
Rabu, 17 September 2014


This task requires you to evaluate your class mate's research proposal (the introduction part as found in the previous assignment post) in terms of the five stages. Each should at least provide two comments (one for the student's post right after your post and the other is of your own choice or interest). Thus, this task (your comments) is performed or sent to my previous assignment post. Deadline; Sept. 22, 2014, by midnight.
*Please send your quiries here in a case that you have some. Also, please indicate your today's class attendance by posting 'present' not later than Sept. 20, 2014.

62 komentar:

  1. Assalamu Alaikum wr. wb.
    First of all I would like to apologize, because I posted my assignment very late than the deadline and I cannot attend the class on Wednesday September, 17 2014, but I have a reason mom. My mother was seriously ill since last Saturday; she was unconscious for two days. So I come back to my hometown to see her. I just return to Kendari today, because my mother's health has got well. I cannot send my assignment from my hometown, because I cannot access the internet there, there is no warnet in my hometown and I do not bring my laptop and my modem, because I go home in a hurry. Today, I have posted my task in your previous post. I hope you still deigned to accept my assignment.

    Nirwana Niswar (A1D2 12 025)

    1. No worries as long as you have some reason. And also I'm very sorry to hear about your mother, may she recover soon.

    2. No worries as long as you have some reason. And also I'm very sorry to hear about your mother, may she recover soon.

  2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  3. i want to comment fitri annisa little about inflectional of muna language that it is talking about the different sound but have same meaning and the word class is not changes for example dokala , do as inflectional from kala and kala is called by basic word and also kala we can called by verb so if we combine do with the kala will be dokala with class of word not changes....

  4. i'm interest with fitri annisa little bacause we can know about muna language like structure of muna language in the sentence as well as increas knowlagde all the people...........

  5. Nur Ayuni Sari Dewi (A1D212047)
    Present! !

  6. Sutra mustika (A1D212079)
    present !!!

  7. I'm sorry mam. I just know this information.

    SALTRI ARIWENI (A1D2 10 025)

  8. (A1D212065) present.
    I am sorry mam, I just open this blog today.

  9. I'm sorry mom, I just open this blog
    present !!!

  10. present. Sorry mom, I just open this blog and know information

  11. present. sorry mom I just open this blog today

  12. Present... Sorry mom, i just open this blog today!

  13. Present.
    Mom, sorry to late post present cause I just open this blog today.

  14. Present.
    Mom, sorry to late post present cause I just open this blog today.

    Nur Rahma

  15. Present (A1D212017)
    mom sorry for being late to post cause I just opened this blog today.

  16. Name : Melda Norma Pares

  17. Present. I am sorry for being tardly

  18. Present mom, sorry to late post because I just open this blog today.

  19. Present mom, sorry to late post because I just open this blog today.

  20. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  21. Present.
    Mom, sorry to late post present cause I just open this blog today.

    Sabrina Ika Armin (A1D2 12 055)

  22. Present,
    mom sorry for being late to post cause I just opened this blog today.

    Wa Ode Rosdianti (A1D2 12 057)

  23. By DEWI ANGGRAENI (A1D2 12 011)

    Sorry mom, I just open this blog and know information today.

  24. "present"
    Mam, Sorry for being late to post this. actually yesterday I opened but I forgot to say present....

  25. "present"
    mam, I'm sorry for being late to post this. actually yesterday I opened also but I forgot to say Present,,, once more I'm sorry mam...

  26. present
    I'm sorry mam for being late to post this. actually I opened this yesterday but I forgot to say present...

  27. Present .. sorry mam.. I don't know about it.

  28. Present mom, sorry I just opened this blog and know information today..

  29. Assalamualaikum..I am sorry mom, I cannot to follow your class today,cause I am sick mom, and I have to go to hospital to chek up. I hope you can accept my reason mom..thank you very much..wassalamu alaikum.

  30. NURMAYANI (A1D2 10 017)

    A. Background
    Based on curriculum KTSP, all skills in teaching and learning English that are integrated each other must be learnt and taught by both students and teacher, including writing skill. Widdowson (1978:62) states that writing is the act of making up correct sentences and transmitting them through the visual medium as mark on paper. It will help students mastering the other skills and of course in mastery English completely. Besides that writing provides students with the chance to express themselves and their ideas.
    In junior high school level, students face some problems in writing. Based on the researcher's interview with the students, the major problems faced by them are how to generate ideas and how to organize the ideas well. Actually, there are many factors that cause the students’ difficulties in writing. One of them is the technique given by the teacher. According to Richards and Rodgers (in Brown: 48), “Technique is an umbrella term for the specification and interrelation of theory and practice”. Furthermore they state that virtually all language teaching techniques make the oversimplified assumption that what teachers do in the classroom can be conventionalized into a set of procedures that fits all contexts. It means that a set of procedures or the techniques in teaching have an influence to the student’s learning result.
    Memory sensory has important value in learning writing. The students need balancing in usage of the left brain and right brain. Whole brain is needed by the students to think perfectly. Right brain is for creativity and visualization. Left brain is for logical and rational. So that, the writer chooses mind map as a technique to help the students in memorizing the ideas which are expected in improving their writing proficiency by memorizing easily because mind map combines both and become whole-brained. It stimulates the brain by appealing to both the creative and logical side of the brain. According to DePotter and Hernacki as translated into English (in Abdurrahman, 2008:152), “Mind mapping uses visuals reminder and sensory into a pattern from the ideas which are related”. Mind mapping allows the students to clarify their thoughts by categorizing and grouping into related ideas (deBono,http://www.usingmindmaps.com).It starts with the students’ main topic or the theme as the central idea and allows the main branches of mind mapping to represent the main points of their thought (right brain) then combined by the interesting colors and images (left brain) which will stimulate the brain.

  31. RASDAWATI/A1D2 09 035
    Sorry mam, I'm late to posting because I don't know about it.

  32. present (A1D210019)
    Sorry mam for being late to post this. actually i ever open this blog but i forget to say present, i just remember now, i hope you still accept it.
