to interdependent or mutual learning (Boud, 1988).Students learn a great deal by explaining their ideas to others and by participating in activities in which they can learn from their peers. They develop skills in organizing and planning learning activities, working collaboratively with others, giving and receiving feedback and evaluating their own learning. Peer learning is becoming an increasingly important part of many courses, and it is being used in a variety of contexts and disciplines in many countries. Eventhough there are many work, many research that have been done before, more studies need to be conducted to ascertain the true effect of peer group learning in order to improve student speaking ability.
    The purpose of this study is developing student speaking ability by using peer learning or peer group learning. Through peer learning student do not afraid to make mistake so they can express they idea as good as they can without worry about misunderstanding. Using this method also helps teacher to concern more about student strength and weaknesses in their conversation. This method was considered as a good way of teaching language ability that the students have less pressure and no intimidate, no force to express their ability.

  12. (Edited)
    Wa Ode Aisa (A1D2 12 081)

    Improving the Writing Skills of High School Students with Giving Short Story Using the Story Mapping Technique


    One of skill that can help student for have a good hand is writing. Writing is one of the most powerful communication tools of human being and the improvement of writing skills is the key to success within and outside school. Promoting student’s writing skills is considered to be one of the most important tasks which EFL learners need to develop throughout their schooling. As for short story writing can create a variety of writing activities to help students develop their writing skills.

    According to Carter et al., (2002), writing consists of the coordination of processes such as gathering, acquiring and expressing information. Students also need to be assisted in order to become independent individuals and to find the chances in which they will be able to interact through written language (Honskinson and Tompkins, 1987; Anilan, 2005). All students can improve their writing skills by making use of writing strategies in their written products that are used at the planning, evaluating and reviewing stages (Westwood, 2008).

    As for short story writing, Murdoch (2002) indicated that “short stories can, if selected and exploited appropriately, provide quality text content which will greatly enhance EFL courses for learners at senior high school level of proficiency”. A story map could be viewed as a visual depiction of the settings or the sequence of major events and actions of story characters with the aim of enabling students to relate story events. The story mapping technique could be used to increase students’ awareness that story characters and events are interrelated.

    The purpose of this study is to know the benefit of using story map on short story writing skills at senior high school level. The aim of written expression studies is to have students explain their knowledge, feelings, ideas and imaginations in a correct and effective manner. This technique very suitable to use in the classroom activity and appropriate that can improve student’s ability in writing skill.

  13. The Effectiveness of Kamishibai to Encourage Student’s Ability in Writing

    Many students often face difficulty when they start writing. It can be caused by the lack of vocabulary, grammatical structure, or the pressure they get to construct ideas. This situation leads to poor ability in writing, not only for the college student but also the undergraduate. For instance, they may write pages of written task containing their ideas of a certain topic, but it tends to have no logical arguments or coherent paragraph form.

    Some researcher seems to agree that there is an indication of poorness writing ability of college students. Gungle & Taylor (1989) and McLeod (1987) indicated that the first year college students in writing classes can identify at least one writing experience that makes them apprehensive about writing. According to Sperber (2011), if a student doesn’t clearly express ideas so the reader can easily comprehend them, then it’s impossible to judge whether the student really understands the ideas or not. In addition, the more students feel inadequate to the task, the greater the chances are that they would not perform well (Leki, 1992).

    Kamishibai is a creative tool to engage student to write. Baird (2010) claims that as a writing tool for students, the Kamishibai is most rewarding; no matter the class size, students remain engaged throughout the process. For example, using Kamishibai allows student to maximize their performance since it brings together student’s audio and visual capacity as peer groups in a class. Because every member has their own task and responsibility, they can cover the weaknesses and show the strength of the group performance. This is how they can overcome their nervousness, which is one reason of the poor writing, to point out their idea in front of a large number of students. Furthermore, Prasetyo (2013) points out that Kamishibai can help students of Japanese Study Programme to improve both of the productive skill, writing and speaking, and to explore their creativity in writing. The explanation of this statement is students can get more creative ideas by compiling their group members’ ideas. It is the same as the principle of cooperative learning which is ‘two heads learn better than one’. Through the ideas of group members, they conduct an interesting story using all their writing experience in such a creative way. Therefore, due to many misconception about the using of Kamishibai for college students, more study need to be conducted to discover the potential of Kamishibai in improving student’s ability in writing.

    The purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness of Kamishibai to overhaul college student’s ability in writing considers its potential to engage student with a better brainstorming and mind mapping. This topic becomes a significant issue to teachers due to the realisation of the poorness of college student’s writing capability to date.

  14. Zahra Zaskia - A1D212019
    The use of free talk cue card to improve speaking ability for ESL students

    English is an international language. Since it’s important for human beings and it means English is commonly used in communication around the world. Therefore, Learning English means learning all language components and language skills. Such as, Grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and spelling are examples of language components. Meanwhile, language skill includes listening, speaking, reading and writing. Among the four skills, speaking is often believed as the most difficult skill to be learned by the students. Learning to talk in the foreign language is often considered being one of the most difficult aspects of language learning for the teacher to help the student.

    According to Stevick (1982: 103) speaking refers to the gap between linguistic expertise and teaching methodology. There are many researchers have found a lot of strategies and methods to teaching speaking. In order to reach their goals and expectation to help students (ESL) mastered speaking skill. Among many strategies and methods, there is a method which sometime used to teaching speaking called Cue Card. Cue card is introduced as one of the teaching media. Cue card is card with words or picture on, which are used to encourage the students to respond (Harmer, 2001:134). Cue card is interesting due to its simplicity and attractiveness. Besides inexpensive, the process of making it is not quite complicated. A teacher, sometimes, needs creativity to make the cards more attractive.

    The study of Cue card has been done by a researcher. Lilis Suryani (2010) from University of Pajajaran Bandung. She studied the use of cue cards in teaching spoken descriptive text. Cue cards were applied in the research to improve the students` speaking scores. The aims of the research were to improve the progress of the students in producing spoken descriptive text. Considering the benefit of cue cards, the writer is interested in applying this technique to improve students speaking skill by consideration how far student’s knowledge in particular topic (Talk freely) .

    Based on the statement above, the purpose of the study is to describe the way the use cue cards technique to improve the student’s ability in speaking English through talk freely. In order to measure student’s general knowledge while asses the speaking aspect and help students to minimized memorizing culture in speaking class.

    Reg. Of Number : A1D212035

    Muna language is the one besides various local languages exist in South East Sulawesi. It is used as a colloquial in daily interaction by Munanis people. The origin of Munanis. People occupy the Muna island at southern part of South East Sulawesi. Muna language is also used as a medium of interaction in cultural activities. Muna language has several dialects. Rene van den Berg states that there are athree dialects, they are Southern, Tiworo, and Standard dialects. South dialect is used at Southern part of Muna main island particularly at Gu and Mawasangka areas, also at Siompu and Kadatua islands. Tiworo dialect is used at Tiworo area which scopes Kambaara and surroundings, include Balu and Maginti small islands. The last one is Standard dialect, it is used at the widest areas, extent from the middle part, at the eastern, at the western, and at the northern parts of Muna island includes Tobea and Renda islands (Berg, 1989: 6-7).

    In Muna language there are affix which used in some word class which the using influence of personal pronoun. In prefix like a-, no-, ta-, do, and o-. While in confix like a-e, no-e, ta-e, do-e, and o-e. Those prefix will be change if the personal pronoun is different. Wa Ode Siti Isra (2006) who took title about affix in Muna language. In his research she talking about affix in Muna language. The result of her research are prefix in Muna language like ka-, noti-, fe-, me-, ko-, po-, mo-. In infiks like –um-, and –in-. In suffix like –hi, -ha, -gho, -e, -mo. And in confix like fe-/-i, kae-/-ha, mo-/-no, me-/-si, piki-/-i.

    In this research is talking about Inflectional affixex of verb in Muna language. Beside that, several parts that support formation affix itself like pronoun and verb. so that, I will explain those parts one by one to help understanding about this research. According to (Mustadi, nd, p.3) states “affix is root words which gave morpheme before or after root word”. According to (Palmer, 2003, p. 170) states “affix is a morpheme which is not in itself a word but is attached to word”. Whereas other perception (Mayasita 2011) divided affix in two categories, inflection and derivation. She stated that inflection is an affix which can produce new word form of root word whereas derivation is an affix which can produce new lexeme from root lexeme.

    One aspect that often talked by researcher is Inflectional in Muna language. Inflection is a form of affixes which do not change the word class.. In both English nouns can be inflected to indicate a change in number (that is, to indicate whether it is singular or plural) or gender (although changes in gender, such as from "actor" to "actress," are unusual in English). In both languages, verbs are also inflected to indicate tense, mood, person and voice. In Munanis also there some noun and verb that can be inflected ( by Gregory T. Stump), René van den Berg’s (1989).

    The purpose of the study to know Inflectional Afixex of verb in Muna Language. The topic can be identified the structural inflectional afixex of verb in Muna Language.

  16. (edited)
    Wa ode Rosdianti (A1D2 12 057)


    Speaking is the ability to pronounce sounds and words for express articulation, announce or express ideas, thoughts and feelings. Talking is also one that must be mastered students, because there are many students who are not good pronunciation in speaking. Therefore, teachers must be able to train students to talk to enunciation well and good to hear.
    It is true that English Language skill is very important to be able to participate in the wider world of work. There are four skills of English namely, listening, speaking, reading and writing. In Indonesia, even though English is considered as a foreign language, but this reality makes teachers and parents think that English Language skill should be mastered by their students and children.
    According to the draft of SMP Competence-Based English Curriculum (2009), the objective of the teaching and learning English in Junior High School in Indonesia, to develop ability of students in Language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). Based on the Standard of competence in the syllabus of Seventh grade (Curriculum Based Competence 2006) states that students should be able to express the meaning in simple conversation for transactional and interpersonal purposes, interactive and non interactively in formal and informally situation to communicate with the closest environment and or in academic context.
    However, it is not easy to master all of English skills, there must be one important skill that covers the whole skills. For instance, Speaking is the most important skill that should be mastered by students in order to communicate in English fluently. Speaking is an activity used by someone or people to communicate each other. It takes place every where and has become a part of our daily activities. When someone speaks, he or she uses the language to express his or her ideas, feeling and thought.
    In order to improve students speaking skill, games is one of the techniques that can be applied in teaching speaking because games give students more chance to use English orally, it means that students can practice and develop their ability to speak English. This idea is supported by Andrew Wright, Betteridge and Buckby (1989:2); “Games can be found to give practice in all skills (Reading, speaking, listening, and speaking) in all stages on teaching – learning sequences”.
    In this research, the researcher focuses on the using of Guessing games technique in teaching speaking skill.
    According to Klippel (1994:13), “The basic rule of guessing games is eminently simple; one person knows something that another one wants to find out.” Wright and Buck say, “Essentially, in guessing and speculating games, someone knows something and the others must find out what it is.” It can be concluded that guessing games is a game in which a person or participant knows something and competes individually or in a team to identify or to find out it.
    Many students are faced problems when they learn to speak English as foreign language. Most of students ignored speaking activities in the classroom because of many factors, such as; the students have difficulties to express their ideas in English since they have lack of vocabulary, and they feel shy and nervous to speak English, they worry that they will make mistakes and other students will laugh them.
    It is become a part of teacher’s job to solve student’s problems in order to improve their speaking skill. Patricia (1988:3) says, “It is important for teacher to include as many techniques as possible to enhance student’s learning.”
    Therefore, the teacher should encourage the students to bring dictionary and active to use it. By using the dictionary students may know the words that may be considered difficult or unfamiliar heard, and the teachers should take suitable techniques that can help students to be more confident in speaking English. Teacher can make group to present speaking material in class.

  17. Eka Arinda Purnamasari

    “Developing Students Creativity In Writing a Paragraph Through Brain Storming”

    Writing is a medium of communication that represents language through the inscription of signs and symbols. In writing class, there are many ways that offered by the teacher to make the writing process easy and interesting for the students. One familiar way that used in writing a paragraph is “brain storming”. Brainstorming is a group or individual creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its member. The term was popularized by Alex Faickney Osborn in the 1953 book Applied Imagination.
    The concept of brainstorming was introduced by Alex Osborn in his book Applied Imagination: Principles and Practices of Creative Thinking. Many previous researchers found that Brainstorming was more effective than individuals working alone in generating ideas, although more recent research has questioned this conclusion. Richards (1990) found that student interaction was an important part of developing the cognitive skills involved in generating ideas, and found brainstorming was an effective way of achieving this. Rao (2007) found that students who had been trained in brainstorming techniques and used them regularly over a twelve‐month period produced measurably higher results in writing tasks. Bejarano Y, Levine T, Olshtain E, Steiner J (1997) state that “The techniques used in the research project aim to disrupt these patterned ways of thinking and facilitate a more lateral approach to dealing with a writing question”.
    Using brain storming in developing student’s creativity in writing is approved can be the best way to collect many data and idea from students in completing a paragraph. This is based on the premise that the human brain is a pattern recognition machine, but a study by researchers at Texas A&M University, and published in Applied Cognitive Psychology, shows that brainstorming may not be the best strategy to generate unique and varied ideas. The researchers concluded that group brainstorming exercises can lead to fixation on only one idea or possibility, blocking out other ideas and possibilities, leading eventually to conformity of ideas. Therefore, there are still many requirements to conduct a study that can overcome the shortage of brain storming and to find the best way to make student able make varied ideas through brain storming.
    The purpose of this study was to develop student’s creativity in making a paragraph using brief brain storming as the easy way to collect many ideas in completing the paragraph. Using brain storming in completing a paragraph can make student easier to gather the basic idea related to their topic of paragraph. This way was considered as the useful way for students of writing class in making a complete paragraph.

  18. Using Short Story to Improve Ability of Junior High Student in English Reading

    Being successful in teaching English is the dominant factor that the English teacher should pay attention to, especially in teaching reading. Through reading, one can enhance his experience, develop new concept, solve his problem, and broaden his horizon of thinking, which are needed to ensure continuing personal growth and adopt the change in the world yet the importance of reading has not been realized by most of our society a large number of our population is classified as poor readers and the majority of the people are content to read materials of poor quality.
    In reading comprehension, the message to be imposed in the written form is the most important element that the students must recognize, because the primary purpose of reading is to know the thoughts expressed in the printed material. Therefore, reading wit comprehension is only a way for the students to arrive at what they want to know from the reading material. However, the problem is how to make them comprehend.
    For students from elementary to university level, reading is something that has to be done. They have to read their compulsory books or other materials related to their lesson. For students who are studying languages, reading is one of the skills, which has to be learned and is considered as the most important one because it can influence other language skill (listening, speaking, and writing). According to Kustaryo (1988;2) it is certainly not easy to present the English reading for Indonesian students whose language system is different. Reading is a complex process which involves not only the read the text but also their experience to comprehend it. Because of its complexity, many teachers of English at junior and senior high school find difficulties in all teaching reading and prefer teaching structure to reading. Based on all reason above, the writer thinks that short stories can motivate students to read, because short stories are interested in conducting research entitle “ Using Short Story to Improve Ability of Junior High Student in English Reading"

    In the teaching reading, English. Teacher should introduce the short stories as an alternative way to give variation to the students in teaching and learning process.
    Based on the junior high school curriculum, reading is one of the four skills in studying English. Reading consists of narrative, descriptive, procedure, news item, recount, and anecdote. The aim of the students learn reading, they have to know basic competence and achievement indicators in reading. Basic competence of reading: Understand transactional discourse, interpersonal discourse, and oral monologue especially in the forms of descriptive, narrative, anecdote, analytical exposition, and hortatory exposition using oral language variation. And achievement indicators; Students can read continuous story, students can identify rhetorical moves of a text in the narrative, descriptive, and anecdote form, students can identify main ideas, Supporting ideas, and detailed information of the text, and students can identify and use the tense.

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  20. (Edited) by Wa Ode Masriani (A1D2 12 021)

    Difficulties in Speaking English Caused by Strong Influence of Traditional Language Accent
    A. Introduction.
    English is one of the most important languages because it is spoken internationally. One of the main purposes of studying English is to be able to speak English fluently. The reason why ability of speaking English is considered as an important skill is because people could use it as a highly beneficial weapon in pursuing a bigger career opportunity and in building an intensive international communication. Because English is so important, it is now being taught all over Indonesia’s continent, even in the remote villages where the citizens have a very strong traditional accent. These accents, which have been carried by them since birth are often become the most common barriers to reach a satisfying fluency in speaking English.
    The problem of not being able to reduce the strong accent while speaking English is one of the most difficult ones to remove because the accents and the traditional native language come in an inseparable package which strongly influence their English speaking accent (Pearson 2007). People with strong accent usually keep their accent even when they speaking in different language. However, in English, the accuracy of pronouncing a word in the correct accent is really important because a different way of pronouncing can raises a different meaning of the word Delahunty (2010: 110).
    The pronunciation mistakes that people with strong accent make while speaking English is relate with their lack of ability to reduce their accent. The previous study which analyze how traditional language affect their ability in speaking the second language (Rina Marnita and lucy suraiya). The aim of this previous research was to find out whether the first language has a remarkable influence towards the students productivity in speaking and writing in the second language. Some researchers have suggested, efforts may be more productively directed at modifying native speakers’ attitudes and training them in accent comprehension. Although some study has been done, more studies need to be conducted to fade their accent.
    This very common problem of reducing strong accent in speaking English, especially for Indonesian students, has initiate the researcher to conduct study in hope to help the students’ accent can be reduced step by step until they meet the standard way of pronunciation with a good treatment and good teaching. Another purpose of this study is speakers try to make them understandable and listeners attempt to understand them.


    In relation to human resource development, reading as a piece of english language teaching plays an important role. Through reading activity, knowledge and information can be obtained. It also can change the students thinking from primitive thinking which urges development.

    According to Barnet (1989:172) there are two aspects of reading. The first aspec is called reader based variable can aspect reading that comes from the reader which includes background knowledge of the world and text, cognitive development, interest and purpose in reading strategies. The second aspect is called text-based variable can aspect of reading that come from the text which includes vocabulary, syntax rhetorical structure and cultural content.

    Huson and Pak (in Barnet, 1989: 173) find that having student study unfamiliar words before reading does not improve their comprehension. In contary, Davis ( In Barnet, 1989: 173) finds that the students who had unfamiliar vocabulary glossed had better understanding or comrehention. On the basic thinking above fact, the writer is interested in finding out students vocabulary knowledge and their vocabulary knowledge.

    This study was identified or to make a consider for teacher to creatively in making a list of vocabulary for their learners to improve their reading comprehension.

  22. (Edited)

    Name: Sutra Mustika
    stambuk: A1D212079

    The interference of phonological sundanese language in indonesian language by native speakers sundanese in Wonggeduku, Northern Konawe


    Language as a communication tool the series of sound produced by the human vocal organs consciously and regulated by a system. Language was arranged according to a vertain pattern, not arranged randomly or carelessly. Most humans on earth using two languages as a means of communication (Klein,1986:11). In Indonesia although the nasional language used is indonesian language. However, because the variety of ethnicity, race, and region were included, allows someone to have a language other than Indonesian language, in fact it is possible to make the regional language as a language which was first obtained before the Indonesian language.
    Sundanese community is one of the tribes in Indonesian that using sundanese language as a mother tongue before acquiring Indonesian language. With so many languages obtained by the sundanese, so there tends to be error pronounciation by native speakers of sundanese when having to use Indonesian language, because there are some in the Indonesian vowels that are not used in the sundanese language.
    One of the negative effects of the practice of alternately using two languages is happened confusion used of language the so-called interference. According to Hartman and Stork(1972:115). Interference that occur as a result of influenced habits of speech or dialect native language into a second language or dialect. Interference is one of the causes of language errors. Interference could occur in pronounciation, grammar, both in speech and in writing, especially if someone is learning a second language (Alwasilah,1993:114). According to Weinreich and Tarigan(2011:15) interference is the norm deviation that occurs in bilingual speech because of familiarity to more than one language the causes happen of language contacts. According to Chaer and Agustina(1995:168) interference is occurs the norm deviation from one or more languages. interference can occur at all levels of phonology, morphology, syntactically, up to the level of the lexicon(Krashen,7:1981).
    The purpose from this research is to know form of interference structure of sundanese language which there is in Indonesian language and to analyze mistake native speakers of sundanese language in Indonesian language.

  23. Nur Ayuni Sari Dewi (A1D212047)


    The Influence of Watching English-Subtitled Movie on Students Grammar Development

    Foreign audio-visual programme is not a scarce thing to find. Television often broadcasts such program in the form of movie, reality shows, or in a rare case, news. Most of viewers find movies are more interesting than other programme. Moreover, they will appreciate it if the soundtrack is not dubbing into their mother tongue. In opposite, some of the movies may and may not put captions of their language in. However, many viewers do not mind if they have to watch movies in second language subtitle. Furthermore, in some cases, watching movie by reading its foreign subtitle improves their understanding about the language.

    The topic regarding the effect of subtitle is often used as the object of research as the technology is viewed to be a helping medium of teaching foreign language. Aurstad (2013) provided the role of subtitled audiovisual material in second language acquisition. Zanon (2006) analyzed the students’ second language acquisition development by producing video subtitle.

    The finding of a grammar acquisition through subtitle study stated there was a strong impact among older participants about the items of presented rule in the movie. Both experiments 1 and 2 of the study shown the older participants did better than the younger (Van Lommel, Laenen and d’Ydewalle, 2006). However, the study indicated that the findings are not evidence that the grammar acquisition acquired through movie only. Therefore, another research is needed to be conducted to ascertain this topic.

    The aim of this study is to identify the influence of watching foreign movie according to their interests with target language subtitle aided by a dictionary on middle school students’ grammar development. Many educators believe that television programs with subtitles seem to provide a plentiful context for foreign language acquisition. Furthermore, the use of movies can be important in learning and teaching, and emphasize that active learning can be motivated and better assisted through the use of audiovisual materials from popular culture field (Pescosolido, 1990).

  24. (REPAIRED)
    HERMAN EMA (A1D211093)
    Nowadays the development of technology is gradually increases in the world. This because of the human resource is also high and the necessity of human for the technology in their life also high. The finding of new knowledge in the case of technology is everywhere, both the technology in communication and the technology of information. This technology also takes a role in educational process. Start from the tool that is used till the program in the gadget itself.
    Every gadget use so many program that the students use to play a game, to read an article, and also to play video or music. This program also known as software. In the internet, there are hundred and even thousand of software that the programmers make to fulfills the human necessity in the use of newest technology. Those programs are very helpful in increasing the people’s desire to use technology in their daily life. Therefore, the writer tries to see the role of some software in students’ motivation to learn. In addition, according to expert multimedia is the kind of interaction between text, sound/voice, image, animation and video (Perry 1994). So, the use of softwares in the term of multimedia can help the students to learn EFL. Beside that, according to Krashen (1981), the strategy to learn English as the second language by the learner, it must be aimed to the competency achievement and confidence.
    So this paper will introduce some software that will be used for supporting students’ motivation in learning. This because of some students are less in motivation in the school or to learn. They are boring of the teachers’ way of teaching, they are boring of the media of teaching and in the end they don’t study. In short, by using multimedia/software (speaking notepad) can increase the students ability and motivation to learn English as foreign language.

  25. Eta Fajrani Adam

    The effect of using media social (facebook) to improve vocabulary for junior high school student
    Teaching vocabulary in any level of education for English learners has become one of necessary thing to build and improve all of English skill. Knowing more words gives our mind more ways to think about things and more tools to plan or figure out about something. Social media network as one of the main part of internet developing has taken part also in the learning process. Vocabulary is an important aspect in teaching language, as stated by Edward (1997:149), “Vocabulary is one of the important factors in all language teaching; student must continually learn words as they learn structure and as they practice sound system”. According to Hatch and Brown (1995:1) define that vocabulary as a list of words for a particular language or a list or set of word that individual speakers of language might use. Gagne’s (1974:4) statement that, “Instruction or teaching is a set of events which effect learners in such a way that learning is facilitated”. Moreover, Kasihani Kasbolah (1993:9) states that teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.
    Facebook as the most famous internet social networking is the best media to be use in teaching. The internet has become an increasingly important feature of the learning environment for teenagers. Researcher by the Pew Internet & American Life Project in November and December 2000 shows that teens use the internet as an essential study aid outside the classroom and that the internet increasingly has a place inside the classroom. As a researcher by K. Walsh (2011) finds that social networking applications have a place in the classroom. For instance, alessandro cessarano, who teaches a beginning Spanish class in the University of South Florida (USF), uses Facebook for homework assignment and class discussion in lieu of whiteboard. According to him, the Facebook page is better than whiteboard because students have more access to authentic cultural material and not to waste class time to teaching them to use a new program because many of them already use Facebook.
    Facebook as the most famous internet social networking is the best media to be used I teaching. Besides, it helps us connect and share with the people easily. Many previous studies about facebook as a suitable media for improving vocabulary found that facebook as a social networking as the best way, but this way still has an obstacle especially for students in village. The students who live in village cannot access internet, it caused the bad network there. Then, to be able to access facebook, the students have to spend some money. It is one of the factors because without the internet cost, the students will difficult to get into facebook account. Therefore, Additional research is needed to overcome the shortcomings of the use of Facebook as a medium to help students develop their vocabulary.
    The purpose of this research is to improve the learner’s vocabulary ability for junior high school with using facebook. Facebook can be more effective if the learners can interact with the Facebook. The interactions include the activities that can expand the learners’ understanding of the words and the use of them in any language skill. The learners will not feel that they are studying using facebook because they feel such as playing their hobbies. Giving them new vocabularies to make those words as popular topic in facebook forum will make them accustomed with those words and they can be easily to memorize them without intended to memorizing purposely.

  26. Mujvianda Eka Rahardita

    Improving Students Reading Comprehension using picture as a Media

    Reading comprehension is a key skill in a child's overall reading development. Reading comprehension as the process of readers interacting and constructing meaning from text, implementing the use of prior knowledge, and the information found in the text. The process of reading comprehension was viewed as the reader’s ability to restate the text.
    As the amount of background knowledge concerning a text increases, the ability to comprehend the text correlates. Teachers need to provide explicit instruction in using picture books as a media in reading strategies. It is imperative that teachers “show not tell” how skillful readers read. Teacher has difficulty to deliver frequent comprehension instructions in language learning classrooms contributes significantly to the decline of the learners’ reading comprehension achievements (Quirk & Beem, 2012). One possible explanation for the paucity of reading comprehension instruction in language learning classrooms might be the lack of quality materials that could be used to initiate flexible and explicit reading comprehension instruction (Brown & Dewitz, 2014; McKeown, Beck, & Blake, 2009). To fill this gap, children’s picture books were suggested to support teachers’ instruction of reading comprehension in language learning classrooms.
    The rationale of using children’s picture books to enhance language learners’ abilities, particularly at elementary levels was overtly and covertly stated by many researchers and theorists including Rosenblatt (1994), Paivio (1971), and Ghosn (2002). Choosing developmentally appropriate picture books can make student easier to understand the meaning from text. So picture books merge both text and illustrations to help a child develop reading skills. Various procedures and techniques can be used to teach reading comprehension to children using picture books. For example, Ghosn (2002) explored the use of children’s picture books in developing the linguistic abilities of some language learners at primary grade levels. Ghosn proposed four factors to explain the rationale of using picture books in language learning classrooms at primary levels. First, picture books provide authentic “natural” language context that stimulates meaningful and motivating space for language learning. Second, the illustrations in children’s picture books can facilitate the learning of new words through context. Third, children’s picture books stimulate learners’ communicative and critical thinking skills. Finally, children’s picture books can enhance learners’ attitudes towards learning the language.
    The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences teachers in the selection and using of children’s picture books to explicitly teach reading comprehension strategies Thus, children’s picture books can provide meaningful context for students’ engagement and motivation to the learning of reading comprehension strategies. In addition, the use of picture books contributed to the students’ internalizing of strategies and reusing them in different reading settings. In the same vein, findings from the teachers’ interviews revealed that the selection of appropriate children’s picture books was fundamental to effective reading strategy instruction. Most of the participating teachers underscored that illustrations, readability, authenticity, relevancy, and interestingness were among the basic criteria for the selection of picture books to explicitly instruct reading comprehension strategies in language learning classrooms. Specifically, illustrations were considered the essence of the selection of picture books because the participating teachers thought that illustrations could help students compensate any deficiency in vocabulary and facilitate the use of strategies.

    A1D2 12 067

    “Improving English Vocabulary of Junior High School Students By Using Puzzle Games”.
    English is taught as a foreign language that has four skills, namely listening, reading, speaking and writing. Considering that English is the language of international communication, the students have to master English well both in oral and written forms.
    Harris (1970:9) stated that the four skills are supported by the learning of language elements. They are structure, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling. Therefore, vocabulary is one of the important language elements the students should master. He also said that vocabulary and grammar are two very important elements shared by all four skills. From the statement above, it can be said that if the students learn all four skills, they have to master the vocabulary. Mastering vocabulary is a basic part to learn English skills.
    In the process of teaching and learning English in Junior High School, mastery vocabulary is important. It is suitable the statement of Lang an (1992:422) he said that a good vocabulary, more than any other factor, was common to people enjoying successful careers in life. Besides that, it is hoped that they will have more vocabulary.
    Rahmadi (1990:1) states that students still have problems with the four language skills due to lack of vocabulary achievement. It is difficult for them to develop their vocabulary because the students sometimes forget with the vocabulary materials that the teacher has explained. Occasionally, in teaching learning process, the students feel afraid of following the teaching learning process of English because they do not understand about the meaning of English words in English.
    Vocabulary as one of important component in language learning cannot be ignored. Without language vocabulary, the students cannot master English perfectly. Therefore, mastering vocabulary will influence the students’ ability in English.
    The purpose of the study is improving students vocabulary mastery, in the choose crossword puzzles because this game is familiar and very challenging to the students. They try to guess the word based on the clues and also make the students feel more relax.

  28. Off Number: A1D212073

    Improving Natural Way Of Speaking English Through Online Chatting

    Learning English in school is not enough for some language learners, they must course it through native speaker. Of course it needs high cost, but the Internet has changed everything. Now, language learners just need to know where to look without spend a lot of money. Social Network is a fantastic place to practice English free. Progress communicating on the internet has provided opportunities for learners how to learn English which even through Online Chatting. By finding the right resources to help learners to start speaking, learners will quickly feels more confident in their ability as English learners. Learners will be able to improve their listening and their speaking skills. They will not just know English but they can use it.
    Ally (2008) defines online learning as the use of the Internet to access learning materials, to interact with the content, instructor, and other learners, to obtain support during the learning process in order to acquire knowledge, to construct personal meaning, and to grow from the learning experience. One potentially useful Internet activity for language students is chatting, that is, communicating in real time by typing or voicing a message into a computer so that it can immediately be read on other computer screens or heard by users, even in another part of the world. Some sites on the Internet are specifically intended for nonnative English speakers and provide opportunities for them to communicate in English (Kitao andKitao, 2000; Basabe et al.,2004).
    Through chatting, learners of a language can communicate inexpensively and quickly with other learners or speakers of the target language all over the world. This communication can be either synchronous with all users logged on or chatting at the same time or asynchronous with a delayed message system such as electronic mail (Warschauer and Healey, 1998). Hudson and Bruckman (2002) discovered some advantages of chatting in their study. They mentioned that during the regular semester, classroom interaction was largely teacher-oriented, despite the best effort of the teachers involved. Even though teachers initiated online conversations in the same way, the resulting interaction was student-driven and significantly more interactive than the classroom interaction.
    The present study was conducted to inform that improving speaking English through online chatting is very fun, because they can directly communicate with native speakers without having to incur the costs and at the same time got new friends from different countries

  29. Edited
    Name : Wa Ode Fitri Yulianty
    Stambuk : A1D2 12 001


    Writing is one of the important skills that have to be mastered by the students in language learning. Although writing is an important skill for student, many students consider it as the most difficult skill. It happens because of several aspects: content, language use, vocabulary, organized idea, and mechanic. Many students fail in their writing skills because they have inadequate knowledge to master those aspects. In addition, most teachers find it difficult to determine a suitable method in teaching writing in order to develop students’ writing skills. Thus, the cooperative learning method is a method that can be applied in developing students’ writing skill.

    Cooperative learning is an educational approach which aims to organize classroom activities into academic and social learning experiences. Kagan (2005) believed that, on a cooperative team, each member of the group has a unique contribution to get the goal (positive interdependence), so each one is responsible for a role, or a task (individual accountability). David and Roger Johnson (1975) identified that cooperative learning promoted mutual liking, better communication, higher acceptance and support, as well as demonstrated an increase in a variety of thinking strategies among individuals in the group. Ross and Smyth (1995), describe successful cooperative learning tasks as intellectually demanding, creative, open-ended, and involve higher order thinking tasks.

    There are many varieties of structure in a cooperative learning method that has been developed by Dr. Spencer Kagan, like roundtable structure or technique. Roundtable technique is a simple cooperative learning structure which can be used for brainstorming, reviewing, or practicing a skill, using the single sheet of paper and pen for each cooperative learning group (Kagan, 1992). In other words, roundtable is good technique, which apply in teaching writing because it can influence the students’ writing skill development and the problem in group work can be solved. Kagan (1992) proposed that in roundtable technique students do problem in the group, and finally on their own.

    Using of roundtable technique in writing has many advantages in the learning process, not only for students but also for teachers. The previous study, which analyze the influence of roundtable technique on students’ writing ability that conducted by Sri Handayani (2012), indicated that the students who taught by using roundtable technique has better ability in writing than students who are not taught by this technique. Barbara Lom (2012), roundtable technique can quickly transform the energy or learning material from the teacher to their student because multiple groups simultaneously engaged in animated conversations or contests. In short, the roundtable is an appropriate technique to improve the students writing ability and to give stimulus for the learner especially in learning groups.

    The purpose of this study is to discover whether there is any significant effect of students’ achievements in writing skill as the result of using cooperative learning method in roundtable techniques for acceleration and excellent class in senior high school. The main consideration of using this technique because it is appropriate for writing skill, besides in the process of this technique also provides the opportunity for students to pour their writing skills on a paper and help each other in their group members.

  30. Apridawati
    English has become the important language to be mastered all around the world. Considering the present global era and the demand of international language. In Indonesia ,English has been taught in elementary school, junior high school, senior high school and university, where the learners are expected to master the skills such as listening, writing, reading and speaking.
    One of the four skill above which has important role in mastering English is speaking. Penny Ur (1996) says,” people who know a language are referred to as speakers’ of that language , as if speaking included all other kinds of knowing; and many if not most foreign language learners are primarily interested in learning to speak”.
    Speaking is the way through which people reveal their intention or express themselves to others. Thus, it is very important to be proficient in speaking .To be proficient in speaking, however, that the language be used in oral communication. The frequency in using the language could determine the fluency in speaking. Without the experience of learning the language in the real life, it is difficult for the students to be proficient in speaking. Hence, speaking competence can be accomplished by practicing it orally.
    Speaking is “ the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of context” ( Chaney, 1998, p.13). The other opinion is shown by Homby (1995;318), “ speaking is making use of word in an ordinary voice; making a speech . in short , speaking skill is the ability to perform the linguistic knowledge in the actual communication.” By mastering speaking skill, students can carry out conversation with others, give ideas and change the information with interlocutor and they will be able to know the situation that happen in the world. The learners need to know how the active speakers conduct the language in daily form and perform in directly through speaking. Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information ( Brown,1994; Burns and Joyce. 1997 ).

  31. Lanjutan yang di atas
    Another case of teaching speaking in the classroom is t hat the students always make mistake in grammar and the pronunciation aspect. While they speak English, they do not pay attention to the sentence structure and correct pronunciation. Additionally, the students are afraid of making mistake in speaking English partially due to the limited vocabulary. Finally frequent use Indonesian in the classroom is detrimental to students’ speaking skill.
    Ur (1996) lists the characteristics of a successful speaking activity in the classroom: (1) learners talk a lot. As much as possible of the period of time allotted to the activity is in occupied by learner talk. (2) participation is even. Classroom discussion is not dominated by a minority of talkative participants; all get a chance to speak, and contributions are fairly evenly distributed. (3). Motivation is high. Learners are eager to speak; because they are interested in the topic and have something new to say about it, or because they want to contribute to achieving a task objective. (4). Language is of an acceptable level. Learners express themselves in utterances that are relevant, easily comprehensible to each other, and of an acceptable level of language accuracy.
    Information gap activities satisfy all of the above criteria. The teacher simply explains the activity and reviews the vocabulary needed for the activity. Students are then on their own to complete the task. Each participant plays an important role and the task cannot be accomplished without everyone’s participation. Information gap activities are highly motivational because of the nature of the various tasks. Activities that require the solving of a problem or a mystery are especially effective. As teachers , we know whether an activity is of an acceptable level of difficulty for our students. If students are sufficiently prepared for the activity , the level of language accuracy will be acceptable.
    In information gap activities, learners share their information to the other in order to accomplish the task. To get information, the learners are supposed to share with each other by asking questions. So, English language learning students should be involved in as many situations as possible where one of them has some information and another does not, but has to get it. In other words, situations containing an information gap between the participants are very useful. Information gap is a useful activity in which one person has information that the other lacks. Another advantage of information gap activities is that students are forced to negotiate meaning because they must make what they are saying comprehensible to others in order to accomplish the task.
    The purposes use the communication strategies through information gap activities ,it suggest, such activities “ force the students to use communication strategies whether they want to or not. Information gap activities involve the learners in sharing the information that they have in order to solve a problem, gather information or make decisions . In the other side, emphasize that pair group work activities can provide learners with opportunity to share information and build a sense of community.

  32. Name: Ajis (A1D2 12 048)

    Today, English learning is very important in our country because of globalization era. English is used for education, business, technology, science, etc. In education, English become one of proficiency subject in our curriculum. English is learned almost in all level of education, even in Elementary school. Thus, teacher should pay attention about the way of teaching English. In teaching English, there are many approaches that teacher can use. Extensive Reading is one of approaches that give can improve students’ ability in English.

    Some people are agree that extensive reading is very important and become one of approaches in teaching English. Graham Stanley said that another model for teaching reading exist as an extensive reading approach and involves students reading long texts or large quantities for general understanding, with the purpose of enjoying the texts. Reading gives an opportunity for second language development in second language learners, which is particularly true in EFL classrooms where the materials of second language input are quite limited (Gebhard, 1996). Thus Extensive reading is very important because extensive reading involves a large number of various linguistic phenomena and historical anecdotes, which promote reading motivation and enhance the reading performance of students. (Day & Bamford, 1998).

    There is a large body of research on extensive reading. Bamford and Day (2006) have completed a study on extensive reading for teaching language and have produced a book which is an excellent resource of collection of over 100 classroom activities, which is also allowing teachers to expand the language learning potential of extensive reading. In their work, the importance of extensive reading for increase student’s second language ability has been studied and many instructive suggestions have been made. In addition, Richard and Bamford (2006) finished another book called Extensive Reading in the Second Language Classroom, which gives a practical idea of how to organize extensive reading in language class. Although there have been many studies on extensive reading, only a few experimental studies of EFL extensive reading exist. Most of the studies are limited to giving methodological theories, rather than providing practical instructions. Moreover, there have been few comprehensive effective methods of developing professional skills for extensive reading. Although many materials have been used the various language

    The goal of this study is to exploring and analyzing the influence of extensive reading on students’ reading motivation for second language students. This study is also to monitoring students’ progress in learning extensive reading and also to monitoring students’ motivation in reading with Extensive Reading approach.
