
Jumat, 02 Mei 2014


1. Please indicate your attendance of this week class here not later than Saturday midnight 3 May 2014.
2. post at least three main quotations (including the references) supporting the topic of your research.
3. Mention at least three studies previously done on the related areas to your study. Deadline for no.2&3: Monday midnight, 5 May 2012.

37 komentar:

  1. Name : Kartini Tahir
    Reg. Number : A1D211121

    1. Yes, I was there mom,
    2. There are three main quotations to support the topic in my research are :
    • Web blog is a media for writing which can help someone to write and collect the information through web browser and is directly posted in internet without waiting a long time (Armstrong, et, al: 2004). To applying this one, most of people have many reason to put a blog become a one special thing for sharing idea or personal thinking.
    (Armstrong, L., berry, M., and Lamshed, R, 2003. Blogs as Electronic Learning Journals. RMIT University.

    • According to Ackerman: 2006 showed that “….blogging creates an online portfolio. Assessment of any type cannot express their progress or sophistication into a developing writer when the writer does not have the motivation to adopt good methods to create a paper. However, a portfolio for all to see can help improve motivation among students to be progressive in their writing technique.”
    (Ackerman, Jady D. 2006. Motivation for Writing Through Blogs. Bowling Green. State University).

    • Soon after, writing skills is closely with web blog, make sure that what the web log is talking about. Kingston pointed that writing as a productive skills which a learners is expected to achieve so that to guarantee his competence proficiency which is a complete form in interactions involve competence in writing, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, studying, making sounds letter correspondence, knowing the alphabet and distinguishing one letter from others that make students problem in writing composition, even though they have learnt about writing in elementary school (Kingston et al: 2005).

    (Kingston, P. T., Shanmugam, K., Selvaraj, R.,Anand, R., Bharanitharan, M.R., 2005. Problems in writing Disability among the School Children, South India.

  2. 3. Three previous study about my research are :
    • Ahluwalia, Gupta & Aggarwal (2011) investigated that the use of blogs in English language learning “My Access”. The sample was 42 university students from India. A questionnaire was used and the teacher interviews were collected and analyzed. The study shows students who used the web blog that this study is to report on the integration of class blogs into language courses and to examine the participants’ perception of the learning experiences afforded by blogs. However, many of them frequently spent a considerable amount of time online. However, regardless of their ample online experience, none of the students owned a blog and many might not be even familiar with blogs.
    • Another study was conducted by Wendy Drexler, Kara Dawson, and Richard E. Ferdig (2008) investigated collaborative blogging as a means to develop elementary expository Writing Skills. The elementary participants were the third grade self-contained class was comprised of 11 boys and 7 girls, aged 8 and 9 years old. The researchers try to find data collection through writing survey, teacher’s reflective blog/field notes, student blogs, interviews, student concept maps, and student five-paragraph presentations. Teacher field notes highlighted a difference between blog writing assignments and the traditional classroom writing activities. The enthusiasm for blog writing was uncharacteristic. Third grade students cared very much about the quality of each draft. During other writing workshops, there are always a few children who have difficulty getting started. Some find any excuse possible to avoid the first pencil mark on the paper. The process just seems painful to them. Conversely, very little if any distraction was evident when writing for the blog. Each child was thoughtful and engaged throughout the writing process. This was the result of the motivation that came in trying to please their pre service counterparts. Many of the children would actively express disappointment when it was time to transition to a new activity. It was difficult for the teacher, as well. No teacher wants to stop an activity where so much learning is taking place.
    • Tekinarslan (2008) investigated a qualitative investigation into an instructor and undergraduate students’ experience. The participants in the study were an instructor and undergraduate students (n=55) who took the elective Computer Usage II in two groups (n=27 and n=28). However, the students had notable difficulties in developing and writing the content of their blogs at the beginning. Moreover, the instructor realized that some students plagiarized by copying and pasting from the online resources without paraphrasing and without citing any references when creating the content of their blogs. According to the students, their inappropriate and unethical actions (e.g., uncited references, un paraphrased text) occurred because of their limited citation skills and unawareness about terms of use for online information sources. These findings suggest that all students should be warned about terms of use and copyright issues before writing content for blogs, to avoid unethical and inappropriate behaviors such as plagiarism. Therefore, based on the findings of this study and related literature, it can be stated that blogs can be effective tools for students who want to practice and advance their skills in writing. Another advantage of blogging was its contribution to the students’ information searching and literature reviewing skills when creating the content.

  3. Can you make it short. Just the main points. Unless we have a lot of time, we won't be eager to read.

    1. 2. There are three main quotations to support the topic in my research are :
      ☺Web blog is a media for writing which can help someone to write and collect the information through web browser and is directly posted in internet without waiting a long time (Armstrong, et, al: 2004). (Armstrong, L., berry, M., and Lamshed, R, 2003. Blogs as Electronic Learning Journals. RMIT University.

      ☺According to Ackerman: 2006 showed that “….blogging creates an online portfolio. Assessment of any type cannot express their progress or sophistication into a developing writer when the writer does not have the motivation to adopt good methods to create a paper. (Ackerman, Jady D. 2006. Motivation for Writing Through Blogs. Bowling Green. State University).
      ☺Blogs are personal journals written as a reversed chronological chain of text, images or multimedia, which can be viewed in a web page and are made publicly accessible on the web. (Huffaker, D., 2004a; Winer, 2003).
      Huffaker., D.A. 2005. Let Them Blog: Using Weblogs to Advance Literacy in the K-12 Classrom. Media, Technology and society Northwestern University.

      3. Three previous study about my research are :
      ☺ Wendy Drexler, Kara Dawson, and Richard E. Ferdig (2008) investigated collaborative blogging as a means to develop elementary expository Writing Skills
      ☺ Tekinarslan (2008) investigated a qualitative investigation into an instructor and undergraduate students’ experience.
      ☺ Ahluwalia, Gupta & Aggarwal (2011) investigated that the use of blogs in English language learning

  4. Yuman Suhirman

    Yes, I was there

  5. Sitti Ruhmita (A1D2 11 102)
    Yes, i was there in the class ma'am.

    2. References & Quots:
    "Games bring in relaxation and fun for the students, thus help them learn and retain new words easily" (Huyen & Nga, 2005) (Huyen & Nga. 2005. The Effectiveness of learning vocabulary trough games. Asian EFL Journal)
    "Snake and Ladder also chance the students to experience group work.." (Sari & Muniroh, 2012) ) (Sari, Candrika. & Muniroh, Siti. 2012. Developing Snake and Ladder game board as teaching media to teach english vocabulary to elemntary school students. Article)
    "Snake and Ladder game is a facilitator where the students will be very active, busy, and challenged to find the answer and give their own opinion or ideas to solve or finish the job" (Kusrini, pp. 8, 2012) (Kusrini, Endang. 2012. Teaching Vocabulary for junior high school students using Snake and Ladder game. jurnal Aktif XIX, 04.)

    3. Previous Study:
    Sari, Candrika. & Muniroh, Siti. 2012. Developing Snake and Ladder game board as teaching media to teach english vocabulary to elemntary school students. Article)
    Kusrini, pp. 8, 2012) (Kusrini, Endang. 2012. Teaching Vocabulary for junior high school students using Snake and Ladder game. jurnal Aktif XIX, 04
    Hikmayana, Dian. 2013. Meningkatkan Kosakata Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia melalui Permainan Ular Tangga. NOSI Vol 01, 01.

  6. Siti Harsia
    A1D2 11 075

    Yes, I was there mam...

  7. 1. Yes, I was there mom.
    Online learning continues to be a leading growth sector in higher education (Allen & Seaman, 2006; Foster & Carnevale, 2007; Kim & Bonk, 2006). The online learning movement demonstrated significant attention during the 1990s, but some institutions began to move away from online learning initiatives during the first few years of the 21st Century because the interest level of students was not as high as anticipated. With the recent success of online universities and a variety of online programs, many public universities more recently have embraced online learning (Foster & Carnevale, 2007). Student interest in taking online classes has also increased. “Nearly 3.2 million students were taking at least one online course during the fall 2005 term, a substantial increase over the 2.3 million reported the previous year” (Allen & Seaman, 2006). Some research indicates that more part-time and younger students take online courses (Singh & Pan, 2004). Some researchers suggest that online learning has created a true paradigmatic shift in the way people teach and learn (Bassoppo-Moyo, 2006; DeNeui & Dodge, 2006). “The precise nature of the change is difficult to quantify, however allocation of sufficient time and resources, combined with managerial support, will help staff through the period of transition” (O’Neil, Singh, & O’Donoghue, 2004).

    References including the previous studies
    - { Hybrid Courses and Their Impact on Student and Classroom Performance: A Case Study at the University of Virginia (EMILY E. SCIDA RACHEL E. SAURY, University of Virginia) }

    - A Comparative Study Between A Traditionally Taught Criminology Course And A Computer Hybrid Course: Does Technology In The Classroom Make A Difference? Daniel Gutierrez, Valencia Community College

    - DAVIS, DONNA ELIZABETH. Best of Both Worlds: Do Hybrid Courses Have Better
    Outcomes Than Distance Only Courses in the North Carolina Community College System? (Under the direction of J. Conrad Glass, Jr.)

  8. 2. References ;
    - Hussi, Maarof and D’Cruz (2000) stated that by enrichment language program such us English club, teachers are able to drive the students to learn the language and to sustain students’ interest in learning if they can provide activities that are interrelated between in-class and out of class language activities, especially in communicative activities (speaking skill).
    - National Education Departmentas cited in Melani (2008:21) states that extracurricular activity is out of school or university time activity conducted in or out school/ university area to enrich student’s knowledge.
    - There are some goals of the extracurricular activities, such us English program (Melani, 2008) as follows :
    a. English program improve students’ cognitive, affective and psychomotor ability.
    b. Developing students’ talents and interest as a mean to cultivate students’positive personality.

    3. Previous study ;
    - Suyati (2013) conducted study about “The academic Self-Efficacy of students who join English club toward their English achievement” and find that the students who join in English club have good implication with their English achievement that can be seen from the academic grades in students’ raport that reach the KKM of English subject in psychomotoric, cognitive and affective aspect.
    - Melani (2008) investigated " The effect of the English club on Students’ affective factors, particularly on students academic self-efficacy quality". The result of the investigation show that there are a large number of student have positive improvement on their academic self-efficacy in learning.
    - Muh. Amin Amal (2012) conducted " Improving Students’ Speaking Ability through Community Interaction Activities ".

  9. yes mam, I was in the class,,

    A1D2 11 135

    Yes, I was there mam.

  11. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  12. Yunisa
    A1D2 11 123
    Yes mam, I was there..

    A1D2 11 118

    yes, I was there

  14. I'm sory mam. I late to check this blog.

    A1 D2 11 132

    sorry for being late mam.. but I was there

  16. Name : I Made Rian Irwanto
    A1D2 11 101

    2. Quotations (including the reference)
    ● Harvey and Goudvis (2000:194) state that “Wordless picture books strategy has purpose to sketch visual images of text to aid in memory and recall of the story.” (Harvey, Stephanie and Anne Goudvis. 2000. Strategies that Work: Teaching Comprehension for Understanding and Engagement. New York: Pembroke Publishers.)
    ● Simpson (1993:53) states that “Wordless picture books strategy is a strategy for helping students to improve and building listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.” (Simpson, Carol. 1993. Wordless Picture Books Strategy: Daily Journal. California: Pearson Learning.)
    ● Kucer and Cecilia (2005:118) state that “Wordless picture books are one of means providing writing experiences for middle and high school students.” (Kucer, Stephen B. and Cecilia Silva. 2005. Teaching the Dimensions of Literacy. New York: Routledge.)

    3. Previous study
    ● Teaching Writing by Using Wordless Picture Books Strategy for Junior High School Students (Beni Afnita: English Department, Collage of Teacher Training and Education (STKIP) PGRI West Sumatera.)
    ● Teaching Writing by Using Wordless Picture Books Strategy at Junior High School (Alva Renold Rendra: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat.)
    ● Using Unworded (Wordless) Pictures to Teach Descriptive Text Writing Skill (Wuwuh Eti Setiani: English Education Study Program, Language and Arts Education Department, Teacher Training Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University in Pontianak.)

  17. Some quotation to support the topic of study :
    1. Rumki (2005), stated that wrong punctuation can interrupt the flow of ideas and change meaning, but properly used punctuation not only helps readers understand your meaning but also makes them engrossed in one's writing.
    2. They are little things, but they are as essential to good composition as nails are to a carpenter. Mainly by their aid do we make sense or nonsense of what we write? Without punctuation marks, many sentences are mere jumbles of words. The art of punctuation, as any other art, is acquired only by study and practice. There are certain well-defined rules observed by all; the mastery of these will make one capable of deciding where rules do not apply. (Lukeman, 2006).
    3. Barli Bram (2002: 7), states that in principle, to write means to try to produce or reproduce written message. It means that to know all of the rules in writing is the most important thing because it is one of the way to pass our college with the satisfied value and to produce the creativity. So, punctuation marks is one of the part of writing that we have to know.
    4. Meyer (1985) found that the totally descriptive study of punctuation and there may be three functions of punctuation: help the reader to understand the text easily, emphasize a concept, and vary the rhythm of the text.

    Some previous studies :
    1. The most common punctuation mistakes which the English and the TEFL majors at An-Najah National University make in their writing (Ahmed Awad (2012)).
    2. Analysis errors of using punctuation arguments essay class X high school district 4 Tanjungpinang (Handayani Nasution (2013)).
    3. Children’s Punctuation : An Analysis of errors in period placement (Parricia Cordeiro, Provincetown Elementari school, Provincetown, Massachusetts).

  18. Name: Ivon Wisda S. (A1D2 11 059)

    - Palincsar, Brown, and Campione (1989) define reciprocal teaching as a dialogue between teacher and student. This dialogue is described as reciprocal because each learner acts in response to another. This interaction may occur between teacher and student or between students. The dialogue is structured by the use of four strategies, sometimes known as the Fabulous Four, which are predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarizing.
    - According to Bruer (1993), Reciprocal Teaching helps novice readers learn and internalize the strategies excellent readers employ. When engaging in Reciprocal Teaching strategies, the novices are practicing and developing the skills required comprehending and learning.
    - Reciprocal teaching is a cooperative learning instructional method in which natural dialogue models and reveals learners' thinking processes about a shared learning experience. Teachers foster reciprocal teaching through their belief that collaborative construction of meaning between themselves and students leads to a higher quality of teach (Allen, 2003).

    - Improving the reading comprehension of the second year students of MTsN Pasir Sukarayat Rangkasbitung Banten through reciprocal teaching strategy ( Iyan Hayani. 2010)

    - Improving Students’ Reading Ability Using Reciprocal Teaching (An Action Research at the Eleventh Year of IPA-2 MAN 2 Bojonegoro, Academic Year 2008/2009, Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University. Muhamad Muslihuddin Budirahardjo. 2010).

    - Implementing reciprocal teaching strategy to develop the reading comprehension ability of the English Department students of FKIP Tadulako University, (Muhsin.2009)

    1. Learner autonomy-the influential concept from general education suggesting that students learn better when they discover things through their own efforts rather than when they receive knowledge passively through instruction-is an important goal of the current view of CALL (Healy, 1999).
    2. most researchers agree that a major shift is taking place-a shift in the use of general technology and a shift in education away from the teacher-centered classroom toward a learner-centered system where the learner is in control of the lesson content and the learning process.Crystal, 2001; Murray, 2000; Warschauer, 2003)
    3. "Technology will not replace teachers; teachers who use technology will replace those who don't!" Teachers must therefore find opportunities to gain CALL skills by taking courses in computer technology, teaching themselves, and using' their colleagues and the World Wide Web as resources, this last option suggested to be especially significant in skills development (Egbert, Paulus, & Nakamichi, 2002)
    1. THE DEVELOPMENT OF CALL AND CURRENT OPTIONS by Sandra Fotos Senshu, Charles Brown, Aoyama Gahuin.

    1. A research on Computer-Assisted Instruction on Students achievement in English had been conducted in Arab by Nasser Saleh Al-Mansour. He claimed that the computer assisted English language instruction has a positive effect on students achievement in English.
    2. A study was conducted by Margaret Healy Beauvois to see students attitude and motivation toward a computer assisted classroom discussion, E-talk. It is claimed that the research indicated important benefits from deploying local area network as mean to encourage discussion among the students.
    3. Another research investigating the use of CALL specifically in improving students speaking proficiency was conducted by Pikir Wisnu Wijayanto in Politeknik Bandung Indonesia. The findings indicated a highly improved speaking competence of the examinees along with the increase of their motivation.

  20. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  21. 1. Quotation :
    - Ramelan (1991:22) states that the poor mastery of English speaking of students is result of the old ways of teaching which do not give stress to the mastery of spoken language. It means the poorness of students’ writing ability becomes the problem of learning process in Indonesia because some teachers of Indonesia use the old ways to teach their students as like the old methods and the teachers do not use the good media in the teaching learning process.

    - According to Mc. Whorter (1978: 298) in Hasyim (2002), organization in writing includes the following activities; the list of ideas in the order in which the writer write them, looking for ideas that are similar or those that should follow one another, the outline of ideas so that they are listed in a logical order.

    - According to Red John (2000: 16) vocabulary is knowledge involves knowing the meanings of words and therefore the purpose of a vocabulary test into find out whether the learners can match each word with a synonym, adictionary – tape definition, or an equivalent word in their own language.
    Wilkins (1972: 130) states that vocabulary learning is learning to discriminate progressing the meaning of words in the target language from the meanings of their nearest ‘equivalent’ in the mother tongue. It is also learning to make the most appropriate lexical choices for  particular linguistic and situational context.

    2. Previous study :
    - The Correlation between Students Rewriting of the Story in Film and their Vocabulary Mastery (A Correlation Study in the Second Grade of MTS Nurul Falah) ( Anggreni Dian, 2008).

    - The correlation between frequency of watching English movie and vocabulary mastery of the second grade students of MAN 1 in the Academic tear of 2011/2012 ( Arif Rahman)

    - Nurul Hikmah (03015018), the student of English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty Walisongo State Institute For Islamic Studies Semarang (IAIN Walisongo). Her title is “Developing Students’ Vocabulary using Dora the Explorer Movie (A classroom Action Research With The Fourth Grade Students of SDN 02 Subah Batang In the Academic Year of 2009/2010)”.

  22. Erindah Saptarina

    Yes, I was there mam...

    1. Quotation :

    - According to Forte (1998) stated that there are three basic definitions of reading. First, learning to read means learning to pronounce words. Second, learning to read means learning to identify words and Get their meaning. And third, learning to read means learning to bring meaning to attach in order to get meaning from it.

    - Baret and Datasement (1992) stated that, first, reading can develop students' knowledge, because reading material offer language and it will trigger their brain to draw language laws on generalizations. Second, reading can develop stidents' creativity, because trough reading the students acquire knowledge and it will retain in the brain and becomes the basis of their creative action. And third, reading is a tool to learn.

    - Danserau in Jacobs et al (1996) state that MURDER technique is technique in cooperative learning in which student from a group to work together in small group highlight, summarized, and review the important idea then paraphrase it by Using their own Word or language.

    2. Previous Study :

    - Hasmirawati Injar La Sitiha (2009) with the title "The Effect of MURDER Technique on The Reading Comprehension on the Third Grade at SMPN 2 Kendarii".
    Design of her study was quasi experimental Design by Using one group pre and post Design without Using Control class.

    - Nur Arianti Darius (2011) with the title "Teaching Reading Comprehension through MURDER Technique at Year 2 of SMPN 1 Kendari.
    Design of her study was 'pre experimental Design' which was involved in one group pre-test and post-test.

  23. ELVIANA (A1D2 11 045)
    Mam, I'm using my friend's account because I the network is still in crush. I cannot get in to my account. I will resend this using my own account as soon as the network works well, mam.

    1. "Scaffolding is a temporary structure used to help learners act more skilled than they really are and three types of scaffolding are in a WebQuest : reception, transformation, and production" (Dodge, 2000).
    2. "Even though functions of the Internet in relation to language learning can be defined and classified in various ways, the Internet serves mainly as a publishing, communication, and informational tool (Cunningham, 2000; Lee, 2000a)."
    3. "Abdullah (1998) also notes that by posing language learners problems like those found in real life, the gap between language use in the real world and that in the school setting can be bridged."

    1. Five rules for writing a great Web Quest by Bernie Dodge
    2. The Effects of the WebQuest Writing Instruction Program on EFL Learners' Writing Performance, Writing Apprehension, and Perception by Tun-Whei Isabel Chuo

    1. The Effects of the WebQuest Writing Instruction Program on EFL Learners' Writing Performance, Writing Apprehension, and Perception by Tun-Whei Isabel Chuo
    2. Teaching Creative Writing Through Web Pictures by Harimaya Sharma
    3. Using WebQuests to Teach Content: Comparing Instructional Strategies by Janet Strickland and Allison Nazzal

  24. 2. The quotations
    - Kelen (2000) stated that the panauricon is a student-centered strategy because it is the students who do most of the talking. In this method, the teacher has an invisible presence. The teacher’s role is to listen and intervene in the individual conversations in order to increase oral presentations from students in the target language.

    - Kelen (2006) stated that through Panauricon, the teacher is able to create an active classroom in which physical movement is associated with fun practice and fun movement which were associated with learning.

    - According to Tari, Padmadewi, et al (2013) Panauricon was a group work, but it was different from another group work. Panauricon is a technique that is implemented through dividing a class into two circles. There were an outside circle and an inside circle. Each student who stood up in the outside circle had a partner in the inside circle. They faced each other and had more chance to speak with different partner, because they moved to the next partner until all the students spoke to all the members in the both circles.

    3. The previous study
    - Mila (2008) conducted a classroom action based research using Panauricon technique toward second grade students in SMPN 1 Gerokgak in the academic year 2007/2008. The result showed that the implementation of Panauricon technique was effective to improve the students’ speaking ability in five aspects; pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.

    - Gilfert and Crocker (1999) as quoted by Mila (20008) also conducted research on the use of Panauricon technique in the form of a dialog showing the non-English speaking subjects in upper secondary schools in Japan. Their results showed that this technique solves the problem of how to work in very large classes that allow teachers to interact with students individually.

    - (Tari et al. 2013) conducted researcher to compare between two different teaching strategies (Speaking Random Club and Panauricon Technique) based on text types on students’ speaking competency. For the descriptive text that was treated by using Speaking Random Club and Panauricon, it was discovered that the mean scores of the students who were taught by using Speaking Random Club was 71.63 while those who were taught by using Panauricon was 73.96. It indicates that the students taught by using Panauricon technique performed better than those who were taught by using Speaking Random Club. It was because Panauricon technique gave more chances to students in practicing the conversation, so the students were able to enrich their vocabularies, pronunciation and fluency in speaking. Those advantages were caused by the powerful activities which were done by the students.

    2.the quotation
    a. Freeman 2000 stated that Communication is a process; knowledge of the forms of language is insufficient.
    b. Richards, J. C (1942), said that “Communicative Language Teaching is a broad approach to teaching that resulted from a focus on communication as the organizing principle for teaching rather than a focus on mastery of the grammatical system of the language.
    c. According to Rodgers (2001) there are several of the characteristics of this communicative view of language as follow:
    1. Language is a system for the expression of meaning.
    2. The primary function of language is to allow interaction and communication.
    3. The structure of language reflects its functional and communicative uses.
    4. The primary unit of language are not merely its grammatical and structural features, but categories of functional and communicative meaning as exemplified in discourse.
    3. The previous study
    1. kartika naya has conduct this method in SMP N 6 RAHA by using quasi experimental design.this method use some communicative approach like pair work.
    2.rosmawati use communicative language teaching in SMA 1 LAWA. she tries to teach speaking to enable students to read and appreciate foreign language.

    A1D2 11 107

    I really apoligize for my lateness Mom. sorry
    I have just opened this blog, and I didnot get information bout it. Thank you !!!
    Brown (2001:14) says, “Technique where the specific activities manifested in the classroom that were consistent with a method and therefore were in harmony with an approach as well”. It is supported by Chirandon, et all(2010:2) say, “A number of effective teaching techniques are used to stimulate beginners’ interest. Using role play in classroom is one of recommended techniques.”

    According to Bartle (2002) it plays simulate situations in reality and can give players and opportunity to practice their new skills. According to Tompkins (1998), Role play encourages thinking and creativity, let students develop and practice new language and behavioral skills in a realitively non threatening setting, and can create the motivation and involvement necessary for learning to occur. Role playing is a primary techniqueto provide participation and involvement in the learning process. In a training environment, role playing allows the learner to receive objective feedback about one’s performance.

    Savage (1996:210) stated” 3 popular approaches to group learning, one of them is role play. This technique can help leaners to develope interpersonal relation skills, recognize and appreciate perspective of others, recognize the impact of one person’s decision on others, and master academic content by replicating roles of people”. Savage had the opinoin that role play should begin with a probelm. This is accordance to the opinion of Chesler and fox (1966).

    They also see role play as media to solve problem. Student explore human relations problem by enacting probelm situations and then discussing the enactment. It attemps to help individuals find personal meaning within their social world and to resolve personal dilemmas with the social group.

    According to Penny Ur (1996:131), role play refers to all sorts of activities where learners imagine themselves in a situation outside the classroom. According to Chester and fox (1996:5) in Joyce and weil (1972:93) A sequences of fellings, words, and actions which are patterned are called a role. it is unique and accustomed manner or relating to others. The fungction of play is become the source of knowledge which is the child’s personal, social, and educational aspect of growth. it also appears to be an important integrative factor, a vital means of breaking down traditional divides.

    Blatner (2009) sees role playing as a methodology derived from sociodrama that may be used to help students understand the more subtle aspects of literature, social studies, and even some aspect of science or mathematics. Furthermore, it can help them become more interested and involved, not only learning about the material, but learning also to integrate the knowledge in action, by addressing probelms, exploring alternatives, and seeking novel creative solutions. Role playing is the best way to develope the skills of initiative, communication, probelm-solving, self-awareness, and working cooperatively in teams. The idea is to foster spontaneous exploration of various situation, it is known as creative, developmental drama and similar terms.

    Based on Carol Livingstone (1983) role play is a class activity which gives the students the opportunities to practise the language aspects of role-behavior, the actual roles they may need outside the classroom.

  27. mam, I am sorry that I just resend my task. But I still cannot get into my account until today mam. there's a problem with the log in procedure.

    1. "Scaffolding is a temporary structure used to help learners act more skilled than they really are and three types of scaffolding are in a WebQuest : reception, transformation, and production" (Dodge, 2000).
    2. "Even though functions of the Internet in relation to language learning can be defined and classified in various ways, the Internet serves mainly as a publishing, communication, and informational tool (Cunningham, 2000; Lee, 2000a)."
    3. "Abdullah (1998) also notes that by posing language learners problems like those found in real life, the gap between language use in the real world and that in the school setting can be bridged."

    1. Five rules for writing a great Web Quest by Bernie Dodge
    2. The Effects of the WebQuest Writing Instruction Program on EFL Learners' Writing Performance, Writing Apprehension, and Perception by Tun-Whei Isabel Chuo

    1. The Effects of the WebQuest Writing Instruction Program on EFL Learners' Writing Performance, Writing Apprehension, and Perception by Tun-Whei Isabel Chuo
    2. Teaching Creative Writing Through Web Pictures by Harimaya Sharma
    3. Using WebQuests to Teach Content: Comparing Instructional Strategies by Janet Strickland and Allison Nazzal

    A1 D2 11 132
    Three main quotations (including the references) that supporting my research topic :

    1. “In the special issue of ‘Language Education Research in International Contexts’ in TESL (September 2006), Duong investigated Vietnamese learners’ and teachers’ beliefs and attitudes towards memorization in learning English as a foreign language (EFL) and found that memorization, which, from teachers’ and students’ perspectives, is classified into good and poor types, can satisfy certain needs of language learners.” (Duong. 2006. Learning foreign language through text and memorization. China EFL journal)
    2. “Text memorization is a widely used yet under-explored language practice in foreign language teaching and learning. The research addresses the need for a comprehensive and in depth understanding of the practices and beliefs of Chinese learners regarding the use of text memorization in foreign language learning and teaching.” (Yu. 2013. Learning language through memorization. Journal of language teaching and research)
    3. “Definition of memorization in education is understood as working on a body of material until one is able to reproduce it word for word on demand. A further understanding of text memorization can be found in the following statement which distinguishes between learning by heart and learning by rote.” (Stevick. 1982)

    Three studies previously done related to my study
    1. (Huyen & Nga. 2005. The Effectiveness of learning vocabulary trough games. Asian EFL Journal)
    2. (Xia YU. 2013. Learning foreign language through text and memorization. China EFL journal)
    3. (cf. Y.Q. Gu. 2003; Stevick. 1989. The use of text memorization as a learning strategy)

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    Three main quotations:
    1. Davis (1995) summed up the notion of extensive reading: “pupils are given the time, encouragement and materials to read pleasurably, at their own level, as many books as they can, without the pressures of testing or marks” (p. 329).
    2. The potential of ER is based on the concept that by exposing students to an input-rich and enjoyable environment, their knowledge of language will increase and their eagerness to learn will develop naturally (Hedge, 1985).
    3. the important characteristics in an ER program are (Bamford, 1984; Bright & McGregor, 1977; Day & Bamford, 1998; Hedge, 2000):
    • To access a variety of interesting materials;
    • To read a large quantity of printed materials;
    • To have freedom to choose or change books;
    • To read at one’s own pace for pleasure or information;
    • To create a tension-free and enjoyable environment;
    • To give opportunity to experience real-life reading.

    * The reported benefits are associated with all aspects of English learning: reading comprehension and speed (Bell, 2001; Davis, 1995; Elley, 1991; Hafiz & Tudor, 1989; Krashen, 1993; Lai, 1993; Nation, 1997).

    Three previous study :
    1. Reading Journal: Its Benefits for Extensive Reading by Jonathan Aliponga. In English Education Department Kansai University of International Studies Shioe 1-3-23 Amagasaki, Hyogo 661-0976, Japan. The reading journal for this study was intended for use in the English reading course. However, any course that requires students to read could utilize the reading journal. The reading journal contents or guide questions can be modified to fit the needs of the students.
    2. “ THE EFFECT OF EXTENSIVE READING ON VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT IN EFL LEARNERS IN DEHDASHT LANGUAGE INSTITUTE” by Abdolreza PAZHAKH and Rahmatollah SOLTANI. In English Language Department, Dezful Branch,Islamic Azad University, Dezful, Iran. This study may be concluded that extensive reading program can be a positive factor to develop EFL learners' vocabulary knowledge, attitudes towards reading, and other language skills.

    3. Developing reading fluency: A study of extensive reading in EFL by Yurika Iwahori In Nirayama High School, Japan. In this study, students were provided with graded readers and comic books as reading material they would find enjoyable. Pretests and posttests of reading rate and language proficiency were administered and a t test was used to compare means of the rates and language proficiency within groups. Results indicate that ER is an effective approach to improve students’ rate and general language proficiency.

    The references:
    • Journal of National Taipei Teachers College, Vol.17, No.2(Sep. 2004)213~228 . COLLNATIONAL TAIPEI TEACHERS COLLEGE
    • International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 12 [Special Issue – June 2013].
    • Practice and Theory in Systems of Education, Volume 5 Number 4 2010. Reading in a Foreign Language April 2008, Volume 20, No. 1. ISSN 1539-0578 pp. 70–91

  30. i'am so sorry mom,I just have known this information now, so I was late to confirm mom.
    OFFICIAL NUMBER : A1D2 11 118
    I;am sorry before mom, i have to change my research because i have trouble with it.


    Three main quotations:
    1.Heaton (1974:138) states that writing skill is more complex and difficult to
    teach, requiring mastery not only grammatical devices but also concept and
    judgment”. Due to some difficulties that students face in teaching learning
    writing, so many efforts have been done to solve the problems. Those are used to
    make the students easier in learning English writing.
    2. Hammer (2004:3) states that “being able to write is a vital skill for
    ‘speaker’ of a foreign language as much as for everyone using their own first
    language”. In line with Hammer’s opinion, Ramelan (1994:11) states that “writing
    is very important as a part of man’s culture because it can be used to preserve
    thought, ideas, and also speech sound”. White (1980:8) suggests three points about the importance of writing. They are: (1) the linguists become interested in studying the characteristics of written language as well as spoken language, (2)
    teachers of English become increasingly concerned with the need to teach writing
    to students of science and technology, for whom ability to use the spoken
    language might be secondary or even irrelevance, (3) coinciding with the
    increased interest in written language by both linguists and English teachers had
    been a considerable growth in the study of language beyond the sentences, that
    was on discourse.
    3.Meyers (2005:1),“the word writing coming from a verb.
    Writing is a way to produce language, which you do naturally when you speak.
    You say something, think of more you say, perhaps correct something you have
    said and than move on to the next statement”. Writing is much different, except
    that you take more time to think about your subject, the person you’ll be
    discussing it with and last but not least the purpose that you want to achieve in
    that discussion.
    The references:
     Anderson, M and Kathy Anderson. 1997. Text Types in English 2. Macmillan:
    Macmillan Education Australia PTY LD.
     Brown, H. D. 2004. Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practice
     Buzan, T. 2007. Smart Book Mind Map. Jakarta: Gramedia.
