
Jumat, 16 Mei 2014


Write briefly  the followings not longer than 100 words:
-Rationale of your study/research, research Gap (for experiment)
-Students' problem and source of the problem (for CAR).
Deadline: monday midnight, 19 May 2014.
*include the title and the design of your study to easily identify the match. Your queries can be addressed too, had the above task been a bit confusing to you.

26 komentar:

    REG. NUMBER : A1D211121

    It is conducted what is going on at SMA Negeri 4 Kendari based on students and teachers explanation. The students are lack of vocabularies, use of grammar, how to arrange the words is very difficult. In short, they were afraid to make mistake in writing. The researchers showed that although the teacher have sufficient in progress of teaching by giving students correction and feedback towards writing, which can be a good things to teach writing and encourage the students to improve their writing and tried to apply a web blog as a media to improve students skills in writing.

  2. You seem to a CAR since you start with the students' problem.

  3. You seem to a CAR since you start with the students' problem.

  4. Yeah mom, it sounds like CAR. Actually the reason of this study is try to apply a new technique in other to find out the effect of through web blog in teaching of personal recount at the second year of SMA Negeri 4 Kendari and the students’ perceptions toward teaching writing through personal recount. Furthermore, the research gap of my research is the students are lack of vocabularies, use of grammar, how to arrange the words is very difficult. In short, they were afraid to make mistake in writing.

  5. mom, it seems quite difficult and confusing on how the best way to viewing, managing or constructing a proportional or very well "a gap research" in our "previous research" at literature review ?????

  6. i beg you pardon, what design do mean mom? instructional design of the research, the procedure or the methodology ?

  7. “comparing the effectiveness of hybrid and conventional tuition for teaching writing at Haluoleo Univesrity”

    A little about PREVIOUS RESEARCH,gap and problems occur
    In language acquisition, mastery of lower level skills, such as form, structure and vocabulary, is necessary to have the freedom to use higher level skills. To that end, the automaticity of the computer, with its tried and true ability to do multiple-choice and other rote drills, acts quite successfully as a tutor. As a result of making use of the computer to practice structure and form so that more classroom time can be spent on communicative activities and language skill mastery, we can put to rest the ancient worry on the part of full-time faculty that administrators or state governments are going to use computers to replace teachers. Similarly, Young in an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education asserts that “Hybrid models appear less controversial among faculty members than fully online courses have been” (2002, p. A33). However, in this research, we are going to practice hybrid courses without eliminating face to face courses or the assist of teacher is essential, obviously. How do the online materials affect student performance on writing process during in class or out of class and during non-graded or on going assessment activities and how is class time used? The answer to this question, the researcher believes, that goes to the heart of whatever resistance may still exist towards the use of technology as an adjunct to traditional teaching methods. In my personal point of view, it is the moment to stop arguing about the pros and cons, about the dark and the light of technology use, let’s considering the fact that it is here to stay, and simply share what is working for us and why as models may be best practice to our language teaching. To that aim, our approach resonates with the statement of a colleague, for example Edward L. Ayers, Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences at UVA, in his article in the EDUCAUSE Review that:

    “I think we’re ready for the next stage: building tools that can be carried into the heart of the academic enterprise” (2004, p. 60).

    In our department, as in many others in the US and other countries, we are also have to building courses which integrate many technologies in creative ways, of which whether that research examining Spanish or Japanese-language teaching, science and technologies, accounting and economy, mathematic studies, banking aspect, law and criminal side or English language teaching is only some of another example. Through this research, the researcher will show that my pilot study showed slightly different and overall positive results but not arguing for the negative effect which comes with it, instead of debating the dark side of hybrid and technologies, we better discuss to solve the problem.

  8. The Instructional Design...

    The participants were divided into two classes, one class was taught by hybrid and the other in conventional tuition. In this manner, class A will be attending hybrid mode in one semester whereas class B will be attending conventional also in a semester. As a result, they will experience different style or mode of learning, in a hybrid, and another in conventional tuition obviously. The teacher offers similar learning contents and activities including materials, assignment, quizzes, discussion in whole courses, except the distinctive methodology that is maintained in class A and in class B. As I have mentioned in previous background and literature review that I was prepared Edmodo and Website/blog as the Learning Management System used in online interaction.


    For establishing whether the hybrid course and the conventional tuition would result in any significant deficit in student learning or in their classroom experience, the assessments will be basically conducting on two measures:
    (a) The comparison of the overall final grades of students for the both of the courses and
    (b) The result survey given to the students at the end of the semester with questions (interviewing and questioner) regarding online interaction and face to face interaction on Hybrid courses and in conventional tuition besides those effects of on their learning experience for both of Hybrid and conventional tuition.

  9. Make it brief not longer than 100 words. The design... whether it is a CAR or an experiment. That is to check whether you write the correct background or not

  10. the effectiveness of communicative language teaching in improving students speaking ability
    I choose this title for overcoming the problem that the students get in improving speaking ability. I had gone in SMA 1 LOHIA and do interaction with the students of SMA 1 LOHIA. I give them some quisioner and interview them about the problem when they speak English. The answer of them is sometimes is similar. some problem when the speak is
    1. Inhabitation
    Unlike reading, writing or listening activities, speaking requires some degree of real-time exposure to an audience. students are often inhibited about trying to say thing in foreign language in the classroom: worried about mistakes or simply shy of the attention that their speech attract.
    2. Nothing to say
    Even they are not inhibited, you often hear students complain that they cannot think of anything to say: they have no motive to express themselves beyond the guilty feeling that they should be speaking.
    3. Low or uneven participation
    Only one participant can talk at a time if he or she is to be heard; and in large group this means the each one will have only very little talking time. This problem is compounded of some students to dominate, while other speaks very little or not a tall.
    4. Mother tongue use
    It is easier for the student to use their mother tongue in their class because it looks naturally. Therefore, most of the students are not disciplined in using the target language in the learning process.

    Based on the problem above so I choose communicative language teaching to apply in SMA 1 LOHIA in improving speaking ability.

    Reg.Number : A1D211 107
    To conduct this research, the I applied classroom action research . This method was intended to solve the problems found in speaking class. The problem was the student’s poor in speaking ability especially in giving for and asking opinion. I’m going to conduct it in two cycles. During using the material, the writer and the collaborator cooperated to record the process-what actually happened in classroom through observation checklist table. The collaborator’s viewed of the process was very important to avoid the subjectivity of the writer. After giving the students’ worksheet, the writer computed the students’ score and classified the mean score into the qualification.

    I indicated that the students speaking ability in giving and asking opinion was getting better in every cycle. The improvement that will be gained in the classroom id to considered as the result of treatment. Role-play helped students’ improve their speaking ability in giving and asking opinion. Thus the prediction of the action hypothesis can be accepted . The purpose of this research is to investigate how in asking and giving opinion through role play improves the seventh grade students’ speaking ability of class A at SMP Negeri 1 GU. So that I applied classroom action research in
    which pays more attention in teaching learning process.


    Most students study English and hope they can understand English actively. In fact, they don’t have lot of chances to practice English in communication. They are reluctant to speak and afraid to make mistakes. They know much about English but they don’t know how to use it in communication. An effort to improve the students’ speaking skill is to use a role play as one method to teach English by creating English speaking atmosphere in class.

    The Problem is English teachers do not create the English speaking atmosphere. They do not give chances to the students to express their feeling by communicating to each other. They do not present knowledge such as, language function and language competence to students. They teach and explain the English phrases or daily The conditions cause the students do not know how to used the expression in real life situation. They are reluctant to speak in English. They prefer speaking Indonesian to English at the time the teacher does not give speaking test. To make matter worse the exercises made are only prepared for the test model. These will cause the students not to be able to apply speaking expression in different atmospheres.

    In role play the students are set in a certain situation and they interact with their friends or partners to use English for communication. The process of English teaching and learning has begun since students began studying English. They learned English at the Elementary, Secondary and even at Senior High School. Although they have studied for long, they still have faced problems in learning English. The School has set curriculum for teaching and learning English. The English curriculum emphases on the fourth skills, namely, listening, reading, speaking and writing, but speaking skill does not get much attention.

    In fact, the mastery of speaking English is really important. In this era, the effect of globalization influences people who want to communicate, to talk to foreigners in many fields in society, such as in business, in industry, and even in education. People need a language as a language of communication. Having the ability in speaking English is urgent in order they can keep pace with the advancement of the era.

    Seeing this, English teachers should change the way how the English teaching and learning can improve the students’ speaking mastery. The teaching of speaking skill should be increased. It will be needed by the students in their future career. One alternative of effective teaching English to improve speaking skill is by a role play. What and why a role play can support the method of teaching speaking interactively.

  12. Name : Ade Irma Yulianty M.S
    Reg.Number : A1D2 11 135

    “An Analysis of Students Errors in Using Punctuation Marks in Writing at Second Grade Of SMPN 04 Kendari”
    There are some common errors in using punctuation mark as happened in second grade students of SMP Negeri 04 Kendari. It is caused English teachers of SMP Negeri 04 Kendari just focused on teach the theory about writing and doesn’t follow by practice to the students. So, students just know about the theory and when they are practice writing, there are some errors in their writing. The design of this research use descriptive qualitative design. Using a comprehension passage without punctuation marks and asking the students to insert the correct punctuation marks was the tool used to collect the necessary data.

  13. Name : Yunisa A. Djannah ( A1D2 11 123 )
    The Correlation Between Students’ Rewriting of the Story in Film and Their Vocabulary Mastery ( A Correlation Study in the Second Grade of SMP Negeri 9 Kendari )
    This study was conducted on at SMP Negeri 9 Kendari based on what students and teachers explain about the students problem. The students vocabularies are lack. Due to this problem, they are hesitant in write. The writer try to overcome the problem by using film to improve students vocabulary.

  14. Name: Erindah Saptarina
    No Reg. : A1D2 11 115

    Based on interview with English teacher and students at grade XI on SMA N 2 Konsel, the writer found that there are some students still lack of comprehension in reading (answering question based on the reading text), based on that consideration, there should be one technique to cover the problem, which is MURDER Technique..

  15. Tittle: The Effect of CALL on Students Speaking Proficiency
    Design: Mix Method Design
    Cziko (2005) in Albert, 2013 identifies a number of limitations associated with EFL classrooms, which includes limited opportunities to use the target language, and exposure to inaccurate forms or expressions produced by both fellow students and teachers. The researcher believes that one alternative to address these issues is to use computer to provide students with accurate exposure to English and to give them more opportunities to practice their speaking. Besides, Felix (2008) claims that more research is required to determine the effectiveness of CALL on speaking.

  16. Name : riks asis ode
    reg number : A1D2 11 118

    Writing Narrative Text Through Writing Marathon Technique

    English has been studied in all level of school but not all of students like the method which is given by their teachers. In fact, learning English which the same teaching technique sometimes make the students bored. Especially in writing, sometimes students are lack of vocabularies so that it can be obstruction to do that. However, we need the technique which can encourage the creativity and a sense of writing. The students need too the conducive to invite their brain to thinking and we now many tools that the students can use to increase creative ideas in learning English, especially in writing activity.
    The students sometimes could not write their task with many reasons. Many aspect make the students could not write such as the students do not know how to start the writing, they do not have enough ideas to write, and could not generate their ideas, probably they understood what should they do but they could not make it. Many students become anxious when they attempt to write. Some get panicly at the sight of the blank pages and say they have writing phobia.
    To solve problem above, the researcher would use Writing Marathon Technique to improve the students writing ability in case of narrative text. It could help the students to express their ideas or opinions in the written form because sometimes they were blocked by limiting ideas

  17. The Effectiveness of Using Web Quest in Teaching Writing, True Experimental design.
    Spratt, et al. (2005:27) suggest that writing involves a number stages such as brain storming, making notes, planning, writing a draft, editing, producing another draft, and proof-reading or editing again. Web quest is a mini project in which a large amount of input and materials are supplied from the internet and it functions to help teacher deliver the materials, focus students attention, and awaken students motivation. Regarding the long process of writing, the writer assumes that this method could keep students from getting bored during the lesson.

  18. Name : Bambang Sudarsono
    Number : A1D211003

    Appreciative listening relate to get enjoyment and pleasure. Examples includes listening to recordings of songs, entertaining stories, jokes, anecdotes and so on. The output maybe taking part in the entertainment process. For example, a music lover may listen to the latest hit, pick up the tune and trying to sing along

    I use pre-experimental design as my research by using the one-group pre-test post-test design

  19. Name: Ivon Wisda S. (A1D2 11 059)
    I applied the classroom action research in this case to solve the problem in the class of reading at grade 2 of SMAN 2 WAWOTOBI. I found that the students of that school still got some difficulties finding general information in the passage, finding specific information, identifying main ideas, identifying explicit and implicit information. This condition was caused by several factors such as, students' low motivation in learning English, students' lack of vocabulary, students' low ability in mastering the reading ability, the materials of the reading text, and of course the monotonous teaching methods. Therefore, for the improvement of the students' reading comprehension ability, the implementation of an appropriate method in teaching reading is urgently needed. Reciprocal Teaching Method with its four strategies: predicting, clarifying, questioning, and summarizing, can be applied to cope their problems in reading comprehension.


    “ Students’ Motivation and Attitudes Toward Blog Peer Feedback “. The design of study I am going to use is descriptive qualitative design.
    Most studies on online feedback have centred on the role of feedback in student engagement and continuation in distance learning courses (Notar et al 2002; Corgan et al 2004; Ertmer et al 2007). Some roles and benefits of online feedback or in this case is blog, has been proved by some researchers on their studies, such as the study carried out by Lundstrom and Baker (2009), both givers and receivers of feedback improved their writing ability and also enhanced their critical thinking skills and another study conducted by Lin and Chien (2009) discovered that collaboration with comrade students increased their motivation and encouragement to write. From those facts, we assume that this new way of providing and receiving feedback through blog seems to be beneficial and effective as well, that is why researcher wants to know and observe about how this new method (blog peer feedback) can engage ESL students’motivation in writing and how they react or attitude to this kind of feedback.

  21. Name : I Made Rian Irwanto
    Reg. Number : A1D2 11 101

    It is considered important to teach writing in the classroom. The availability of teaching media makes the teacher able to create the acceptable learning atmosphere. The media help the students understand the teaching material easily. One of the potential media to teach a descriptive text is wordless pictures. The students started to use brainstorming when they are trying to write something. But, they cannot start it when they do not look the concept what will be written. Wordless pictures can help them to make sentences or paragraphs. The types of pictures are contextual and familiar to them. The wordless pictures guide students to describe a person based on the pictures’ context or situation. By having this type of pictures the students can see the physical appearance of the person.

    The title of my research is “THE USE OF WORDLESS PICTURES IN TEACHING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL”. The design of this study is pre-experimental design by using one-group pre-test post-test design.

    A1D2 11 075

    "The Effect of Join English Club - Creative English Society (CES) on Improving Students' Speaking Skill at fifth semester of English Department, Halu Oleo University"

    * This is an experiment research by using descriptive design.

    There are several English clubs or English organization that currently developing outside the campus and attracting students of Halu Oleo university. CES is one of the English clubs are much demand by English student. Variety of activities that can train language skills is one of the main attractions of this club. There are some significant benefits gained by each members. So that, I become interested in this topic to see how big the effect given by the Creative English Society (CES) on improving English language proficiency of students who join the club.

    A1 D2 11 132

    Design : classroom action research
    Rationale of my study, I took a look at Western researchers have recognized that memorization, a highly valued way of learning in the far East can lead to high levels of understanding if applied appropriately. When a student learns by rote, he or she may be able to recite the words, but might not necessarily understand what the words mean. A student who learns something by heart understands the concept of the lesson. The lesson is internalized and becomes part of the person’s working knowledge. What is captured, the relationship of memorization and understanding, taking the position of learning by heart rather than learning by rote, text memorization is defined as the attempt to commit a text to memory.

    REG. NO : A1 D2 11 126

    DESIGN :
    Pre-Experimental Research, do pre-test and post-test, one control group and experimental group
    Rationale of my study:
    1. The most students have not willingness to join in English subject. Especially in reading skill.
    2. In Extensive Reading (ER) students are free to choose any kinds of book they would like to read, so this will encourage student motivation to read enjoyable.
    3. The teacher as guider and facilitator to involved their students in reading environment for English subject.
    4. In ER the students will start from their level.
    5. The assessment will assess students’ reading comprehension by using a wall-chart for showing students’ reading progress, students’ group discussions for sharing their reading experience, and teachers' reports for demonstrating their participation and for encouraging students to read.

  25. Tittle : Comparing Effectiveness between Hybrid and Conventional tuition for teaching writing
    Design: Experimental Design

    Hybrid courses are designed with several goals in mind. First, students get the best of both worlds. That is, they enjoy the benefits of having computer technology in the classroom and also having face-to-face interaction with the instructor. Second, class seat time is reduced by as much as fifty percent as classes generally meet every other class period. Third, both students and faculty commute time is reduced, as well as any problems compounded by commuting such parking, tolls and driving in inclement weather. And finally, hybrid courses tend to be more learning centered because they take into account different learning styles and use a wide variety of teaching methodologies to deliver the course content (Garnham and Kaleta, 2002; Young, 2002). However, as has been stated that active-learning can increase student attention and concept retention (e.g. Ebert-May, Brewer, & Allred, 1997; Springer et al., 1999; Cooper & Robinson, 2000), so our face-to-face sessions featured active-learning exercises. It shows us that we can not rely only in full online courses because we need to mix it with the conventional one, face to face interaction. As a result, we need a further research more.
