
Jumat, 16 Mei 2014

WRITING III: Assignment 5

Write a summary of 50 words for the article titled 'Wages for housewives' in the handout page 112 exercise 6 B. Deadline by Wednesday midnight, 21 may 2014. Note: use word count.

24 komentar:

  1. Assalamulaikum, mam..
    This is my assignment of exercise 6B

    Name : Ratih Prihatini
    Reg.No. : A1 D4 12 018

    The article “Wages for Housewives?” discusses about housewives who do home services should paid or not. They will get wages if their family consists of a husband, wife and three children. But, this system isn’t fair. Therefore, housewives with their husband should pay their social security taxes as payment contributing.

    Thanks a lot,mam..

  2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  3. Assalamulaikum, mam..
    This is my assignment of exercise 6B

    Name : Sri Wahyuni Handayani
    Reg.No. : A1 D4 12 038

    The article “Wages for Housewives?” discusses about as a working women continue to receive better and better weges, housewives still work at home without receiving paychecks. this rate was based on a family composed of a husband, wife, and three children.But, this tract isn’t fair. So, housewives with their husband should pay their social security taxes as payment contributing.

    Thanks a lot,mam..

    REG. NO: A1D4 12 015
    Assalamualaikum Mom, this is my assignment of exercise 6B

    Housewives who has a job to get wages, housewives who still at home doesn’t has wages but, in a 1986 study Cornell University housewives who at home they was given many wages $11.600 by husband because housewives has much job example serves husband, care children, etc. but researches doesn’t feel fair about it.

  5. Assalamualaikum Mom, This is my assingment of exercise 6B about Wages for Housewives.
    My Name is Nur Walman Julianti
    Reg. No: A1D4 12 020

    it’s about does Housewives who do home service should be paid? at Cornell University said that the payment of a housewives averaged $11.600. Another plan has been suggested by former secretary of health and human services , that full-time housewives and husbands should be allowed to pay social security taxes ,contributing part of the payment, but the system is unfair .

  6. Assalamualaikum mam,..
    name : misnawati
    reg no.: A1D4 12 026

    Wages for Housewives

    As working women continue to receive better and better wages, house wives still work at home without receiving pay checks. In a 1986 study at Cornell University, sociology found that the value of the services of a housewives averaged $11.600 a year. The $11.600 is what the husband would have to pay.

    Thanks a lot,mam..

  7. Assalamualaikum mam,..
    name : Yuliana
    reg no.: A1D4 12 012

    As working women continue to receive better and better wages, house wives still work at home without receiving pay checks.The $11,600 is what the husband whould have to pay if he hired others to take over his wife is househould chores. He fells that the present system is unfire for it.

    wasalam, thanks mam...

  8. Assalamualaikm wr wb mom,
    My name is ikha endang siti maryati

    This is my summary of “Wages for Housewife”
    As working women continue to receive better and better wages. Housewife still work at home without receiving paychecks. In a 1986 study at Cornell University, sociologist found that the value of a housewife averaged $11,600 a year. The $11,600 is what the husband would have to pay if he hired others to take his wife’s household chores. Another plan for rewarding women who work at home has been suggested by a former Secretary of Health and Human Services.

    Thanks mom,
    Wassalamualaikm wr wb

  9. Assalamualaikum mom
    Name: KARTIKA
    Reg no: A1D412037
    Wages for housewives
    he says that full-time housewives should be allowed to pay social security taxes,with their employers that is their husbands contributing part of the payment. he feels that the present system is unfair. he said '' if you work as a clerk in a store you can qualify for social security.

    Wassalamualaikum mom.

  10. Assalamualiakum mom
    Name: SARDIANA
    Reg no: A1D412035
    Wages for housewives
    Housewives still work at home without receiving paycheck. Should a woman who works at home doing the housework and caring for children, in a 1986 study at cornell university sosiologists round that the value of the composed of a housewife.
    Wassalamualiakum mom.

  11. Assalamualaikum mam,
    REG.NO : A1D412028

    this my assignment :

    A working women continue to receive better. Housewives still work at home without receiving paychecks. In a 1986 study at Cornell University, That value of the services housewife averaged $ 11.600 because housewife serves husband and care children and by a former Security of Health and Human services about full-time housewives.

  12. Assalamualaikum mam,
    This is my assignment of exercise 6B
    pages 112
    Name : Yaumil Heiria
    No. Reg. : A1D412029

    The article "wages for housewives?" About wages for someone if husband hired others to take over his wife's household chores. Averaged $11.60 a year isn't fair if compared with work in a store because you can get quality for social security than you stay at home and raise a family.

  13. Name : Multang
    Reg.no : A1D4 12 013

    Assalamualaikum wr wb, this is my assignment….,

    Housewives work to receive better wages. In a 1986 service of a housewife averaged S 11.600 a year. This rate was based on a family composed of husband. It have to pay if other to take over wife’s household mores. He feels that the present system is unfair for it.

  14. Good night mam

    REG.NO : A1D412022

    This my assignment about the article " wages for housewives"

    Housewives work at home without paychecks but in a 1986 study at Cornell University said the value of the services a housewife $11.600 a year.Housewife doing housework and caring children. Another plan by a former Security of Health and Human Services that full-time housewives and husband contributing part payment.

    Thank you mam

  15. assalamualaikum wr, wb mom.
    my name is Nurdiana
    my reg. no is A1D4 12 011

    This is my assignment version 50 words the summary of article Wages for housewives (6B):

    As working women continue to receive better and better wages. Housewives still work at home without receiving paychecks. The value of the services of a housewife averages $11.6000. This rate was based on a family composed of a husband, wife, and children. With their employers (their husband) contributing part of the payment.

  16. Name : Fathullah Nurussalam
    Reg. No. : A1 D4 12 043
    Title :Wages For housewives?

    Assalamualikum Mom!
    This is my assignment version 50 words,,

    As Working women continue to receive better wages. House wives still work at home without receiving paychecks. In a 1986 study at Cornell University, sociologists found that the value of the value of the services of a housewives averaged $11.600 a year. The $11.600 is what the husband would have to pay if he hired others to take over his wife’s household mores. Secretary of Health and Human services says that full-time housewives should be allowed to pay social security taxes. He feels that the present system is unfair.

  17. Assalamu'alaikum,,
    My name is Putri Parha Raehana
    My official number A1D41219
    Summary about "Wages fo housewives"

    As working woman Continue to receive better and batter wages. In a 1986 study at cornell university, sociologists found that the value of the services of a housewife averaged $11.600 a year. full time housewives should be allowed to pay social security taxes, with their employers contributing part of the payment and the present system is unfair.

    Thank you .. :)

  18. NAME : RISAL
    No. REg : A1D412016

    Summary wages for housewives

    The article “Wages for Housewives?” discusses about housewives who do home services paid or not. In a 1986 study at Cornell University, sociologist found that the value of a housewife averaged $11,600 a year. Another plan for rewarding women who work at home has been suggested by a former Secretary of Health and Human Service. He feels that the present system is unfair.

    thank you mom

  19. Name: Husni Yohan
    NIM : A1D4 09 026

    This article examines that in a 1986 study at Cornell University, sociologists found the services value of a housewife average $11.600 a year, based on a family composed of a husband, wive and three young children. The researcher conclude that it would be fair to pay wives according federal guidelines.

  20. Assalamaliakum wr wb mom

    Reg no: A1D412008

    Wages for housewives
    In a 1986 studi at cornell university, sociologists round that the value of the services of a housewife averaged $11,600 a year. This rate was based on a family composed of husband wife, and three young children.
    Another plan for rewarding women who work at home has been suggested by a former secretary of health and human services.

    Wassalamualaikum wr wb mom.

  21. Assalamualaikum wr wb mom.

    Reg no: A1D412003

    Wages for housewives
    As working women continue to receive better and better wages. Should a woman who work at home. Doing the housework and caring for children. In a 1986 study at cornell university, service of a housewife averaged $11.600 a year.
    Another plan for rewarding woman who work at home has been suggested by a former secretary of health and human service,

    Wassalamualaikum wr wb mom.

  22. Assalamualaikum mom
    Reg no: A1D412017

    Wages for housewives
    As working women continue to receive better and better wages, housewives still work at home without receiving paychecks. The $11.600 is what the husband would have to pay if he hired others to take over his wife’s household chores.
    Anoter plan for rewarding women who work at home has been suggested by a former secretary of health and human services,

    Wassalamulaikum mom.

  23. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  24. Assalamualikum wr.wb
    My name is : andi asmiati Ali
    No reg : A1D412046

    This is my summary of “Wages for Housewife”

    As working women continue to receive better and batter wages, housewives still work at home without receiving paychecks.Should a woman who works at home, doing the housework and caring for children, be paid for her services? Researchers concluded that would be fair for husbands to pay wives according to federal guidelines for minimun wages.
