
Senin, 30 September 2013

comparing & contrasting

AAA-BBB pattern
AB-AB-AB pattern                                                      
Text A:
The difference between a spice and a herb is not always easy to define, but in general terms, spices can originate from various parts of a plant body (seeds, fruits, bark, roots) and they tend to originate in semi-tropical climates. On the other hand, herbs are the leafy parts of soft-stemmed plants and are found in more temperate regions.

Text B:
There are many points of comparison between plant and animal organ systems. The plant’s roots absorb water and nutrients just as the animal digestive system does. The roots also anchor the plant to keep it from moving, but there is no comparable internal animal system. Stems provide support for the plant as the skeletal system does for animals. The stems also transport water to the leaves and sugar to the roots; the circulatory system performs a similar function for animals.

Task: 1. Read text A and text B and determine which patterns they follow.
           2, Write one paragraph either for comparing or contrasting some concepts related to English teaching or learning. (maximum 6 sentences, not longer than 15 lines).
3. Post your paragraph under comment of this post. Deadline by 4 October, 12 midnight.
*learn language to compare and contrast in the next post.


59 komentar:

  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    1. The patterns text A follow AAA-BBB contrasting paragraph.
    The patterns text B follow AB-AB-AB pattern comparing paragraph.


    The difference between audio lingual method and communicative language teaching Method is not always easy to define, but in general terms, audio lingual method is one of methods in traditional method and communicative language teaching is including in modern method. Audio lingual method shows the teacher as the center who dominate the learning process. On the other hand communicative language teaching emphasize the student as the center that dominate the learning process. Although they have same of the goal from using the methods, to make student communicative as the target of language, they also have difference on characteristic in learning process that the audio lingual method always use the dialog between teacher and students and then communicative language teaching always shows on role play, scrambled sentence, picture strip story, and information gap.

    1. A good start Irvan. Anyway, are you sure that the lines are not longer than 15?

    2. I am sure mam. I count from my article about audio lingual and CLT method that I have been attached, it just 15 lines mam, no longer than 15 lines in that paragraph.

  3. "Comparing and Contrasting"
    The Difference Between Teaching the Elementary Students and Middle High Students
    In general, teaching the elementary students is quite tough than the middle high students. It is because elementary school has the large amount of daily planning for all subjects and creating multiple activities. The teacher also has to walk in line and many times feeling like a babysitter. On the contrary, teaching the middle high students is quite easier. We can easily make a close interaction between teachers to foster a sense of community and togetherness. The students also can understand and receive the subject well.
    [LM. ADI CAHYU KAMSYAR - A1D211083]

  4. TASK 1
    Text A uses AAA-BBB pattern. It explains the difference between spice and herb, explain its feature/characteristic one by one; first is about spice and then about herb. Text B uses AB-AB-AB pattern. It explains the point of comparison between plant and animal organ system. It starts talk about how plant system works and at the same time explaining the comparison what is similar and what is not between the plant system and the animal organ system.

    TASK 2
    The Comparison between School Teacher and Private Teacher
    There are several points of comparison between teaching in a school as a teacher and teaching one or a couple of student in home as a private teacher or tutor. A school teacher tries to pass the knowledge to the student(s) as good as possible in variety ways of teaching so the student can understand, just as the private teacher does. Despite the same of course they may give to the student, a school teacher is bond with the curriculum they should follow in teaching meanwhile a private one not. A school teacher follow what his/her student want to be teach since they are bond with curriculum, but a private teacher may teach the course based on the student interest since they teach privately and aim to get the student understanding in particular topic or skill.

  5. The Distinction between Grammar Translation Method and The Direct Method

    The distinguish between Grammar Translation Method and the Direct Method is quite difficult to be describe,virtually. Even so, both of them are having a similarity as very good mode on teaching and learning process. However, to see the differ, in particularly we may concern on each purpose of both method. On one point, the aim of Grammar Translation Method is on the development of logical thinking and intellectual capacities, mainly in the exploring of literature. Technically, teacher will dominate the class rather than students themselves and grammar rules are learned deductively. Students learn grammar rules by rote,practice the rules by doing grammar drills and translating sentences to and from the target language. Whereas Direct Method focused on lots of conversations without use of translation and grammar learning. Teachers believe students can learn a new language using their listening skills in the class. Students’ mistakes can be corrected by the teacher, and vocabulary is mainly based on students’ experience of life therefore the common expression is of importance to be taught here.Students learn how to communicate each other in the target language and they also learn how to use it spontaneously and orally. Hench forth, Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method are both great method for teaching mode but they differ in terms of their learning process, teaching systematic, contents, etc.

  6. 1. I am so sorry mom, I do not get the point clearly for task number one.
    Probably, the answer is Contrasting and comparing paragraph.

    The Distinction between Face to Face Mode and Electronic Mode

    As far as I am concerned that the distinction between face to face discussion and electronic discussion is not too hard to be explained. However, in general terms, face to face method is focus on how student and teacher getting comfortable in conversation therefore grammar is not too urgent. The technique is that teacher provide a topic, and students are going to discuss the issue, even there will be only two or three who dominate the class but this method is very good to sway or to encourage students' self confident on speaking skill. On the contrary, electronic discussion is a kind of method which use internet as facilitator, consequently, students can learn freely using web based learning, electronic dictionary, or all kind of computer assisted language learning. On this method, students can easily check their grammar before writing and the last speaking it out. Electronic discussion point out or feature language that was both formal and more complex, that's why this method is actually can be a bridge to transfer writing communication skill into speaking performance. On summing up, both of them are differ so substantially, but I personally believe that both can be combined as blended learning to create good atmosphere of learning.

  7. 1. Text A using AAA – BBB pattern, where it explains about A first then move to explain about B. While text B using AB – AB – AB pattern, where it explain about one thing of A then about B and move to explain about another thing of A then about B, and so on.

    2. Traditional and Modern Methods in Teaching

    Talking about teaching methods, there are two main types of it where teachers usually apply in classroom, including ESL classroom. They are Traditional and Modern method. Traditional method is the old way of teaching where teachers illustrate the concept to the students with the help of chalks or marker and board. It does not cost that much and there is more interaction between students and teacher where it is good because teacher can help students in solving their problem especially in English. Differs from traditional method, Modern method is the newest method where the teaching and learning process is supported with technology which is good for learning English since technology and some things of it ( internet, application, website ) mostly provides with English. Commonly, it uses LCD just as the board in traditional method and also computer but unfortunately sometimes it less interaction between students and teacher. Both if them have their own advantage and disadvantage, so it will be good if we can combine and balance those two methods in teaching and learning process for the sake of students.
    ( FAIZAH KESUMA - A1D211036 )

  8. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  9. TASK 1

    Text A uses AAA-BBB pattern. It explains the difference between spice and herb, explain its feature/characteristic one by one or have discrete things. Firstly, what the spice and herb then are about. In short, that’s we call contrasting. However, Text B uses AB-AB-AB pattern. It explains the point of comparison between plant and animal organ system. It starts talk about how plant system works and at the same time explaining the comparison what is similarities and what is relationship between the plant system and the animal organ system. Indeed, that’s we call comparing.

    TASK 2

    The Comparison between Silent Way and Suggestopedia

    There are several points of comparison between Silent Way and Suggetopedia as teaching methodology. The Silent Way provides teaching methodology through using particular keyword or kinds of words as a tool of teaching by the teachers. Likewise, students to respond their teacher as to imply in learning process does. The Silent Way also teaching methodology that to make easier in learning process especially in teaching reading but there is no suitable in Suggestopedia. Music is a background of teaching to encourage student’s motivation about the text as using Classical music or Baroque music does for students. Music also increasing student’s perspective meaningful about reading to avoid under pressure on learning process; the purpose that show function are alike for students.

    ^_^ KARTINI TAHIR (A1D211121) ^_~

  10. TASK 1
    1. The patterns text A follow AAA-BBB pattern
    The patterns text B follow AB-AB-AB pattern

    TASK 2
    The difference between visual learners and auditory learners.
    Visual and auditory learner has their own features. Visual learner is a learner who like to learn through written language, such as reading and writing tasks. They remember what has been written down, even if they do not read it more than once.They Instinctively follows directions, can easily visualize objects like faces and places by using their imagination and seldom get lost in new surroundings. They use visual object such as graphs,charts,pictures,in learning english. Study alone is the best way for them.Whereas, auditory learner retains information through hearing the topics. They often talk to themselves, also may move their lips and read out loud. They may have difficulty with reading and writing tasks but they are better in oral exams and understanding subtle changes in tone in a person's voice also . They often do better talking to a colleague or a tape recorder and hearing what was said. They are good in working with goup.
    ASTIAH ADIL (A1D2 11 066)

    There are some differences between teaching English with electronic discussion and face to face discussion. Electronic discussion is a kind of modern teaching English while face to face discussion is a kind of traditional teaching English. In addition, electronic can be done by many people in the difference place while face to face discussion just in the same places.
    From : Herman Ema

  12. The Difference Between Online Teaching and Traditional Teaching (Face to Face)
    There are some differences between online teaching and traditional teaching (face to face). Students, especially those with particular academic chellenges and drop out. Online teaching makes it harder to maximaze students' learning outcomes because the resources that foster learning in face to face environments are substantially diminished. In other words, online teaching may not provide sufficient students support. In face to face classes, students have their classmate, learning centers on campus, tutors, and teaching assistants to support and help them with their various learning needs.

    From : I Made Rian Irwanto

  13. 1. The patterns of text A follow AAA-BBB is that contrasting paragraph while the patterns of text B follow AB-AB-AB pattern is comparing paragraph.


    Comparing Group Discussion with Cooperative Learning

    Group discussion and cooperative learning might seem quite similar, but they are actually differ from one another. Group discussion is a teaching method that makes students work together in a group of four or five, while cooperative learning puts only two students in one group. Even more, they are also differ from their objective. The point of group discussion is for students to argue. In contrast with this, cooperative learning emphasis on getting something done or making a decision, Since the group consist of only two students, making a decision will not be so hard.

    Name : ELVIANA
    REG.NUMBER : A1D211045

  14. Task 1
    Text A: pattern AAA-BBB (contrasting)
    Text B: pattern AB-AB-AB (comparing)

    Task 2
    The differences between homeschooling and public school.
    Homeschooling is home education is parent-directed education. Home school parents can choose an individualized curriculum that complements their child’s learning style and give the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values they choose. They are also able to choose time by themselves. In contrast, a public school provides educational services to all students who are registered, public schools provide more real-life experiences or, in some cases, more-developed specialty programs in athletics or science. Parents accept the public school curriculum chosen by the state. This curriculum dictates the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values their child must acquire. Guaranty teachers handling the progress of the student, and stay the curriculum.(NURAIDA SAFITRI A1D211068).

  15. contrasting pattern
    The difference between syntax and semantic is that semantics are grammatical rules for assigning meaning to a sentence. Choosing the right word to convene your meaning. Syntax on the other hand are grammatical rules for specifying correct word order and inflectional structure in a sentence. How to build a sentence according to the rules of grammar. semantics has to do w/ meanings of words and the best choices in any given situation. syntax has to do w/ order of wrods specifically while grammar has some of this but also things like verb conjugation and article declination.
    ( zulkifli - A1D208070)

  16. 1st Task
    The pattern AAA-BBB was used in the text A which consists of two sentences. The first sentence state about spice and the second sentence describe about herbs. That’s why the pattern that used is AAA-BBB. In the other hand, in the text B, the pattern that was used is AB-AB-AB pattern. We can see that every single sentence in the second text describe both plant and animal organ system. In this case, it use AB-AB-AB pattern.  

    2nd Task
    There are many ways in learning and teaching a language, especially English. In learning English, students usually do a discussion based on a topic and achieve one conclusion. There are two methods that can be used in discussion; they are electronic method and face-to-face method. First, In electronic method students use computer to share their opinion, idea, and statement in order to gain conclusion based on a topic; meanwhile, in face-to-face discussion, students share their statement directly to other discussion’s participants or I can said that they do it orally. Second, in electronic discussion, students are more active in giving responses without feeling nervous, different with face-to-face discussion where they have to face their friend’s face which can caused their feelings become nervous when state their idea in discussion. Third, the word that used by students in electronic discussion are more complex; in other hand, the word that stated by students are more simple in face-to-face discussion. Even though, electronic discussion has more positive effect, but in order to hold electronic discussion, a good facility is needed and it has to be done in a particular place. Different with face-to-face discussion that easier to be done because they do not need any facility at all, face-to-face discussion also can be done anywhere.

    By. Bambang Sudarsono
    Number. A1D211003

  17. Name : syafrizal
    Reg. no. : A1D211095
    1) Text A using AAA – BBB pattern, where it focus to explain first idea (A) before explain another idea (second idea). While text B using AB – AB – AB pattern, Here occurs a direct comparison between A and B which have the semblance of characteristic.

    2) Transformative and Informative learning methods
    There are two different strategies of learning and adaptation (Piaget), when we are receiving new knowledge, experience, trainings, teachings, insights etc:
    “Transformative learning involves experiencing a deep, structural shift in the basic premises of thought, feelings, and actions. It is a shift of consciousness that dramatically and irreversibly alters our way of being in the world. Such a shift involves our understanding of ourselves and our self-locations; our relationships with other humans and with the natural world; our understanding of relations of power in interlocking structures of class, race and gender; our body awareness, our visions of alternative approaches to living; and our sense of possibilities for social justice and peace and personal joy.” Differs from traditional method, Informative learning or Assimilation, or Additive learning systems, are increase what we already know, adds to our skills, extends already established capacities by bringing new knowledge to an existing worldview, frames, “box”, reference, paradigm etc without changing our own self according to new information, situation, experiences, insights etc.

  18. AAA - BBB Pattern
    Contrasting Pattern
    Report text and Descriptive text is different kinds but for some students can’t distinguish. The different for Report text and Descriptive text is characteristic. Report text in the first part use general classification ( classification about people, object, or place still general not specific ) example Cat is carnivore. They eat small animals like mouse and lizard. This sentence can’t identification by one cat, but for common cat because common cat eat small animals. Descriptive text in the first part use identification ( identify only one subject ) this have mean subject is certainly example like topic My cat , Just only identification my cat not all cat.
    Name : Alfiansyah NIM : A1D210126

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  20. fatmawati (A1D211039)

    Task 1
    Text A is using AAA-BBB pattern because it is explain the spice first and then move to the herb
    Text B using AB-AB-AB pattern because its mention the comparison between plants and animal , and then mention it again till the end of the paragraph

    Task 2
    The difference between extensive reading and intensive reading

    In extensive reading involves students read long text or large quantity for general understanding with intention of enjoying the text which is means that students are given freedom to choose their own topic which they think are interesting. Besides that, in extensive reading not allowed to use dictionary, even thought dictionary is important part in reading activity but by avoiding it, will make students guess the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary according to the context. Student can make list of unfamiliar vocabulary that they found during reading process and then they can search the meaning after finish reading book/novel and by doing this, the students are able to always remember the vocabulary because they find it by themselves. On the other hand, in intensive reading include small area and doesn’t allow student to choose topic they like, the topic is given from teacher. In the activities, students are asked to answer some question related to the topic and usually all the answers are on the text, so they just rewrite it and the using of dictionary is often to make them easy to answer the question. In conclusion, extensive reading can increase student’s knowledge more than intensive reading.

  21. 1. The patterns text A follow AAA-BBB pattern
    The patterns text B follow AB-AB-AB pattern
    2. The differences between public school and private school.
    The differences between public school and private school are many public school facilities are impressive others are mediocre. The same is true of private schools. In the public school system, the twin engines of political support and economic revenue base are critical. Then private schools are able to choose candidates from a pool of applicants. Therefore, they can take the best and most well-behaved students. Public school educates anyone and everyone who comes through the door. Public schools are free. They are paid for by public money from taxes. Private schools are paid for by each family that elects to send their child there rather than public school. Private schools generally have some sort of application process. Public schools tend to have more problems (fights, drugs, truancy, etc) than private schools. (YULITASARI/A1D210090)

    Online classes and traditional classes are both great ways to receive an education. They both strive for the same purpose, which is to help the students reach their goals during getting education. Although both class settings are great, they do differ in some ways. The three major differences between these classes are the pace of the classes, the student/teacher interaction, and the success rates. The pace of the class affects how much information the student receives throughout the course. Traditional classes often take a slower pace rather than online classes only because online classes have more assignments compared to a traditional class setting. The student/ teacher interaction also plays an important role in between these two class settings. Students in a traditional class setting have the ability to listen to the teacher talk about a lesson. Online classes may be able to achieve the same things as the traditional classes, but do not get the full effect of the lesson. Teachers also may be able to explain things better in person to person contact, rather than going through a computer to try to solve any questions or concerns that the student may have. The final major differences between these both are the success rates of the classes. Students have a higher risk of failing and/or withdrawing a course taking it online rather than in a traditional class setting. (HADIJA-A1D210086)

  23. MARDHIYAH MUCHTAR (A1D2 11 052)

    Task 1: Text A is contrasting (use pattern AAA-BBB) while Text B is comparing (use pattern AB-AB-AB)
    Task 2: (using pattern AAA-BBB)
    Analytic and Global learning styles
    There are some types of learning styles which we individually have. Two of them are analytic and global learning styles. Analytic learning style is a learning style which the learner tends to analyzing detailed grammatical details or writing structure. They tend to avoid full speaking activity because they prefer to be silent in analyzing the writing structure and they can understand something which is written. They can do very well in writing task and reading task, but they sometimes have problems in expressing their ideas in speaking activity. While global learning style is a learning style which the learner tends to do speaking up activities. They tend to avoid the activity of analyzing the structure of writings because they prefer to do the task orally and in communicative way, and also they learn better if they speak it up and having communication. They are good at speaking and usually have high confidence, but sometimes they have problems in analyzing difficult written forms.

  24. Task 1
    The Pattern of Text (A) is AAA-BBB pattern we can see clearly the text A show a contrasting between a spice and a herb,
    and Text (B) using AB-AB-AB pattern, because it is compare ideas between plant and animal organ systems

    Task 2
    Contrasting Extensive Reading with intensive Reading
    Extensive and Intensive reading are both methods of teaching reading which are often thought to be the same. Even so, these two methods are quite different. Unlike intensive reading that uses short passage in reading practice, the extensive reading is to make students read intensively in order to fully comprehend the text. On the other hand, extensive reading tend to be used to attract students will to read. In the end, each of these methods are separately in teaching process actually.

    by: Innastya JKPM
    A1D2 11 007

  25. TASK 1
    Text A using AAA-BBB pattern and Text B using AB-AB-AB pattern.
    TASK 2
    Learning With Media
    When we talk about learning with media, most of people immediately think of the use of computers and the Internet. One often forgets that paper-based materials such as books, posters, and brochures are also considered as media for learning. This course is designed to introduce the underlying concepts and the use of different types of media to English language learners, so that they will access these materials to help their learning in general as well as learning of English language. We will also learn to design language teaching materials Students may apply the use of these media into teaching or presentations in their present. ( LA ODE MUHAMAD IDRIS NGKONU/ A1D2 11 034)

  26. Name : Nurul Hidayah
    Reg. No. : A1D211049

    1. Text A follows AAA-BBB pattern or contrasting and the text B follows AB-AB-AB pattern or comparing.
    2. Comparing Between Visual Learners and Kinesthetic Learners

    Teaching language, especially English can be done with many methodologies and strategies. But, the problem here is the learning style of students. Methodology and strategy can be success, if it can support students’ learning style. Some of them are as visual learner and the others are as kinesthetic learner. Both of them have difference. Visual learners can learn something better with looking at the pictures or graphics, watching, or reading. It’s easy for them to look at pictures, but they may have difficulty to focus while touching or doing something during teacher’s explanation. In the other hand, kinesthetic learners can understand information through a "movement" experience. So, doing activity is the easier way for kinesthetic learners to learn or to understand something. Sitting or only seeing while studying should be difficult for them.

  27. 1. Text A use AAA-BBB
    Text B use AB-AB-AB
    The Difference between Grammar Translation Method and Direct method in terms of Teacher and Student’s Attitude
    In teaching language there are some methods that the teacher can apply to their students. Here, we will talk about the two of them which is direct method and grammar translation method in terms of teacher and student’s attitude. Direct method itself actually is the development of GTM, but they have differences. In Direct method, the students must be very active, because their oral communication skills are emphasized and they have to speak a lot. In terms of teacher attitude, teacher have to ask questions to students constantly, encourages them to participate in class and correct their mistakes immediately. While in GTM, the accuracy from the students is expected and they have to practice by translation from books and other media. In GTM, teacher’s role is not very active because he just ask his students to translate the words/books and the oral communication is not very emphasized.
    By TIARA VEBRIANI (A1D2 11 056)

  28. Name : Hainudin
    reg no ; A1D2 11005

    task 1. =>
    text A, use pattern of AAA-BBB, while Text B use pattern of AB-AB-AB

    Task 2 =>
    There are many points of comparison between laptops and computers . In general, computers are circulating in Indonesia is the result of domestic assembly. This will allow consumers to buy according to its own needs . Similarly, if you want to modify or change the specifications . As for the laptop almost everything brought to Indonesia in conditions that have been assembled . So that consumers will find it difficult if you want to change the specifications as desired . in terms of energy usage , the computer requires more energy when it is used . electrical power needed also to be more powerful . As for laptops , electrical energy required is more efficient , so that the funds to pay the cost is also much cheaper. Computers can not be brought anywhere , because the size is so large and is designed to be placed in the home or office only. While laptops , more practical because the size is smaller . So if it takes this thing can be taken anywhere . related to price , computer price much cheaper than the price of a laptop . Even the difference in price can be doubled. from the use of , Actually for this problem depends on the wearer . However, according to existing experience , durability computers more secure than a laptop . Whereas for the same treatment, takes precision and discipline of the user .

  29. Task 1
    a. Text A is following the pattern AAA-BBB. This is due to the sequence of the explanation that the writer used. He/she first explained spices before started describing the herbs. He/she did not explain the spices and the herbs at once.
    b. Text 2 uses the pattern of AB-AB-AB. The writer did not explain the plant and animal organ system separately. Instead, he/she firstly talked about the organ of one of them and then straightly compared it with the other one.
    Task 2
    Contrasting Monkeys and Apes
    Monkeys and apes are extremely similar that many people can hardly tell which one of them is a monkey or which one is an ape. Still, each of them can be differ by recognizing their characteristics. Monkeys, despite the fact that their body looked exactly like an ape, have a tail on their bottom. Also, the walk with the four feet the have. Conversely, apes have no tails and nor do they walk with four feet. Apes, in contrast with the monkey, walk with only two feet.

  30. Task 1
    Text 1 is using the AAA-BBB pattern. It is clearly seen on the text that the explanation first goes to spices and after that move to the herbs.
    Text 2, in the opposite, is using the AB-AB-AB pattern. The explanation are given to both plants and animal system organ at the same time.
    Task 2
    Comparing Tiger and Leopard
    Tiger and leopard do not look pretty much the same. even so, the possess some similarities that make then alike. first of all, both tiger and leopard are carnivore. Tigers are a bit bigger than leopard though it does not make them faster. Leopards are well tree-climbers. Tigers can sometimes climb a tree, but they do not do that as good as the leopards do.

    The English teacher has an important role in teaching learning process. They must work hard to improve the students’ achievement of learning English and increase their achievement in reading comprehension. Cooperative learning is the activities in teaching learning process that divided into a little group, the students learning and work in group or discussion until the get experience in learning and learning English through discussion can create the students high motivation. Teaching English process by using cooperative learning and students motivation in learning English, Numbered Head Together technique is very important. Heads together is a cooperative learning strategy that is especially helpful in reviewing concepts thought. Numbered Head Together is one of the tehnique under cooperative learning which helps the students to build positive interdependence among them. So under Numbered Head Together Technique, teacher can give the opportunity for the students to construct and generate their thingking in order to get new information from the material given.
    [ KASMAWATI A1D210084]

  32. Task 1
    Text A use the AAA-BBB pattern
    Text B use the AB-AB-AB pattern

    Task 2
    Comparing between Inductive and Deductive Approach in English Teaching
    There is main difference between inductive and deductive instruction (approach) in English teaching/learning. it is the role of the teacher. in a deductive classroom, the teacher conduct lessons by introducing and explaining concepts to students, and then expecting students to complete task to practice the concepts; this approach is very teacher-centred. conversely, inductive instruction is a much more students-centred aproach and makes use of a strategy know as 'noticing;.

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  34. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  35. TASK 1: Text A follow AAA-BBB pattern
    Text B follow AB-AB-AB pattern
    Task 2: Contrasting Visual Learner and Auditory Learner in learning English
    Talking about visual and auditory learner, there are some differences of them. Visual learner learns by observation through graphs, charts, pictures or silent reading. Besides, they can recall what they have seen, use written notes and benefit by watching television or video. They are appropriate in computer assisted learning. In contrast, the auditory learner prefers listening and taking notes when learning something. They are not only listening to tape or CD, but also tend to use memorizing, oral reading, suitable in cooperative learning groups.

  36. Task 1
    Text A use the AAA-BBB pattern
    Text B use the AB-AB-AB pattern

    Task 2
    Differences between situational method and communication language teaching.
    Situational method is a method based on structural syllabus in which language is taught by association with characteristic of surrounding pictures, gesture, ect. Like its name, situational method uses real life situation to provide meaning. Its rule explanation is often given either at the beginning or end. Besides, it involves visual and linguistic situation .While communication language learning is an approach that using procedure where learners work in pairs or group employing language resources in problem solving tasks. In the approach, contextualization is a basic premise. Comprehensive pronunciation and affective communication is sough. In this communication language teaching, teacher help learners in any way that motivates them work with the language.

    by: Sri Nurul Ayu (A1D211057)

  37. 1. Text A follows AAA-BBB pattern or contrasting and the text B follows AB-AB-AB pattern or comparing.
    2. The differences between direct method and audio-lingual method are the two many method that can we use for taught a new language .These two method of course have some different in the way of using it. Direct method is the method that teaching directly in the target language through the used of democrat ions and visual aids. The class use directly method will begin with a brief dialogue. During the class, we do not use the translation into our mother tongue. Besides, the exercise given in the target language .In direct method grammar is taught inductively with the rule acquisition through exposure to its use in situation. The class with audio-lingual involves habit formulation through repetition and memorization in order to avoid errors at all coasts. It gives learners numerous opportunities to speak. In audio-lingual, the teacher is expected to specify the language that students are to use.

    By: Berlian Kristanti Y.L (A1D211061)

    Educators and teachers seem to be the two words that have the same meaning. If a cursory look like, but there is a difference between them that brings a tremendous effect. Teaching derived from the basic teaching, the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) means that the instructions to the unknown (to be followed). From this it can be understood that the teaching, teaching is an act to make others understand, or understand something. Well, so if you become a teacher, you must make them understand that you explain things to them. If not, then you have not succeeded as a teacher. While educators derived from the basic learner, in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) means to maintain and provide training (teaching, guidance, leadership) about the morality and intelligence of the mind. Another meaning of the word education is the process of changing attitudes and code of conduct a person or group of people in human mature businesses through the efforts of teaching and training process, ways, works to educate. (Siti Nurhamidah, A1D210074)

  39. Task 1: text A follow AAA-BBB pattern and text B follow AB-AB-AB pattern
    Task 2: Comparing Cooperative and Jigsaw concept in learning
    There are many points of comparison between cooperative and jigsaw concept in learning English. The cooperative learning can managed student activity in small group effectively as the jigsaw concept does. Cooperative learning has been associated with gains such as achievement, interpersonal skills, and attitudes toward school. Similarly, jigsaw concept often use in college setting. It is not only to improve attitude, but also the performance of students. In class, Cooperative learning can help the teacher, when the teacher has no idea about their subject as the jigsaw does.
    (MULIANI, A1D2 09 027)

  40. Task 1: Text A follow AAA-BBB pattern and text B follow AB-AB-AB pattern
    Task 2: Contrasting learns by group and learns by alone.
    Learns by group and learns by alone have some differentiations. In group, we can share our information, help each other and can know the something new. Besides, we can express our idea to the others. There are many activities we can do, such as give question and discussion. On the other hand, learn by alone make us cannot share our knowledge and of course we can’t know the something new. If we have problem or question, we will just concentrate in one solution.
    (NASRIANTI, A1D2 11 086)

  41. 1. Text A use AAA-BBB pattern and Text B use AB-AB-AB pattern
    2. Comparing Between Herbivore and Carnivore Creatures. In animal there are three classifications of the animal according to their food. They are Herbivore, carnivore and omnivore. But in this writing I will explain to you the different between herbivore and carnivore. Herbivore is the animal that eat the plants as their main food, and carnivore is the animal that consume meat as their main food. The herbivore creature has characteristics such as have four legs, hot blood, live in the land, viviparous, and mammal. But the carnivore creature has characteristics such as, if mammal it has four legs, fang, live in the land, oviparous, if it live in the sea it is ovoviviparous and have large body except piranha. The examples of herbivore animal are cow, buffalo, horse, and sheep. The examples of carnivore animal are shark, lion, tiger and eagle.

  42. 1. Task 1: Text A follow by AAA-BBB pattern and text B follow by AB-AB-AB pattern.
    2. task 2:
    contrasting learns by writing and speaking
    writing is expressing ideas above paper. when we write ideas on paper, we will begin to find what we want to convey. it also talks about the world around us, how we know about it. it is a complex process that allows writers to explore their and thought in order to deliver the messages. and usually we have a problem to speaking about what we want, so you can write without speak. while learn by speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information and also speaking can follow the usual pattern of preparation, presentation, practice, evaluation, and extension.so speaking and writing are different, and each should be seen in its own terms.but up to you in choose what you want to learn, it is appropriate your ability.
    ( Ida Yani, A1D2 11 028 )

  43. 1. text A uses AAA-BBB Pattern, while text B uses AB-AB-AB
    2. contrasting between Grammar Translation Method (GTM) and Direct Method.
    There are some differences between GTM and direct Method. In GTM, the teacher teach target language by translating target language to native language. Second, the students get new vocabulary by memorizing the list of words that have translated to the native language. Third, in GTM, the teacher and the students speak in the classroom by mixing between target language and Grammar is taught deductively, students are given the pattern and applied into some examples. On the other hand, Direct method is different. First, in Direct Method, teacher teach target language by demonstrating the meaning through useing pictures, realia, or pantomim so that students can understand. Second, the students practice vocabulary by making complete sentences with use a new word. Third, in Direct Method Grammar is taught inductively, inductive means the students understand the grammar by examples that are given without apply it to another examples.

    Fardan Rezkiawan Faida
    A1D2 10 045

  44. RAHMATIA A1D210108
    Contrasting between TPR and CLT
    TPR is method which teacher give students command in the target language and student act these command whole body respond. This can be categorized as part of the comprehension approach of language teaching. For example, when teacher commands to students such as “stand up”, “close your book”, “go to the window”, and “open it”. The method stresses the important of aural comprehension. While in CLT, the method focuses to enable students to communicate effectively and appropriate in the various situation. The content of CLT courses are function such as inviting, suggesting, complaining or notions such as expression of time, quantity, and location.

  45. RABIANTI A1D210124
    Contrast of the Direct Method and Grammar Translation Method
    Even though The Direct Method and Grammar Translation Method are common teaching method we usually find in school, both of them is extremely different. At TDR, class handles spontaneously and very participatory and teacher usually used certain images, stories and even songs in order to make the class a little more entertaining. However, in GTM class, students may feel little bored because the activities consist with vocabulary memorization, rules of grammar, and punctuation marks than target language. In The Direct Class, we clarifying that certain questions were asked and answered (in English) for participants with the idea of leaving no doubt, and will improve their ability in listening and speaking skill. On the other hand, GTM unbalances the skills because it only focuses on Reading and writing and forgets listening and speaking skills completely when all these should be developed simultaneously.

  46. Task 1
    Text A use AAA-BBB pattern
    Text B use AB-AB-AB pattern

    Task 2
    AAA-BBB pattern
    The difference between men and women especially about how language user speak. where is men in environment tend to talk to much. In here, men speak must have purpose about the topic and important point because men is speak in private context. While women environment tent to speak more air time. In here, conversation that happen more general and sometimes out of context like gosip, and humor. Especially in public place, women tend to attractive and aggressive about the topic.

  47. 1. Text A (AAA-BBB pattern) and text B (AB-AB-AB pattern ).

    2. I am very interested in what motivates students to learn English. In conversations outside my classroom, I also often ask language learners how and why they learned English. No matter what the age, I have found music to be a very powerful motivational tool for learning a language. For example, a friend of mine from Korea told me she learned English by studying the lyrics to her favorite English songs. As well as the sounds like a more interesting and engaging way to learn a language than from a textbook.
    (Wa Ode Srimuliati N/ A1D2 11 054)

  48. Task 1: Text A follow AAA-BBB pattern
    Text B follow AB-AB-AB pattern
    Task 2: The Comparing of Concept cooperative learning and Collaborative learning
    Collaborative learning is a method of teaching which student in one team creates a meaningful project. A group of student discuss a subject by share their information and work together to do their assignment. In collaborative learning, the member of group also can learn to respect the others. Correspondingly, cooperative learning brings the student in small groups with structured activities. They are individually accountable for their work. Besides, they can develop their interpersonal skills.
    (ASMAWATI , A1D2 10 109)

  49. Task 1
    Text A use AAA-BBB pattern
    Text B use AB-AB-AB pattern

    task 2 Comparing between SD vs. CF cards
    Secure Digital (SD) cards are quite a bit smaller and lighter than CF cards. They have a 9 pin interface rather than a 50 pin interface and this limits them to a 4-bit data transfer bus rather than the 16-bit data transfer bus of CF cards. In principle this makes their maximum possible transfer speed slower, but in practice there is little (if any) difference when used with current digital cameras. In the past SD cards were more expensive than CF cards and were not available in as high a capacity versions, but this is really no longer true. The very small size of SD cards means that they cannot accomodate microdrives.

    CF cards also have an onboard microcontroller for the memory which takes some load off the host, but this is currently more of theoretical interest than practical significance. The "Secure" in Secure Digital comes from the card's origin which was concerned with digital rights managements schemes to prevent copying of music! SD cards contain encryption hardware, but it's not used in 99% of all applications and it looks just like flash memeory to a digital camera. MultiMediaCards (MMC) are essentially the same as SD cards, but without the encryption hardware and with a few other technical differences
    (juwianti A1D2 10 068)

  50. Task 1 : Text A use AAA-BBB pattern and text B use AB-AB-AB pattern
    Task 2 : There are many techniques for teaching English. Some of them are role play and dialogue. Role play can improve the students’ speaking and their writing. Whereas, the dialogue just be able to improve their speaking. In role play, the students are emphasized to create a situation, to make a scenario, and to give appropriate expression. In dialogue, they just need to speak out base on the conversation and also to give some expressions.
    (Wd. Delta Tanzila Fauzya H A1D2 09047

  51. Task 1
    Text A use AAA - BBB pattern
    Text B use AB-AB-AB pattern

    Task 2
    The comparison between content based and task based instruction. In content based instruction is students practice all the languages skill in a highly integrated, communicative fashion while learning content such as science, mathematics, and social studies. Content based instruction is beginning to influence the measurement of learning strategies not just the teaching of ESL and EFL but in task based instruction, basic pair work and group work are often used to increase students interaction and collaboration.

    Maria Intan Permata Hati (A1D2 10 039)

  52. The Difference between Auditory and Visual Learners
    We can easily see the difference between auditory and visual learners. The auditory learners can understand the material with listen to the material explained. Out loud information and music in the background can be a common method for them. In contrast, the visual learners can learn better if they look at graphics, watching a demonstration, or reading. They will have difficulty in focusing if they listen another sound while they study.
    (Wa Ode Nisrawati A1D2 10 004)

  53. Text A
    AAA-BBB pattern and text B AB-AB-AB pattern
    Task B
    Listening skill divided and distinguished by 2 skills, namely: Reciprocal listening and Non-reciprocal listening. Reciprocal listening is the task of listening where there is interaction between listener to speaker or to negotiate the content of interaction. that is, teachers are not using pieces of media in teaching, in this case teachers and students interact with each other. While, Non-reciprocal listening is the task of listening which is no interaction to the speaker for instance listen to the radio or formal lecture. Means teachers using media in teaching methods so that students do not interact with each other.
    Name : saltri ariweni
    Off. No: A1D2 10 025

  54. Nama : Risya Fatimah Zahra
    Reg. no. : A1D210015

    AAA-BBB Pattern

    The diference between Quantitative research and Qualitative research. Qualitative data are anything that can be expressed as a number, or quantified. Examples of Quantitative data are scores on achievement tests, number of hours of study, or weight of a subject.
    These data may berepresented by ordinal, interfal or ratio scales and lend them selves to moststatistical manipulation. While Qualitative data focus on theory developed during studi and proces oriented is most needed. In other hand Qualitative data also focus in to basic element of analysis is words

  55. name: Nur Rahma
    Reg.no: A1D210139

    Pattern AAA-BBB

    Spring weather in Vancouver is similar to spring weather in Halifax. Both Vancouver and Halifax have rain in the spring. Halifax also has a rainy spring season. Halifax has a rainy spring season, too. As well, Halifax has rainy spring season. On the other hand, winter is much colder in Halifax. However, winter is much colder in Halifax. Vancouver has a mild winter, but Halifax has a cold one. In contrast to Vancouver, Halifax has a cold winter. Halifax differs from Vancouver by having a cold winter. While Vancouver has a mild winter, Halifax has a cold winter.

  56. Name : Anjas Asmara
    Reg.num: A1D2 11 048

    Patern AB-AB

    The Difference between Teaching in The Indoor and In The Outdoor
    In general, teaching student in the indoors and outdoors is different. Teaching in the indoors is quite easy, because of we can control the students easier than in the outdoor. Teaching in indoors makes student put their attention only to the teacher and the subject which is discussing. On the other hand, teaching in the outdoor is quite hard because the student’s attention may be interupted by the other thing. So, the student’s concentration will be divided into some unrelated objects.

  57. Name : Agung Dana
    Reg. Number : A1D211020

    1. Text A using AAA-BBB pattern and Text B using AB-AB-AB pattern

    2. Learning and teaching is actually different. Learning is a process to get a new knowledge from lecturer and experience, while teaching is a process to share knowledge to other. Related to learning and teaching, learning and teaching in senior high school and learning and teaching in elementary school is actually have a difference and similarities. Teaching in elementary school is harder than teaching in senior high school, teacher that teaching in elementary school needs to give complete information in order to make the students easily to understand the material that have given by the teacher. In other hand, teaching in senior high school is actually easier than teaching in elementary school, the teachers do not need to give a complete information to make students easy to understand about the material, teacher only have to explain about the points of information and after that the students can learning by their own in order to make them more understand about the material. The similarity of teaching and learning in elementary and in high school is both of them is having a process in getting a knowledge and in sharing a knowledge.
