
Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013



1. Claiming that the research to be undertaken is central to the area
2. Making generalizations about a topic
3. Reviewing items of previous research

Put each of the example sentences (1-10) under one of these three ways.
1. Recently, there has been a spate of interest in how…
2. There are many situations where …
3. The study of … has become an important aspect of …
4. A and B of …. is well known.
5. Although (A, B, and C) have claimed that …, their own data do not support that conclusion.
6. A standard procedure for assessing has been …
7. The effect of … has been studied extensively in recent years.
8. … is a common finding in patients with …
9. In recent years, applied researches have become interested in …
10. There is now much evidence to support the hypothesis that …

a. Claiming that there is a gap in the previous research
b. Making a counter-claim (i.e. claiming that previous work in this research area was wrong)
c. Raising a question about a theory, previous research, etc.
c. Continuing a tradition

Put each of the example clauses under one of these four ways.
1. One would intuitively expect …
2. The differences need to be analyzed …
3. Both (currently held views) suffer from the dependency on …
4. The first group … cannot treat … and is limited to …
5. A question remains whether this line of enquiry is valid.
6. If there really is other intelligent life in the universe, why hasn’t it contacted us?
7. However, the previously mentioned methods fail to take account of …
8. Research in the area of (xxxx) is long overdue.
9. It is of interest to compare the work of (A with B).
10. It has been predicted that life could spontaneously arise inside a black hole. However, this is impossible because …
11. Studies in ‘writing assessment’ (A; B; etc) have shown that …  This study extends the work of (A and B) to ask …


   Food intakes and preferences of             hospitalized geriatric patients

Ageing is related to the deterioration of physiological and health functions, thus, elderly people are more susceptible to various diseases and illness. Nutrition plays an important role in preventing diseases and promoting recovery from illnesses. Besides diseases and hospital environment, food preferences are also main factors affecting the foods intake of geriatric patients. Thus, hospital menus should be planned according to the preferences of geriatric patients to ensure that they eat what is served to them. Studies on food intakes and habits among Malaysian elderly living in rural areas reported that although the subjects had regular meal pattern, the dietary intake was inadequate. Most of the studies conducted among hospitalized elderly people in Western countries and Malaysia reported that malnutrition as assessed using anthropometric and biochemical indicators) is common.
With respect to food preferences, elderly people are more likely to stick to their traditional food rather than try new food products. However, some elderly people may change their food preferences due to health reason and food belief. Ageing is associated with a shift from a diet high in calories, sugar and meat to a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. However, avoidance of certain fruits and vegetables due to food beliefs has been reported in a proportion of rural elderly Malays.
It appeared that there was a need to investigate the adequacy of dietary intake and food preferences among our hospitalized geriatric patients. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the food intakes and preferences and also factors influencing dietary adequacy among hospitalized geriatric patients. The study was also undertaken as a basis for improving the nutrient intake of patients in order to accelerate recovery from disease and hopefully to reduce the length of a hospital stay.

Task A:
1. In the text, in what way (s) do the authors map out the research field? Do they do it by:
a. Claiming that the research to be undertaken is central to the area
b. Making generalizations about a topic
c. Reviewing items of previous research
2. If more than one method has been used, in what order did they appear?

Task B:
1. In the previous text, underline the sentence that refers to a research gap.
2. How is the gap created? Is it by:
     a. Making a counter-claim?
      b. Indicating a gap in the previous research?
      c. Raising a question?
      d. Continuing a tradition?
3. Write the introduction part of your research proposal. (1 page long), deadline Tuesday, 8 October 2013. Submitted upon course schedule.

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    OFFICIAL NO: A1D2 11 079

    1. Text A uses AB-AB pattern, because first we talk one thing, that is about spices in the differences between herb. Then move to another thing, and it is about characters and forms of spice. Text A use transition signal “on the other hand”, means that text A use AB-AB pattern. Text B use AAA-BBB pattern because the text discuss one thing in the whole, and turning into another one without explain explicitly.

    2. This is the example of a paragraph that using AAA-BBB pattern.
    There are some differences between Teaching English as a Foreign Language and Teaching English as a Second Language. TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) refers to a particular methodology for teaching people whose first language is not English, but who need to learn it for work or choose to learn for leisure. These students are adults or children who are paying for the courses themselves, or their employer or parents are. They are often highly motivated and literate, and already have an aptitude for languages. TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) is different again. English is spoken as a common second language in the context of official communication and administration in many countries where several other language groups co-exist – such as Nigeria, Kenya, India and Singapore.

    Communication is a social event that can occur anywhere without acknowledging the place and time (Darwanto, 2007:1). Language plays an important role to reveal an intention of someone else. Without language, we can not communicate to other people, and without good knowledge in vocabulary, we also can not communicate fluently. Since they have enough vocabulary, people will be able to express their thought and feeling.
    Jumariati (2010) said that vocabulary learning is the important aspect in learning a foreign language. Students will improve much if they learn more words and expressions. According to Richard (1997) it's vital to know a lot of words if you want to make progress in a foreign language. Even if your grammar is excellent, you just will not be able to communicate your meaning without a wide vocabulary. Since English is not our national language, it is not easy to learn it. Many students or learners find problem in mastering it. One of the basic problems is lack of vocabularies. Vocabulary is a really important element of the language to be concerned with in order to master the four language skills.
    In teaching a language, English particularly is very complicated. In the classroom, we will face dozens of technique applied to the students’ under the expectation that they are able to or easy to understand the lesson. As a teacher, it is necessary to find new teaching media to overcome the problems and not to forget to motivate the students. Some teachers have used games, pictures, songs, real object, cartoon and movie as their teaching media to grow the student creativity in learning process.
    There are a lot of media can be used to improve students’ vocabulary like audio aid, visual-aid, audio-visual aid, visual aid and etc. Example for audio aid is radio, music, and so on while example of audio-visual aid is video, film/movie, television, and for visual aid is brochure, banner, poster, etc. In this study, poster is chosen as a media for teaching vocabulary. Poster is one of the visual aid. Poster is such a media of information which includes images and also words to give reader a simply understanding of the information. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects.
    As what viewed in high school level, like SMA Negeri 1 Kendari, poster media has a very significant role to motivate the student to learn vocabulary and to make the atmosphere of teaching and learning more interesting. They will feel something new and different from what they usually get in their class. The writer hopes that with the use of English poster they will become more active as a participant and more confident in express their feeling.
    [LM. ADI CAHYU KAMSYAR - A1D211083]

    1. As a whole it's a good introduction of proposal and brilliant tittle as well. you start it by making GENERALIZATION about the topic.
      at the first paragraph you describe about why vocabulary acquisition is important for EFL learners (students) and the the second paragraph about it's big thing to consider what teaching method should applied in classroom so that the student can learn it better.

      suggestion: in my opinion, it will be better if you can explain more the advantages of using poster as the visual aid, what this method can offer to the students acquisition in compare to the others method such us audio visual aid, which is in fact seems more attractive..

      anyway WELL DONE, don't forget to comment mine :D


      in my opinion, it will be better if you can explain more the advantages of using poster as the visual aid, what this method can offer to the students acquisition in compare to the others method such us audio visual aid, which is in fact seems more attractive..

      anyway WELL DONE, don't forget to comment mine :D

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    1. Name : Elyn Fitasari
      Reg. No: A1D2 11 085


      Literary work usually talk about human with many aspect until the Literary work become very important to know human as intanct and its period. Through the literary work can show culture progress level, the tradition image is prevailing in life level had achieved by people at period. Because of that if we understand a literary work so it will realize the change whose can arouse sympathy and emotional feeling to the reader of the lover.

      The statement above were supported by explanation of Kudrastin, dkk, ( 1985 ) that :

      “ pengalaman jiwa yang terdapat di dalam karya sastra dapat memperkaya kehidupan bathin pembaca menjadi lebih sempurna keadaannya. Pengungkapan yang estetis dan artistik menjadikan karya sastra lebih mempesona dari pada karya orang lain. Hal ini membuat pembaca tidak segera menjadi bosan menikmati karya sastra dan dapat menyelami maksud yang terkandung di dalamnya “.

      Thus a literary work will express a high price and value to society if we can contribute the benefit from molde value. Have the literary work produced benefit or not. This case can be know by analysis. The analysis contain a profit and value, until the society awaken to read and love. Seeing that, so a literary analyst could give to society things can be become standard and benefit shape from result of literary work.
      One of element in making literary work is character that davelop totality meaning and unity from the whole contents which described by the author to create the theme in a story.

      Point of departure from statement above, so the research of “ A Case of Need “ novel in general society can use to societies especially the reader and the lover of the novel.

      Thus information of this research is hoped in order that can find the theme contained in the novel based on incident wicker work in novel of “ A Case of Need “
      Comment by wa ode marsina (A1D2 11 089)
      • To used punctuation such us, comma, period and quotation marks.
      • To used the tenses do not good.

  8. Name: wa ode marsina
    Reg. No: A1D2 11 089
    According to curriculum 1994 of junior high school, the teaching of English covers four language skills, namely: reading skill, speaking skill, listening skill, and writing skill. To support those skill there are still many components that must be taught to the student such us: structure, vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, etc.
    According to harmer (1991:161) there are nine techniques in teaching vocabulary, they are: pictures, mime, action, gesture, contrast, enumeration, explanation, and translation.
    Among the nine techniques above, the writer is interested in teaching English vocabulary through pictures, because pictures are simple media that can be used in teaching vocabulary.
    There fore, a teacher can bring the picture of them. Picture can be board drawings, wall picture and charts, flash card, magazine pictures and any other nontechnical casual representation picture can be used to explain the meaning of vocabulary items, teacher can raw things on the board or bring in pictures.
    Vocabulary is the set of words they are familiar with in a language. A vocabulary usually grows and evolves with age, and servers a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. A vocabulary is defined as “all the words known and used by particular person”. However, the words known and used by a particular person do not constitute all the words a person is exposed to. By definition, a vocabulary includes the last two categories of this list; 1) never encountered the word, 2) heard the word, but cannot define it, 3) recognize the word due to context or tone of voice, 4) able to use the word but cannot clearly explain it, 5) fluent with the word its use and definition, because picture is a simple media that can be used to teach vocabulary, so that the writer is interested to choose this topic namely “ teaching English vocabulary through pictures
    Remembering the importance of vocabulary in English language, so varieties of techniques are presented by the teachers to help students in order they can speak English fluently.
    Coment by elyn fitasari ( A1D2 11 089 )
    Improper use of capital letters and to use punctuation please note

  9. ERNAWATI [A1D211055]


    1.1 Background of the Study
    English as an International language is used all over the world. People in some countries speak English as their first language and some other use it as their foreign language.
    Indonesia is one of the countries where English is used as foreign language. Therefore, English is taught from elementary school level until university. Nowadays, English language is very important in our life. It is used in formal or non formal language. For example in formal such as: Office, Bank, and School.
    In Indonesia English become one of the subjects at school and as the compulsory subject in each of the school. The government has conducted this to increase the human resource.
    Beside that, English as curriculum at school is learned since elementary school till university moreover, some school conducts this lesson since kindergarten. Beside that, there are many English courses to support the students in mastering English. By mastering English vocabulary, they can comprehend the foreign language.
    Before teaching English language we should have known the element of language such as: grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciations, (Rachmajanti, 1999).
    The third element above must be mastered, if they want to have an ability in English. The first step for every learner is to master vocabulary. Mastering vocabulary means practicing the third elements itself. For example, if someone wants to explain how to say something, of course they have to master vocabulary, the more vocabulary the people have the more they can do whether in speaking, reading, writing and listening.
    As foreign language it is not used every day at societies, the English language is difficult to learn. to lessen the difficulties in learning English we need approaches and what strategies will be used, so that study English will be easy and interesting.


    The Effect of Task Based Learning on Student English Achievement

    In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language, which is taught formally from the Junior High School to the University level. However, English is taught in the lower level such as elementary schools, kindergartens, and play groups. It means the children are introduced to English early. As they are exposed to English since the earlier age, it is hoped that they will learn English more naturally as they learn their mother tongue.
    Problems in teaching and learning English as a Foreign Language relates to both teachers and learners. This problem is partly affected by teaching methods. Lochana & Deb (2006) state that most EFL teachers teach language by lecturing and focusing on grammatical rules instead of language use. It is much more effective to teach language from context and meaning (Ellis, 2003). Teachers often provide insufficient opportunities for learners to practice English. To make the situation worse, both teachers and learners frequently use Thai language throughout English classes.
    Task based learning (TBL) is a different way to teach languages. It can help the student by placing her in a situation like in the real world. A situation where oral communication is essential for doing a specific task. Task based learning has the advantage of getting the student to use her skills at her current level. To help develop language through its use. It has the advantage of getting the focus of the student toward achieving a goal where language becomes a tool, making the use of language a necessity.
    Therefore, when we choose task based learning, there should be a clear and defined purpose of that choice. One clear purpose of choosing TBL is to increase learner activity; TBL is concerned with learner and not teacher activity and it lies on the teacher to produce and supply different tasks which will give the learner the opportunity to experiment spontaneously, individually and originally with the foreign language. Having chosen task based learning as language teaching method, the teacher thereby recognizes that “teaching does not and cannot determine the way the learner’s language will develop and that teachers and learners cannot simply choose what is to be learned. The elements of the target language do not simply slot into place in a predictable order. This means that we, as teachers, have to let go of the control of the learning process, as if there ever was one! We must accept that we cannot control what each individual learner has learnt after for example two language lessons.

  11. The Effect of Using Call in Teaching Vocabulary
    CALL or Computer Assist Language Learning is the newest way in teaching English as a foreign language. This kind of way is done focused on computer learning. So the student must know about the way in operating the computer before they learn so far about the language itself.
    The research found that when the teacher in the class use CALL as the smedia of learning English, especially in vocabulary comprehension. The students much more understand and work well when they are studying vocabulary. Beside that, when the students use CALL to memorize some vocabulary, they get many improvement in the case of their vocabulary. This because in CALL there are many kinds of program or software that are help the students to improve their comprehension about vocabulary. For example, software game, software quiz, and many more.
    In addition the other fact in Kendari, the students especially in university level often use CALL in doing their English task. In short, this will be done well if applied in senior and junior high school. Then purpose of this research is to know the students comprehension in learning vocabulary by using CALL. The study was also undertaken as a basis for improving junior high school students ability in vocabulary.

    1. That's interesting topic Herman but to make getting better this thesis, you have to add some theories or expert opinion's to support your topics in other word your thesis is perfectly.

    2. thank you for your comment kartini. .

  12. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.


    Reading is an important skill in a second language, particularly in English as a second or foreign language (ESL/EFL) language learning. The purpose of reading in any language is to get information about something. In connection with above statement, reading capability as one of the aspect in language skills must be paid attention seriously in teaching learning process.
    Krashen and Terrell (1983:131) state that reading is one of English language skills which can serve as an important source of comprehensible input and may take a significant contribution to the development of overall proficiency. In other word, the suitable of teaching methodology is principle points to create better communication in learning progress and master of the topic in various ways. Besides the difficult of knowing the meaning, Suggestopedia is also major factor in reading ability. Indeed, it should be apply in reading comprehension to increase the student’s ability in order to make easier as the learners to master the reading. In reading aspect and methodology or strategy that showing effect in does.
    In teaching and learning process, many students have difficulties in reading comprehension. They did not focus on what they read during the reading activity. The classroom environment did not support them to read well. Many students also look like getting bored to follow the classroom activity. As a result, the students’ reading comprehension achievement was not achieved to the minimum level of achievement (MLA), 65.
    As what viewed in high school level, like SMA Negeri 7 Kendari, Suggestopedia has a very significant role to motivate the student to master the reading in narrative text and to make the atmosphere of teaching and learning more interesting. They can feel something new and different from what they usually get in their class. The writer hopes that with the use of Suggestopedia, they will pay more attention on how to make the classroom environment with entertaining and relax. They can support the teaching process with background music that the students might feel better during the learning process by using this method.

    ^_~ KARTINI TAHIR (A1D211121) ^_~

    1. well, i will just straight forward to the point that i wanna give you a little comment about,
      very good explanation, however you need to input some phrases on your thesis background which is appropriate with it, therefore we may easily analyzed, get into it, and find out your research gap

    2. I think you have chosen a nice topic for your thesis later.
      you just keep your structure of your sentence well to make your proposal better. but actually overall I am very appreciate a wonderful work done by Kartini. ..

    3. Thank you for your comment guys. I really appreciate it and I'll try to revise my paper according to your suggestion.....^_^

    A. Background of the study

    Reading is the process of constructing meaning through the dynamic interaction among: (1) the reader's existing knowledge; (2) the information suggested by the text being read; and (3) the context of the reading situation (Wixson, Peters, Weber, & Roeber, 1987, citing the new definition of reading for Michigan).

    Nowadays, the subject that interesting in education world is Extensive reading. Because studies around the world have shown the advantages of extensive reading for development of good reading habits as well as the improvement of English language proficiency. Extensive reading is generally associated with reading large amounts with the aim of getting an overall understanding of the material. Michael west a teacher and materials writer working in India who more than anyone else established the methodology of extensive reading, called it “supplementary” reading (1926/1955, p.26). This was also the term used by the New York City Board of Education for its 1931 syllabus of minima in Modern Foreign Languages. Here the goal of supplementary reading was “the development to the point if enjoyment of the ability to read the foreign language” (1931/1948, p.301), and the methodology involved “taking care of individual differences and encouraging the reading habit” (p.302).

    Experts and educators agree with the characteristics that are found in successful extensive reading programs, which include: 1) A variety of materials on a wide of topics so as to encourage reading for different reasons and in different ways.2) Students select what they want to read and have the freedom to stop reading material that fails to interest them. 3) The purpose of reading are usually related to pleasure, information, and general understanding. 4) Reading is its own reward. 5) Reading materials are well within the linguistic competence of students in terms of vocabulary and grammar. 6) Dictionaries are rarely used while reading because the constant stopping to look up words makes fluent reading difficult. 7) Reading is individual and silent, at the student’s own pace. 8) Reading is done outside class, when and where the student chooses. 9) Reading speed is usually faster rather than slower. 10) teacher orient the students to the goals of the program, explain the methodology, keep track of what each student reads, and guide students in getting the most out of the program. 11) the teacher is a role model of a reader for students.

    In this time, English Study Program at Haluoleo University chosen as a place to do the observation Extensive Reading method. By doing this observation, It is important to look the effectiveness of Extensive Reading to students to be able develop their good reading habits. Actually Extensive Reading have role to promote confidence and motivation and improve comprehension skills.


    1. Pretty good introduction of your proposal. Looks like, you reviewing the previous research as your method and review several good items from the previous research's result such as variety of material on a wide of topics to encourage reading in different ways and reasons. Actually, there isn't any gap in your introduction because you started to mention subject of this study that is student of haluoleo university. It also important to include student factor who will become the subject of this study in order to know their capability in this study, in this case student of Haluoleo University. All in all, the introduction is good enough for a proposal.

    REG.NO. : A1D2 11 117
    The development of since and technology encourage people to develop their self.
    The development could be achieved by a great knowledge of information. One of solutions is reading. Reading can be used to get more information and know what happen around the world. Therefore reading is important language skill that should be mastered by students since it becomes one of the basic components for having communicative competence. Great information get in the reading text many support students to improve their ability in speaking, listening, and writing.
    The statements above are supported by Krashen (1992) that reading is one of four skills that students are learning at school. Similarly, English curriculum (1994) that reading is the main or the first skill should apply firstly in learning process. It means that reading is teaching English, reading is the first should be introduce to students since reading is as the best media in developing students English knowledge, such as vocabulary, grammar, etc.
    Besides that, the researcher interviewed the English teacher at SMA Kartika as second investigation. This was done because the subjects in this study were students from first grade when researcher held the first investigation. The English teacher said that student at class X1 1A 1 in learning reading were still difficult to comprehend a reading text, students’ problem such as how to find out specific information and detail information. It is because students at class X1 1A 1 have lack of vocabulary and grammatical aspect. Beside that, at class X1 A1 1 have poor motivation and interest in learning English. To support statement before, the researcher gave students a reading comprehension test. It was to see students’ reading comprehension before conducting the action. As the result found that the percentage of students’ score who got standard score 6.0 was 52.27%. It is shown that students’ reading comprehension at classX1 A1 1 of SMA Kartika Kendari was still low.

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    English is an important means of communication, which used by many countries in this world. It plays an important role as an international language. This why the indonesian government chooses English as the first foreign language to be taught in schools (Ramelan, 1992:3).
    There are so many ways to teach English at school. One of the ways of teaching English is by using a media. In this time, poster is chosen as one of a media to help English teaching. Poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/). Most of posters do have nice form of words and also interesting illustrations, photos, or pictures. By using poster as one of the way to learn English, students can be more interested and can be more understand their English materials, because poster contains illustrations and words which are really fascinating to see. Posters have unique form which makes people want to see and look closely to it.

    By combining English words and illustrations to become a form of poster, it is expected that teacher can use it as a way to help them teaching English. Seeing English words that combined with compatible illustrations, it makes students will understand the meaning of that English words. Also, English words or sentences that accompanied by nice structure and pictures will more easily remembered by people.

    In this thesis, SMA Negeri 2 Raha chosen as a place where poster used as one of ways to teach English. Students are given the poster that contain English words and its illustrations, and it is being observed whether that English poster can give significant change in English teaching at classroom, and to see the reactions of students in English teaching towards the using of poster.

    Posters are expected to give a help in teaching English at school. Also, by using poster, it expected that the poster motivate the student to learn English and to make the atmosphere of teaching and learning more interesting. They will feel something new and different from what they usually get in their class. The writer hopes that with the use of poster they will become more active as a learner and more confident in learn English

    ASTIAH ADIL A1D2 11 066

    1. comment by MARDHIYAH MUCHTAR (A1D2 11 052)

      I think that Tia’s background is quite clear and not difficult to understand. The topic itself is good too, because poster is something that we almost seen every day and she stated that we can use it as a media of learning. She also making a generalization at first paragraph that English is very important and was the first foreign language to be taught at Indonesian schools. Also, the explanation is quite ordered because we can see that she started with English as foreign language, then about poster as media for teaching, the advantages of that, place to undertake it, and at the last she hopes that her thesis will help readers to become better in learning. The last, I want to suggest Tia to add more expert’s quotes and she can also add the related studies too because I think it will be better if she can add it so the readers can find out that her background is interesting and adequate.

  18. Comparing Face-to-Face and Electronic Discussion in English as Second Language classroom at Haluoleo University

    Many methods can be found when joining an ESL. From all those method I will describe and compare two methods that usually used in ESL. They are face-to-face and electronic method. Face-to-face discussion is just like traditional discussion where there two students or more who do conversation in order to gain a conclusion based on one topic. Resemble to face-to-face discussion, in electronic discussion, computer was used as the media to share an opinion, statement, and idea in order to gain a conclusion.
    One obvious advantage of this method (electronic discussion) is there will be equality in student’s participation of discussion. In this study, face-to-face and electronic discussion will be compared and as the result we will see which one is better in order to gain student’s equality in discussion. From all discussion that I have been through, there always student who dominate the class, there only one or two student who participate in giving opinion, idea, statement in discussion. Meanwhile, the other just sit and silent or I can conclude that they are not fully join the discussion. That is why I want to find a method where student can participate the discussion in total performance. The study will be conducted in Haluoleo University where the facility was provided by language center service. A small group of student will held a discussion with using both face-to-face and electronic discussion in counter balanced. There will be several factors that perhaps will affect their performance in this research, such as language ability, and how long they have been learning English.

    by. Bambang Sudarsono

    1. i think this is a study which interesting. he making generalization about that topic, we can see this study aimed to describe and comparing two method in ESL. they are face to face and electronic method. but this is will become better if you use one topic in your research. maybe face to face or electronic discussion method only.in addition you should put the opinion of some expert about that, to convince your study.

    2. Thank you for your suggestion of my paper. I really appreciate it and I'll try to revise my paper according to your suggestion.

  19. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  20. Name: Halfia
    Reg number: A1D211033
    Assignment : writing 4
    1.1 Background
    Anxiety is one of problem to speak English in the classroom. The cause like nervous, fear of mistake, and lack of vocabulary. So student anxiety to speak English very important to be solved. Because it can be influence their speaking ability. Beside that, speaking English must be practice to be success pronunciation and vocabulary, especially to improve their speaking ability.

    Anxiety can be described as a perceived notion of psychological distress which occurs due to the expectation of a disconcerting and potentially threatening event. Although extensive research has focused on the concept of anxiety, it cannot be defined by purely objective or concrete means” (Rachman, 2004, in Larson, 2007: 2 ). “ We define anxiety as an emotion characterized by feelings of anticipated danger, tension, and distress and by sympathetic nervous system arousal”. (Davidoff, 1981: 356).

    According to learning theory of Thorndike, As explained by Surya (1996:29) stated The learning theory of Thorndike represents the original S-R framework of behavioral psychology: Learning is the result of associations forming between stimuli and responses. Such associations or "habits" become strengthened or weakened by the nature and frequency of the S-R pairings. The paradigm for S-R theory was trial and error learning in which certain responses come to dominate others due to rewards. The hallmark of connectionism (like all behavioral theory) was that learning could be adequately explained without refering to any unobservable internal states. Thorndike's theory consists of three primary laws: (1) law of effect - responses to a situation which are followed by a rewarding state of affairs will be strengthened and become habitual responses to that situation, (2) law of readiness - a series of responses can be chained together to satisfy some goal which will result in annoyance if blocked, and (3) law of exercise - connections become strengthened with practice and weakened when practice is discontinued. A corollary of the law of effect was that responses that reduce the likelihood of achieving a rewarding state (i.e. punishments, failures) will decrease in strength.
    In this case, the writer intends to take up that problem, through this paper entitled: “ STUDENTS’ ANXIETY TO SPEAK ENGLISH “

    1. by Nasrianti (A1D2 11 086)
      I'm really interested with your topic, because it is talking about anxiety which is becoming problem in how to do speaking activity well. Also, you put the definition about anxiety in complete form which makes me understand about what anxiety is. But I think you must put the place where you can do your observation and also you must put the title at the top of your background



    There are several ways to think about errors in writing in light of what we know
    about second language and what we know about how texts, context and the writing process interact with each other. As mentioned, students’ writing in ESL generally produces texts that contain various degrees of grammatical and rhetorical errors. This kind of error is especially common among ESL writers who have a lot of ideas, but not enough language to express what they want to say in a comprehensible way.
    According to Myles (2001), there are several factors that deter the students from
    performing excellently. Both social and cognitive factors affect language learning. Social factors like learners’ attitudes, motivations and goals can explain why some second language learners perform better than others. If the students have negative attitudes toward the target language itself, they will have problems understanding the language. Many students learn the second language for career purposes or as a part of the education system. Students’ love in using L2 in e-mails is deterred due to challenges of getting started and finding the correct words. However, students’ interest was improved with the support of extrinsic motivation. Students who view ESL writing as a part of career purposes found it less motivated to write short stories as they think this is a waste of time. Since they are less attentive to their writing assignments, they could not fully comprehend the needs to write well. However, highly motivated students would welcome any written assignments in English. The ability to write well is not naturally acquired. It is learned as a set of practical and learned experience. Writing also involves composing, which implies the ability to tell the information. The introduction of process approach in writing helps the students to understand better the process of writing and this approach eventually helps the students to build their own strategies in writing, As stated by Flower (1981),by using process approach in writing, students will have much time in their hands to discover their reading strategies and to consider feedback from teachers. { KASMAWATI A1D210084}

  22. By MARDHIYAH MUCHTAR (A1D2 11 052)

    A. Background of the Study
    Learning styles is individual style which learners do in his/her own way to get information/knowledge in learning process. Learning styles are very crucial because that’s the way people will learn something. It is also important that people should have known their own learning styles that fit them. If they found and aware with their own learning styles, it is really good for making them learns better. The better one is aware of their own learning style, the better they can use them to his advantage in learning. (Verkkotutor 2005). Some people might like to read things and seeing illustrations, while the others wants to listen or do physical movements. People differ from each other in the way they learn because they have individual way of making themselves understand and learn the lessons. This is important because each person have their own characteristic, so they need different learning styles that fit them
    There are four basic dimensions of language learning styles. The first is analytic-global. Analytic learner is learner who will be really detailed in grammatical details or writing structure details and tends to avoid full-speaking activities. In contrast, global learner really likes communicative and speaking up activities and didn’t really likes grammatical or full-of-rules structures. The second is Sensory Preferences. Sensory preferences divided into visual, auditory, and hand-on. Visual learner likes to read and seeing some visuals while learning because they will feel bored or confused without any visual. Auditory learners enjoy oral communication and didn’t have any problems if there’s no something visual. While Hands-On learner didn’t like to just sit on the chair. They like to do movements and do kinesthetic practices also moving activities. The second style is Intuitive and Sensory Learning. It means that intuitive learner is a learner that can think abstract and without concrete steps and often do their own leaps. While sensory learner is a learner whose organized in terms of learning. They like it if the lesson plans are well organized and they will follow it to achieve their goal. The third style is Orientation to Closure. Closure-oriented learner tends to have a strong need in clarify all aspects in language learning and they tend to be serious and hardworking. While open learners are more relaxed and they enjoy learning without getting too much pressures. The last style is Beyond the Stylistic Comfort Zone. It means that this is learning style which suggest to learner to try different learning styles that they usually have.
    In this time, SMP N 1 Kendari chosen as the place to do this observation of learning styles. There are many class VIII students there, which means that they have many different learning styles. It is important to know the learning styles of students and make a report about it. By doing this observation, it is expected that these different learning styles of students would be found, and teacher can apply combinations of methods that suit them. Each learning styles has its own unique characteristic and so we can’t say that one learning style is wrong and the other is right. Learning styles is something which depends on the individual choice and can make them be better in learning.

    1. I think you picked an easy-to-understand topic which makes the reader can know exactly what kind of things you’ll do just by seeing the title. You also give explanation about what is learning styles and the four complete dimensions of learning styles with simple but understandable explanation. Some of the readers might just know visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, but here we can see complete dimensions of learning styles. Then, you say that you’ll conduct your thesis in class VII of SMP N 1 Kendari. I just want to give some suggestion: you should deduct some of your paragraphs so it won’t look too full to see, and the second is you can add comment by experts too because we know that there are so many comments, research, and studies about learning styles
      from Astiah Adil (A1D2 11 066)

    Background of the Study
    In globalization era, English becomes important language. English lesson is important in our education. Therefore in teaching-learning process, the teacher must make English class joyful. One of them study mode as type jigsaw. Arouse students interest in learning is one of the main tasks of teachers with master some of the skills learned and hold variation method, mode and media teaching.

    However The realities shows that the process study education teaching in English less attract students because teacher tend by using to watch the instructional model so that students become bored quickly in the class. By UNISCO (2009:2) that education in this century should be oriented towards achieving the four Pillars of learning namely:

    1. Learning to know
    2. Learning to do
    3. Learning to be
    4. Learning to live together

    Therefore teachers could organize model variation teaching as jigsaw type. Teaching jigsaw type according to Aronson (2009:2) investors that design student sense of responsibility for the learning process for him self and other so as to transfer the material to the group in learning, especially English teacher must have led a powerful creativity, because creativity that teacher are able to apply appropriate learning.

    Approach that had been presented to the student can be more easily to understood. Besides, Learning the English language skills is one of the four goals of the reading skills which students have ability to pour his knowledge correctly. Read also the process of finding a message. Reading is a process to understand the message conveyed by the text either implicitly or explicitly, implicitly or explicitly. According Hodgson reading is a process that is performed and used by readers to obtain the messages conveyed through the medium of language by author t. So, read other than as a process, well aimed.

    Poor reading skills of student affected by factors: because the limited number of words that are owned makes it difficult students in reading and getting new information. Of the background outlined the issue that needs to be investigated is “The Implementation Jigsaw Technique to Improving Reading Skill “

    By: Nurul Hidayah (A1D211049)

  24. Rabianti A1D210124
    Reducing Students Anxiety to Speak English


    “Empirical research shows that anxious foreign language students are less willing to participate in learning activities, and have lower performance than non-anxious students” (Aida 1994, MacIntyre and Gardner 1991, in Tsiplakides, 2009:39). So, Students’ anxiety to speak English very important to be solved. Because it can be influence their speaking ability. Besides that, speaking English must be practice to be success pronunciation and vocabulary, especially to improve their speaking ability.

    “Anxiety can be described as a perceived notion of psychological distress which occurs due to the expectation of a disconcerting and potentially threatening event. Although extensive research has focused on the concept of anxiety, it cannot be defined by purely objective or concrete means” (Rachman, 2004, in Larson, 2007: 2). “We define anxiety as an emotion characterized by feelings of anticipated danger, tension, and distress and by sympathetic nervous system arousal”. (Davidoff, 1981: 356).

    Many causes of students anxiety to speak English, it’s important for students’ to reduce their anxiety to speak English, Because (Bailey, in Zhang, 2001:52) says: “A contributing factor to learners' success or failure to master second/foreign language is the manner that learners for their worries, apprehension, and even dread when faced with a certain language”

    According to learning theory of Thorndike, As explained by Surya (1996:29) stated The learning theory of Thorndike represents the original S-R framework of behavioural psychology: Learning is the result of associations forming between stimuli and responses. Such associations or "habits" become strengthened or weakened by the nature and frequency of the S-R pairings. The paradigm for S-R theory was trial and error learning in which certain responses come to dominate others due to rewards. The hallmark of connectionism (like all behavioural theory) was that learning could be adequately explained without referring to any unobservable internal states. Thorndike's theory consists of three primary laws: (1) law of effect - responses to a situation which are followed by a rewarding state of affairs will be strengthened and become habitual responses to that situation, (2) law of readiness - a series of responses can be chained together to satisfy some goal which will result in annoyance if blocked, and (3) law of exercise - connections become strengthened with practice and weakened when practice is discontinued. A corollary of the law of effect was that responses that reduce the likelihood of achieving a rewarding state (i.e. punishments, failures) will decrease in strength.

    In this case, the writer intends to take up that problem, through his paper entitled: ‘Reducing Students’ Anxiety to Speak English (Survey study at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 4 Kendari)”.

    1. Your background of the study is easy to understand and very clearly. but it is very good if the explanation you claim that the you to be undertaken is central to the area of your study...


    Wa ode Nuriati (A1D209019)


    Reading as a skill of language has important function for the students when they want to know the knowledge and accurate information in the text. They need good reading skill to gain knowledge and learning information. Besides that, through reading students could get input in term of vocabulary, grammar, and complement of the other language skill (Browton 1962:283). It means that reading is the best resource to the students in receiving messages or getting information from the text. Furthermore, Ur (1996) stated that reading skill need to be improved in order the students can master and understand more complex material and task, and elaborate it efficiently, quickly, appropriately, and skillfully. Students need to read, to confirm their spoken language, and to be able to acquire other skills like listening, writing, and speaking. So, it is clear that reading becomes the essential point that has to be emphasized in teaching of language in Indonesia.

    In the fact, there are still a lot of students who are poor in their reading comprehension although some of teaching reading techniques had been developed by the experts. The inappropriate technique that teacher uses in presenting the material is the problems that lead to the poorness of students’ reading comprehension. Commonly, teacher always dominate most of teaching and learning processes. Students only sit and listen quietly to the teacher. So, they feel bored in learning English subject.

    Based on pre-observation at SMA Negeri 5 Kendari by doing interview with English teacher there were found some problems. Firstly, from interview with the English teacher at class X.5, he said that students’ reading comprehension is still low because they face difficult to comprehend a reading text that given to them in mid semester test. Secondly, when learning process is conducting, almost of teachers always provide the lesson by using the translational method. Thirdly, students can not cooperate and do not participate actively when learning process of reading going on because they only wish to one student to do the task that given by the teacher. At the last problem, students also have difficulties in understanding the whole meaning of the text, such as they felt difficult in deciding the main idea, difficult to get the specific information, and also difficult to identify the generic structures of the reading text itself.

    Therefore, English teacher as cultivate of teaching and learning process in the class has the important role to determine the objective of the teaching and learning in the classrooms. A good teacher needs to find a technique in teaching reading in order to solve this problem. And one of the ways to improve students’ reading comprehension is to apply MURDER technique.

    1. Actually your background is good, but it will be better if you make clearly how many times you do pre-observation at the school, also add theory in your background to support your statement and mentioned the advantages of MURDER technique itself. Thanks ..^^
      Name : Sri Nurul Ayu
      Reg No : A1D2 11 057

  26. Rahmatia A1D210108

    Improving Students Speaking Skill By Using Domino Instruction At SMPN 10 Kendari

    1.1 Background of the Problem
    It is known that English is an International language which has been received by countries all over the world. The function of it is as a means of communication in meeting business or other activities among government over the world.
    In Indonesia, English is learnt and taught to junior high school, Senior high school even at university. English means that something important for the student to be taught at school based on situation and condition of the object area. But there are some problems that faced by the students. It is realized that most students get bad mark. So, it proves that English is really difficult for the students. There are four skills in learning English, they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Speaking is very important because speaking and human being cannot be separated from each other. Speaking is used to express their ideas and to communicate to people in civilized world. That is way speaking is important. But the students of SMP or graduated of it still get hard to be a good speaker. The problems are:
    First, the students feel ashamed and afraid to speak English, so they never practice and use target language, second, for the teacher, they did not use variety of teaching such as visual aids. The teacher has to motivate the students to learn English in the class, and create the method of teaching. So the students will feel relaxed, and freely in using English in the classroom.
    Teaching speaking can be done through dialogues, picture, games, etc. The teacher should choose a suitable ways such as: using games.


    REG. NUMBER : A1D211028

    Study of Learning Style of English Study Program Students

    1.1 Background
    Learning style is style in learning that used by student to get knowledge or skill in their comfort zone. Every student has different preference learning style. There are some students that like learning by listening while the others like reading and experience. That is depend on their way in receiving material from teacher. Whether they are easy to get knowledge trough listening, reading or experience. In learning, each student should know their learning style so that they can study better and easier. It makes students more enjoy the lesson itself. This thing is assumed very important to help students and teacher in learning process. Learning style makes students more efficient in getting true comprehension and mastery skills in English. How does it work? learning style guides the way students learn.
    In learning process sometimes teacher face difficult to teach students. It is very confusing teacher at all in classroom. So by knowing students’ learning style, a teacher can manage class well based on appropriate learning style of every student.. Some of these changes include room redesign, the development of small-group techniques, and the development of Contract Activity Packages. And There are some kinds of learning style. Student learn by visual, auditory, global, analytic, kinesthetic, intuitive, etc. According to Felder and Silverman's, the Index of Learning Styles are Visual Learners, Verbal Learners, Active Learners, Reflective Learners, Sequential Learners and Global Learners.

    1. hi ida :)
      thats very nice and interisting topic, you also make it strong with expert opinion. if you dont mind, I would like to give a comment . about learning style, it is really general topic. like what you wrote there are some kinds of learning style such as through visual, auditory, global, analytic, kinesthetic, intuitive, etc. I think you better make it specific like what is the effect of visual learning style for students, so it can make you focus to the problem.
      thank you ^.^

  28. MUHAMAD HALIL A1D2 11 081
    Background Proposal


    Learning English is very important because it is an international language and used by most communities in the world. Despite the difficulties in studying English, it is worthwhile to study the language because it plays a very important role in almost all fields of life. English is also called as the target language that has to be taught in schools in today’s Indonesian curriculum. Therefore the student is hoped to increase their ability in English. English teachers have to think how to make students mastery English for their own purposes. There are so many approaches, methods, and techniques that can be used by the teacher.
    One technique that was used by the teacher to increase the students’ ability in English is Games. Through games there are so many advantages for students and teachers in learning process. There are many advantages of using games. According to Richard-Amato (1988:147) Games can lower anxiety, thus making the acquisition of input more likely. The students can be more motivated and challanged. Games provide language practice in various skills of speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Games also encourage students to interact and communicate.
    This study examines the students mastering of vocabulary through games because Games have been shown to have advantages and effectiveness in learning vocabulary in various ways. Therefore, the role of games in teaching and learning vocabulary cannot be denied. However, in order to achieve the most important from vocabulary games, it is essential that suitable games are chosen. The game context makes the foreign language immediately useful to the children. It brings the target language to life. (Lewis,1999). Whenever a game is to be conducted, the number of students, proficiency level, cultural context, timing, learning topic, and the classroom settings are factors that should be taken into account.
    One of the aims of teaching English is to enhance students to be able to understand English words which they might find in their environment. In fact, students often find problems in learning the words. So it needs more teacher’s attention to make the transfer of the vocabulary process easier and more fun to learn. To do this, teachers are hoped to have creativity in teaching by using any kind of method that already exist in their environment. One of those method is using games. The writer chooses games because games help and encourage many learners to sustain their interest and work.
    In the easy, relaxed atmosphere which is created by using games, students remember things faster and better (Wierus and Wierus 1994:218). In other words, teaching using game as the media will enhance student acquisition of vocabulary during the class. Therefore, the research intends to conduct the research to see if the using of game can improve students’ vocabulary acquisition.

  29. Name ; S U SM I
    CLASS : A
    REG NO : A1D2 11 125

    Vocabulary is one of important components in learning a language, especially in English as a foreign language. In communication activity, a number of words are frequent used to express their idea in several of language elements. Teacher needs to decide the importance of the words as the element of language. Therefore, he or she can assist his or her student to develop their vocabulary in learning the language.
    The basic mastery of language depends on mastery of vocabulary, on the other hand, the student who have bad mastery of vocabulary, they were difficult to comprehend the meaning of the words, phrase or sentence. Therefore, they were very difficult to communicate English well. In case, one of the goals of learning vocabulary is to make the student easly and fluently.
    In fact, many teacher of alementry school particularly who have studied english are still unable to undertand and apply Englishin communication. Besides, this might be because by inappopriate method or tecnique applie by teacher in teaching English Vocabulary. So that, the students are not motivated to memorize a lot of vocabulary.
    One of the ways, to encourage the students particiption in teaching learning process is by using picture. Picture is one of visual aids to help students in learning vocabulary. It can decribe a concrete visual abaout the lesson material. By using picture many students understood the idea or the information more clearly. Suhartini, (1990: 2) states:
    “ the picture is one of medium that has an interest power in English teaching for the students, the teacher can show their teaching object to the sudents without carrying the object in to the class, for exaple: a bus, an elephant and airplane, etc”

    NIM : A1D211086

    A .Background of the Study
    Communicative language teaching (CLT) is the approach to language teaching which has for decades been generally endorsed among a wide range of language teaching professional.from academics to teacher trainers and to teachers themselves.
    Whatever the situation may be as regards actual teaching practices, communicative language teaching (CLT) is well established as the dominant theoretical model in ELT. There have been recurrent attempts to take stock of CLT and to identify its characteristic features (e.g. Richards and Rodgers 1986) and in areas such as teacher training the principles of CLT are largely treated as clearly understood and accepted (see, for example, Harmer 19911).
    As a teacher trainer working with international groups, I am frequently asked to include an overview of communicative language teaching (CLT), and discuss ways of adapting materials to make lessons more communicative or interactive.
    Most groups are enthusiastic about the lesson opportunities which CLT offers. However, some also indicated they felt constrained by the system under which they operated, especially those teaching in settings which are particularly exam-focused. In addition, they queried the relevance of CLT to their situation, where many of the students never used English outside the classroom. In contrast, I had shifted across a spectrum of learners, enthusiastically taking CLT along with me as universally appropriate.
    Taking my colleagues' concerns on board, I began to question the appropriateness of CLT for some of these diverse learner groups. This was supported by current reading on the topic; the titles of some articles (see the Reference list) made me think I should give up the support for CLT then and there. However, the more I read on the topic, the more I defended the continued suitability of CLT. It really does benefit the students in a variety of ways.

    1. comment by susmi A1D211125
      I think this proposal background show well, there is a comparing two things that build up the sentence structure until the end. I like the description of this method, it is show complete meaning.

  31. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.


    In recent years, our country’s learning curriculum focuses on the learners as the center of learning process. It means that having an educational improvement should be understand about the learners. One of the things that have to be understood is the way learners take in and comprehend information.We cannot argue that learners take in and comprehend information in different manners. Some like to see and others like to hear. Some prefer to learn individually, independent of others, while others enjoy interaction and relationship with their peers, it is widely believed that the different ways of how learners take in and process information are collectively referred to as learning styles or learning preferences (Reid, 1987; Celce-Murei, 2001).
    In the reality today, most of teachers who have important role in the class still do not know about learning style differences of their students. Even if they know, they only give little attention to it. We can see that some teachers teach by their own teaching style. They conduct learning activities in the class without giving attention to their student’s learning style preference. For instance, in one hand, teachers provide a material, ask the students to copy and read it. At the end of the lesson, teacher asks the students to do exercise about the material individually. In another hand, most of their students do not like to learn individually. They prefer to learn in group. Another example, in one side, a teacher provides material by speech in front of his or her students during a class taking place, so the students only become a good listener. Meanwhile, his or her students need to see or do another activity because they prefer to learn while see picture or some of them easier to learn not only by hearing but also by touching or doing body movement. As the result, mismatches exist between teachers and their pupils.
    When mismatches exist between learning styles of the learners in class and the teaching style of the teachers, the students may become bored and inattentive in class, do poorly on test, get discouraged about the courses, the curriculum and themselves, and in some cases change to other curricula or drop out of school (Felder, 1996).
    Based on researcher observation in some schools, they found that many students has a problem about their study because their learning style are not appropriate with learning style that their teacher have applied. Thus, the researcher wanted to apply learning style in that school to solve their problem.
    Based on the reason above, the writer intends to investigate the process of teaching English use learning style, which untitled “THE USE OF LEARNING STYLE IN ENGLISH”.

    1. comment by Farlina A1D211094

      For the first time I read this title of background, I can decide that this title is very general. the writer does not emphasize what special aspect of learning style should be addressed. in addition, I found a unity of sentence showed largely. In my opinion, it should be divided in two paragraph. but do not worry guys I like your sentence coherency, it is very good illustration.

    REG. NUMBER : A1D211094


    1. Background

    English as the most widely spoken internasional language in the world, and it becomes one of the subject studied in senior high school. Therefore, efforts to improve the quality of English teaching, by improving the teaching and curriculum qualities aspect related to English teaching and learning process had been attempted.
    The ability to write does not come naturally in a language learner. Unlike speaking skill that comes naturally in human when they born. Nevertheles, among of four language skills, writing is regarded as the most difficult skill for foreign language leraners to master since it need more time for preparation and evaluation (Grabe and Caplen : 1996). The difficulties lie not only in generating and organizing ideas , but also in translating the ideas into readable text. In addition, in writing all menings must be included in the text itself and it must be self sufficient. Otherwise, the difficulties even become more complex if their language proficiency is weak.
    Those difficulties might occur because of the English teacher asked the student to write a composition based on the picture or topic that had been prepared in the textbook without checking their ability in mastery aspect of writing. The other is student have lack of comprehension about the generic structure of text, language features and three aspect of writing itself. And another is caused by inappropriate techniques of teaching language.
    Therefore, to overcome students’ problem above, researcher offer a writing technic that assume can be solve writing problem namely content, organization and language use. That is called Process Oriented Approach. In this process, writing is considered as the result of various complex procedures as the result of individual work of writer (Reid,1993). It refers to a teaching approach that focuses on the process to engage when construct meaning.

    1. I think this background is very interesting to read because you shoe about the paragraph coherency is structured, it is support by expert statement. on the other hand, to make this background have complete meaning you must add your sentence it has dependent meaning.
      (comment by Ida Yani A1D211028)

  34. Background
    Empirical research shows that anxious foreign language students are less willing to participate in learning activities, and have lower performance than non-anxious students. So. Students’ anxiety to speak English very important to be solved. Because it can be influence their speaking ability. Beside that, speaking English must be practice to be succes pronounciation and vocabulary, especially to improve their speaking ability.
    Many causes of students anxiety to speak English, it’s important for students’ to reduce their anxiety to speak English, Because A contributing factor to learners' success or failure to master second/foreign language is the manner that learners for their worries, apprehension, and even dread when faced with a certain language”
    According to learning theory of Thorndike, As The learning theory of Thorndike represents the original S-R framework of behavioral psychology: Learning is the result of associations forming between stimuli and responses. Such associations or "habits" become strengthened or weakened by the nature and frequency of the S-R pairings. The paradigm for S-R theory was trial and error learning in which certain responses come to dominate others due to rewards. The hallmark of connectionism (like all behavioral theory) was that learning could be adequately explained without refering to any unobservable internal states. Thorndike's theory consists of three primary laws: (1) law of effect - responses to a situation which are followed by a rewarding state of affairs will be strengthened and become habitual responses to that situation, (2) law of readiness - a series of responses can be chained together to satisfy some goal which will result in annoyance if blocked, and (3) law of exercise - connections become strengthened with practice and weakened when practice is discontinued. A corollary of the law of effect was that responses that reduce the likelihood of achieving a rewarding state (i.e. punishments, failures) will decrease in strength.
    Ahmed Dirman
    A1D2 11 091

    1. You have such strong backup of your topic and why this is important to be investigation further, you got enough of expert statement.

      I think you should put something like closing statement at the end of your background introduction of proposal. something like;
      -thus, the researcher interested to conduct the investigation about.....
      -therefore, the writer intends to see if.......
      -in conclusion, this research aims to..........
      -et cetera

      well done anyway :)

    As we have considered that a language is still need to be learned deeply and be the object of any research up to now. In recent years, applied researches have become interested in this grammar area. It’s due to its development frequently encountering much modification in use in written or spoken application. However, the modification of the language is in harmony with its nature as a means of communication in social activity, for that reason that is more dynamic but not static. Doing a language research, it’s mainly aimed to codify its structure expression in order the speakers are easier to use in the communication activity. Henceforth, the speakers are easier to use the target language in the communication process. Thereby, the implementation of a study of language can be more complete or even complex according to its function as a means of communication. aLearning and focusing on a language, it obviously needs the attention of what sort of the structure and the function of language that enable us to study the aspects of grammar in the language even if the study is in accordance with its form, function and meaning. Therefore, it seems necessary to understand that the study of language on mastering the grammar must be identified based on the object of discussion. In this writing the researcher will conduct a research about the grammar of English which is as a one of the foreign language frequently used by people in Indonesia. Although, the grammar of this language has been investigated by the experts, but as long as the existence of this language as the second language for the learner, as the researcher have concerned that this language is need to study because there may have a number of errors made by users when they use this language as a means of communication, therefore the differences need to be analyzed on this aspect. Thereby, the use of this should be studied in various aspect of discussion in order to be partial in use based on the social need. In learning a language, there are four skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening) normally learned by people for several purposes. However, the idea of learning this language is to have a very well-skilled language to the learners, for this, they are expected to be a good skill of these four skills and for mastering knowledge in terms of grammar and vocabullary. One would intuitively expect that in teaching learning process, the application of these four skills should be in accordance with the students’ need and situation need. For example, when a teacher is teaching the reading text to the students, he or she should use an appropriate method or strategy, in order the instruction objectives of the lesson is able to be based on the program of teaching. Notwithstanding, since the learner wants to increase their ability in productive utterance of language, a good competence is of importance to be owned on writing and speaking, nevertheless, when they want to increase their ability in receptive skill, they should have a good performance on the listening and reading skill. However, the errors frequently made by the learner are the subject matter of writing and speaking. The errors on speaking skills are sometimes difficult to identify because the learner tend to be carelessly in their utterance, but the writing skill is easier to identify because their errors can be seen in their writing. This study is aimed to present the errors made by the students, thereby the study of grammar has become an important aspect of learning a language. This study is important to investigate a number of errors made by them.

  36. Name : Agung Dana
    Reg. Number : A1D211020

    The Effects of Cooperative Learning on English Reading Skills
    and Attitudes of the First-Year Students

    Reading is necessary when students further their study, especially at the university level. They need good reading skill for acquiring knowledge and learning new information. However, we can see that most students’ reading abilities are not good enough to do so. Even reading comprehension skills of students at the upper secondary level are below the 80 percent criterion. (Youngjermjantra, 1994) This idea is supported by the finding of Aumpayap (1990) that reading strategies are not taught much in the secondary level. Therefore, it is rather difficult for them to apply those strategies to improve their reading abilities. Many researchers have been interested in doing research to investigate appropriate reading strategies to help students have better understanding when they read. Many reading methods have been used in classrooms alternately. The results show that some are successful with a particular group of students but some are not. Actually, what should be taken into consideration now is the way the knowledge is presented. As we know, teacher–centred approaches taking place in traditional classrooms do not produce active recipients and result in fossilized language learning. It is not effective enough to promote language acquisition. During the past decade, a new approach called “Cooperative Learning” seemed to attract a lot of attention and became popular. This conceptual approach is based on a theoretical framework that provides general principles on how to structure cooperative learning activities in a teacher’s specific subject area, curriculum, students, and setting. Teachers can use this approach to stimulate students to acquire the knowledge as well as create interpersonal and team skills. Traditionally, classes always consist of good students and weak students. The weak students sit in isolation as they lose confidence in their ability to learn English. Working in groups, therefore, is believed to help solve this problem. Shy students who don’t like to speak in a large class are more comfortable speaking out in smaller groups. Group members can complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses in English. Each student has a different background and ability in English, which he or she can bring to the group. For example, one student might have a strong vocabulary that can supply to students with a solid background in grammar. Furthermore, poor students will benefit from interaction with better ones, and good students will feel proud that they play an important role in helping their weaker classmates.

    1. wow , what a nice and interesting motion you have! but you need to clarify your conclusion, and you need to be focus a little bit at your topic.
      thank you before

  37. A Comparative Study between MURDER teqhnique and Three Phase teqhnique in the teaching of Reading at the third year of SLTP

    Background to the study

    In teaching of english as foregin language in indonesia from junior high school in senior high school put in 1994 curriculum the students should master four language skill compenents, they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. They should be taught integrated one to number.This is an accordas of reading ance with Reutzel and Coorter say that “Key features of reading are that the students own their time and have oppportunities to make choice. Also reading, writing, speaking, and listening are integrated and purposeful social classroom activities”. (1994:4). Based on the opinion above the writer concludes that teaching of english particularly reading is playing important role to develop the language skillls of students in the classroom activities. This implicity means that teaching and learning time should be very much devoted for the student development of this receptive skill. Therefore, in teaching each part of the components has to use good technique to the sutdents. As a reading a components the teacher should use an appropriate teqhnique in teaching learning process ro reach a good reading ability they need. One way to build the students up are good at their english reading achievement the teachers MURDER (mood, understand, recall, detect, ellaborate, review) in cooperative learning beside Three phase teqhnique nowadays.Teaching-learning process in cooperative learning by using MURDER may be different from Three phase technique toward the studentng the ways’ thinking, the way of learnning, the way of act and the students’ motivation learning because the students have responsibility.This cooperative reading teqhnique, MURDER is done in pairs in teaching-learning process while three phase teqhnique is done individually. Based on the above description the writer is interested to investigated on the use of MURDER teqhnique and Three phase teqhnique. Hench, this study is entitiled “A Comparative Study between MURDER teqhnique and Three Phase teqhnique in the teaching of Reading at the third year of SLTP was conducted.

    REG.NUMBER: A1D211045

    1. Nice topic and nice background. I think it would be better for you to add more theories in your background and also you need to add more previous research that related to yours.

  38. Name : I Made Rian Irwanto
    Reg. Number : A1D2 11 101

    Influence of Using Discussion Technique on Students’ Speaking Ability At Junior High School

    In teaching and learning English there are some factors that must be taken much by the teacher as the main person who teaches the English materials for their students. The effect of using discussion technique has been studied extensively in recent years. There for they has to be familiar with the kind of methods used in teaching process. Beside that to make a good atmosphere in the class, she also is hoped have the capability and creativity in doing the task as an English teacher.

    There are also some other factors that must be practiced along the teaching learning process such as, the schedules, the lessons plans, the tools of educations to make the teaching activity interested for the students and there is an active class by some more doing and practicing the materials given.

    To make the teaching learning process clear and relevant, it is better for the teacher to know much about discussion technique, it is a technique in which students work in group, discussion technique can be used in a variety of ways for variety goals, but it is primarily used for the acquisition and presentation of a new material, review, or informed debate.

    Based on the explanation above, the aim of this research activity is to give an information that discussion technique can be used to teach English materials for the students and it has some alternative ways to be practiced based on the teacher’s creativity, and the teacher‘s capability.

    While the benefit of this research activity, it is hoped that it will be give some benefits both for the teacher and the students along the learning process, it means that the teacher can practice the chosen Influence of Using Discussion Technique on Students’ Speaking Ability at Junior High School used to give the English materials legality, while for the students, they can receive the teacher’s explanation easily, interesting and enjoyable to follow the learning process. So they can improve their capability in English and have the high causality to learn much about English.

  39. Name : Hainudin
    No. Reg : A1D2 11 005.

    we can attract, recruit and retain to become the best teachers.
    We need a debate about what teachers need to learn when they begin their training and what should be done to keep them in the classroom

    As teachers you have an enormously complex job. You are expected to teach children from all backgrounds, those who enjoy school and those who hate it, those with supportive parents and those with disengaged parents. You try to do everything you can to enthuse all your students, to stretch poor performers, challenge the most able, excite them with learning and help them get good test and exam results.

    Evidence shows that high quality teachers play an important role in how well pupils do, so attracting the best people to teach is vital. Getting them to stay is even more important. Both are difficult.

    The Education Select Committee's report on attracting, recruiting and retaining the best teachers, published earlier this year, acknowledges that. It also says we need to know more about what qualities make the "best" teachers, and that's surprisingly hard. There's quite a lot of data about the impact the "best" teachers have on pupils' attainment, and lots of talk about "everyone remembering a good teacher", but much of the research looks at what effective teachers do rather than their qualities. This makes it easy for the government to focus on what's measurable: class of degree, literacy and numeracy test scores, and an interpersonal skills test. And as yet we only know the latter will be a written test.

    Most people if asked whether they "remember a good teacher" would probably remember someone enthusiastic about their subject who wanted them to be as excited by it; or someone who helped them through a difficult period; or got them to think differently, to try something different, to see learning as something they could do well.

    The Committee recommended the government should work with experts to develop these tests, but the government merely said when the tests will start.

    If initial training is focused, there must be a guarantee that teachers will be supported, through continuous professional development, to widen their skills and knowledge over subsequent years, before choosing if they want to specialise - into behaviour support or special educational needs - or go into leadership.

    Instead most teachers study a subject to degree level, then spend a year learning how to teach before starting a job with the possibility of no induction, support or coherent continuous professional development to build on what they learned in their teacher training year.

    We need quality assured continuous professional development that builds on initial training, but instead the government is committed to "local" provision which, at a time of budget cuts, risks becoming "little" provision. And we need proper support in schools for trainee and newly qualified teachers. We need experienced teachers to have access to training to become mentors, so that they can offer focused observations, constructive feedback and support for both new and trainee teachers. And we need time for new and experienced teachers to learn from each other about developing new and innovative ways of teaching.

    But, most importantly, the government needs to give some thought to what makes teachers stay in the classroom. "Imagine someone bright, and full of intellectual vigour, and on fire with a passion for learning and a real talent for communicating this passion and then ask why such a person should have to be told what to do every minute of the day."

  40. Name :Fatmawati
    Off.no : A1D211039

    Extensive reading is reading as much as possible, for your own pleasure, at a difficulty level at which you can read smoothly and quickly without looking up words or translating to English as you go. You read many simpler books that are at or slightly below the level at which you read fluently. This lets you get used to reading more complex sentences with ease, reinforces the words you already know and helps you learn new words from context. There are some principal of extensive reading, they are don’t look up words in the dictionary, skip over parts you don’t understand, if you aren’t enjoying one book, toss it aside and get another. So in this journal I want to know how does extensive reading effect to students speaking skill. In ways we so far do not fully understand the benefits of ER beyond reading. There is a spread of effect from reading competence to other language skills, writing, speaking, and control over syntax.(Elley 1991) the same phenomenon is noted by Day and Branford (1998;32-39) but they even note evidence of improvements in the spoken language. So reading seems to benefit all language skill, not just reading. With read commonly of course the collection of our words are increase because we get used to reading. Even though in pronunciation we can’t as good as the real but it doesn’t matter because we can look another way to fix it. Beside that, in grammar sometimes students which is read a lot they understand what actually the mistake of a sentence but they can’t explain it, they just use their feeling power. Some people said that to increase our speaking skill in English, the best way is to go aboard or through extensive reading.

    1. NUR RAHMA (A1D2 10 139)
      Background Of Case-based learning
      Case-based learning (CBL) is an instructional design model that is a variant of project-oriented learning. It is popular in business and law schools. CBL in a narrow sense is quite similar to to problem-based learning, but it may also be more open ended as in our definition of project-based learning. It is not close to what we called Project-methodology-based learning.
      According to the Case-based Learning page of the Center for Instructional Development & Distance Education , retrieved 19:35, 11 October 2007 (MEST), “Cases are factually-based, complex problems written to stimulate classroom discussion and collaborative analysis. Case teaching involves the interactive, student-centered exploration of realistic and specific situations. As students consider problems from a perspective which requires analysis, they strive to resolve questions that have no single right answer.”
      CBL is also a subfield of artificial intelligence. Case-based learning as technology can be found in advanced systems like Intelligent tutoring systems, e.g. to find stories to support reasoning (Jonassen & Hernandez-Serrano, 2002)
      In an earlier (now unavailable) version [1], CIDDE, defines Case-based learning (CBL) as “instruction by the use of stories about individuals facing decisions or dilemmas” and was characterized as follows:
      Features : learner-centered; Collaboration and cooperation between the participants; discussion of specific situations, typically real-world examples; questions with no single right answer.

      Students : engaged with the characters and circumstances of the story; identify problems as they perceive it; connect the meaning of the story to their own lives; bring their own background knowledge and principles; raise points and questions, and defend their positions; formulate strategies to analyze the data and generate possible solutions; nmay not agree, and sometimes a compromise is reached;

      Teacher: Facilitator; encourages exploration of the case and consideration of the characters' actions in light of their own decisions.

      Cases : factually-based; complex problems written to stimulate classroom discussion and collaborative analysis; involves the interactive, student-centered exploration of realistic and specific situations.
      Cases have traditionally been used to teach decision making skills in professional education. More recently, cases are being used for learning medical science in PBL. The medical school use of cases differs from that in other professional schools in that PBL focuses on medical subject matter content more so than on decision-making.

  41. Name : Sri Nurul Ayu (A1D2 11 057)
    The Effect of Write Pair Share Technique on Student’s Reading Achievement at The Seven Grade of SMPN 17 Kendari
    In the teaching and learning English as our second language, there are four skills that should be mastered. They are reading, listening, speaking and writing. Reading is one of skills that should be mastered by the students in order to understand the text and get the information or idea about the text. Hence, the teacher should be pay attention to the students if reading is very important skill for their life, because by reading the students can develop their knowledge, experience, and understanding. Also, the students can get much information from the text, such as technology, education, science, etc widely. In teaching reading, the use of teaching technique is one of the important ways for improving the students reading comprehension. Thus, it can be said that reading technique is one of the elements that should be paid attention by English teacher when they are applying the reading material for their students.
    However, there are some problems which the students face in learning reading such as the students are difficult to find out the main idea of the text and difficult to determine the meaning of the words in reading text. To handle this student’s problem, there should be an effective method that use in teaching reading. The researcher interested in apply cooperative learning method with write-pair-share technique that will be implemented in teaching reading. Write-pair-share is a simple technique of cooperative learning which consists of three steps, namely write the answer/ideas individually, share the answer or ideas in pair, and the last share the pair’s idea in whole class (Kagan, 1992).
    It seems that cooperative learning with write-pair-share technique is useful to improve the student’s reading achievement. By using this technique, the students can work together in share information or idea, give feedback and responsible for their pair’s answer. Therefore, the researcher interested in research the effect of write-pair-share technique on the student’s reading achievement at the seven grade of SMPN 17 Kendari.

    1. sri nurul, you take a good topic to discuss. I think your thesis will be very useful for us as the teacher to-be. besides, you clearly explain it so that we are as the reader can read and understand it well. ^_*

    REG.NO: A1D2 11 128


    1. Background to the study
    Reading is one of the four language components that should be mastered by students. Without reading, the students could not enlarge their knowledge, open the window of the world, access information technology deeply. But most of the students have problems in reading suject. Students have problems in comprehending a reading text, they have less of vocabulary and grammatical aspect. Therefore, students have difficult to gain information from the reading text. Besides that, students have poor motivation and interest in learning English especially in reading. One of cause students’ problems is the teacher has not applied some interactive technique in teaching reading. In teaching learning process the teacher just explained a little and then asked them to answer some questions given. To make the students comprehend reading text well, many alternatives of reading teaching strategies could be developed. One of them was the implementation of Think-Pair-Share (TPS) strategy. This technique is very effective in the clasroom. In a TPS activity, students are divided into pairs and each pair designated a three-step integrated cooperative structure in which individuals think silently about questions posed by teacher during the first step, paired up during the second step and exchanged thoughts, in the the third step, the pair shared their responses with other pairs, other teams, or entire group or class.
    It can help students practice new skills, reinforce social skills, teach teamwork skills, and increase student retention of the material. It’s all too easy to fall into the habit of seeing only individual practice as “real” practice on a given skill or concept. In reality, though, our students can practice these skills not just by themselves, but also in pairs and in small groups.

    1. nice topic, restu. but I think you should add some theories to support your statements or ideas. furthermore, we'll hardly find the research gap if there is no theory or result of previous theory in your thesis. so, it's essential for you to add some theories.

      good job, after all.

    REG.NO: A1D210090

    The Using of Story Grammar Strategy to Improve Student’s Achievement in Reading Comprehension at the First Grade Student in SMA 1 BESULUTU . - - Background of the study
    English has been use widely in the world both as first language and the second language. There are four skills that should be mastered by the users of English, namely; speaking, reading, listening and writing.
    Reading comprehension is an interactive process between the reader and the text. The reader interacts with the text, and relates idea from the text to prior experience to construct meaning. To study reading is very important as the student of English department, because there are many advantages from study reading. By reading, we will be able to increase our knowledge on culture. If we read every rule in written English from our country, we will know what our country is like. For instance read novel from another country, we will get more knowledge about the other country with its culture. In English Department, we study English do not only master of grammar or vocabulary but also master the culture of the target language. If we do not know about the culture, we will get difficulties to understand to communicate with a native speaker. Although, we may learn about English words through the dictionary, we still need to learn the English culture, so the communication can be understood and avoid misunderstanding.
    Based on my observation in SMA 1 BESULUTU, reading also taught integrative in the four language skills. But in teaching reading, the teacher still use the traditional method which only give a text and to the students and ask students to answer some questions based on the text without some explanations. This fact make students very uninterested and bored to learn English especially reading.
    Whereas there are some techniques that can be used by the teacher in order to the students can learn reading easily. For example: SORY GRAMMAR, JIGSAW, ONE STAY TWO STRAY, KWL (Know-Want-Learn) and many others.
    In this study, the writer will introduce the using of story grammar in teaching reading. This reading comprehension strategy was designed to provide students with a strategic plan for selecting important aspects of story information for further study by asking themselves the five “wh” questions. The story grammar strategy through story mapping was selected because it was reported that the elements of story visually represented in the story maps provide a clear picture of the text structures in the student’s mind and guide them through the text and finally improve their reading comprehension. Thus, this study was directed to solve the students' problems in comprehending texts in terms of recognizing meaning of words in the text, meaning of sentences in the text, topic of the text, and the rhetorical structures of the text.

    1. Juliani (A1D210050)
      In your background of proposal, especially in making generalization that have good in adding your reason about your background why you choose this topic. Over all its very clear. But, in reviewing items of previous study, you still needed more explanation. And I think, in your background of proposal you need more explanation in making a counter claim.

  44. Background
    Language as a tool of communication with the others people to share the human needs is very important. We know that without language, people can not interact with the others. By langu
    English as the one of language is very important in this world because it becomes an international language and as a global language which is learned by countries in this world to increase the prosperity of those country itself. It no doubt that English is certainly important for all people to learn it, all of people in this world and also Indonesia people have to learn it because we know that the famous and modern books of science, knowledge, international business, healthy are in English so people of Indonesia must master English to improve the quality of educational and the quality of progression in Indonesia itself.
    Globalization era makes English must be taught in school. The Indonesia government curriculum has informed that all schools in Indonesia have to teach English. Additionally, English has to be mastered by students and it causes government of Indonesia makes English is not only a lesson which must be learnt by students of Indonesia but it is also as one of the subject in state examination in Indonesia.
    The value of English as important lesson will be practical than theoretical. In practicing English are mentioned four skills which must be mastered by the students. The four skills of English as a language are listening, speaking, reading and writing. All of skills must be mastered by students because it becomes the standard competencies which have to be reached by students.
    Speaking is the important one of four skills which has been mastered by the students. But in the teacher center learning, teacher does not emphasize in practicing speaking skill to his students. Ramelan (1991:22) states that the poor mastery of English speaking of students is result of the old ways of teaching which do not give stress to the mastery of spoken language. It means the poorness of students’ speaking ability becomes the problem of learning process in Indonesia because some teachers of Indonesia use the old ways to teach their students as like the old methods and the teachers do not use the good media in the teaching learning process. They just concern on the theory not on the practiced. Although improvement of speaking skill is the important problem, in fact only some teachers realize it.
    It is also happened in the SMP IT AL ISLAM. Based on the small interview with students of SMP IT AL ISLAM the writer found that the practice of speaking in the teaching learning process is rarely to be done, it is caused English teacher of SMP IT AL ISLAM does not emphasize on the speaking practiced. It makes students are shy and afraid to speak. After observing the real situation for a week in the classroom teacher only emphasizes the way to answer the questions by using English Supplementary Material, there is rarely to practice in speaking English so students’ speaking ability is not good enough. There the technique which is usually used by English teacher is three phases technique and the media is realia.

    name : Marhaen Eka Paksi
    Reg.no : A1D2 11 026

    1. Hi Marhaen Eka,,, you make good writing organization in explaining the student's speaking problem but I want to suggest that it will be better if you put the title of research you want to do, so we can know your research objective.
      Sitti Iswatun

    REG. NO : A1D211054


    1. Background to the study

    A language is considered to be a system of communicating with other people using sounds, symbols and words in expressing a meaning, idea or thought. This language can be used in many forms, primarily through oral and written communications as well as using expressions through body language.
    Language may refer either to the specifically human capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of communication, or to a specific instance of such a system of complex communication.
    According to Douglas (2007:384), language is a systematic means of communicating ideas or feelings by the use of conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures, or marks having understood meanings.
    Language is a complex, specialized skill, which develops in the child spontaneously, without conscious effort or formal instruction, is deployed without awareness of its underlying logic, is qualitatively the same in every individual, and is distinct from more general abilities to process information or behave intelligently. (The language Instinct, 1994:6)
    On the other hand, according to Ron Scollon (2004, p.272), wish to emphasize that, first of all, language is not something that comes in “nicely packaged units” and that it certainly is “a multiple, complex, and kaleidoscopic phenomenon.”
    Teaching English to the students can said tricky. Many people argue that describe the subject matter is very difficult because English is a foreign language inevitably be carried out under the demands of the curriculum in force in our country.
    Many students feel confused when they want to speak English with smart fast way. But they were confused where to start. Does first have to master grammar, conversation, vocabulary, reading or writing?
    Vocabulary is one of the language aspects. The students cannot read, speak, listen, and write without understanding the meaning of words. But, by teaching vocabulary first, the students easily able to read, understand and memorize vocabulary more quickly because this is a very effective way.
    In addition, a better way and easier to teach English, especially vocabulary to students is by using games, such as word search puzzle game. Because this game could be an alternative or variation in the methods of English teaching for teachers. With this method, students will not feel bored in learning English. But they will become critical and active children in learning English.
    Word search puzzle can be designed for any educational levels, which make them an ideal learning activity for the students.
    Teaching vocabulary through word search puzzle is not only in written activities and fun so that it would make the students passive learners but also process of the teaching these vocabulary at to be applied in active activities in a for of communication the students will be taught how memorize for a spelling test to do a word search.
    Based on the above statements, the writer takes the title of this study as follow teaching vocabulary with the theme “fruits” through word search puzzle to the seventh grade students of the State Junior High School.

    1. I think your thesis is interesting. your topic can help the teacher to make their class more joyful. beside that, the student that taught by this topic will be more enjoy the class. but I think its better if you put the other expert theory.

  46. Name: maarifa
    Reg number :A1D211110
    Assignment : writing 4


    1.1 Background of the study
    In this globalization era people live in one world and will interact with order member of other community with different languages. This certainly would cause difficulty in understanding each other. Mastering English as an international language is essential. A part from being the medium of communication, English needed in the world's job as well. When we read job vacancy on newspapers or the mass media, mastering English is one of its qualifications. How lucky they are those who master English today and they have keys to a huge and luxurious building: they can open and see glamorous rooms. No wonder many countries in the world use English as their language. In Indonesia, for example English language is trying as the first foreign language. Even in the Indonesian Education System, government has made a set of curriculum, which includes teaching of English as one of the require subjects learnt from Junior High School to Senior High School. Why nowadays English language as compulsory subject at both Junior High School and Senior High School in 1994 curriculum.
    In government education program English is trying very special and it becomes one of the qualification in passing the National Examination. English instruction is emphasize on the four skills such as; reading, listening writing, and vocabulary, which are think, integrate. Because English first foreign language in Indonesia students. The students need much time to learn and practice it. The students must study hard not only at school but also outside, like at home by attending English course or going tourism objects to practice their English with native speakers. While, there are many ways take by the teachers in their teaching learning process. They are all applying in various kinds of strategies, techniques, methods or approaches based on the field of learning discuss. However, the results are usually unsatisfactory.

  47. Name: juwianti
    Reg number :A1D2 10 068
    Assignment : writing 4



    1.1 Background of the Study
    Language is one of the most important things in communication and it is used as a toll of communication among the nations in all over the world. As an international language, English is very important and has many interrelationships with various aspects of life owned by human being. In Indonesia, English considered as the first foreign language and taught formally from elementary school up to the university level.
    In English, there are four skills that should be mastered, they are: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The reading skill became very important in the education field, students need to be exercised and trained in order to have a good reading skill.
    Reading is also something crucial and indispensable for the students because the success of their study depends on the greater part of their ability to read. If their reading skill is poor they are very likely to fail in their study or at least they will have difficulty in making progress. On the other hand, if they have a
    In reading, to comprehend the text the readers should be able to manage every part of the text, because it is easy to gain the comprehension in reading when the readers are able to organize the text. Sometimes, they may find form of pre-questioning and it is important for them to comprehend a reading text with having knowledge in general view of the text. Theoretically, pre-questioning itself can build the students’ interest and motivation before students read the whole text. Moreover, the students can predict what will be discussed on the text. In line with this study, students may improve their reading comprehension if they know about pre-questioning and it is very important to understand about pre-questioning in order to get good comprehension in reading.
    Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in finding out the effects of treatment with pre-questioning and without pre-questioning on students’ reading comprehension achievement and concluded that the pre-questioning consist of some questions provided before the students read the whole text. It tends to build the students’ interest and motivation to read the text.

    Reading is considered as an important aspect for students because of its valuable benefit in developing knowledge. Reading is also the most important skill for EFL learners especially in academic context because students need to comprehend and deal with all reading aspects and difficulties.

    Particular reading techniques are needed not only to overcome student difficulties, but also to improve their reading abilities. Those techniques are skimming and scanning.
    Scanning is the technique for quickly finding specific information in a text while ignoring its broader meaning, it searches for keywords or ideas in a written text (Brown, 2001 : 308). Meanwhile, skimming is a technique in looking over a text to get a quick idea of the gist of a text (Harmer, 2001). By encouraging the students to glance their eyes and take a short look at a text and searching for specific piece of information, it will help them get the general understanding and detail information of the text itself (Harmer, 2001).
    Based on that explanation, therefore, skimming and scanning techniques are required in helping students in comprehending a text, getting detailed information and other reading tasks. Skimming and scanning techniques are also intended to help students in overcome the senior high school curriculum task in Indonesia, which is to understand the meaning of short functional text and simple essay in the form of report, narrative and analytical exposition in the context of everyday situation and also to access knowledge (KTSP, 2005).
    Hence, the present study is intended to investigate the effectiveness of skimming and scanning techniques in improving students' reading abilities and it is expected that this research will contribute to the practice of reading teaching in the future
    Name : Octyana Zamila
    Off. Number : A1D2 09 015

  49. Name : Wa Ode Nisrawati
    Reg. Number : A1D2 10 004

    The Effect of Blogging on Essay Writing Performance among English Department Learners in Halu Oleo University

    Writing as one of the four basic language skills that plays the important role in teaching English as a foreign language in Indonesia. There are a number of reasons for teaching writing to learners of English as foreign language. First, through writing, learners can communicate each other without face to face. Second, writing can also help learners who have a problem in speaking. The last, writing is an activity that has function to improve learners’ language development.
    The ability of learners in writing can be seen as an ability of learners in order to produce and create words into a paragraph. This ability is a skill that should be mastered because writing is one of activities that most activities for people. In academic setting, moreover, learners demand to master writing skill well. Learners are expected to produce good writing composition. In fact, to have a good writing is not easy because it is involves our thinking, knowledge, ideas, in order to organize in good writing.
    An essay is generally a short piece of writing written from an author's personal point of view, but the definition is vague, overlapping with those of an article and a short story. Essays can consist of a number of elements, including: literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life. It is not an easy skill. Learners need to have the capability in organizing the paragraph well in order to help the readers to understand what they are writing about. In addition, writing itself is also called complex skill in which learners need to use five aspects of langue, like organization, content, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics.
    In today’s world, there are lots of methods in language teaching in general and teaching writing in particular. Although it is generally agreed that blogging gives many potential advantages in ESL/EFL classes and much research are done on blogging, only few studies are conducted about the effect of blogging on writing performance in EFL context. Blogging is quite a new tool for language instructors, but I did not find documented studies have been done among Halu Oleo University learners. Furthermore, there is not an experimental studies have been conducted on the use of blogging as an online tool in essay writing. So, a study on the effect blogging on the essay writing performance of English Department learners in Halu Oleo University seems unavoidable.

  50. Name : Titin Astina
    Reg.No : A1D211043

    The Effect of Cooperation Teaching Method on Learning of Students in Language Learning in SMAN 02 Kendari

    Nowadays, the cognition and taking advantage of a new method of teaching is a very important issue, which increases the efficiency of education and plays an effective role in improving the amount of learning. Students in classrooms are taught using methods which were at work 50 years ago. To get prepared as future work force, today’s students should, through the application of new and innovative teaching methods. In Active and interactive teaching, the objective is to acquire scientific facts through research, thinking, discussion and logical reasoning, improving and strengthening of thinking skills. Methods suitable for interactive learning provides opportunities for the learners and allows them reflect on their own learning experiences and therefore are able to understand the contradictions between their existing understandings and new experiences and consider alternative understandings. Cooperative learning raised in the beginning of the twentieth century by John Dewey has changed to one of the permanent discussions in the area of teaching in recent years and numerous researches have been conducted in this regard. Indecent decades, one of the debates among educators is how to facilitate learning and how to increase its effectiveness.
    Teacher is the final operator of the training programs and is considered a focal element in educational process. During training, the teacher has the opportunity to activate the students or make them passive learners.
    The main role of the teacher is to create participation, cooperation, collaboration and friendship among a group of students and to teach them how to conduct effective researches. Also, teachers should focus all their efforts to make students understand that their success depends on the success of other students. Another research refers to cooperative learning as a teaching technique in which students work together in small groups to achieve a common goal and not only are responsible for their own learning, but also feel responsible toward learning of others. Based on the review of the results obtained from more than 500 research studies on methods of education, assistance is an effective teaching strategy and the best argument for the efficacy of this approach is that individuals increase cognitive skills through it. Some teachers are not satisfied with the strict environment of their classes and complain about lack of motivation and interest in their students. The proposed suggestion to improve this condition is an appropriate teaching method. Therefore, the researcher interested in research the effect The Effect of Cooperation Teaching Method on Learning of Students in Language Learning in SMAN 02 Kendari in eighth grade.

  51. Name : Titin Astina
    Reg. No : A1D211043
    Task A
    From the text we could see, the author maps out the research field by using more than one method. Firstly, the author is making generalization about the topic. It can be seen when the author start with introducing or make a general statement about nutrition, food preferences and intakes. Next, the author continued with reviewing item on the previous research with stating some studies about food intakes for elderly in Malaysia, also the author explained what things that happened in some research.
    Task B
    1. Underline the sentences that refers to research gap
    • However, some elderly people may change their food preferences due to health reason and food belief,
    • However avoidance of certain fruits and vegetables due to food beliefs has been reported in a proportion of rural elderly in Malays,
    • There was e need to investigate the adequacy of dietary intake and food preferences among our hospitalized geriatric patients.
    2. The gap that created by indicating a gap in the previous research
    In this case, indicating a gap in the previous research means that the author shows studies which related to the author research which is didn’t adequate result. So, the author stated some contraries between it and tell the reader that the author will do in the research in order to make the study case have more adequate result. Also, the author offering us his/her study to show that there must be more complete research to this case.

  52. Name: Sitti Iswatun
    Reg no: A1D210028
    Writing Assignment
    The introduction part of my research proposal.

    The Effect of Using Call in Teaching Vocabulary

    CALL or Computer Assist Language Learning is the newest way in teaching English as a foreign language. This kind of way is done focused on computer learning. So the student must know about the way in operating the computer before they learn so far about the language itself.
    The research found that when the teacher in the class use CALL as the media of learning English, especially in vocabulary comprehension. The students much more understand and work well when they are studying vocabulary. Besides that, when the students use CALL to memorize some vocabulary, they get many improvement in the case of their vocabulary. These because in CALL there are many kinds of program or software that are help the students to improve their comprehension about vocabulary. For example, software games, software quiz, and many more.
    In addition the other fact in Kendari, the students especially in university level often use CALL in doing their English task. In short, this will be done well if applied in senior and junior high school. Then purpose of this research is to know the students comprehension in learning vocabulary by using CALL. The study was also undertaken as a basis for improving junior high school student’s ability in vocabulary.

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    2. i just want to comment that it is good in mapping out your research field, you make generalization about the CALL itself..
      and my second comment is I also found that the title of this research is rather not consistent with the research purpose where the title is “The Effect of Using Call in Teaching Vocabulary” , while the purpose is improving students ability in vocabulary. :))
      In my opinion, if we take a look on the title, the research you want to conduct is an “experimental research” where the purpose is just to know the effect of Using CALL to the students’ vocabulary, not specifically to improve their vocabulary. If we take a look to the research purpose, it means that you must use a quantitative “Classroom Action Research Design” which has primary function to improve the students’ ability in Vocabulary.

      Thanks ^^ _ Wa Ode Nisrawati A1D2 10 004

  53. name: Iwan Supriyatno
    reg. number: A1D2 11 051


    “Empirical research shows that anxious foreign language students are less willing to participate in learning activities, and have lower performance than non-anxious students” (Aida 1994, MacIntyre and Gardner 1991, in Tsiplakides, 2009:39). So, students’ anxiety to speak English is very important to be solved, because it can be influence their speaking ability.
    ”Anxiety can be described as a perceived notion of psychological distress which occurs due to the expectation of a disconcerting and potentially threatening event. Although extensive research has focused on the concept of anxiety, it cannot be defined by purely objective or concrete means” (Rachman, 2004, in Larson, 2007: 2). “We define anxiety as an emotion characterized by feelings of anticipated danger, tension, and distress and by sympathetic nervous system arousal”. (Davidoff, 1981: 356).
    Many causes of students anxiety to speak English, it’s important for students’ to reduce their anxiety to speak English, Because (Bailey, in Zhang, 2001:52) says: “A contributing factor to learners' success or failure to master second/foreign language is the manner that learners for their worries, apprehension, and even dread when faced with a certain language”
    According to learning theory of Thorndike, as explained by Surya (1996:29) stated The learning theory of Thorndike represents the original S-R framework of behavioral psychology: Learning is the result of associations forming between stimuli and responses. Such associations or "habits" become strengthened or weakened by the nature and frequency of the S-R pairings. The paradigm for S-R theory was trial and error learning in which certain responses come to dominate others due to rewards. The hallmark of connectionism (like all behavioral theory) was that learning could be adequately explained without referring to any unobservable internal states. Thorndike's theory consists of three primary laws: (1) law of effect - responses to a situation which are followed by a rewarding state of affairs will be strengthened and become habitual responses to that situation, (2) law of readiness - a series of responses can be chained together to satisfy some goal which will result in annoyance if blocked, and (3) law of exercise - connections become strengthened with practice and weakened when practice is discontinued. A corollary of the law of effect was that responses that reduce the likelihood of achieving a rewarding state (i.e. punishments, failures) will decrease in strength.
    In this case, the writer intends to take up that problem, through his paper entitled: “REDUCING STUDENTS’ ANXIETY TO SPEAK ENGLISH”.

    In this globalization era, which is characterized by advancement in science and technology with all their impacts on every aspect of life. That includes tool of communication in the world. In this case, English growth as an international language. Therefore, English is a foreign language that is thought from elementary school to university in almost all countries in the world, including Indonesia. At the level of English Study Program, English covers four major skills, namely writing, speaking, listening, and reading. To improve these skills, especially reading skill, the teacher needs to know the best or most appropriate technique to apply to the learners. So, it can make them interest to learn and to improve their reading skill.
    Generally, for indonesia’s students, more specific in Sulawesi Tenggara, English becomes difficult lesson for them, especially in reading. They usually feeling bored in learn reading, moreover if they do not understand truly about a text. It can be cause the students do not have enough vocabulary. Besides, the students are not really like with the conventional technique where is they ordering to read text and then answering the questions. It is too boring for them I think, especially for kinesthetic learners.
    Therefore, the writer thinks that the one of the solutions to solve this problem is the English teacher should use an appropriate technique in teaching reading. One of technique is jigsaw technique. Jigsaw technique is the technique in teaching where the students work in jigsaw group and study together in each group to become an expert in their own group. In addition, jigsaw technique can encourages motivation of learners to read because they work in group which they can helping each other and become more active. So, that will losing their boredom.
    Base on explanation above, the writer concludes that those assumption is justifiable where jigsaw technique can increase the student’s interest in reading text. Therefore, in this paper writer will discuss more about ”The Effect of Jigsaw Technique on Student’s Reading Interest”.


    1. It will be better if you add some previous studies related to your research, for example showing the previous studies that found the benefits of using jigsaw method in classsroom. thanks

  55. a. Background.
    Language is a tool of communication that human use in social interaction at their environment. Language becomes the human media in conveying the message to others in the process of interaction. Language teaching is also one of the principle focuses in teaching process at school; it is also applied in senior high school. English language became one of the subjects in senior high school. English is a second and foreign language in Indonesia. Like Indonesian, English language also has four kinds of skills that must be mastered by students in order to become successful language learners, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Fourth of those skills must be covered by a student in language teaching, including writing ability.
    In SMAN 2 RAHA, writing is included as one of the skills in English subject. The implementation of English teaching especially teaching writing have not good now. However, they are particularly faced some problems. As the result of pre-observation, most of the students are difficult to write a good writing. Their writing is very poor in terms of content, organization, and language use.
    The caused students difficult in writing skill are first, language use is also become the problem here. There are many grammatical inaccuracies covered their writing, such tenses, especially simple past tense, subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, adjective etc. Second, teaching of writing is still using conventional method. Third, technique that teacher application in teaching process doesn’t interesting of students.
    Process oriented approach refers to a teaching approach that focuses on the process a writer engages in when constructing meaning. In a process-oriented approach, writing is considered as the result of various complex procedures which is the result of individual work of a writer (Reid, 1993). This approach focuses on how clearly and efficiently a student can express and organize their ideas, not on correctness of form. Students are first asked to go through such writing processes, trying organize and express their ideas clearly.
    So that, by applying this approach, the teaching quality in serving this writing skill will be given such improvement and they can gain the satisfied result related to students’ improvement in English learning. So, the researcher makes the title of this study “IMPROVINGSTUDENTS’ WRITING ABILITY UNDER PROCESS ORIENTED APPROACH AT CLASS XI1 OF SMA NEGERI 2 RAHA”. It will include in real action applied in the classroom.

    By Maria Intan Permata Hati (A1D2 10 039)

    1. The background of this study is Lack of expert and the writer does not explain the advantages of the technique that will be use.

  56. 1.1. Background
    Reading is the third skill area to be developed in language acquisition. It integrates with other skill namely listening, speaking and writing. Those skills have been recommended in the teaching on English based on the 1994 SMU Curriculum.
    Generally, the main purpose of reading is to gain information includes content and comprehending the meaning of text. As Anderson states that there are some purposes of someone’s read. Those are: reading for details, reading for main ideas, reading for sequence, reading for inference, reading for classify, reading to evaluate and reading for result (Anderson, in Tarigan, 1979:9-10)
    The English teachers as the mediator of teaching and learning process in the classroom have a responsibility to improve the students’ reading skill or achievement. In the teaching and learning process, the teacher should give a chance to the students to be more active in the learning process.
    To make the students active, we can say that teachers should apply appropriate methods or technique in the teaching and learning process, because the appropriate technique is one of elements or factor that should be considered by the teachers reach the students’ learning outcome or students’ success in their learning.
    The researcher used one technique from cooperative learning to increase the students the students’ motivation in learning English reading. It is accordance to MeGroarty (1993) point out “Cooperative group increase opportunities for students to product, to obtain modeling and feedback from their peers”. So, the researcher uses a teaching technique of cooperative learning, namely Jigsaw technique. It’s mean to make the students more active in learning.
    To consider the role of teacher and students in teaching learning process by using cooperative learning and students comprehension in learning English, the researcher choose the jigsaw technique because some English teachers still use the traditional technique when they teach English in the classroom. They never change with the new ones. So, it makes students bored in learning English subject. Jigsaw technique is very important as one of the learning technique in group.
    Based on those reason above the researcher take an infinitive to do a study by presenting jigsaw technique in this school, therefore the researcher would like to see whether the effect of jigsaw technique in teaching is reading comprehension at the second year students of SMA Negeri 2 Raha.

    name : Siti Anisa Ainun
    Off. no : A1D2 10 111

    1. The lack of this study are the writer does not explain the main problems especially the student's problem in reading skill and the writer does not explain specifically about the advantages of that jigsaw technique.


    Background of the Study

    Writing is one of the skills which people use graphic symbols to express ideas through written communication. The graphic symbols in writing have to be arranged to form words and words have to be arranged to form sentence, and so on. To form them, the writer not only needs linguistic competence but also communicative competence, knowledge to deal with content, organization, language use, and mechanic. Similarly, Jacob (1981:60) states that producing a piece of writing, a writer is required to use his or her knowledge to deal with content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanic. Hence, this skill needs more attention to be applied because it is crucial and complicated to do.
    In Indonesia there are some problems that usually occur in writing as one of the English productive skill. Janna (2009) states that many teacher and students alike consider writing to be most difficult subject of language skill to learn. In this case, aspect of writing itself becoming a crucial thing to be applied and these entire, make the teacher should work hardly to find the way to make the students understand with these.
    As one of the skills that are integrated on English subject, writing is taught in Senior High School. In teachers’ syllabus of SMPN 2 Bonegunu, writing skills hold an important role in developing student’s English ability. As the researcher’s observation the students of this school especially at class X3 have some problems in writing, one of the main problems is the students are difficult to start writing and to express their ideas out.
    Media is one thing that is offered by many experts as a tool to increase the interest and motivations of the students. Picture is one media which is suggested for helping the success of teaching-learning (Wright, 1989: 2-4). Then, by using a set of incomplete series pictures, the researcher hopes that learning writing will be easier. Thus, they can make interesting stories.
    Based on the statement above, the researcher is interested to use incomplete pictures series. Therefore, the researcher conducts research entitled “The Effect of Incomplete Series Pictures on Students’ Writing Ability at Class X3 of SMPN 2 Bonegunu”.

    1. you have a good topic but you need to be focus on.
      and then you have to provide more data and theories related to your topic.
      thank you

    2. I think your technique in solving the students' problems is good, but may be you can put a little explanation about the technique so that we get the meaning of your technique. thank you :)

  58. A study of learning style of English study program students
    Nowadays, globalization and increasingly communication among the nation over the world, makes the role of English as international language highly increased and demanded. English become one of the compulsory subjects of education in our country. This necessity influences the students to prefer English study program as their priority in education after graduated from senior high school. English study program is chosen because there are any advantages in learning English. There are also many provided jobs are able in English as they second language.
    Meanwhile, learning English is not easy as another compulsory subject. It depends on the lecturer that taught it. Also, every student in English study program has their own learning style and it is important thing in teaching and learning process. In addition, Rebecca Oxford (2003: 2) stated that “learning styles are the general approaches –for example, global or analytic, auditory or visual –that students uses in acquiring a new language or in learning any other subject”. This statement supported by Cornet (1983) cited in Rebecca Oxford (2003: 2) stated that “these styles are the overall patterns that give general direction to learning behavior.
    Learning style is the main factor that helps students in learning English as the second language. Although, each student have their own style in learning and its different each other’s. They learn through their learning style such as visual, auditory, or kinesthetic style. It similar with research with U.S school children R. Dunn (1983, 1984) and Reinert (1976) cited in Joy M. Reid (1987: 89) has demonstrated that “learners have four basic perceptual learning channels (or modalities): 1. Visual learning: reading, studying charts; 2. Auditory learning: listening to lectures, audiotapes; 3. Kinesthetic learning: experiential learning, that is, total physical involvement with a learning situation; 4. Tactile learning: “hands on” learning, such as building models or doing laboratory experiments”.
    Style of each student in learning, influence their ability to learn English as their second language. However, many students not believe if they can be successful in learning language. It because their learning style is not always appropriate with lecturer that taught in their classroom. This make students difficulties in learn English. Moreover, they find difficulties to recall the previous lesson, such us memorizing the new vocabularies. Therefore, the researcher interested to researched a study of learning style of English study program students.

    By : Berlian Kristanti (A1D211061)

  59. The Effect of Electronic Discussion in Students Participation in ESL Classroom of English Study Program Haluoleo University

    Recently, there has been a spate of interest in electronic discussion ( e-mail, chatting, social media ) which is a new form of communication that appeared in 1980. Some social scientists claimed that it has a potential effects as Hiltz and Turoff (1978) state that computerized conferencing would eventually “have dramatic psychological and sociological impacts on various group communication objects and processes “. Not only being used in business world, but also in education. Even lately, this new form of communication became popular in teaching and learning process.

    In the classroom, especially in second language classroom, the one problem that might be faced is that the less participation of students in classroom discussion. All of the previously reported studies compared whole class discussion, where it is especially likely that shy students would be afraid to participate ( Mark Warschauer, 1995 ). This less participation of students might be caused by the using of conventional way ( face-to-face discussion ) where students are shy and afraid to participate.

    Concerning this problem, it is necessary to apply a modern method of classroom discussion in order to help the students ( either able or less able students ) to make them participate more in the classroom just as some studies have claimed. Harman, et al. (1991) found that electronic discussion helped less able students increase their amount of communication both with the teacher and with other students.

    This study applies the using of electronic discussion in ESL classroom and extends the previous study of electronic discussion which aimed to see the students’ participation in this method especially students of English Study Program Haluoleo University. Also what other impact of it that later can support this method to be applied in classroom.

    FAIZAH KESUMA ( A1D211036 )

  60. TIARA VEBRIANI (A1D2 11 056)



    A. Background of the Study

    Language as the tool of communication has an important role to reveal an intention of someone else. People will be able to express their thought and feeling through communication. English is an important means of communication, which used by many countries in this world. It plays an important role as an international language.
    Jumariati (2010) said that vocabulary learning is the important aspect in learning a foreign language. Students will improve much if they learn more words and expressions. Even if your grammar is excellent, you just won't be able to communicate your meaning without a wide vocabulary. Vocabulary is really important element of the language to be concerned with in order to master the four language skills.
    As a teacher, it is necessary to find new teaching media to overcome the problems and not to forget to motivate the students. Some teachers have used games, pictures, songs, real object, cartoon and movie as their teaching media to grow the student creativity in learning process.
    There are many media can be used to improve students’ vocabulary like audio aid, audio-visual aid and etc. Example for audio aid is radio, music, and so on while example of audio-visual aid is video, film/movie, and television, etc.
    In this study, movie is chosen as a media for teaching vocabulary. Movie is one of the audio-visual aid. Film, also called a movie, is a series of still or moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects. The process of filmmaking has developed into an art form and industry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Film). Using English movie can be very pleasing and interesting for the students. Movie can be an excellent media to use because from the writer view that there are many students interested in movies because they watch movies as an entertainment. They can learn about language style, culture, and also the native speaker’s expression. So they can improve their English vocabulary more easily. The writer hopes that with the use of English movie, students will improve their vocabulary skills and give positive effects for their learning process.


      Your title is quite interesting, because you explained to us about movie as one of the media to improve student's vocabulary. I think the using of English movie in improving student's vocabulary at junior high school's classroom will be get a lot of fun, because we all know that almost all students likes and enjoy to watch movies, and they can also learn English vocabulary from it. My suggestion for you is maybe you can add more expert comments (not just one) because there are a lot of professionals comments about media in teaching


    2. English movie can indeed be a good media of learning. it can of course be used in such way that is mentioned in the background. the only point i'd like to revealed is that this way would probably be good for SMA students, but not for SMP students. they are not adequately capable of comprehending the meaning of the spoken language. moreover, I am pretty sure that they could hardly recognize the words uttered by the actors. above all, it is a good background you have.


    A. Background of the Study
    Nowadays, teaching English has taught by all level education in Indonesia from in elementary school until University level. It means that English as foreign language has been introduced by learners. In addition, the subject English is vitally important to be learned in school and typically it is described as the most important of all school subject.
    There are many kinds of subject in teaching learning process, one of basic language skill is writing. Writing is very important to express people’s opinion, feelings, ideas, and knowledge. According to Hammer (1998) it used as an aide memoire or practice tool help learners practice and work with language they have. However, for English as EFL learners to be have good writing it seems to be more difficult than other skill.
    Considering the importance of writing in teaching English should be attractive and fun in class room to make them like what they learn and improve their information. One of media that can be used in teaching writing is picture. According to Hammer, teacher have always used picture of graphic whether draw, take from books or magazine to facilitate learning. Moreover, using a picture in teaching learning will be interested and focused. Therefore through it could assist the learners to improve their imagination widely. As a result, learners can create ideas in the content of written. Meanwhile, teacher also explains material and language work for learners with to draw picture on the board to help them. It means that by seeing the picture, the learners will be more understand about the topic is taught. Especially n teaching writing descriptive is most appropriate because describing person, place, or thing to make writing activity easily and clearly if using picture.
    In the line background above particularly the use of picture in teaching writing, the writer purpose a study to investigate using picture enable in improving learners’ writing ability in descriptive in SMP 1 RANOMEETO.

    Juliani (A1D210050)

    1. This backgroud is good but there is not clearly explanation about the problem and what are the source of the problem.

  62. I think, it's a good background but it will be better if you make some generalization of kind of subject in teaching English. You have to mention what kind of subject in teaching English it self.
    For example:
    "There are many kinds of subject in teaching learning process; there are writing, reading, speaking and listening".
    ok... thank you!

  63. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  64. Wa Ode Delta Tanzila Fauzya H
    A1D2 09 047

    Applying Role Play Activities


    The experiences of the writer when teaching in school in village show that the students are still low in speaking ability. In contrast, good speaking skill is needed as the main point used to measure English learning success. The main aspect to regard a student as a success language learner is their ability to express emotion, thought and idea in the target language. However, in more opportunities, the writer find the students cannot explore what is they really want to share, to express and to say. Some of them do not know what words to be produced but most of them speak in a hurry at the short time. The problem then directly reduces their talking time in the classroom. Students’ talking time during classes automatically contributes in improving their speaking ability. Ur (1996, as citied by Violet Raptou) states that one of four characteristics from a successful speaking activity is learners talk a lot in the extended period of time. This means that to learn English successfully, the students should practice as much as possible. So, the students should have self confidence to experiment actively with the language and take risks to be a good language learner.

    In line with the important to increase students’ talking time, teachers as the responsible person in classroom activities should have appropriate strategy to lengthen students’ talking time. West (1968, as citied by Murcia) suggests that teacher should be concerned to increase what he mentioned as IPTT (Individual pupil talking time).Role play is one of possible strategy to increase students’ talking time. In role play, the students are emphasized to create a situation and speak out base on the situation that they create. The other scholars consider role play as one component or element of simulation (Greenblat, 1988; Crookall& Oxford, 1990). In a simulation, emphasis is on the interaction of one role with the other roles, rather than on acting out individual roles. Students are various people with different characteristics. Some are born communicative, some are shy, some are quick, etc. As a facilitator in the communicative classroom, teacher should be able to set the class and create the content of the language so every of the students can simultaneously follow the process.

    In this paper, the writer tries to solve the problem of low students’ speaking ability because of lack of practice. It is intended that the study gives good contribution in applying a possible strategy to lengthen students’ talking time so that their speaking ability will be more improved.

  65. Name: IvonWisdaSetyaningsi
    Reg. no: A1D211059

    English Language is international language in the world. It use to connecting one to another with different cultural or language. To mastering this language, people need to learn. Vocabulary is one of the component thatundirected teaching learning. It includes in four of skill of language: speaking, listening, reading, andwriting. Consequently, someone needs to have vocabulary bank to proficient in English language. The National Research Council reported that vocabulary development is a fundamental goal for students in the early grades. Besides, children who enter with limited vocabulary knowledge grow much more discrepant over time from their peers who have rich vocabulary knowledge.

    Listening to English songs constantly an alternative way to start a new habit to get new vocabulary. This method not only fun ,but also authentic, it is one of the best ways to introduce new vocabulary. Songs become a part of human experiences for as long as we can remember. We can listen to the songs where ever we are and whenever we think or whatever we do. Songs are easy to find, we listen superficially on television, tape, computer or when walking at the market. Establishing a sense of rhythm not only can be used to increase a student’s awareness of rhyming patterns and alliteration in other areas of reading and writing, but also songs and lyrics are provided as a tool to predict the sentence so that the students can glean the meaning of particular sentence with their own interpretation. However, there are many situations where the student has to more concentrate to remember what they have seen.

    Based on the fact above, it is necessary and important for anyone who concerns in teaching English to find out the easier technique like use songs which can improve student’s motivation for improving student’s vocabulary. Therefore, this study aimed to know how effective the songs in improving students vocabulary and to know how greatly music affects students feelings and their energy levels to know vocabulary.

    1. I think your title is very important and interesting. Because current English language education plays an important role in the global society. English has now publicly acknowledged as an international language that has been living in various areas of the industry. Be it political, economic, or even arts and culture. and also English will help us in communicating with people from any country in the business, learning and introductions. But basically, we will be able to master all the knowledge that we take as a way socialize with whoever and wherever we are.

  66. 1.1 Background of the Study
    English as a foreign language has been taught in Indonesia for long period of time. English Subject was taught at elementary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools, and universities. It included four main skills namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. School Based Curriculum (KTSP) as the national curriculum which has been used since 2006, emphasizes speaking as one of the English competences that should be taught at school.
    However, there were problems that cause Indonesian students face difficulties to speak in target language.
    Problems above were found at SMA Negeri 1 Lainea, where this research took place. The students there had problems to speak in English. They remained silent when teacher ask them to speak. Some students can speak but only in short sentences and they do it hesitantly and sometimes difficult to understand. They also had limited vocabulary and poor in grammar use and also pronunciation. Those made them avoided speaking activity.
    Accordingly, there should be an effective method used in teaching speaking to improve students speaking skill. One method which could be used is cooperative learning.
    There are a lot of techniques of cooperative learning which can be implemented in teaching learning process. One of them is round robin technique. In round robin activity, students are given opportunity to generate as many ideas as possible and share them to their group mates. It gives equal opportunity to all students to participate in speaking activity. As DelliCarpini (2006) states that round robin technique activity allows learners to work in mixed ability groups, work with different content related to the same topic, each contribute equally to the activity, and engage in the process in a way that suits their ability level, interests and needs.
    Based on those issues and considerations, there should be newly technique in teaching speaking in SMA Negeri 1 Lainea, which is more interesting and challenging to facilitate students to improve their speaking skill.
    The phenomenon above attracted I am to conduct a study under the title “Improving year two students’ speaking achievement under round robin technique at SMA Negeri 1 Lainea”.

    Linda Lestari (A1D2 10 093)

    1. Really nice topic, Linda. You map out this paper by making generalization the topic, I mean about the speaking skill. I did not find any gap you put here, maybe it is because you did not find a gap. However, I think you explain this technique too general, so it is difficult for other readers to understand or to conclude that your technique (Round Robin Technique) can solve students’ problems that you mentioned before, they are the students had limited vocabulary and poor in grammar use and also pronunciation. Those made them avoided speaking activity.
      Thank you ^_^

  67. Name : Saltri Ariweni
    Off. No : A1D2 10 025



    In this globalization era, English has very important role besides its function is as a means of communication. English becomes the dominant language around the world, and now more and more people use it as an international language. It is one of languages used widely in every aspect of human life such as: science, education, economics, technology, and entertainment.
    Be aware of the important role of English, mastery of English is very needed by Indonesian people especially. It is reasonable enough for the young learners to learn English since it plays an important role.
    The importance of learning English can be seen from the fact that most scientific books are written in English and the students are supposed to comprehend those books. According to English curriculum, reading is one of four skills that the students should develop because it deals with other courses directly and the other courses are dependent upon the mastery in reading. Moreover, reading comprehension is one of main purposes of ESL teaching/learning. With reading comprehension, the learners can understand written language in context and effective communication between the writer and reader will achieve. Nowadays, teaching reading generally has not stimulated students become active in English instruction. It more employs teacher dominant, talk and chalk mode. It more exercise students to do written exercise. The students just sit and listen quietly to the teacher and don’t interact with their classmate. They only is asked to read and translate the text. Consequently, the students get bored in teaching and learning process because of less motivation. This case causes the students achievement are low. This case is supported by Pace R (2003: 119) stated that motivation refers to basic condition whish stimulate someone to do an action. Therefore, teacher should find appropriate and effective method of teaching reading which can involve the students’ dominant than the teacher’s dominant, help the students increase understanding better, don’t fell bored and they become active. And to achieve that, the teacher need strategies. One of teaching reading strategies is the use of teaching methods button up. However, I do not know whether the teaching of reading can be developed by using the button up. Therefore, I decided to examine “The Effect of button up Technique on the Students’ Reading Achievement at the Second Year at SMA Negeri 9 KENDARI”.

    1. by HALFIA (A1D2 11 033)

      I think your topic is good and different from others, because you pick about button up technique for reading skill improvement. At first you make generalization about how important English and reading are. But, I think you should explain more about what is the definition about button up technique so that the reader can understand better at what you write

  68. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    N.I.M : A1D210048

    Background of the Study
    Language is one of the most important things in communication and it is used as a toll of communication among the nations in all over the world. As an international language, English is very important and has many interrelationships with various aspects of life owned by human being. In Indonesia, English considered as the first foreign language and taught formally from elementary school up to the university level.
    The most often become to complain is the teachers ability in applying appropriate approaches, methods, strategies or techniques in teaching or learning. So, many students are not interest in learning English. Therefore, the English teach suggested in order to be able mastering of method, such as, Nababan (1991: 4) notices that a qualified teacher is the teacher who is able to suit best method or technique to the material that is being taught.
    In English, there are four skills that should be mastered, they are: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The reading skill becomes very important in the education field, students need to be exercised and trained in order to have a good reading skill.
    Reading is also something crucial and indispensable for the students because the success of their study depends on the greater part of their ability to read. If their reading skill is poor they are very likely to fail in their study or at least they will have difficulty in making progress. On the other hand, if they have a good ability in reading, they will have a better chance to succeed in their study.
    One of the methods researchers uses to get a clearer picture of what learners generally do while reading in a foreign language is think aloud. This is one type of verbal reports, obtained from the readers during reading (Cavalcanti, 1987).
    Think-aloud means that readers report their thoughts while reading, but they are not expected to analyze their behavior as in introspection (Cohen, 1987). By means of asking their subjects to say out loud whatever goes through their minds, researchers hope to get a more direct view of the mental processes readers are engaged in while reading (Rankin, 1988).
    In order to master reading skill, a teacher as an educator have to use good method in teaching learning process. In this case, the researcher concerns with the effect of think aloud strategy toward students reading skill study at 9th grade SMP Negeri 9 Kendari in academic year 2013/2014.

    1. you have a good topic in the background and explain clearly to the reader more easily understand and comprehend the message that will be conveyed by the researcher.
      However, you also have to write down and explain what the problem faced by the researchers when applying the theory to students at SMP 9 kendari.

  70. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    English is one of the international languages. It is used throughout the world and English is used in many fields of life such as: in politics, Economics, Social, Entertain and Education. Therefore, English as a language in international communication is clearly needed by many learners in the school or other place to deliver thought and interact in a variety of situation. However, every student in the school has different problem when they learn English in the class. There are some students that have not much knowledge about vocabulary, lack of listening skill, and others. So, many observers now go to school to observe the problem of the students in learning language, especially English. I also had done observation in the school to find out the problem of students in learning English.
    Based on my observation in class VIII C in SMPN 8 Konawe Selatan about problems of students in process of learning English, I found some problems of the students in the learning process. When one student was called to speak in front of the class to present his task that had given by the teacher, he was often laughed. When he saw his friends in the back side, he was laughed. There is also one student that has same problem. When the teacher pointed that student to present his task, he refused it. He did not want to go forward to the class. He said that he did not finish his task although his task had finished. Then, he asked his friends to present their tasks first. So, I conclude that the problems of those students are difficult to speak in English, especially in front of the class, but here not only because of speaking but also because of attitude of the students in learning. It is about self confidence.
    After the class, I tried to find out the sources of the students problems. I interviewed some students that I thought they have problem in the class. Based on my interview, I get some information why those students are difficult to speak in front of the class. I think this problem not only focus on the lack of speaking skill of the students, but also this problem focus on the attitude of the students. It is about lack of self confidence of those students in that class. They always feel ashamed and fear to speak in front of the class. The first, when one student speaks in the class, other students always jeered him. So, that student feels ashamed to speak in front of the class. The second cause of the problem is some students feel afraid that they will be laughed and jeered by another students when they pronounce some words incorrectly or strange words.
    So, a teacher has to solve the problems of the students in learning process so that the learning process can be better. Also, students have to be confident in speaking out, because by speaking out they can practice the lessons that have learnt. Also, students can train their tongue in order not to be stiff in speaking English so that they can speak fluently. In addition, an appropriate technique is also important in solving this problem. A question is what technique that is available to those students. I think, Role Play technique may be appropriate in this case, because the students can improve their speaking ability by playing a scenario and it will be fun in the class.
    Based on the background above, the writer conducted this research which is entitle “Improving Student’s Speaking Achievement by Using Role Play Technique in First Grade in SMPN 8 Konawe Selatan”
    (Fardan Rezkiawan Faida - A1D2 10 045)

    1. This the interesting background but I think the generalization of the first paragraph is too general.

  72. Name : Wa Miani
    Reg. Number : A1D2 09091
    Assignment of Writing IV
    “ Students Mastery in English Passive Voice ”
    Chapter I

    1.1 Background of the Study
    One aspect of grammar is the form of passive voice. Passive voice is sentence where the subject in active voice to be object in the passive voice and object in active voice to be subject in passive voice. Similar statement was issued by Jacobs ( 1995:159), he argues that passive sentences allows speaker or writer to place at beginning of a clause a noun phrase that would otherwise comma after verb. This kind of sentence often used either in spoken or written language . Therefore, the students should be able to apply the passive sentences in their language use. Teacher must pay attention to the students’ ability in using passive sentence.
    Learning language is a difficult activity because each language has its own system that is different from the students’ native language . The differences in the system of the language can bring out learning problems for the language learners. Based on the experience in KKP, the same problem was appeared in SMA Negeri 2 Kendari, the students are lack of English grammar especially passive voice. Some of students said that English grammar ( passive voice ) is quite different with their native language in term of its form. In teaching grammar , the teacher only gave the formula of tenses than asked to find out the sentences that is suitable with the formula in a paper then translate them. Therefore, by analyzing the students’ learning achievement, it is hoped that everyone especially English teacher there will pay more attention and try to build the students’ mastery in language itself.
    Considering some concept above, a study that analyzes the students’ ability in using passive voice of English will be useful for both teacher and students. The result can be source of information and knowledge for teacher about the aspect of English passive voice which is important for students to know. The students can also get the benefit, since the teacher will be aware about the importance of the students’ mastery in English passive voice. Based on the statement above , it is very reasonable to conduct a study under the title “ Students Mastery in English Passive Voice at SMAN 2 Kendari ”

    1. by TIARA VEBRIANI (A1D2 11 056)

      interesting topic, Ms.Miani. Passive voice is one of part we learn on grammar. Passive voice sound simple to some people, but we often found difficulty in arranging passive voice and its structure. In your background, you give some generalization about passive voice and make us understand. I hope that by making this study about passive voice, the teacher can be able to improve and make their students do well in making passive voice sentences. Good job anyway :)

  73. Use of Internet as a Source of Learning By Student in Senior High School


    Along with the learning paradigm shift , then the success of teaching and learning in school is not only determined by the teacher , but is strongly influenced by the activity of students . New curriculum in 2013 confirm that the learning process should be based on participant learning , teaching not as the sole source of learning or resources , but rather acts as a facilitator , dynamist , and motivator in learning . In addition to learning resources are available in the form of libraries , the internet is now developing technologies that provide convenience and flexibility to explore science . Students can access the internet through a variety of literary and scientific references were needed quickly , so as to facilitate their study process . This explanation want to know the extent to which students at the upper secondary level of school have been utilizing the Internet as a source of learning technologies that support the learning process in school

    1. it is a rather short background you have. to use internet as a media of learning is a nice idea. unfortunately, the background did not provide a any information on how exactly will this media be used in teaching process. it will be nice if the writer provide one or two information about that.

    English is one of the subject studies that is teaching and learning at school. There are some methods, and technique that is used by the teacher for teaching English. And there are four important skills that should be mastered by the student in learning English. But not all of the student has be able to mastered these four skill, maybe some of them just mastered one of the skill or maybe tree but not all. It also happens for teacher, not all of the method and technique that determine by the teacher are success for increase student ability in learning English especially for the four English skill. So in teaching learning process student and teacher must to cooperate for the successful of English subject.
    In teaching learning process teacher need to create the situation in where the student can enjoy the study without any pressure. And the student also need to be pay attention full in the learning process. But the cause of most unsuccessful teaching learning process is come from the student who are lazy or tired and bored with learning process. Because the biggest factor that affecting teaching learning process is student. According to researcher observation in the SMK N 4 Kendari, we find that the problem in teaching learning process is come from the student. From the interview section that we do with the student in this school we know that the real problem in the English teaching learning procces is the student are boring.
    The boring feeling of the student is cause by some sources such us the material are difficult to understand, the way teacher teaching are not interesting and the facility of teaching process is not support the learning. This source problem is generally happen in many schools in Indonesia not also in the SMK N 4 Kendari that the researcher observe. Then, if we can solve the student problem in this school, it means that our study will useful for solve the same problem that are happen in many school in Indonesia. So we can conclude that the problem is “Some of the student are felt bored in the teaching learning process”.
    So, depend on the problem above the researcher aim to solve the problem by use Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). By use this method the teacher will give more freedom or change to speak. This means the student will more active in teaching learning process, they will do some activity during the learning process such us role play, pair work, word game and etc, that can make them busy and there is no chance for student to be passive or student to felt bored and sleep in the class.
    Finally, the title of this study is “Improving student motivation in English teaching learning process using CLT method”.
    Fajar Pudo - A1D2 10 107

  75. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  76. Name : MULIANI / A1D2 09 027
    Assignment : WRITING IV




    A.Background of Study

    In this modern era, people demand to have more than one language. Language as a tool for communication takes an important role in our daily activities. Without communication, we will be left behind. Communication in foreign language is a bridge to get information, knowledge and culture. Indonesia as a developing country has realized that English as an International language is needed to be mastered by Indonesian people.
    English is essential to be taught for the younger people, for this case; students from the beginner up to the senior high school. In developing the students’ ability in mastering English, it cannot be separated from vocabulary mastery. Because it can be a measurement of students, understand in English.
    Teaching vocabulary can be done through some ways or some techniques. One of is by implementing of mapping words in teaching activities. In this case, students allow finding similar words, which has relationship to the main word. They can work in-group or individually. They learn to share knowledge and information about targeted content, and willingly do this because it is naturally following part of the class activity.
    By implementing the mapping word technique in teaching, indirectly, students might be improved their knowledge of English vocabulary. at least it will be raised their self-confidence for expressing themselves openly, especially in speaking practice. Students can share their knowledge and experience from others, including respectful listening and appropriate sharing of personal perspectives. Students also reported that their understanding of concepts were expressed and considered, at least we hope students can do not only in developing their vocabulary but also they are able to practice either in speaking or understanding of meaning of words.
    The mapping words are a suitable technique for the students in secondary level for improving their vocabulary mastery. To be proved how far the mapping word could be influenced students’ vocabulary skill, in this paper the writer tries to elaborate everything related to the technique of implementing mapping words and its effect for increasing students’ vocabularies skill.

    1. it is an interesting idea that you think of the way of improving students vocabulary. it is a clear explanation you gave there. only, what makes me interested in is that the idea of hoping the increased vocabulary to contribute to student's speaking. i think it would be good if you could explain a bit more about that..

  77. Making Cooperative Learning Work in the College Classroom

    Background of study

    Cooperative learning is the moost well researched of all teaching strategies. It has been proven from long time ago that when it is compared to other methods of instruction, cooperative
    learning is one of the most effective ways for students to maximize their own
    learning and the academic accomplishments of their classmates (New Horizons, 2008,
    Johnson & Johnson, 1994, Slavin, 1996, Williams, 2007). Highly structured cooperative
    learning allows students to develop their own understanding of key concepts all the while
    encouraging and assisting others. Thus, the major benefits of cooperative learning at the
    college level fall into two categories: academic benefits and social-emotional benefits.

    Concentrating on academic achievement at the post-secondary level provides the unique
    the opportunity to examine the effects of cooperative learning on a population of students
    who are largely self-motivated and self-directed learners. These students have learned to
    work and succeed in variety of instructional setting throughout their schooling careers.
    Thus, the hundreds of studies showing increased academic achievement using cooperative
    learning in the college classroom suggest that cooperative learning promotes significant
    cognitive results even for the most esteemed of student populations.

  78. Benefits of Using Short Stories in the EFL Context

    The use of literature to teach second/foreign languages has been done for more than one century ago. It is noted that in the nineteenth century, second/foreign languages were taught with the help of the Grammar Translation Method, in which students should translate literary texts from the second/foreign language to their native language. However, by the time that this method was replaced by methods that emphasized structures and vocabulary, literature was no longer used.
    Thus, neither the Direct Method nor the Audiolingual Method involved literature in teaching second/foreign languages. In the seventies, methods such as the Community Language Learning, Suggetopedia, the Silent Way, Total Physical Response, and the Natural Approach did not utilize literature to teach second/foreign languages, and neither did the Notional-Functional Syllabus. For the past two decades or so, literature has found its way back into the teaching of EFL; however, not the way it was used with the Grammar Translation method. Instructors have realized that literature can be used to reinforce the skills and complement language teaching. Scher (1976) affirms that with students at the beginning and intermediate levels, instructors can use literary texts for “language practice, reading comprehension, and possible aesthetic appreciation” (Muyskens, 1983, p. 413). In contrast, with advanced students literary texts may be utilized for the “development of knowledge of world literature, practice in reading and discussing creative work, and the introduction of literary concepts, genres, and terminologies—eg, recognition of figures of speech, levels of meaning, and other stylistic features” (p. 413).
    For these reasons, I personally interested in observing the effect of literature in teaching English. How far does this art work could affect the result of teaching learning process or how much improvement can the students make by the help of such kinds of literary work.

  79. I think your title is quite new for me, and it must be challenging to do the observation of your thesis. I really interested with your background because at first you told us about how important English speaking is, and also some general comment about it. I just want to give suggestion that you should explain more what is blended learning mean and also video blog so that the reader can understand it better.

  80. blended learning means a combination between face to face discussion and electronic discussion, i think
    oh yeah, very good topic, it is a new topic which is actually very urgent and rarely proposed by students in around us as general
    improve it inestya,

    REG. NO.: A1D2 11 079



    1.1 Background of the Study
    English is undoubtedly becoming increasingly important nowadays, it also an important part the curriculum of Indonesia school and taught to students from the fourth grade of primary school. People realize how important to learn language and they hope can use whenever need basic of their further study in university level.
    To have a good English, student have to master the four basic language skills. They are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Beside four skills, they have to master the grammar property. Grammar is need even in communicative ways.
    Grammar should be taught appropriately because the basic element of a language without the proper knowledge of grammar, the learners will find many problem to build up sentences to express their ideas for communication activities. By using communication activities in learning grammar, the student manipulate grammar in communication with proper understanding by using the grammar, the student will feel confident in communication.
    In reality learning, English grammar is boring for some student. The technique use in the teaching learning process. As we know the one of the purpose of learning English is how the student can communicate in real context.
    In order to solve learning English grammar make the students boring is by using game and songs. By using games in learning English grammar student will have fun and relax.
    From the background above, the writer is interest in searching about the effectiveness of using language game in learning English grammar at SMA NEGERI 1 WATUBANGGA.

  82. Background
    Thus the English language serves as a means to communicate in order to access the information as a tool to foster interpersonal , exchange information , and have cultural aesthetics in the English language . Therefore aims English subjects as follows :
    1.Develop the ability to communicate in English both in oral and written form , which includes listening skills ( listening ) speaking ( talking ) reading ( reading ) and writing ( writing ) .
    2.Raise awareness about the nature of language is one of the foreign languages into primary learning tool .
    Recognizing the importance of the English language for students, especially at the level of the middle class is emphasized , especially high school students are expected to master the English language that is optimal for students to be ready for the generations that play an active role in the competitive world . Teaching subjects include English vocabulary comprehension ( vocabulary ) as well as other components . Vocabulary is the set of unknown meaning and words that can be used by someone in a language . Vocabulary is defined as the set of all words that are understood by the person or all of the words likely to be used by the person to construct new sentences . Many students have vocabulary is a picture of intelligence or education level .
    Mastery of vocabulary is generally regarded as an important portion of the process of learning a language or developing a capability in a language that has been mastered . Students are often taught new words as a portion of the subject and there are many adults who consider the establishment of vocabulary as an interesting and educative . With the above explanation mastery of vocabulary ( vocabulary ) is the most basic thing to master students in learning English is a second language for all students and the people of Indonesia . How students revealed that language if the students have an adequate vocabulary , then it certainly will be supporting the achievement of the four English language competence , namely: speaking, reading , listening and writing . And vice versa without having adequate vocabulary a student will have difficulty in achieving language competency as expected . Looking at the various problems faced by students in subjects especially English vocabulary mastery writer trying to find a way out by applying Guess word in the vocabulary mastery through Classroom Action Research titled " Improvement Concepts In Reading Mastery Vocabulary Through Word Guess Implementation Method In Class XII Science Students SMA Negeri 3 bireuen "
    Alfiansyah A1D210126

    Language is one of the most important things in communication and it is used as a toll of communication among the nations in all over the world. As an international language, English is very important and has many interrelationships with various aspects of life owned by human being. In Indonesia, English considered as the first foreign language and taught formally from elementary school up to the university level.
    The most often become to complain is the teachers ability in applying appropriate approaches, methods, strategies or techniques in teaching or learning. So, many students are not interest in learning English. Therefore, the English teach suggested in order to be able mastering of method, such as, Nababan (1991: 4) notices that a qualified teacher is the teacher who is able to suit best method or technique to the material that is being taught.
    In English, there are four skills that should be mastered, they are: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The reading skill becomes very important in the education field, students need to be exercised and trained in order to have a good reading skill.
    Reading is also something crucial and indispensable for the students because the success of their study depends on the greater part of their ability to read. If their reading skill is poor they are very likely to fail in their study or at least they will have difficulty in making progress. On the other hand, if they have a good ability in reading, they will have a better chance to succeed in their study.
    One of the methods researchers uses to get a clearer picture of what learners generally do while reading in a foreign language is think aloud. This is one type of verbal reports, obtained from the readers during reading (Cavalcanti, 1987).
    Think-aloud means that readers report their thoughts while reading, but they are not expected to analyze their behavior as in introspection (Cohen, 1987). By means of asking their subjects to say out loud whatever goes through their minds, researchers hope to get a more direct view of the mental processes readers are engaged in while reading (Rankin, 1988).
    In order to master reading skill, a teacher as an educator have to use good method in teaching learning process. In this case, the researcher concerns with the effect of think aloud strategy toward students reading skill study at 9th grade SMP Negeri 2 Kendari in academic year 2013/2014.

    ZULKIFLI (A1D208070)
