
Selasa, 26 November 2013

Assignment 5
1.  Make your own group (peer group) consists of two persons.
2.  Give correction (about quotation, classification, or definition or other related issues) to your partner writing. But remember, in one's writing, there are at least two quotations in each paragraph. If not, provide a correction on that too. Another correction would be on writer's point of view (whether you write what you can summarize from quotations).
3.  Post your friend's correction about your writing on the comment page!
The deadline is Thursday, 28 November 2013.

Selasa, 12 November 2013


Assignment 4
1. Make a title of a research!
2. Then write an outline consists of 4 main ideas!
NB: The deadline is Thursday, 14 November 2013.

Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013



1. Claiming that the research to be undertaken is central to the area
2. Making generalizations about a topic
3. Reviewing items of previous research

Put each of the example sentences (1-10) under one of these three ways.
1. Recently, there has been a spate of interest in how…
2. There are many situations where …
3. The study of … has become an important aspect of …
4. A and B of …. is well known.
5. Although (A, B, and C) have claimed that …, their own data do not support that conclusion.
6. A standard procedure for assessing has been …
7. The effect of … has been studied extensively in recent years.
8. … is a common finding in patients with …
9. In recent years, applied researches have become interested in …
10. There is now much evidence to support the hypothesis that …

a. Claiming that there is a gap in the previous research
b. Making a counter-claim (i.e. claiming that previous work in this research area was wrong)
c. Raising a question about a theory, previous research, etc.
c. Continuing a tradition

Put each of the example clauses under one of these four ways.
1. One would intuitively expect …
2. The differences need to be analyzed …
3. Both (currently held views) suffer from the dependency on …
4. The first group … cannot treat … and is limited to …
5. A question remains whether this line of enquiry is valid.
6. If there really is other intelligent life in the universe, why hasn’t it contacted us?
7. However, the previously mentioned methods fail to take account of …
8. Research in the area of (xxxx) is long overdue.
9. It is of interest to compare the work of (A with B).
10. It has been predicted that life could spontaneously arise inside a black hole. However, this is impossible because …
11. Studies in ‘writing assessment’ (A; B; etc) have shown that …  This study extends the work of (A and B) to ask …


   Food intakes and preferences of             hospitalized geriatric patients

Ageing is related to the deterioration of physiological and health functions, thus, elderly people are more susceptible to various diseases and illness. Nutrition plays an important role in preventing diseases and promoting recovery from illnesses. Besides diseases and hospital environment, food preferences are also main factors affecting the foods intake of geriatric patients. Thus, hospital menus should be planned according to the preferences of geriatric patients to ensure that they eat what is served to them. Studies on food intakes and habits among Malaysian elderly living in rural areas reported that although the subjects had regular meal pattern, the dietary intake was inadequate. Most of the studies conducted among hospitalized elderly people in Western countries and Malaysia reported that malnutrition as assessed using anthropometric and biochemical indicators) is common.
With respect to food preferences, elderly people are more likely to stick to their traditional food rather than try new food products. However, some elderly people may change their food preferences due to health reason and food belief. Ageing is associated with a shift from a diet high in calories, sugar and meat to a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. However, avoidance of certain fruits and vegetables due to food beliefs has been reported in a proportion of rural elderly Malays.
It appeared that there was a need to investigate the adequacy of dietary intake and food preferences among our hospitalized geriatric patients. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the food intakes and preferences and also factors influencing dietary adequacy among hospitalized geriatric patients. The study was also undertaken as a basis for improving the nutrient intake of patients in order to accelerate recovery from disease and hopefully to reduce the length of a hospital stay.

Task A:
1. In the text, in what way (s) do the authors map out the research field? Do they do it by:
a. Claiming that the research to be undertaken is central to the area
b. Making generalizations about a topic
c. Reviewing items of previous research
2. If more than one method has been used, in what order did they appear?

Task B:
1. In the previous text, underline the sentence that refers to a research gap.
2. How is the gap created? Is it by:
     a. Making a counter-claim?
      b. Indicating a gap in the previous research?
      c. Raising a question?
      d. Continuing a tradition?
3. Write the introduction part of your research proposal. (1 page long), deadline Tuesday, 8 October 2013. Submitted upon course schedule.

Senin, 30 September 2013

comparing & contrasting

AAA-BBB pattern
AB-AB-AB pattern                                                      
Text A:
The difference between a spice and a herb is not always easy to define, but in general terms, spices can originate from various parts of a plant body (seeds, fruits, bark, roots) and they tend to originate in semi-tropical climates. On the other hand, herbs are the leafy parts of soft-stemmed plants and are found in more temperate regions.

Text B:
There are many points of comparison between plant and animal organ systems. The plant’s roots absorb water and nutrients just as the animal digestive system does. The roots also anchor the plant to keep it from moving, but there is no comparable internal animal system. Stems provide support for the plant as the skeletal system does for animals. The stems also transport water to the leaves and sugar to the roots; the circulatory system performs a similar function for animals.

Task: 1. Read text A and text B and determine which patterns they follow.
           2, Write one paragraph either for comparing or contrasting some concepts related to English teaching or learning. (maximum 6 sentences, not longer than 15 lines).
3. Post your paragraph under comment of this post. Deadline by 4 October, 12 midnight.
*learn language to compare and contrast in the next post.


Rabu, 25 September 2013

You may find this site useful. Happy learning!
Please check this blog often, I will post an assignment during the week.

Kamis, 19 September 2013

Language used in expressing classification

There are two types    of effects  resulting from
                           classes                      globalization

The effects are         classified   according to
                     may be                     on the basis of
                     can be                      depending upon

The effects of  may be grouped into threemain
globalization    can be                           categories.

Task 1. Arrange each of the following concepts/general terms into a classification scheme. You can add concepts where you think necessary.
        1. global corporation, multinational, local company, business, regional
        2. Buddhism, Islam, Protestantism, Religions, Catholicism, Christianity, Sunni,
        3. CD player, audio equipment, CDs, speakers, amplifier
Task 2. Write a paragraph describing one of the classifications you created in task 1.

*To be submitted by Tuesday, september 24, 2013 upon class time.