
Selasa, 08 April 2014

WRITING III: ***Announcement* and assignment**

***REWRITE THE EXPLANATION TEXT you have previously posted no longer than 200 words and post it as a response (balasan) to your first text. Deadline monday midnight 28 April 2014

*there would be no class on Friday 11 April. Instead, respond to assignment below.
**Explanation text has two basic types: explaining how and explaining why. Choose either one to write an explanation text. There will be two deadlines as follows:
By midnight 12 April: the topic
By midnight 16 April: complete text

105 komentar:

  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

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  3. Good afternoon mom.. :)
    this is my topic about explanation how.

    Reg. No : A1D4 12 030

  4. Good afternoon mom.. :)
    this is my topic about explanation Why.

    Reg. No : A1D412028

  5. Good afternoon mom.. :)
    this is my topic about explanation how.
    Name : Yuliana
    Reg. No : A1D412012
    Title :how to grow gray hair at a young age?

  6. Assalamu Alaikum mom........:)
    This is my assignment about explanation how,,
    Name : Fathullah Nurussalam
    Reg. No : A1D412 043

  7. Assalamu Alaikum & Good afternoon mom.. :)
    this is my topic about explanation why

    Reg. No : A1D4 12 038
    Title : Why does insomnia happen?

  8. Assalamualaikum, mom...
    I want to give my topic about explanation text...

    Name : Ratih Prihatini
    Reg. No. : A1 D4 12 018
    Title : Why do nails form?

    Thanks mom,...

  9. Assalamualaikumand Good afternoon :)
    This is my topic about explanation why
    Name : Yaumil Heiria
    Reg. No. : A1D4 12 029
    Title : Why many student in University choose to have side job ?

  10. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  11. Assalamualaikum, Mom...
    This is my topic about Explanation text
    Name : Nur Walman Julianti
    Reg. No. : A1D41 12 020
    Tittle : Why should be ALAY ?
    Thankyou Mom..

  12. Assalamualaikum mom, this is my topic about explanation how.
    Reg. No : A1D412046
    Title : how to reduce unemployment in Indonesia?

    thank you mom wassalam

  13. Assalamualaikum mom, this is my topic about explanation why.

    Name : verawati hamid
    Reg. No : A1D412008
    Title :Why juvenile delinquency could occur

  14. Assalamualaikum mom, this is my topic about explanation why.

    Name : yeyen muflihan
    Reg. No : A1D412017
    Title :Why use the phone for too long can be dangerous?

  15. assalamualaikum wr.wb mom
    this is my topic about explanation why.

    name: ika endang siti maryati
    reg. number: A1D412039
    title: why air pollution is increasing?

  16. Assalamu’alaikum. Wr.Wb and Good night mom….
    This is my topic about explanation how
    Name : Misnawati
    Reg. No : A1 D4 12 026
    Title : why level poorness in Indonesian progressively increase

  17. Assalamu Alaikum mom........:)
    This is my topic about explanation why,

    Name :Risal
    No.REG :A1D412016
    Title :why junk food is very dangerous to health?

    thank you mom wassalam

    1. NAMA : RISAL
      REG . NO : A1D412016
      assignment writing 3 about explaining why


      Junk food is a derisive slang term for food that is of little nutritional value and often high in fat, sugar, salt, and calories. It is widely believed that the term was coined by Michael Jacobson, director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, in 1972. Junk foods typically contain high levels of calories from sugar or fat with little protein, vitamins or minerals. Foods commonly considered junk foods include salted snack foods, gum, candy, sweet desserts, fried fast food, and sugary carbonated beverages. Many foods such as hamburgers, pizza, and tacos can be considered either healthy or junk food depending on their ingredients and preparation methods.

      Most junk foods, including your favourite brand of noodles and burgers , contain very high levels of trans fats, salt and sugar, which inevitably leads to severe ill health and diseases like obesity and diabetes in young people in the world , according to a study by the Centre For Science and Environment. "The younger generation, hooked to junk food, are vulnerable to heart disease in the prime of their life," says a junk food and nutrition study conducted by the New york-based Centre for Science and Environment. Most junk foods, including your favourite brand of noodles and burgers , contain very high levels of trans fats, salt and sugar.

      That cause why junk food is very dangerous to health, because can make disease like obesity and diabetes.

    2. Yes, I agree, but why a lot of people who love food, give you the reason why it is harmful to health foods favored by many people?

  18. Assalamualaikum mom, this is my topic about explanation how

    Name : Yulius pangiman panete
    Reg no : A1D412027
    Title : why choose enterpreneurship than employee government?

  19. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  20. Assalamualaikum,mom..
    I want to give my complete text about explanation why.

    Reg. No : A1D4 12 038
    Title : Why does insomnia happen?

    Insomnia is defined as the inability to fall or stay asleep or sleep that is unrefreshed in the absence of another sleep disorder. It is the most common of all the various sleep disorders, and it may be a significant problem in about 1 in 4 people. Nearly everyone has experienced some degree of insomnia, even if only transiently, but why does this occur? There will be some variability in what provokes insomnia in you. Some of the most common triggers for insomnia include stress, mood disorders, pain, substance use, and poor sleep environment. Stress of every imaginable type is highly likely to make it difficult to sleep. The night before a big examination or presentation at work may be fitful. Major life events such as moving, the loss of a job, relationship problems including divorce, or the death of a close friend or relative may also lead to insomnia. If these problems lead to anxiety or depression, the risk of insomnia may be compounded.

    There are other causes of insomnia as well. In particular, chronic medical conditions, especially those that cause pain, may disrupt sleep. Sleep is usually an anesthetic state, in which pain is not sensed, but nevertheless pain can make it hard to fall asleep. There are certain substances that may contribute to difficulty falling or staying asleep as well. The most common, caffeine, is notorious for sleep disruption. Nicotine is another stimulating substance that disrupts sleep. Alcohol may cause drowsiness initially, but when it starts to wear off, sleep becomes fragmented. Other medications and drugs can also undermine sleep.

    Finally, the sleep environment can also make it hard to sleep. If your bedroom is too warm or too cold, too bright, or too noisy, sleep may be fleeting. An uncomfortable bed, or none at all, may also cause insomnia. If someone is snoring nearby, or a baby cries out to be fed, sleep becomes light and fragmented. Studies have also shown that environmental noise, such as may be present in a busy city, can also disrupt sleep.

    There can be a lot of emotions and thoughts that become associated with insomnia. Chronic insomnia is deeply frustrating. Feelings of distress, hopelessness, inadequacy, and failure become part of the scenario. People who sleep well do not wake in the morning and assess how well they slept. Insomniacs often do. Sleep becomes a focus in insomnia, and when it does, it becomes a challenge.

    It is clear that insomnia can happen for multiple reasons, as detailed above. Everyone has a specific threshold at which insomnia will develop. The precipitating factors will vary for each person, but there are common triggers related to stress, mood, pain, and substance use. Acute insomnia becomes chronic when behaviors, thoughts, and emotions change surrounding sleep. If you find yourself stuck in the pattern of insomnia, it can be helpful to speak to a sleep specialist to begin to make changes that can correct the problem. Insomnia can be treated effectively, so reach out to get the help that you need.

    Thanks:) wasalam..

  21. Good evening Mom, this is my assignment about explanation why.
    Name : Yohana Saleh
    Reg. No. : A1D4 12 034
    Tittle : Why student like to do Bullying?

  22. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  23. Good evening Mom, this is my assignment about explanation why.
    Name : Sinta Febriani
    Reg. No.: A1D4 12 022
    Tittle : Why discrimination against Albino people?

  24. Assalamualaikum wr.wb mom
    This is my topic about explanation why.

    Name : Harudin bin la aha
    Off numb : A1D4 09 021
    Title : Why Moral Leaders Finally Caught Corruption?

    Thank you mom wassalam

    1. Assalamualaikum wr.wb mom

      This is my topic about explanation why.

      Name : Harudin bin la aha
      Off numb : A1D4 09 021

      Title : Why Moral Leaders Finally Caught Corruption?

      Here, I give a picture of the characters caught in corruption should not be entangled moral corruption cases like (Nazaruddin Sjamsuddin, Rudi Rubiandini) cover said it all so as not to be precedent extended in the future. So that their case can be a lesson and will not recur, especially against leaders - academics campus leaders of high integrity who is now a role model and a moment later was appointed state officials in charge of a state agency or institution that is large and strategically.

      First, who has not lamented the bondage of corruption cases like Nazaruddin Sjamsuddin?
      Nazaruddin Sjamsuddin, who doubted his outstanding service while successfully carry out the mandate as Chairman of the wide selection of General Commission (KPU) RI hold elections and 2004 presidential elections, which for the first time held directly and very democratic in Indonesia, Middle - the middle of almost all parties doubted the success of his previous success of elections / election. He is a leading figure of the University of Indonesia (UI), either scientific, moral, integrity and credibility Nazaruddin Sjamsuddin known to the whole world, but ultimately bounced, accused of accepting bribes and hurt the country (though not completely) and convicted. It is very pathetic!

      Second. Are they suddenly changed character after switching professions of scientist academics become corrupt or there is a conspiracy on the part of certain scenarios are purposely designed the trap to ensnare and criminalize the exemplary moral character and integrity of the nation?

      Rudi Rubiandini exemplary and brightest faculty from the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) mafia conspiracy Indonesian oil and gas trapped in cooperation with the elements - elements that the Commission then makes a suspect in a bribery hundreds of thousands of U.S. $ are as yet unclear motives. Yet, somehow, he is now a prisoner Commission (KPK). Without people even knowing what really happened. It's very, very tragic!

      One thing we, the people of Indonesia, they should keep in mind that the above mentioned, the superior and exemplary character that does not actually changed from their original character and high moral integrity. They are victims of circumstance. They are conditioned to become criminals and corrupt. They are the role models who became casualties of the game's elite power.

      Lastly, to all the leaders, especially in the academic environment, be - careful if you all get a mandate appointed to be state officials or state government bureaucracy, World powers was different from the campus. Many criminals, mafia, bastard ruler who appeared in front of the face of an angel guise for the people when they are wicked devil, They do not hesitate - hesitate smashing you all if not willing to fulfill their desires or they assume you all have adverse interests with your presence as state officials.

      The conclusion of my explanation is when you get into the world environment of power through the appointment / removal of you as a state official; you've actually been in the grip of their threat. What more recently we hold legislative elections in the know with the members (DPD, DPR-RI, DPRD) and will soon hopefully presidential election with the election of leaders selected by the community can create a new leader who is democracy and make our country free from corruption.

    2. Name : Harudin bin la aha
      Stb : A1D3 09 021
      Summary : Why Moral Leaders Finally Caught Corruption ?

      All the leaders were given positions by president so as not to be abused by people who are not responsible; a leader should set a good example, so that ordinary people see their performance properly, fairly and honestly. Thus making the country grows and avoids the things - things like corruption Country evolving as the United States. Positions are given an authority to protect the public and leaders.

      Once taken into the Commission members should they work well, but they are wrong to office, when they are wrong to use the community impact and harm the State. They should uphold the rule of law and the rules of law in 1945, as well as the prevailing religious norms.

  25. assalamulaikum wr wb. mom,
    this is my assignment about explanation why
    My name is Nurdiana
    My Reg NO: A1D4 12 011
    Title: why do students need internet?

  26. Assalamu'alaikum and Good evening ,,, :)
    I want to give my topic about Explanation Text for Assignment Writing III
    Name : Putri Parha Raehana
    Reg. No. : A1D412019
    My Title is "Why we need to drink a lot?"

    thank you ^^

  27. Assalamualaikum Mom, this is my assingment about Explanation.
    Name : Wa Ode Siti Hariani
    Reg. No : A1D4 12 015
    Tittle : Why should learn English?

  28. Asslamu alaikum mom.......This is my topic about the explanation why
    title:Tsunami why it could happen.

  29. Assalamu Alaikum mom........:)
    This is my topic about explanation why,
    Name : Syamsul Rizal Basri
    Reg. No.: A1D411001
    Tittle : Why cell phone used?

  30. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  31. Asslamualaikum wr.wb :)
    Name : Intan Putriani Yusuf .D.

    For my assignment writing 3 in Explanation Text , I take the topic " Why Almost People All Over The World Tend To Confide in Social Network ? "

    Thanks a lot ^^

    1. Sorry mom , i'm late 10 minutes. I got badnetwork area and some trouble.

  32. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  33. Name : Husni Yohan
    NIM : A1D3 09 026
    "How to set a password for a user account"
    If you want to protect your user account using password, just follow this instruction. Its very simple and usually takes less than a few minutes.
    Firstly, you should click on “Start” and then click on “Control Panel”. After the control panel window open, you will see several options menu, click on the “User Accounts and Family Safety” after that click on the “User Accounts”.
    Secondly, after the “User Accounts” window open, in the Make changes to your user account area of the User Accounts window, click the “Create a password for your account”, after that, there will be three text boxes, in the first and second text boxes fill it with your password, and in the final text box fill it with a password hint.
    Finally, click the “Create Password” button to confirm your password, after that you can close the “User Account” window. That’s all step by step how to Set a Password on your user account.

  34. Asslamu alaikum mom.......This is my topic about the explanation why
    title:why do Indonesian earthquake prone?

  35. Asslamu alaikum mom.......This is my topic about the explanation why
    Name:Darmianti Tamsila s
    Title:why students need to learn English?

    STAMBUK: A1D4 12 008
    Assalamu alaikum wr.wb
    This is my assignment about why juvenile delinquency could occur ?

    As a teenager , was a period when a human being in search of his true identity was , wanted to know who she really was . A man dikatan teenager , when he was the age of 17 years . And in this age , a man experienced a period called puberty . At puberty , usually a man wants to try everything new in his life , appeared a wide range of emotions , and many problems arise both in the family and social environment .Myriad forms of juvenile delinquency , among other things : drugs , free sex , fights , promiscuity , etc. . Juvenile delinquency is mostly conducted by those who fail to develop emotional soul , they can not resist the new hala entered into him , which lead to an attitude that is not supposed to do . Juvenile delinquency is a form of conflict is not resolved properly in childhood or during adolescence .

    Juvenile delinquency is impingement problems faced by teenagers whose actions deviate . According to sociologist Kartono , Juvenile Delinquency or in English known as juvenile delinquency is a social pathological symptoms in adolescents are caused by a form of social neglect . As a result , they developed a form of deviant behavior . Meanwhile, according to Santrock " Juvenile delinquency is a collection of various adolescent behaviors that are socially unacceptable criminal acts to occur . "

    The cause of juvenile delinquency is . Family and Divorce parent , no , lack of communication between family members , or disputes between family members can lead to negative behaviors in adolescents . Education was wrong in the family , such as too indulgent child , not giving religious education , or denial of the existence of the child , can be a cause of juvenile delinquency . Poor peer , community / neighborhood poor , weak self- control Teens who can not learn and distinguish behavior that is acceptable to unacceptable behavior will be dragged on the ' naughty '

    1. Assalamualaikum wr. wb this is my rewrite of assignment explanation why,
      Name: verawati hamid
      No reg: A 1D412008
      “Why Juvenile delinquency could occur?”
      At this time, many adolescent who have behavior is not good, until now problem Juvenile delinquency still happen and difficult for finish.
      Juvenile delinquency is problems faced by teenagers whose actions deviate,
      Juvenile delinquency could occur because, adolescent who still young.in here role parent very necessary, so that young man don’t fall into to juvenile delinquency.
       The cause of juvenile delinquency is Divorce parent, or disputes between family members can lead to negative behavior in adolescents.
       Delinquency could occur because, promiscuity. Choose friend who not good for become friendship, will make into young man have behavior negative.
       Delinquency could occur becauseeconomic problems would be making teens having adverse actions, such as stealing,.
      Between the rich and the poor would be easy to bring up social envy and jealousy of this form can embody acts of vandalism, theft, and robbery
      Result Delinquency could occur not released role from parent so that, parent must heed to child.

  37. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  38. Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb Mom ,,, this my assignment about Why use the phone for too long can be dangerous?
    Name : Yeyen Mufliahan N
    Reg. No : A1 D4 12 017

    Why use the phone for too long can be dangerous?

    Living cells have a range of negative feedback mechanisms that sense non-thermal radiation damage and use it to trigger various defence systems. These systems are expensive in energy and resources and also reduce metabolic efficiency. The object therefore has to be to keep this damage within ’tolerable’ limits rather than to eliminate it. They do this by cutting in only when they approach the limits of toleration. The effect is to keep the damage at or close to these ‘trigger points’ over a wide range of radiation levels, ranging from that due to a mobile phone handset held close to the head, to that from a mast, which may be hundreds of metres away.

    The radiation from a handset may actually be less damaging since it is used only intermittently and the body has a chance to recover in between times. However, continuous irradiation from mobile phone base stations, DECT phone base stations and wifi routers may not allow adequate recovery time, so chronic irradiation from these sources could be far more damaging and more likely to result in cancer, allergy-related conditions and electromagnetic hypersensitivity. There is an urgent need for further research in this area, since the assumption that the only biological effects of non-ionising radiation are due to heating, and fall off rapidly with distance, no longer fits the facts.

    This is due to natural biological variability and is quite normal. For example, not everyone who smokes dies of cancer; it just increases the risk. Similarly, not everyone will be equally affected by non-ionising radiation. There could be many reasons for this; some people may have higher levels of calcium in their blood, which will help stabilise their cell membranes. Others may have more effective natural defence mechanisms or mechanisms that cut in at different levels. Other people may have had their defence systems impaired, by either illness or prolonged electromagnetic exposure. Many more may be affected but have just put it down to the general stress of modern living and have not yet made the link between their symptoms and their now almost universal electromagnetic exposure.

    However, even if you are one of the lucky ones who suffer no obvious short-term adverse effects from electromagnetic radiation, there is no cause for complacency. There is no guarantee that you will not suffer long-term effects or that the apparent lack of effect will continue as the general levels of electromagnetic exposure rise and our steadily aging bodies become less and less able to cope.

    1. through your topic I get some knowledge about use the phone for too long can be dangerous
      thank you

    2. assalamualikum mam,,

      this is my rewrite about explanation why


      REG NO : A1D412017

      Why use the phone for too long can be dangerous?

      Living cells have a range of negative feedback mechanisms that sense non-thermal radiation damage and use it to trigger various defense systems. These systems are expensive in energy and resources and also reduce metabolic efficiency. The object therefore has to be to keep this damage within ’tolerable’ limits rather than to eliminate it. They do this by cutting in only when they approach the limits of toleration. The effect is to keep the damage at or close to these ‘trigger points’ over a wide range of radiation levels, ranging from that due to a mobile phone handset held close to the head, to that from a mast, which may be hundreds of meters away.
      Other people may have had their defense systems impaired, by either illness or prolonged electromagnetic exposure. Many more may be affected but have just put it down to the general stress of modern living and have not yet made the link between their symptoms and their now almost universal electromagnetic exposure.
      However, even if you are one of the lucky ones who suffer no obvious short-term adverse effects from electromagnetic radiation, there is no cause for complacency. There is no guarantee that you will not suffer long-term effects or that the apparent lack of effect will continue as the general levels of electromagnetic exposure rise and our steadily aging bodies become less and less able to cope.

      thank you mam :)

  39. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  40. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.


    Why Discrimination Against Albino People ?

    Albino is a person who has no pigment (COLOR ).Many negative perceptions about albino, because in terms of physical well color skin, hair, and eyes are different from us ( which is normal ). Albino people are group of people that is often included in the category of “ other “ because of a genetic problem.

    Albino people in Africa, Tanzania they discriminate because they think the Albino is the damned. Albino people are treated cruelly when they are very isolated , they were killed , mutilated , and their organs were foraibly taken and then sold and used for amulets since according to the beliets of the people in Afrika , Tanzania Albino is the devil incarnate . They live without a complete organ and for their women raped even doing the act is the closest to them . There used to discriminate against black and whites , but black or white ( Albino ) should get the same treatment in the case in justice should be applied >


      Good night mam....
      this is my rewrite about explanation why
      and the title is Why Discrimination Against Albino People ?

      REG.NO : A1D412022


      Albino is a person who has no pigment ( color ). Albino people are a group of people that is often included in the category of "other" because of a genetic problem. many negative perceptions about Albino because in terms of physical different from us ( which is normal). Discrimination against albino people like in Africa, Tanzania. they discriminate against albino people is the devil incarnate. Albino people are treated cruelly as :

      - killed
      - very isolated

      times ago, there was discriminate against blacks and white but black and white (albino) should get the same treatment in the care in justice should be applied.

      thank you mam, :)

  42. Assalamuaikum wr,wb. Mom

    My name is Nurdiana
    My Reg No: A1D4 12 011

    This is my complete assignment writing III about:

    Why do students need internet?

    Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link several billion devices worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies and there are several kinds and superiority on internet.
    Firstly, since the wider introduction of the world wide web, college students are able to gain access to online dictionaries, encyclopedias and all sorts of resource materials. Many colleges and libraries have put important books and journals onto online databases so that more students are able to read the same material than in the days when they were limited by the number of print copies available.
    Another the cells phone can have a similar purpose, social networking websites provide students with a means of instant contact with their friends. These websites also provide a means of advertising upcoming events and inviting friends to these events. These websites are also sometimes used as a means of finding people with similar interests or as a method of making available personal information such as other contact details or personality profiles. The most famous of these websites are Facebook and MySpace.
    And finally, there is Electronic mail is instantaneous as opposed to postal mail, which has sometimes been called snail mail since the introduction of email. Email is an example of the overlap between the academic and social effect of the Internet on the life of college students. E-mail is a means for students who are away from home to keep in contact with their families, and it is a means for students to keep in contact with friends from home and college. It is also used by teachers for contacting their students with assignments, and it can be used by students if they wish to ask their teachers questions. For these reasons, many colleges give each incoming student a personalized college e-mail address, meaning that college students are expected to be obtainable at almost any time. Finally, college students, similarly to all job applicants, sometimes must use email to apply for internships and jobs.
    However, there is several negative impact of internet, but we must need it because from internet and social media we get many information and education for our life.

    Thank you, for read.

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    2. Assalamualaikum wr,wb.
      This is my rewrite of assignment explanation why.


      Internet is a global system network that can connect with million devices in worldwide.

      Firstly, the internet can help us to get new information that before we don’t know. To students when they have difficult assignments, they can gain access to online dictionaries, encyclopedias and all sorts of resource materials.

      And there is also no less interesting is social networking websites providing students with a means of instant contact with their friends. These websites are also sometimes used as a means of finding people with similar interests or as a method of making available personal information such as other contact details or personality profiles. The most famous of these websites are Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, BBM, LINE, WE CHAT, and many more.

      Although, there are many people give opinion about the negative impact of uses internet, but we must need it because from internet and social media we get many information and education for our life.


    3. assalamuaalikum,,

      That's right, guys... in this globalization era, every people including students need to access internet. why? because, internet available many information that we need for our life.

      there are many advantages of access internet. But, as a student, we must avoid misapplication of internet.

      thank you..^_^

  43. Assalamualaikum,Wr.Wb

    NAME : S I L F I A
    No.Reg : A1 D4 12 007

    this is my topic about explanation Why.
    Why do most people look at the negative social media ?

  44. Assalamualaikum,Wr.Wb

    NAME : S I L F I A
    No.Reg : A1 D4 12 007

    this is my explanation about explanation Why.

    Why do most people look at the negative social media ?

    The importance of social media as supporting information in an agency

    Developments in information technology today can not be denied again has penetrated every community,both small children until older. Almost everyone is now familiar with the name of the internet world.
    Everyone can access the Internet easily and cheaply, which is in it can not be separated from the name of social media The use of media / social networking is intended to interact with peers Business or to sell, and as a medium of information for an agency .

    In addition to the practicality gained from social media are easy to use, also use social media as an information media agency was quite effective because it can be considered nowadays everyone must have a social networking account, whether it's Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, Path or the other. So that the message can be easily conveyed to everyone who joined in the network.

    Why do most people look at the negative social media ? because there are unscrupulous persons who misuse social media,In this case also clearly visible positive value of social media for our example is in the writing task.

  45. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  46. NAMA : RISAL
    REG . NO : A1D412016
    assignment writing 3 about explaining why


    Junk food is a derisive slang term for food that is of little nutritional value and often high in fat, sugar, salt, and calories. It is widely believed that the term was coined by Michael Jacobson, director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, in 1972. Junk foods typically contain high levels of calories from sugar or fat with little protein, vitamins or minerals. Foods commonly considered junk foods include salted snack foods, gum, candy, sweet desserts, fried fast food, and sugary carbonated beverages. Many foods such as hamburgers, pizza, and tacos can be considered either healthy or junk food depending on their ingredients and preparation methods.

    Most junk foods, including your favourite brand of noodles and burgers , contain very high levels of trans fats, salt and sugar, which inevitably leads to severe ill health and diseases like obesity and diabetes in young people in the world , according to a study by the Centre For Science and Environment. "The younger generation, hooked to junk food, are vulnerable to heart disease in the prime of their life," says a junk food and nutrition study conducted by the New york-based Centre for Science and Environment. Most junk foods, including your favourite brand of noodles and burgers , contain very high levels of trans fats, salt and sugar.

    That cause why junk food is very dangerous to health, because can make disease like obesity and diabetes.

    1. NAME : RISAL
      NO. REG : A1D412016

      Why junk food is very dangerous to health?

      Junk food is a derisive slang term for food that is of little nutritional value and often high in fat, sugar, salt, and calories. So many people likes junk food because it is very delicious but so many people not to know about negative impact of always eat junk food because junk food has typically such as : contain high levels of calories from sugar or fat with little protein, vitamins or minerals and that not to need for human body. Junk food can cause cancer , depression ,obesity and depression because junk food has so many calories , sugar and fat and it is little protein , vitamins or minerals. junk food consist of salted snack foods, gum, candy, sweet desserts, fried fast food, sugary carbonated beverages, hamburgers and , pizza. That cause why junk food is very dangerous to health.

  47. Assalamualikum mam, :)

    REG.NO : A1D412028

    this my complete text about Explanation Why


    Korean fever has long occurred in Indonesia since Indonesian television station featuring a wide variety of Korean dramas like endless love , full house , stairway to heaven , etc. since then was the Korean fever is taking place, especially in this present year Korean fever still continues to occur , in seen in 2009 in Indonesia boy-band and girl-band mushroomed , somewhat influenced by the boy and girl group Korean origin , and also in Indonesia country more and more Korean drama series which appears , drama series is also one of the causes why the Korean fever can occur in Indonesia , because it caused a strong storyline , varied flow , and the acting of the characters that seem natural and touching the audience. the side it in the show according to the Asian culture in general , the concept of true love , sacrifice , and other life concepts depicted Korean drama does not conflict too much with the concept of life that exist in Asian society in general . Moreover , Korean women dressed in the style of the movie or drama looks typical , simple , polite but elegant the Kpop'ers fashionable ( the designation for lovers Korean ) follow the fashion style of the Korean nation . Korean fever rampant because the actor or actress Korean singer even has a handsome face and a beautiful face so it does not deny that the Korean fever is happening in Indonesia is increasing.

    thank you mom
    wassalam :) ^_^

    1. assalamualaikum wr wb.

      good afternoon mam
      this rewrite my assignment about explanation text

      Name : Egi Irmawanti Puhid
      Reg No : A1D412028


      The word "Korean fever" is not foreign to our ears because the Korean fever was knock down the country Indonesia. Korean fever is happening in Indonesia is not new but has been going on now for a long time at the start of a broadcast television station in Indonesia several kinds of Korean drama series, such as the endless love, stairway to heaven, etc. that's where the beginning of the Korean fever spread in Indonesia . plus another in 2009, Indonesia is experiencing peak "Korean fever" because it is proven in the emergence of various names Boyband / Girlband Indonesia was not because of the influence of the Korean fever. cause why the Korean fever is / could happen in Indonesia until now this? caused several factors:

      1. Drama korean / drama series
      2. Girlband / boyband
      3. Fashion
      4. Culture
      5. artist who has handsome face and beautiful face

      Message from me: love the culture of other countries that there is no problem as long as we do not forget our own culture.

      i'm sorry if there are wrong mistakes grammatical ^_^

      thank you mam :) ^^


    2. Assalamualaikum....
      well, i agree with you statement that it isn't problem if we love other country's culture as long as we didn't forget our own country. because in my opinion,, we like other country's culture just to inspire us to be better. for example : Korea boyband/girlband, i like them because they have motivation to be famous in the world cause of their talent.

      thank you..^_^

    3. yes :) and just now i know if you like boyband and girlband korea,:D haha thank you sist for your comment.

  48. Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

    My Name : Yaumil Heiria
    No. Reg : A1D412 029

    This is my complete assignment about "Why many student in University choose to have side job"

    Exactly everyone need a job, because in this life peoples need money to be used as tools of payment. Yeeaahhh exactly, after all of student finish from University or school, they look for job. But, most of student choose to have side job.

    Side job is work which you can do without disturb your main activity and you can get advantages. That's why most of student choose to have side job. Some kinds of side job which have of student are have busniess online shop, join on business like Tiens, MLM, etc and sell pulse, etc.

    Advantages which you can get from your side job.
    Firstly, when we have side job we are more able to recognize the time but should be divide time for focus on study and your job.
    Secondly, you can get money from your side job and you can get impression.
    Thirdly, if you are student who live away from your parents, you can help ease the burden of your parents.
    Finnaly, you get knowledge that get money is not easy like easier get money from your parents.

    From the all of advantages which you can get, you should remember your goal, that stay focused on your study but too get money from your side job. And exactly that's legal money.

    1. Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

      My Name : Yaumil Heiria
      No. Reg : A1D412 029

      This isrewrite assignment about "Why many student in University choose to have side job"

      Everyone need a job to get money for their life as tools of payment. Most of student in University choose to hae side job. Why ? Because they can get some advabtages for themselves.
      The advantages you can get are :
      - More able to recognize the time, divide between focus on study and your side job.
      - Get money and impression.
      - You can help ease the burden of your parents.

      From the all of it, you have to know your goals that stay focus on your study but get legal money too from your side job.

  49. Good afternoon mom.....
    This is my topic about explanation how.
    Name: Yuliana
    Reg. No: A1D412012
    Title: How to grow gray hair at a young age?

    At the age of aging, in general, some parts of the body such as hair aging. Organs are often referred to as 'the crown of a woman' can undergo color changes to white or gray even at a relatively young age. Gray hair occurs because the hair follicle has stopped producing melanin which gives color to your hair.

    There are some people who even still treading in their 20's has experienced it. But there are also new ones have gray hair when stepping age 50s. The first factor is genetic or hereditary. Genes within you affect the production of melanin. If both your parents have gray hair at a young age, it is possible that you could experience it.

    The adequacy of nutritional factors in the body can affect how fast you go gray. When you go gray at a young age, it could be because the body lacks vitamin B, especially vitamin B-12. The body was hard to absorb this vitamin can cause rapid hair graying. Another factor is of an unhealthy lifestyle e.g. smoking. A doctor, Dr. JG Mosley

    Conducted a study on patients at Leigh Infirmary in England in 1996. He found that its surveys show many active smokers who had gray hair at a young age. Additionally problematic thyroid gland has also contributed as a trigger. When the glands do not produce enough thyroid hormone you can experience health problems called hypothyroidism. According to the University of Michigan Health System, health problems can cause premature graying of hair.

    Prevent and eliminate gray hair at a young age one can be started from nutritious foods rich in vitamin B-12. Content of soybeans rich in these vitamins can be used as a natural alternative which favors. Foods such as tofu, Tempe, and Tahu can be an option. You can also drink soy milk. In addition, smoking cessation would be much better. No harm in any way to condition your body to consult a trusted doctor to determine the condition of the body further.

    1. Good afternoon mom…… :)
      This is my summary of my complete about explanation how.
      Name: Yuliana
      Reg. No: A1D412012
      Title: How to grow gray hair at a young age?

      There are some people who are still treading early 20s gray. One reason is the excessive Stress: If excessive stress and continually made the hair pigment production will be reduced so that the white hair appeared.
      but it can be overcome, by way of eating nutritious foods and nutrition and increase drinking water to accelerate blood circulation.

    2. assalamualaikum,..

      Honestly, in my age right now,,i've gray hairs... but, many people including my close friend say that gray hairs grow in my head because of i always change my shampoo product. is that true or not??

      by the way,, if you don't mind,i want to suggest about your title, in my opinion your title is not related with the content. maybe it should "how do gray hairs grow at young ages?

      thank you, and i'm sorry if i have mistakes...^_^

  50. Asslamu alaikum mom.......This is my topic about the explanation why
    title:Tsunami why it could happen.
    Causes of Flood Disaster and Its Impact

    Posted on : February 6 , 2014 By : Chy Rohmanah In Category : News & Info
    The cause of the flood is a natural disaster that occurred in various cities in the world with different scales . Benefits of water for life is the most important requirement for a human , but when the balance becomes disrupted natural processes , such as catastrophic floods can come .
    Countries with tropical climates have a higher rainfall intensity , so that when the rainy season comes in the discharge water reservoirs such as reservoirs, streams, river is high and overflowing . When that happens , bring environmental issues of concern will continue to come in every rainy season ie , catastrophic flooding .
    Cause Flooding
    The cause of the flood , flooding seen from the definition of simple is the presence of water in the vast region that covers the ground in the region . For example, when an increase in rainfall in the region , will make the water in the place increased . If the region does not have a good water system , a puddle will continue to increase along with the ongoing rain .

    Photos : Jakarta Floods
    1 . Causes flooding
    2 . Various flood
    Erosion - Erosion of topsoil , leaving only rocks which caused heavy rain continues to flow on the surface of the land without rersapan .
    Handling garbage bad - Blockage of water flow in waterways such as rivers or sewer water flooding and make the surrounding area .
    Poor layout - Vacant land that has been converted into a building , causing the loss of power of absorbing rainwater . Construction of settlements on the land could increase the risk of flooding is higher , when compared to the open ground absorbent .
    Damage to dams and water channels - although not common but can cause flooding , especially during the long winter hujanderas .

  51. NAME : WIWIN
    REG . NO : A1D4 09 073
    Assignment writing 3 about explaining How

    How Cell Phone Work

    A cell phone is a great gadget in this modern world. What is a cell phone? A cell phone is actually a radio in certain way. Like a radio, by a cell phone we can communicate to other people in real time. Million people use cell phone for their communication. Even nowadays, people use cell phones to communicate in voice, written and data. Alexander Graham Bell is the person who make great change in the way people communicate to each other. He invented a telephone in 1876. While wireless radio was formally known in 18994 presented by Guglielmo Marconi. By these two technologies, then a cell phone was born. However do you know how actually cell phones work?

    This short explanation on how a cell phone work is really wonderful. A cell phone or in long term "cellular telephone' works by transmitting signals of radio to towers of cellular. The towers are networked to a central switching station. The connection usually uses wire, fiber optic-cables, or microwave.

    Then the central switching station which handles calls in certain given area is directed connected to the wire-based telephone system. Cellulars are pick up by the towers and relayed to another cellular telephone user or the user of wire-based telephone network.

    The towers vary in the capacity and capability to receive signals. Some can receive the signal from short distance and the others can receive more distance. However, there are usually more than one tower in certain given area so that the system can handle the increasing telephone traffic.

  52. Asslamu alaikum mom.......This is my topic about the explanation why

    title:why do Indonesian Earthquake prone?

    The earthquake in Indonesia can not be avoided , but it does not mean that we as human beings do not berkal can reduce the damage caused by the earthquake . Here are three approaches to anticipate the occurrence of the earthquake so as not to cause a big impact :

    First , the structural approach that follows the rules of proper construction and seismic parameters enter the building ( earthquake resistant homes ) , houses of this type are not identical expensive but built a simple but noticing seismicity parameters .

    Second , non-structural approaches to make earthquake hazard maps . The earthquake potential of the information included in the planning area .

    Third , intensive outreach to the public on understanding the impact of the earthquake and rescue training ( either directly mapun educational path ) .
    thank you…….

  53. Assalamualaikum, mam...

    I’m Ratih Prihatini (A1 D4 12 018) want to apologize for my mistake when posting my explanation text’s title in 12 april ago. I wrote a title’s topic “why do nails form?” but it should be “how do nails form?”

    This is my complete text of my assignment about explanation text:


    Nail is a cover and protector of fingertips which useful to help finger to hold something. Besides that, nails have important function as stimulating conductor when we touch an object.

    A nail is produced by living skin cells in the finger. It consists of several parts including the nail plate (the visible part of the nail), the nail bed (the skin beneath the nail plate), the cuticle (the tissue that overlaps the plate and rims the base of the nail), the nail folds (the skin folds that frame and support the nail on three sides), the lunula (the whitish half-moon at the base of the nail) and the matrix (the hidden part of the nail unit under the cuticle).

    Nails grow from the matrix. Lunula and comprises a group of cells that manufacture keratin, a dead, hoof-like protein. As new cells grow in the matrix, the keratin like protein produced, gathers and merges with the nail plate, the dead armor that protects the soft and tender nail bed underneath, and pushes the entire nail up and out.

    I expect your foreigh and undertanding for me, mam..

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    2. Assalamualaikum, mam...

      I'm Ratih Prihatini (A1D412018). This is my rewrite explanation text :


      Nail is part of human body which contained in fingertips. As a cover and protector of fingertips, nails useful to help finger to hold something and it can conduct the stimulation when we have contact with an object.

      Nails consist of some inner parts, such as nail plate is center part of nail which is draw round by nail wall, nail bed is part of nail which is cover the nail (from lunula until hiponichium), the cuticle is nail wall that its epiderms cover the surface of nail plate, lunula and matrix.

      Nails are form and grow from the matrix that is the tissue shaper of a new nail. Matrix produces keratin which form nail plate. if nail produces more keratin cells, thus the older cells are pushed out, it is flat and then it become part of nail plate. Nail grows process is happen in nail plate. Nail bed that is part of skin which is cover by nail become one with nail plate. In this part occur cells production and can pushed out of nail plate to become new nails.


  54. Asslamu alaikum mom.......

    NAME : Wa Ode Silvi Maharani
    REG . NO : A1D4 09 072
    Assignment writing 3 about explaining How

    How a cancer is formed

    What is cancer? It is actually a group of more than one hundred separate diseases. Most of us are fear from cancer It is reasonable because next to heart disease, cancer is the second leading cause of death.

    Cancer cells come from normal cells because of mutations of DNA. Those mutations can occur spontaneously. The mutations may be also induced by other factors such as: nuclear and electromagnetic radiation, viruses, bacteria and fungi, parasites, heat, chemicals in the air, water and food, mechanical cell-level injury, free radicals, evolution and ageing of DNA, etc. All such factors can produce mutations that may start cancer.

    Cancer cells are formed continuously in the organism. It is estimated that there are about 10,000 cancer cells at any given time in a healthy person. Why do some result in macroscopic-level cancers and some do not? First, not all damaged cells can multiply and many of them die quickly. Second, those which potentially divide and form cancer are effectively destroyed by the mechanisms available to the immune system. Therefore cancer develops if the immune system is not working properly or the amount of cells produced is too great for the immune system to eliminate.

  55. Asslamu alaikum mom.......This is my topic about the explanation why
    Name:Darmianti Tamsila s

    Way students need to learn English?
    English is the most important means to establish an international communications, Because of the importance of many who are lazy to learn English with hard work reasons, There are many reasons and benefits that you will reap if you can be good at English....
    In order to enhance global understanding
    English is the language of the world. if you have proficient English language correctly, then you have the opportunity in order to understand the current global conditions. At the very least, you have to understand the various terms can be foreign or clicking-exploration and understanding of the conditions that apply globally
    In order to enhance the employability
    Inevitably, English language ability is absolutely necessary in order to support careers for our employees and for job seekers who are in the stage of looking for work. especially for the sake of a few multinational companies, English language ability you will be directly tested at final stages of the interview session.
    For the sake of honing kognitifitas and skills in life
    After all language skills are the skills required of every human being. Socializing and understanding the needs of human behavior is the reason why everyone needs to learn the ability to speak well and correctly.

    In order to improve chances of entry into college
    For the sake of those students who wish to enroll in college favorite, it is absolutely necessary skills and good knowledge of English.

    Actually there are many reasons and benefits you can reap when you have to be good at English. And there is no reason to procrastinate your sake. There are many sources that you can use the lessons learned for the sake of free and paid. when you are very busy and do not have the time, you still can learn on-line. Enough to capitalize computer / PC and an Internet connection, then you can have English courses on-line.

  56. Assalamualaikum mom,
    My name is ika endang siti maryati
    Reg. Number A1D412039
    This is my complete text about why air pollution is increasing?

    The air is polluted by environmental pollutants that are not clean anymore and is a nuisance to living beings / humans around it. With the technological advances of today, air pollution has caused a lot of concern, especially in industrial area.

    Causes of air pollution can occur as a result of, namely;
    1. Vehicles
    all motor vehicles that use petrol and diesel will issue a CO gas, nitrous oxide, sulfur dioxide and other particles and residual combustion. These elements can be when it reaches a certain quantum is toxic to humans or animals. For example, CO is a toxic gas for function blood. SO2 can cause respiratory system diseases.

    2. Industry Factory
    For industrial plants among many raw materials using organic chemicals and inorganic. As a management goal should jam produce products that are useful for the purpose of human life is also excluded products are not useful even can be toxic. Products is clearly useless are discarded and can damage the environment, such as interference in the lives of environmental and sustainability when no control.
    Various forms of the disease will occur in the surrounding community or the workers themselves as a result of the entry of the discharge of substances into the body. For example with the emergence of the called disease pneumonia, which is a class of diseases caused by the accumulation of dust in the lungs.

    Thank you mom, wassalam.

    1. assalamualaikum wr wb mom,
      this is my summary text of my complete text about explanation why.

      Air pollution was happened in our environment. even in the whole world especially in big cities the air pollution have disturb our breathe. air pollution caused by technological developments. particularly the development of engine technology. motor vehicle fumes can cause air pollution. besides smoke and sewage from large industries can also cause air pollution. it all can affect lung disease in humans.

      thank you mom,
      wassalamualaikm wr wb

    2. assalamualaikum,,

      it is true, guys..that air pollution gives many bad impact for our life. and we as good citizen have to help government to decrease this phenomena. for example with stop illegal loging and do reboisation..

      thanks.. ^_^

  57. Assalamualikum mom, :)

    NAME :andi asmiati ali
    REG.NO : A1D412046

    this my complete text about Explanation how

    '' how to reduce unemployment in Indonesia?''

    Ways of Reducing Unemployment in Indonesia

    1 . Increased Labor Mobility and Morale

    Increased labor performed by workers moving into the vacant job opportunities and retraining skills so as to meet the demands of new qualifications in place . Increased mobility of capital is done by moving the industry to a region experiencing a severe unemployment problem . This method is best used to tackle the problem of unemployment , and reduce

    2 . Requests Community Management

    The government can reduce unemployment through the direct management of the public requests to the goods or services are available in abundant quantities .

    3 . Provision of Information on Manpower Needs

    To cope with seasonal unemployment , the need for rapid provision of information on places where labor is being requires .

    4 . 's Economic Growth

    Economic growth is best used to overcome frictional unemployment . In normal situations , frictional unemployment is disturbing because it is only temporary . The high level of job displacement precisely move the company to improve yourself ( career and salary ) without having to switch to another company .

    5 . Programs Education and Training

    The unemployment problem is mainly caused by unskilled labor and skilled . Companies prefer job candidates who already have the skills or expertise. The issue is very relevant in our country , given the large number of unemployed are people who do not yet have the skills or expertise.

    6 . Entrepreneurs

    As long as people still depend on the effort to find a job in a particular company , unemployment will remain a thorny issue . The problem appears to be somewhat solved if the desire to create their own businesses or are self-employed field successful .

    1. Assalamualaikum wr wb.
      Good night mom
      this is my rewrite of assignment explanation how,
      NO REG: A1D412046
      How to reduce unemployment in Indonesia?
      Unemployment is one of the problems there are in Indonesia due to lack of education some people so difficult for them to find work.and this is method Ways of Reducing Unemployment in Indonesia.
      1, the first with execute sosialization about impact if people don’t have a work,so the first with execute sosialization about impact if people don’t have a work, so That they are not lazy.with this sosialization,some people will relaize impact if them don’t have a work.

      2 the second, school, because with education, people will easy be able a job.
      3, third, efforts government, creation of new jobs, with this creation many people can get job.
      4. Prevent the high birth rate, and the improvement of the education system in Indonesia

    REG NUMBER : A1D412026
    Why level poorness in Indonesian progressively increase
    In Indonesia a lot of poorness which progressively often we meet in town and also in countryside, poorness progressively mount effect of to its unemployment, less is work field, many mount of society, one who bearing a child which more than two so that unemployed in public road. With the existence of matter like that Indonesia State will not expand.
    I am as Indonesia citizen, student at one blow router nation this that I give the containing sentence like suggestion :
    1. Extend the work field
    2. Applying process KB in domestic
    3. Avoid which its name [is] free association, in consequence all can obviate the x'self from bearing a child without a father later then the child [in] unemployed [in] public road.

  59. My Name : Yulius pangiman panete

    No. Reg : A1 D4 12 027

    This is my complete assignment about " Why choose entrepreneurship than employee government ? “

    Benefits of Entrepreneurship

    Entrepreneurship is a decision maker who helped create the economic system of free enterprise. In most driving change, innovation, and progress in our interconnected economy will come from entrepreneurs; the people who have the ability to take risks and accelerate economic growth.
    Entrepreneurial success with hard work, meticulous and in the long run, will have some benefits individual (micro and macro).
    1. Gaining control over the ability of self-
    The process of setting up operations to succeed requires considerable work with considerable risk. In the long term it will form the ability to control what will be done and has been done as well as the ability to self-entrepreneurship.
    2. Harnessing the potential and make changes
    Many entrepreneurs do the work or do business because he saw the opportunity present and future prospects. A fairly high chance, life changes very quickly prompted many entrepreneurs try to measure the ability of a business to themselves, the demands of life and the opportunity to make changes.
    3. Obtain financial benefits indefinitely
    Although financial gain is sometimes not the main motivation to conduct business, but financial gain is an important factor for business survival and growth. Sometimes at a time is very high entrepreneurial profits above the average gain the same type of business (industry average). With business risk that must be borne alone, entrepreneurs in doing business activities with the planning, implementation carefully enough.
    4. Contributing to the community and gain recognition for efforts
    Entrepreneurial an integral part of the community. Entrepreneurship in general have a desire to be respected, considered as part of local community life. In the present and future obligations of entrepreneurs can not be at the release of ethical behavior and social responsibility as part of his business life.
    The advantages of being entrepreneurial is:

    1. The Open as well as the opportunity to demonstrate the full potential of one's
    2. Open opportunities to achieve their own desired goals
    3. Opportunity is to get the benefits and advantages to the fullest
    4. The Open chance to be the boss
    5. Opportunity is available to help people with concrete efforts.

    Principles of entrepreneurship is to build relations and network with fellow entrepreneurs because then the learning process and knowledge of entrepreneurship we will evolve. Increasing number of networks or relationships also will create opportunities for us to develop and achieve good business is good business and developed here does not mean a sense of satisfaction and a sense of comfort that we get, due to the comfortable satisfaction and it will be lowered morale and the optimization we increase our efforts.

    1. Name : Yulius pangiman .P.
      Reg.No.: A1D4 12 027

      Benefits of Entrepreneurship

      Entrepreneurship is a decision maker who helped create the economic system of free enterprise. Entrepreneurial success with hard work, meticulous and in the long run, will have some benefits individual (micro and macro).
      1. Gaining control over the ability of self-
      2. Harnessing the potential and make changes
      3. Obtain financial benefits indefinitely
      4. Contributing to the community and gain recognition for efforts
      Principles of entrepreneurship is to build relations and network with fellow entrepreneurs because then the learning process and knowledge of entrepreneurship we will evolve. Increasing number of networks or relationships also will create opportunities for us to develop and achieve good business is good business and developed here does not mean a sense of satisfaction and a sense of comfort that we get, due to the comfortable satisfaction and it will be lowered morale and the optimization we increase our efforts.

    REG.NO : A1D412034

    Why Student Like To Do Bullying?

    Bullying has become a serious problem among teenagers. Some even committed suicide, unable to bear on the bully, or even the perpetrators themselves who kills victims.

    Average case is a bully is because sikorban minorities in school, or it could be because he was too prominent in various ways, for example because the victims are from among the poor, or it could be because she was too pretty and smart, making the other students became jealous and wanted membullynya. The main reason that makes the students were the main perpetrators of Bully is they want to look good in front of all other students. They consider that to be such that they could be rulers and feared his school. Whereas in fact not made them great but instead make them into criminals at a young age.

    parents should play an active role to provide moral education for their children and the responder crime must crack down on bullying.

      REG.NO : A1D412034

      This is the rewrite of my assignment about “Why student like to do Bullying”
      So many student in Senior high School like to do bullying to make their friends feel so down. They actually do bullying because they think they are very famous in their school and they want to be a number one in their school. Average case a bully is because the victim are minorities in school or it could be because the victims was too prominent in various ways, for example the victims are from among the poor, or it could be because the victims too pretty or smart. So many victims of bully are suicide.
      The reasons why student like to do bullying are :
      - They want to look number one in school
      - They want to be a rulers in their school
      - They feel jealous of their friend
      Parents actually play active to provide moral education for their children. And the student should be realize that they are a student who have education because in fact do bullying not make them great but make them a criminal in young age.

  61. Name : Aljody Pahlevi
    No. Reg : A1 D4 12 032
    Title : Why we need Online Media (Explanation Why?)

    In the present human life very highly in need of instant information in a way that is practical and does not need to be expensive, with the internet of course its people today very quickly get information from the internet but this can be a factor affecting our culture become so changed in terms of clothing, and governance how language and our behavior can change rapidly in the presence of an impact because it is the internet we can make his unaffected, and this was the internet is a matter that we find in modern times.
    The use of online media such as Facebook and Twitter can be used via a PC or any Gadgets, we need the internet as our second world, where on the internet we can share data and information, meet with a friend who has a great distance and can interact with each other.
    Not only through Google or Wikipedia, Online Media provide some information about what is happening, for example, now many government activists and artists also have social media accounts, of that we can get information about what's become of their conversation.
    Online Media Upshot need to support fast as what we get information, from anywhere and at any time, we are also able to provide information to anyone to post information on social media, sharing good course to add information.

  62. Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. and good evening :)
    Name : Putri Parha Raehana
    Reg. No: 1D412019

    I want to give complete text about my assignment writing III Explanations Text (Explaining Why).
    My topic is " Why We Need To Drink a Lot ?"

    it seems like we're always hearing about how important it is to drink a lot of water. Our bodies constantly lose water when we sweat, exercise, and go to the bathroom so we need to replace it. And when it's warm out or you're exercising, it's important to drink extra water.

    About 80% body of human being consisted of the water. Moreover, there are some parts of body of us which having water component above 80%. Two most important organs with water component above 80% are brain and blood. The brain owns component as much 90%. For a while the blood owns water component up to 95%.

    The drinking quota of human being normally at least 2 liter or 8 glasses a day. The amount above has to be added if you are smoker. Those great quantities of water are needed to change secretory dilution from our body through urine, sweats, respiration, and secrecy. If we consume less than two liter per day, of course, the body will balance itself by way of “inhaling” water from the components of the body. From the brain? Not yet, but from the closest source: blood.

    Blood which is water inhaled, will become to jell. The effect of this inhaled blood, so the way of coagulation will less be fluent compared to watery. When it through kidney (the place to filter poison from the blood) kidney will work extra hard to filter the blood. Meanwhile, the kidney’s filter is very smooth, so the gore can caused the torn in the glomerular kidney. As a result, your urine will be reddish. That’s the sign of the beginning of kidney’s filter weakness. If it let continuously, someday you probably have to spend RP. 400.000/ week for blood wash.
    When the gore circulates through the brain, its transportation will rather obstruct. Brain won’t be “watery”, and because the brain cells consume a lot of oxygen and food, it’s tardy in this blood stream can cause broken brain cell or do not function properly. If this problem added with heart sickness, so stroke can quickly attack.

    Thank you ^^

    1. Assalamu'alaikum
      Name : Putri Parha Raehana
      Reg. No : A1 D4 12 019
      This is my repair task mom about Explanation Text
      My Title is "Wh we need to drink a lot?"

      Drinking is one of the most vital human needs. The human body is made up of 80 % water where the highest levels found in brain and human blood. From the research component of the water found in the brain consists of almost 90 % water and the blood of nearly 95 % of components are water preparation.

      Humans normally require 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day or usually 8 glasses per day for a standard requirement in general. The water needs to replace body fluids that come out either from sweat while on the move or while urinating wasteful / art and also during bowel movements.

      as we all know that the main toxins in the body is blood urea nitrogen, which is a kind of liquid that passes through the kidneys, and in the process to further excreted by the kidneys in the form of urine.
      If the body has enough fluids, the urine will come out and flowing freely, colored clear, and odorless. Another case when the body is dehydrated, the urine turns cloudy and smelly because the kidneys have to work harder to absorb the liquid in carrying out its functions.

      Less fluid in the body or a little to drink water every day can be a factor in the risk of kidney stones and lead to many diseases that will occur in our bodies.

      Thank you ^_^

  63. Assalamualaikum Mom, My name is Nur Walman Julianti (A1D4 12 020)
    This is my complete text about Explanation Text.

    Why Should Be Alay?

    Alay is one of the behavior of Indonesian teenagers who want to be famous with excessive lifestyle, cheesy and tacky. Generally, a person is said to have Alay because excessive force or nature, always trying to attract attention and quirky behavior that sucks. Alay can be seen from the style that has always combine uppercase and lowercase letters, letters, numbers, and symbols to excess. in terms of talking, they speak with excessive intonation making it less pleasant to hear.

    Most teenagers behave Alay because
    Firstly , they want to look cool but, instead making all seem unnatural. such as: the use of uppercase and lowercase letters are falling apart in one sentence. Example in Indonesian they want to ask what are you doing become : KaMu LaGi NgApAiN?

    Secondly ,want to be famous, but instead just embarrassing ownself.
    for example: a photo with the duck face and the forefinger on lip stick.

    Thirdly , In social media they want to look cute, but even the wrong object. They use the name of the profile that is difficult to understand and make the user uncomfortable. Like , real name is Novita Dewi became novita ingint clalu dicayang.

    Alay behavior has positive and negative impact . The positive impact is to use language that tracks , Teenagers become more creative, When used in the right circumstances . While the Negative impact Alay can complicateis users to speak Indonesian properly .

    Thank you very much Mom.
    Wassalam :)

    1. Assalamualaikum, mam...

      I'm NurWalman Julianti (A1D412020). This is my rewrite explanation text :


      Indonesian grammar are now much changed. Indonesian society can no longer use the Indonesian language properly, especially in teenagers.
      They prefer to use the new language than Indonesian, because they are afraid to say a teenager who tacky and outdated.

  64. Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
    Name : Wd. Siti Hariani
    No. Register : A1D412 015

    This is my complete assignment about "Why should learn English ? "

    English is a language is used in around the world, english become a common language in united state of America, Australia, New Zealand. And then english is used as a second language in uni Europe, PBB and other world organization. There fore, english is used as prime language and english become a Lingua Franca in around the world.
    We should learn english to be an International citizen and get a better job. Becoming international citizen we have to know a language that used in these environment. If we don't know how to communicate, we can't interact with other people, if we can interact with them we can get some benefit, for example we can get a lot of friend from other country, our mind set will be increase therefore we have to learn english well.
    Another reason why we should learn english is getting a good job. New days, if we want to get a better job, some institute or office want to know the english score, for example the Toefl score, and then in contunuing study in the next degree the Toefl score is important thing. Some of people can't continue they study because they can't master in english. In mastering english we can work in international office or companies, for example as ambassador. therefore, learn english give more benefit for us.

    1. NAME: Waode Siti Hariani
      REG. No: A1D412015


      English is an international language which is used in world. Many people use it if they go in abroad for example if we live in abroad, automatically will use english to communicate with another, therefore we have to learn how use english in our society.
      Another reason is getting a better job some companies institutes in Indonesia or in abroad need a staff or employee that have good score in english, for example getting a better Toefl score.
      Based on these explanation, we should learn english because knowing english is give more benefit, learning english is not useless. In sum up, we have to know english well and fluently, we can use or apply it in our communicate.

  65. Assalamu alaikum mom,,,!!!
    This is my complete assignment about explanation text how,,,,,
    Name : Fathullah Nurussalam
    Reg.no. : A1D4 12 043

    How to Become a Dedicated Sports Fan

    So you want to become a dedicated sports fan? Every professional sport has their good teams, and their bad teams. Weather it's football, basketball, hockey, ultimate, soccer, baseball, softball, or even swimming, your bound to find a team you find the best. This article explain how you can become a dedicated fan to your team, no matter what sport, no matter what team. There is a lot more to becoming a dedicated fan than you may think, though!

    Firstly, understand the sport. Whether the sport is basketball, soccer, football, hockey, or baseball, you need to understand it. Every sport has its rules and regulations, and its own hand signals. Here are some tips for learning to understand the sport:
    • Read books on your sport. Go to a book store and look around, or look around on the internet. It's important to find quality books that offer as much information as possible on the sport, this way you can make fewer purchases, and learn much, much more.
    • Watch games. Tune in to see all the action. Turn up the volume to hear what the volume to hear what the announcers, referees, and coaches are saying about the game. They can offer some very helpful information on the sport. You will also get to see which teams, and players, are the best.
    • Ask around. Ask some of your friends and family members who are interested in the sport what it's all about. They'll be happy to help you! Watch some games with them, and if you don't understand something, ask them!
    • Look around on the internet. There are many websites where you can ask questions about certain topics, ask a couple of questions, and while you are waiting for answers, search around for your sports website, to see if it has any information on the sport.

    Secondly. If you have a Facebook or Twitter, make your posts about the sport. Or maybe even create a blog to keep track of everything you learn. It's important not to forget anything about the sport, or else you won't be able to really choose the team, because you might end up picking the worst team, when the best team would be obvious if you remember everything your coach said.
    Last, If you have a Facebook or Twitter, make your posts about the sport. Or maybe even create a blog to keep track of everything you learn. It's important not to forget anything about the sport, or else you won't be able to really choose the team, because you might end up picking the worst team, when the best team would be obvious if you remember everything your coach said.

    1. Name : Fathullah Nurussalam
      Reg.No.: A1D4 12 043

      How to Become a Dedicated Sports Fan?

      Every professional sport has their good teams, and their bad teams. Whether it's football, basketball, hockey, etc. I will explain how you can become a dedicated fan to your team, no matter what sport, no matter what team.
      Firstly, understand the sport. Whether the sport is basketball, soccer, football, hockey, or baseball, you need to understand it. Every sport has its rules and regulations, and its own hand signals.
      Secondly. If you have a Facebook or Twitter, make your posts about the sport. Or maybe even create a blog to keep track of everything you learn. It's important not to forget anything about the sport, or else you won't be able to really choose the team.
      Last, see if you town, city, or state has any training camps or teams you can join to learn more about the sport.

  66. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    NIM : A1 D4 12 030
    We all already know how much the rate of traffic accidents in the country over the last few years . In fact, almost in every area there must be a traffic accident . This is certainly not only due to the fate of the god himself, but because of human negligence alone is often careless and careful in driving so get the result of his own actions .
    Here's a small example that often terujadi highway which caused a traffic accident ,
    1 . Often ran a red light while the other side of a deserted road
    Motorists running red lights typically like he thinks deserted , turned out to make others or himself harm . What often happens is an accident due to being hit by a large vehicle such as a car , truck , or bus speeding from the other side of the road lalinya light green .

    2 . Not turn on the turn signal ( marker will turn left or right )
    This often makes other riders ( including my own ) was upset and wanted to curse the driver who did not turn on the turn signal and then suddenly turn his heart 's content with a fairly high speed .

    3 . Forgot to turn off the turn signal
    It also created confusion because when the vehicle behind the driver forgot to turn off the turn signal and driving him even casually , in the tow vehicle must have felt annoyed that they might overtake but the lights would turn seinya indicate direction and it turns out he did not turn - turn . I often see other vehicles such as motor rush - rush but confused about which direction the overtaking of

    4 . Motorists already turned on the turn signal and square off to turn , it was overtaken by other riders

    6 . Turning suddenly turn signal
    It is also often mengundah anger at other drivers because once fatal if the vehicle behind could not control the vehicle . Usually this is that often the mothers or young women who casually suddenly turn on the turn signal without rear view mirror if there are other riders behind him ( I never know! :) .


    To avoid traffic accidents that could cost the lives of both themselves and others, then we should all have to always obey traffic signs . No matter whether our actions were observed traffic cop or not , the important thing we do so with full awareness that obey traffic laws not only when there are traffic police operations alone .

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

      NIM : A1 D4 12 030

      We all already know how much the rate of traffic accidents in the country over the last few years . In fact , in almost every area there should be a traffic accident . This is certainly not only due to the fate of the gods themselves , but because of human negligence alone is often careless and careful in driving so as to get the results of his own actions .

      Here is a small example of what often happens that causes road traffic accidents ,
      1 . Often ran a red light while the other side of a deserted road
      2 . Do not turn on the turn signal ( marker will turn left or right )
      3 . Forgot to turn off the turn signal
      4 . The driver had turned on the turn signal and square off to change , it is followed by other riders
      6 . Turning suddenly turn signal


      To avoid traffic accidents that could cost the lives of themselves and others, then we should all have to always obey traffic signs . No matter what action we observed a traffic cop or not , the important thing we do so with full awareness that obey traffic rules not only when there is a traffic police operations alone .
      THANK YOU,

  68. Assalamu alaikum mom,,,!!!
    This is my complete assignment about explanation text how,,,,,
    Nama : SAFRIN
    NO.REG : A1D4 12 040
    TITLE: how to be a nice person?

    BECOME exciting personal and acceptance among all people everywhere are craving . The key , be personal and do not forget the friendly smiles .
    Many people perform a wide range of training courses and personality just to reach personal delight . Though to be someone who is friendly and well liked , the key is simple . Do not forget the smiles to people around . Although it may seem simple , a smile is a sign of hospitality that can establish an atmosphere with the other person . The rest , you can rely on the other person's communication skills . The rest , you can follow the following guidelines:
    First , Give greeting

    This may seem trivial , but sometimes people forget to do it all the time .

    " Smile and give greeting will make you seem friendly " , With your smile , people would capture the emotion of each other . Not only that , when you smile it will provoke the other person to smile back . This is the beginning of good communication . You would not be awkward to start a conversation at the next session .

    Research shows that smiling can lift your mood . So , even if just slipped a little smile to someone else , your chances to get behind a very big smile . It will make you feel better , as well as with the people around you .
    second , Give greeting

    This may seem trivial , but sometimes people forget to do it all the time .

    " Smile and give greeting will make you seem friendly " , says Gretchen Rubin , author of " The Happines Project " .

    With your smile , people would capture the emotion of each other . Not only that , when you smile it will provoke the other person to smile back . This is the beginning of good communication . You would not be awkward to start a conversation at the next session .

    Research shows that smiling can lift your mood . So , even if just slipped a little smile to someone else , your chances to get behind a very big smile . It will make you feel better , as well as with the people around you .
    Third , Be a good listener

    Actually winning the hearts of people is easy . Just touch their charisma and charm . It would be very consoling .

    " But most people are more interested in the impression to make someone laugh , " said Rubin .

    Some people also generally prefer to talk about themselves and forgot to give the other person to talk about himself .

    Good communication must occur in two directions . So , focus on being an attentive listener and responsive . This is the best way to get involved with someone . By being a good listener will allow you to know many interesting and exciting things from him . He will realize that in fact you are a nice person .
    Fourth , Share something about yourself

    When you first get to know someone , it is inevitable that the conversation will revolve around the question and answer session short at the beginning . But this does not mean you have to spit on you, because that would be frustrating for others and do not give them a chance to tell me anything .

    " So , do not try to share something about yourself , " advises Rubin . This ensures that the conversation should go both ways and not one-sided . Thus , other people will be interested and want to know you more .
    Last , in order to avoid topics that have not

    Remember , no matter what they say , remains to always keep the corridor topics you scroll . Talk about topics that are positive in your speech . Because this will be a moment to remember him in the future . If you are boring in conversation , the negative part of this is only going to remember the person. Remember , also hold the temptation to talk about gossip . This indeed seems trivial but often times many people let slip to spit gossip obscure the subject.
    " When you 've just met someone , better beware to instill confidence , "


    1. The above summary of the topic is Do it willingly for the good of yourself. Not for profit or to achieve reciprocity. And do not kid yourself. Make all it is is to change your personality. Personality is not made for the sake of good intentions.
      Always polite and kind to others cause us to be interesting and fun for the other person. When you meet with anyone we should "warm" and friendly to him. Scolds sweet and warm greetings, like: Hello ... how are you, Good Morning ..., Happy Day ..., etc. should always we say complete with facial expressions and body language that reflects a sincere and represent it all.

  69. Name : Amsahif
    Reg.No : A1D4 12 044

    Dangerous Nicotine For Healthy
    A lot of people, especially teenagers, who do not smoke, always want to try smoking. They know it is bad for them and all, but it is just something they want to try. So they ask one of their smoker friends for a cigarette. Admittedly, they firstly cannot light it on their own so they ask his friend to do it. Then they inhale that cigarette and smoke occasionally. Apparently that makes them the born smokers. Now they do smoke fairly regularly. They cannot avoid smoking and they enjoy too. They have smoker friends. Suddenly, for certain reason, they realize the fact that tobacco is the cause of a long list of nasty diseases. It is not only heart disease, stroke, and chronic lung disease but also bladder, lung, and pancreatic cancer. Then they decide it is stupid to harm selves. They want to quit smoking. Unfortunately, they find that quitting smoking is so difficult. “Why can't I stop smoking? I really want to stop it”. It is hard to quit because nicotine is powerfully addictive. Cigarette is one of the most efficient drug-delivery devices ever devised. As result, when people try to quit smoking, they often experience classic nicotine withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, headache, depression, and restlessness.

    No.Reg : AID4 12 013

    Why I choose English Department then anather

    English departement is one of all department that liked by most people. It’s difficult to learned because beg trounner troubl in pronounciation of english languange and don’t have enought vocabulary but I like it. I have some reasons why I choose English department then anather because English languange is international languange, to have job opportunity and english departement is great.
    Firs, English department is international languange So many people have dream to go anywhere country but they can’t because they can’t mastrate English languange perfectly. In here, English department is important for us. In this case, we can study about English languange or manstrate it. So that we can go enywhere without worry lost in country else
    Second, English department have job opportunity In Indonesia, people that manstrate english languange have big opportunity to find job because they is needed in some business or institute. For example teacher of english. English teacher is still less in Indonesia that mean is can give us ( English department) big opportunity.
    The last, English department is great. When we speaking English deeply o f course we can enjoy and comfortable and so many people like for somebody that can speaking english or mastrate it.
    English department is the best for me and I enjoy come in English languange because there are so many benefit for me. Not just it, English languange is so importent in this modern priod.
