
Jumat, 16 Mei 2014

Writing III; Revision for assignment 4

Read through all the posts in assignment 4 and learn which post meets the task requirement. If your learnt that you have to revise yours, you can still be allowed to make some revision and resend it here. Note: Ensure that you count the number of words. Disobeying this is subject to your post not to be marked. Also, the main idea for the four versions should be the same. Good luck

17 komentar:

  1. Assalamualaikum, mam..

    This is my revision for assignment about “television program that I had watched”

    Name : Ratih Prihatini
    Reg.No : A1 D4 12 018

    (25 words – version)
    I watched Yuk Keep Smile on May, 1st 2014 at 7 p.m. It is a variety show’s program in Trans TV. Tonight it represents “may day.”

    (50 words – version)
    I watched Yuk Keep Smile on May, 1st 2014 at 7 p.m. It is one of variety show’s programs in Trans TV that presents game shows, musics, quizes and comedi’s sketch. YKS always represents special theme of special day and as tonight it was “may day” to commemorate labour day.

    (75 words – version)
    I watched Yuk Keep Smile on May, 1st 2014 at 7 to 11 p.m. It is one of variety show’s programs in Trans TV that presents game shows, musics, quizes and comedi’s sketch. The starring of this variety shows are Deny Cagur, Soimah, Deswita Maharani, Wendy Cagur, Bopak, Adul and Caesar. YKS represents special theme of special day and as tonight it was “may day”. Some unique and the funniest segments occured on the stage.

    (100 words – version)
    I watched Yuk Keep Smile on May, 1st 2014 at 7 to 11 p.m. It is one of variety show’s programs in Trans TV that presents game shows, musics, quizes and comedi’s sketch. The starrings are Deny Cagur, Soimah, Deswita Maharani, Wendy Cagur, Bopak Castello, Adul and Caesar. YKS always represented special theme of s pecial day, as tonight it was “may day”. Some unique and funniest segments occured on stage such as presence two labours who shared their life experiences as manual labour in Jakarta, all women in YKS must removed their make-up, and when Denny Cagur got hypnotic.

    Thanks, mam,,,

  2. Assalamualaikum mom,
    This is my revision for assignment television program that I had watched.

    Name : Yaumil Heiria
    No. Register : A1D412029

    (25 words version)
    Two weeks ago I was watching Tv on Fox Movies at 11.00 pm on Thursday which was titled "SALT". The movie was exciting and interesting.

    (50 words version)
    Two weeks ago I was watching Tv on Fox Movies at 11.00 pm on Thursday which was titled "SALT". The movie was exciting and interesting. The movie tells about women who named Evelyn Salt (Angelina Jolie) who lived in America and work in CIA but she was secret agent Rusia.

    (75 words version)
    Two weeks ago I was watching Tv on Fox Movies at 11.00 pm on Thursday which was titled "SALT". The movie was exciting and interesting. The movie tells about women who named Evelyn Salt (Angelina Jolie) who lived in America and work in CIA but she was secret agent Rusia. When Orlov (Daniel Olbrychski) being interrogated with CIA, he said that Evelyn Salt was secret agent of Rusia who wanted to killed Presifent of Rusia.

    (100 words version)

    Two weeks ago I was watching Tv on Fox Movies at 11.00 pm on Thursday which was titled "SALT". The movie was exciting and interesting. The movie tells about women who named Evelyn Salt (Angelina Jolie) who lived in America and work in CIA but she was secret agent Rusia. When Orlov (Daniel Olbrychski) being interrogated with CIA, he said that Evelyn Salt was secret agent of Rusia who wanted to killed Presifent of Rusia. Detector showed that he was telling the truth. Salt escape, she fought, she killed Orlov and all of secret agent, and the end she lost.

  3. Assalamualaikum, mam..

    This is my revision for assignment about “television program that I had watched”

    Name : Sri Wahyuni Handayani
    Reg.No : A1 D4 12 038

    (25 words – version)
    I watched Hitam Putih on April, 21st 2014 at 7.30 p.m. It is one of reality show’s program in Trans TV. And the program special Agnes Mo.

    (50 words – version)
    I watched Hitam Putih on April, 21st 2014 at 7.30 p.m. It is one of reality show’s program in Trans TV that presents about quetion of life, musics, quizes, and about artist/actors. Hitam Putih always represents special theme of special day and as today it was “Agnes MO”. To story about go international of Agnes Mo.

    (75 words – version)
    I watched Hitam Putih on April, 21st 2014 at 7.30 p.m. It is one of reality show’s program in Trans TV that presents about quetion of life, musics, quizes, and about artist/actors. The starring of this reality show that are Dedy Cobuzier and Anno. Deddy cobuzier as a presenter and Anno as a piano player. Hitam Putih always represents special theme of special day and as today it was “Agnes MO” to story about go international of Agnes Mo.

    (100 words – version)
    I watched Hitam Putih on April, 21st 2014 at 7.30 p.m. It is one of reality show’s program in Trans TV that presents about quetion of life, musics, quizes, and about artist/actors. The starring of this reality show that are Dedy Cobuzier and Anno. Deddy cobuzier as a presenter and Anno as a piano player. .Hitam Putih always represents special theme of special day and as today it was “Agnes MO”. in this event, I’m very like when Agnes Mo tells about his career researching struggles ranging from zero until he can achieve his dream to go international and bring the name of Indonesia in foreign nations.

    Thanks, mam,,,

  4. Name: Yuliana
    Reg number: A1D412012

    Version 25 words
    17 August night I watched TV broadcast on RCTI titled five canti meters , the film tells the story of friendship in of is it .
    Version 50 words.
    17 August night I watched TV broadcast on RCTI titled five canti meters , the film tells the story of friendship in of is it.The film by five people , including a role as Harjunot , Igor as Ian , Relin , Deni as Arial , Fedi as ana .
    Version 75 words.
    17 August night I watched TV broadcast on RCTI titled five canti meters , the film tells the story of friendship in of is it.The film by five people , including a role as Harjunot , Igor as Ian , Relin , Deni as Arial , Fedi as ana. They climb the mountain Maha Meru , not a long time they see a very beautiful lake . They decided rest around the lake .

    Version 100 words
    17 August night I watched TV broadcast on RCTI titled five canti meters , the film tells the story of friendship in of is it.The film by five people , including a role as Harjunot , Igor as Ian , Relin , Deni as Arial , Fedi as ana. They climb the mountain , not a long time they see a very beautiful lake . They decided rest around the lake .
    They decided to rest .the lacking a few steps when a large rock avalanche attack them , but in the end they got to the top safely .


  5. Assalamualaikum, mam..

    Name : misnawati
    Reg,no : A1D4 12 026

    This is my revision for assignment about “television program that I had watched”

    (25 words – version)
    In the morning i was watched TV in my neighbour about 07.45 am. i was watched TV in RCTI program in Blogspot about family celebrity.

    (50 words – version)
    In RCTI program Blogspot about celebrity i see actris our named MELANY RICARDO and her husband his named TYSONLY. In blogspot their speak about our family, their family is very happy because their have a child, i was very happy when i watched it. their always pray to Allah SWT. about all.

    (75 words – version)
    MELANY RICARDO and her husband. when i see that, i was direct stop my activity, i was joules when i see that because their always never angry. then when the program stoped ,i was next my activity. like, washed my dress and cooked a rice, after that when the program i ready to leaved my activity and next i watched the program a family celebrity, andthan their speak about how become a better family.

    (100 words – version)
    After that the program in RCTI about Blogspot family celebrity finished, i will be back to my activity, In TV program RCTI i was proud MELANY RICARDO family and her husband. from MELANY and her husband family i get some massage. the first :love is your parents will make happy to yours family, the second : love can give yours become loyal,pray to Allah SWT. is very important, love can to changed angry become a smile. if you love your parents, your husband, your child, your family will be defend forever. And you must remember that pray to Allah SWT, is very important, dont forget to your parents and never ever arogan.

    Thanks, mam,,,

  6. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  7. Assalamualaikum wr wb mom,
    My name is Ikha Endang Siti Maryati
    Reg. Number: A1D412039

    this is my revision assignment about television program that I had watched
    25 words Version
    Three days ago, I was watching television in Trans7 channel at 16.30 pm. I watch the show is Jejak Petualang. The event brought by Vika Fitriana.

    50 words Version
    Three days ago, I was watching television in Trans7 channel at 16.30 pm. I watch the show is Traces of the explorer. The event brought by Vika Fitriana. The location of the adventure is in the village Cigedug, Garut, West Java. The theme of the adventure this time is a Heritage Site of Mount Padang. The high mountain is 900 meters and is located 885 meters above sea level.

    75 words Version
    Three days ago, I was watching television in Trans7 channel at 16.30 pm. I watch the show is Traces of the explorer. The event brought by Vika Fitriana. The location of the adventure is in the village Cigedug, Garut, West Java. The theme of the adventure this time is a Heritage Site of Mount Padang. The high mountain is 900 meters and is located 885 meters above sea level. In the vicinity of this mountain, the scenery is very beautiful. Plus more of this very historic place because there punden. Punden is arranged rocks and deliberately made by humans in ancient times as a sacred place.

    100 words Version
    Three days ago, I was watching television in Trans7 channel at 16.30 pm. I watch the show is Traces of the explorer. The event brought by Vika Fitriana. The location of the adventure is in the village Cigedug, Garut, West Java. The theme of the adventure this time is a Heritage Site of Mount Padang. The high mountain is 900 meters and is located 885 meters above sea level. In the vicinity of this mountain, the scenery is very beautiful. Plus more of this very historic place because there punden. Punden is arranged rocks and deliberately made by humans in ancient times as a sacred place. According to archaeologists, with increasing years, punden rocks become increasingly apparent. This punden have many kind of shapes and sizes. There are rectangular, pentagon, etc.. Communities around the mountain meadow are farmers. They cultivate palm sugar. In addition they also gardening tea and process them into the Keujeug.

    Thank you mom,
    wassalamualaikum wr wb

  8. Assalamialaikum, wr, wb.

    My name is NURDIANA
    My Reg. No: A1D4 12 011

    This is my assignment about summary of television program that I had watched on May 9th 2014.

    25 Words Version:

    Two weeks ago, I watched on Indosiar channel about D’ Academy Indonesian contest at 19:00 pm. There are top five contestants that appear on Friday last night.

    50 Words Version:

    Two weeeks ago, I watched on Indosiar channel about Dangdut Academy Indonesian contest. The show starts at 19:00 pm, in this contest. There are top five contestants that appear on Friday last night are Ati , Ikif , Subro, Lesti, and Frans. And one of five contestants must be eliminated.

    75 Words Version:

    Two weeeks ago, I watched on Indosiar channel about Dangdut Academy Indonesian contest. The show starts at 19:00 pm, in this contest, there are three MC that very funny and Juryman gave comment to appearance of the contestants. There are top five contestants that appear on Friday last night are Ati , Ikif, Subro, Lesti, and Frans. And Ikif from Ngawi that should be eliminated because she got a little text message from her supporters.

    100 Words Version:

    Two weeks ago, I watched on Indosiar channel about Dangdut Academy Indonesian contest. The show starts at 19:00 pm, in this contest, there are three MC that very funny and their name is Ramzi, Rina, and Irfan Hakim. On Friday last night remaining top five contestants there are Ati from Selayar, Ikif from Ngawi, Subro from Banten, Lesti from Cianjur, and Frans from Palembang. The fifth contestant received comments and input different from the juryman. And at 23:00 pm it’s time to find out that will be eliminated and Ikif from Ngawi that should be eliminated because she got a little text message from her supporters.

    Wassalamualaikum, wr, wb.

  9. Assalamualaikum, mam..

    This is my revision for assignment about “television program that I had watched”

    Name : Nur Walman Julianti
    Reg.No : A1 D4 12 020

    Three days ago I watched a Movie drama on Fox Movies at 09:30 am, which is titled 'ENOUGH'. This movie was very exciting! (25 words)

    Three days ago I was watched a drama on Fox Movies at 09:30 am, which is titled 'ENOUGH'. This movie tells about A beautiful waitress, Slim (Jennifer Lopez), met with Mitch (Bill Campbell), a handsome man, good ,and rich. The meeting took place at the restaurant where Slim works. (50 words)

    Three days ago I was watched a movie drama on Fox Movies at 09:30 am , which is titled ' ENOUGH ' . This movie tells A beautiful waitress , Slim ( Jennifer Lopez ) , met with Mitch ( Bill Campbell ) , a handsome man , handsome and rich . They met at the restaurant where Slim works . Then ,they got married and had a daughter . Their life was very harmonious . (75 words)

    Three days ago I was watched a movie drama on Fox movies at 09:30 am , which is titled ' ENOUGH ' . This movie tells A beautiful waitress , Slim ( Jennifer Lopez ) , met with Mitch ( Bill Campbell ) , a handsome man , handsome and rich . They met at the restaurant where Slim works . Then they got married and had a daughter . Their life was very harmonious . 8 years later she felt her husband begin to change . Mitch becomes violent. The ending Slim and her daughter go on to live a happy life.
    . (100 words)

  10. Name : Fathullah Nurussalam
    REG. No: A1 D4 12 043

    Assalamualikum mom!

    This is my assignment revision about television program,,

    (25 word version)
    Two weeks ago on the 1st of May 2014 I watched a football match in SCTV at 2:45 pm . The match was very interesting because it brings two big European clubs are Chelsea FC vs Atletico Madrid FC . The match was won by Chelsea 3-1.

    (50 word version)
    Two weeks ago on the 1st of May 2014 I watched a football match in SCTV at 2:45 pm . The match was very interesting because it brings two big European clubs are Chelsea FC vs Atletico Madrid FC . The match was won by Chelsea 3-1.
    Chelsea went ahead goal by Fernando Torres in the 36th minute. Torres just raised both hands after scoring a goal. Torres seemed not want to celebrate because Atletico is his former club.

    .(75 word version)
    Two weeks ago on the 1st of May 2014 I watched a football match in SCTV at 2:45 pm . The match was very interesting because it brings two big European clubs are Chelsea FC vs Atletico Madrid FC . The match was won by Chelsea 3-1.
    Chelsea went ahead goal by Fernando Torres in the 36th minute. Torres just raised both hands after scoring a goal. Torres seemed not want to celebrate because Atletico is his former club.
    Atletico Madrid only takes eight minutes to equalize with a goal by Adrian Lopez . Then in the 60th minute Atletico Madrid managed to add a goal through a penalty point for Diego Costa in drop by Samuel Eto'o . Twelve minutes later , Atletico Madrid managed to lock their victory through Arda Turan’s goal.

    (100 word version)
    Two weeks ago on the 1st of May 2014, I watched a football match in SCTV at 2:45 pm . The match was very interesting because it brings two big European clubs are Chelsea FC vs Atletico Madrid FC . The match was won by Chelsea 3-1.

    Chelsea went ahead goal by Fernando Torres in the 36th minute. Torres just raised both hands after scoring a goal. Torres seemed not want to celebrate because Atletico is his former club.

    Atletico Madrid only takes eight minutes to equalize with a goal by Adrian Lopez . Then in the 60th minute Atletico Madrid managed to add a goal through a penalty point for Diego Costa in drop by Samuel Eto'o . Twelve minutes later , Atletico Madrid managed to lock their victory through Arda Turan’s goal.

    Atletico Madrid qualified for the finals with a 3-1 aggregate advantage . In the final round they will meet Real Madrid . Final match will be held at Da Luz , Lisbon, Portugal on 24th may, 2014.

    nO.REG. A1D412016

    Last night , I was watching football between Indonesia versus Myanmar at SCTV , I was very happy, glad because I could saw Indonesia performs in television(25 words)

    almost three months I never saw Indonesia performs. I watched together my brother , the match is very tense because both the team used same strategy . The half time Indonesia won with 1-0 , goal made by muchlis hadinin, next the second half Myanmar made goal until score 1-1 the match back to tense(50 words)

    but in the middle match Indonesia made mistake rici touched ball into the penalty line until happened penalty kick and it made Myanmar superior, excellent, my brother and me felt disappointed with referee decision whereas before rici touched the ball Myanmar player offside position but referee and assistant referee didn’t see and that advantage to Myanmar. All people in stadium said “ that is not fear and that’s disadvantage to Indonesia” I didn’t like this situation(75 words)

    because that made goal to Myanmar and that made Indonesia lost, at time Myanmar took penalty kick . player number 10 was believed for took penalty kick. At time referee had finished blew whistle Myanmar player kicked ball in right but raffi murdianto jump to left and goal and that made all people in stadium GBK silent. Indonesia back to play , Indonesia coach changed strategy to all attack because the match end and all Indonesia player used strategy from coach , they got last opportunity but that made goal for Indonesia. Indonesia was not give up to make goal. and Finally Indonesia lose 2-1 from Myanmar. (100 words)
    Thank you mom

  12. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  13. Assalamualaikum …
    I am so sorry for my mistakes mom.

    This is my revision for assignment about “television program that I had watched”

    Name : Putri Parha Raehana
    Reg.No : A1 D4 12 019

    (25 words – version)
    This morning I was watching Spongebob Squarepants Movie on Global TV. The title of this story was Spongebob Night Shift at the krusty krab restaurant.

    (50 words – version)
    This morning I was watching Spongebob Squarepants Movie on Global TV. The title of this story was Spongebob Night Shift at the krusty krab restaurant. This tells the story of horror and mysterious atmosphere in Krasty Krab that was the first experience for Spongebob and Squidward work for 24 hours. Spongebob began to talk about the terrible incident ever occurred in a bikini bottom.

    (75 words – version)
    This morning I was watching Spongebob Squarepants Movie on Global TV. The title of this story was Spongebob Night Shift at the krusty krab restaurant. This tells the story of horror and mysterious atmosphere in Krasty Krab that was the first experience for Spongebob and Squidward work for 24 hours. Spongebob began to talk about the terrible incident ever occurred in a bikini bottom. He told me about the Half Slinging Splashier.

    (100 words – version)
    This morning I was watching Spongebob Squarepants Movie on Global TV. The title of this story was Spongebob Night Shift at the krusty krab restaurant. This tells the story of horror and mysterious atmosphere in Krasty Krab that was the first experience for Spongebob and Squidward work for 24 hours. Spongebob began to talk about the terrible incident ever occurred in a bikini bottom. He told me about the Half Slinging Splashier. Squidward frightened and began to see strange people who come to the Krusty Krab. He also thought that it was Half Slinging Splashier, it turns out that the mysterious man was a customer.

    Thank you mom

  14. Assalamualaikum, mam..

    This is my revision for assignment about “television program that I had watched”

    Name : Andi Asmiati Ali
    no reg:A1D412046

    Two days ago I watcing TV in channel TV one,
    On the clock 16.00-19.30 for weekdays, were brought by Indy rahmawati.At the time I saw news about virus mers which is fatal, and in Indonesia there have been several alleged victims contracted the virus mers.( Version 25 words)

    And I saw that mers virus is a deadly virus. Sign mers that people exposed to the virus. Because it attacks the respiratory tract following signs MERS disease among others are as follows:
    => Fever.
    => Cough.
    => Shortness of breath (shortness of breath).
    => is acute. And eventually, lead to death due to some serious complications.(version 50words)

    Then the news broadcast by TV one broadcast also causes the virus mers that causes, by the bat virus or camel. The possibility of transmission can be through the media as follows, namely:
    Jump: Through droplets (droplet) when the patient stone or sneezing.
    Indirect: through contact with contaminated objects.
    This virus can be transmitted between humans is limited, it is very dangerous and can be life-threatening, especially infectious virus by anyone, so it was required to alert.(version 75words)

    and The prevention of virus mers are?
    => Prevention remains to be done to strengthen the body's immunity.
    => Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and discard the tissue in the trash.
    => Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
    Avoiding close contact with the patient, using masks, hand hygiene with frequent hand washing with soap and applying ethical cough when sick.
    => Use a mask and keep the body and environmental sanitation.
    Isolation and quarantine may be done to prevent the spread of disease-MERS.
    => Avoid traveling or taking public transportation, but if you must then do not close the window or door (100words)

    thanks mom :-)

    REG : A1D4 12 008

    On the evening of Friday the 5th of May 2014, I was watching the TV show "INDONESIAN IDOL", the event was running around at 09:35 am on RCTI program many people like this program . (version 25 words)

    I together with my friends love this show because participants have outstanding singing ability. Event is sort of a contest or a singing competition. During the night the remaining 3 contestants namely firsha, nowela, and Hussein. The remaining 3 contestants make Indonesian Idol competition on stage more tight and I think this is best competition (version 50 words)

    every week the contestants sang a songs that they have been chosen to sing on stage after singing they commented upon by a jury of renowned artists that ahmad dhani, tantri, anang hermansyah, titi dj. titi dj commented during Nowela performance less attractive, while Ahmad Dhani also less satisfied with his performance he said that there nowela less spectacular attempts to make her appearance. however different when performing of Virzha,ahmad dhani and anang hermansyah choose virsha but different with tantri and titi dj that choose husein. (version 75 words )

    Time to husein performed with the metal style makes her appearance this time to be cool, titi dj and tantri commented on her appearance that was good, Ahmad Dhani predict that husein will enter to grand final and Husein hoping that this time let alone a two singers with rockers style. Duet time with Indonesian idol contestant, husein and rian d'masive. They sang Bruno Mars's "Locked out of heaven" and they enjoyed the song . Nowela duet with marcell siahaan, they sang a song titled "Hanya Memuji" ,nowela looks sexy ,said marcell and the last duet performance, raisa and virsha they sing a song tittle "Endless Love" from Lionel Richie and Diana ross, they duet is so romantic. Ahmad dhani comment to virsha that he was jealous of her duet with raisa in romantic.And the time for elimination mentioned turns out to be elimination was virsha that the night, nowela and husein entered into the grand fainal.(version 100 words )
