Assignment 2.
Post here: 1.the title of your study, 2.research questions 3.hypothesis, 5.variables, 6.population &sample or subject.
Deadline sunday midnight 27 April 2014
2. The research question as follows: a). Is there significant effect of using web blog for students' to write personal recount? b). What are the students’ perceptions of using web blog in writing personal recount?
3. Hypothesis The possibilities outcome hypotheses of this study are : 1. H0= There is no significant effect of using web blog on students' writing personal recount. 2. H1 = There is significant effect of using web blog on students' writing personal recount.
4. Design The design of this study was pre-experimental design by using one group pre-test and post-test, which aimed to see the change or improvement of pre-test and post-test. This design did not use control or compare group.
5. Variables a) Independent variable of this study is the use of web blog in teaching writing on the personal recount (X: Treatment). b) Dependent variable of this study is the students’ writing ability before and after treatment of using web-based writing program (Y1-Y2)
6. Sample The technique of taking sample of this study is purposive sampling. It means, determining the sampling class is based on the purpose of the study. The students’ placement in every class is not based on students’ point when they were enrolled to their class. By using this technique, the researcher chooses the class X CI as the sample 20 students will be taken as subject of this study.
The study chooses X CI as the subject of this research. The reason of choosing X CI was because the students in this class were easier to understand the materials, and they have learned about personal recount and the use of web blog. Therefore, this class was expected to be the subject of this study that emphasized on the use of web blog as media in writing personal recount, but the researcher just took 20 students as the subject of the study.
I quite understand mom, Actually I mean sample mom based on previous explanation. The technique of taking sample of this study is purposive sampling. So, researcher will choose X CI as an experiment class in SMAN 4 Kendari. 20 students from class will be taken as the subject of this study.
So, researcher will choose X CI as an experiment class in SMAN 4 Kendari. 20 students from class will be taken as the sample of this study. Am I right mom.......:) ?
2. The research question as follows: a. Is there any impact of using blended learning for students’ speaking skill? b. What is the students’ perception towards the blended learning method?
3. The possibilities outcome hypotheses of this study are : H1 = There is a significant impact of using blended learning on students’ speaking skills. H1 = There is a positive students’ perception towards the blended learning method.
4. Design The design of this study is quasi-experimental design by using Control group pre-test post-test design.
5. Variables a. Independent variable : Blended Learning b. Dependent variable : Students’ speaking skill
6. Sample The technique of taking sample of this study is purposive sampling. So, researcher will choose XI. IA1 as an experiment class and XI.IA2 as a control class in SMAN 4 Kendari. 30 students from each class will be taken as the subject of this study.
1. The title of my research is "The Effect of MURDER (Mood, Understand, Recall, Detect, Elaborate, and Review) Technique on Students' Reading Comprehension at The Second Year of Senior High School".
2. The Research Question of This study is "Is there any Significant effect of Using MURDER technique on students' reading comprehension at the second year of Senior High School?"
3. The Hypothesis of This study is : There is a significant effect of Using MURDER technique on students' reading comprehension at the second year of Senior High School.
4. The Design of This study is Quasi Experimental Design with Control Class.
6. The population of This study is All the second year students' of SMAN 02 Konawe Selatan. To determine the sample of This study, the researcher used purposive sampling technique. So that, the researcher takes the class XI IA 1 and XI IA 2 as the sample which consist of 30 students in each class, class XI IA 1 as the experimental class and XI IA 2 as the Control class.
Yes mam. The speaking course will be using CALL. The software will be installed to students' computer to allow them practicing speaking by the support of their computer. The students will be practicing with this software both in class and at home. I have not yet discussed this with the lecturer, mam. This research will be conducted in the next semester so I do not know yet who will teach speaking 2 for students year 2013 next semester.
1. Title the title of my research is "The effectiveness of employing We Quest in teaching writing at senior high school 2 Kendari"
2. Research question: => does Web Quest effective to use in teaching writing at senior high school 2 Kendari?
3. The hypothesis in this research is "Web Quest is effective to use in teaching writing at senior high school 2 Kendari"
4. this research employes 1 group pre-post test design 5. Variable: the independent variable is Web Quest the dependent variable is students' writing skill
You need later to well define what you mean by effective. Is it to improve students' writing skill. You of course can also investigate its effectiveness in improving the students writing process. That would bring a new research insight.
thank you, mam. what I mean by the effectiveness is whether or not it will improve students writing skill. and now, I will include the investigation of students writing process in my research. therefore, I will include the second research question that is "Does Web Quest improve students writing process".
yes mam, writing process in definition means the instrumental in shifting teachers focus from students written product to the process in which the students create or compose their writing. As a short description, I would like to make these students work under the instruction in the web. once they collect their writing there will be pair correction. the students will correct each others' writing, and will give back the correction to their friend to recheck their writing and re write the writing based on the correction they got. finally, the students will collect their writing to the teacher and the teacher will correct it for them. after the correction, the teacher will give back the paper to the students and they will re write the text based on the correction they got before collecting it again to the teacher.
The title of my research : “The effectiveness of using hybrid and conventional tuition for teaching writing”
Research Question : 1. What are students' attitudes, motivation and perseption toward participating in electronic and face-to-face discussion and how do these attitudes correlate with changes in amount of participation?
a. What are students' attitudes toward participating in electronic and face-to-face discussion? b. What are students' motivation toward participating in electronic and face-to-face discussion? c. What are students' perception toward participating in electronic and face-to-face discussion
Hypothesis: a. Hybrid does affect students' writing proficiency b. Conventional does effect students’ writing proficiency ( The hypothesis would be design through the result of the study, since it is still need to be considered as well)
Design: True Experiment. Pre post test control group design
Complete name : Lian Mulyani Muthalib Student’s number : A1D2 11 053
1. The title of my study : IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY THROUGH ROLE-PLAYING METHOD 2. Research question : - Does the role-playing method can improve students’ speaking ability? 3. Hypothesis : I would like to propose the hypothesis as follow: The students who are through role-playing method achieve better than students who are taught conventionally. 4. Design : classroom action research design 5. Variables : - Independent variable is role-playing method - Dependent variable is student’s speaking ability 6. Population : According to Arikunto (2009: 233), “population is the complete set of individual units whose characteristic we want to know”. The population of research was studens at Ten grade. Consisting of 30 students and they were divided into one class is Ten grade. 7. Sample or subject : Sample is part of the population to provide information or data required in a study (Arikunto, 2009: 234). The sample of reserach was Ten grade student of as the one class. It consist of 30 students male (20) and female (10).
Name : I Made Rian Irwanto Reg. Number : A1D2 11 101
2. The research question on this study is: “Is there effect of using wordless pictures in teaching descriptive text to improve students’ writing skill?”
3. The possibility outcome a hypothesis of this study is: “There is a significant effect of using wordless pictures in teaching descriptive text to improve students’ writing skill."
4. The design of this study is pre-experimental design by using one-group pre-test post-test design.
5. The variable of this study are: a) Independent variable: wordless picture. b) Dependent variable: students’ writing skill.
6. Population and sample of my study are: a) The population of this study is the students of seventh grade (The year-VII students of Junior High School). b) The sample of this study is one class selected randomly, which consist of 25-30 students.
1. Title: The title of my research is “IMPROVING STUDENTS’ READING ABILITY USING RECIPROCAL TEACHING IN IPA CLASS OF THE SECOND YEAR AT SMAN 2 WAWOTOBI ”. 2. Research question: The research question of my study is : Does reciprocal teaching can improve students reading ability of the second year class at SMAN 2 WAWOTOBI ”. 3. Action Hypothesis • Students will work in group of three • Every group will get a text to summarize • Students will summarize the text • Students will write the question that may appear in the text • Students will clarify or identify parts of the text that make them confuse including words, phrase or sentence which too difficult for them. • Students will anticipate what they might read next based on the terms in the text • One Student from each group will come to in front of the class • Student tell their friends about the text that their group has analyzed, especially determine the main info in the text 4. Design Design of my research is Classroom Action Research
5. Variable : Independent : Reciprocal teaching Dependent : Students reading ability 6. Subject Subject of this study is all of students in Science department of the second year class at SMAN 2 WAWOTOBI
The title of the study The tittle of my study is " The Correlation Between Students’ Rewriting of the Story in Film and Their Vocabulary Mastery ( A Correlation Study in the Second Grade of SMP Negeri 9 Kendari ) "
Research Questions Is there any correlation between Student's rewriting of the story in film and their vocabulary mastery ?
Hypothesis There is a corellation between Students’ Rewriting of the Story in Film and Their Vocabulary Mastery.
Design The design of this study is Correlation Design.
Variable. The variable of this study are: a. Independent variable is Student's rewriting of the story b. Dependent variable is Student's Vocabulary mastery
Population & Sample or Subject The population of this study is the students of second grade of SMP Negeri 9 Kendari. The researcher will choose the class that consist of 30- 40 students as the sample of this study.
ERNAWATI A1D211055 The title of my study is THE EFFECTIVENESS OF COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TESTING IN IMPROVING STUDENTS SPEAKING ABILITY. Design of my study is quasi experimental design. Variables are: dependent is students speaking ability independent variable is communicative language teaching research question of my study is is there is a effect of communicative language teaching in improoving speaking ability? hypothesis of my study is there is an effect of communicative language teaching in improving students speaking ability. population and sample of my study is the students of first grade in SMAN 1 LOHIA. I will choose the class that consist of 30-50 students as the sample of this study.
1. Title The title f mw research is An Analysis of Students Errors in Using Punctuation Marks in Writing at Second Grade Of SMPN 04 Kendari.
2. Research Question This research sought to answer these questions: What are the students errors of using punctuation marks in writing at second grade school of SMP Negeri 04 Kendari ?
3. Hypothesis -- 4. Design The design of this research use descriptive qualitative design. That includes frequency of punctuation errors. Using a comprehension passage without punctuation marks and asking the students to insert the correct punctuation marks was the tool used to collect the necessary data. The researcher used this comprehension passage as it requires from students to refer to almost all punctuation marks.
5. Variable Independent variable : Using punctuation mark Dependent variable : Students’ writing
6. Population, sample or subject Population : SMP Negeri 04 Kendari students’, year 2013/2014 Sample : in class VIII2, which consist of 39 students, year 2013/2014
1. Title of the study The title of my study is " Students’ Motivation and Attitudes Toward Blog Peer Feedback "
Research Questions How is students’ motivation and attitudes toward blog peer feedback ?
Design The design of this study is descriptive qualitative Design, where I will try to figure out what is happening (students’ motivation and attitudes )in natural setting of the using of blog peer feedback in the class.
Variable. The variable of this study are: a. Independent variable is blog peer feedback b. Dependent variable is Student's motivation and attitudes
Population & Sample or Subject The population of this study is the students of English Study Program at Halu Oleo university. The researcher will choose a Writing class which consist of 20 until 30 students as the sample.
1. The title of my study “improving speaking skill by using Role-play”
2. Research Question a). How is the interaction by using Role-play in teaching speaking of the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Gu? b). How is the improvement in speaking ability of the eleventh grade students of SMA N 1 Gu after having a class Role-play? c). How is the activity of the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Gu after having a class with Role-play?
3. Hypothesis “there is no hypothesis of this research”
4. Design “Classroom Action Research”
5. Variables a). dependent variable is improving speaking skill b). using Role-play is independent variable
6. Population and sample or object The population of this study is the students of eleventh grade IPA Satu of SMA Negeri 1 Gu.
Research Question a. Is there any significance effect of applying appreciative listening to increase student’s listening skill in class? b. How is student’s participation towards this method?
Hypothesis H1 : There is a significance effect of applying appreciative listening to increase student’s listening skill in class.
Ho : There is no effect of applying appreciative listening to increase student’s listening skill in class.
Design I use pre-experimental design as my research by using the one-group pre-test post-test design where a group is measured on a variable of interest. The group receives the experimental treatment. The measure is again taken, and then compares the pretest with the posttest to see if the hoped-for change has occurred.
Variable a. Independent variable is appreciative listening. b. Dependent variable is the student’s listening ability.
Sample The sample of this study is the students of XII IPA 1 from SMAN 3 Kendari. I’ll took about 35 student’s for this study.
1. Title of my research The effect of Panauricon Technique on improving students' speaking ability.
2. Research question is there any effect of Panauricon technique on improving students' speaking ability?
3. Hypothesis - H0 : There is no effect of Panauricon Technique on improving students' speaking ability. - H1 : there is effect Panauricon Technique on improving students' speaking ability.
Novi Alviana (A1D211013) 1. Title : The Effect of Using Social Media (Twitter) in Improving Students' Grammar Comprehension
2. Research Question :
• Can “Twitter” improve students’ grammar comprehension? • How was students' perception after about the using of social media as their learning media?
3. Hyphotesis : H0 : Students’ grammar comprehension will not be improved by using ‘Twitter’ Ha : Students’ grammar comprehension will be improved after using ‘Twitter’
4. Design of Study: : Pre- Experimental Design (Pre and Post test design)
5. Variable :
• Independent variable : The using of social Media • Dependent Variable : Students’ Grammar comprehension
6. Populatiopn: XI grade students at SMAN 6 Kendari • Sample : XI IPA 3. The technique in drawing the sample is by using purposive sampling. This sample is consist of 32 students.
Title: "The Effect of Cooperative Learning and CALL on Students' Speaking Ability of Senior High School II Kendari Grade XI"
Research Question: 1. Does Cooperative Learning has any significant effect on students speaking ability? 2. Does CALL has any significant effect on students speaking ability? 3. Which one is the most significant method between Cooperative And CALL?
Hypothesis: Ho: There is no any significant effect of applying cooperative learning and CALL on students' speaking ability Hi: There is a significant effect of applying cooperative learning and CALL on students' speaking ability
Sitti Ruhmita (A1D2 11 102) Title: "The Effect of Using Snake and Ladder game as Teaching Media on Students' Vocabulary Development at 8th Grade of SMP Negeri 5 Kendari"
Research Question: 1. What effect does Snake and Ladder game have on students' vcabuary development? 2. What is students' attitude on Snake and ladder game as teaching media after the treatment?
Design of Study: Quasi-experimental
Variable Independent variable: Snake and Ladder game Dependent Variable: Vocabulary development
Population: 8th grade students of SMP Negeri 5 Kendari Sample: (Not yet decided) Sampling: Purposive
1. TITLE : IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY THROUGH MEMORISING TEXT 2. VARIABLE : Dependent variable : students’ vocabulary achievement using text memorization Independent variable : the use of textbook in teaching English vocabulary for students
3. DESIGN : Classroom Action Research
4. RESEARCH QUESTION : • Is there any significant improvement of students’ vocabulary through text memorization ? • What is students’ perception of teaching English through memorising text rather than learn by heart ?
5. HYPOTHESIS (optional) : H0 = There is no significant improvement of students vocabulary through text memorization. H1 = There is significant improvement of students vocabulary
6. SAMPLE : The sample of this research is the 2nd year students of senior high as one class, consist of all students in the class, could be male and female
7. POPULATION : The population of this research is the 2nd year students of senior high, 30 students (medium class)
1. TITLE : THE EFFECT OF EXTENSIVE READING ON STUDENTS’ READING ABILITY DEVELOPMENT 2. VARIABLE : Dependent variable : students’ reading ability by extensive reading activity Independent variable : the use of textbook and its free kinds of text in teaching reading for the students
3. DESIGN : Pre-Experimental Research, one group pre-test and post-test
4. RESEARCH QUESTION : • Is there any significant development of students’ reading ability by using extensive reading ? • What is students’ perception of teaching extensive reading after the experimental test ?
5. HYPOTHESIS (optional) : H0 = There is no significant development of students’ reading ability in teaching extensive reading. H1 = There is significant improvement of students reading ability in teaching extensive reading.
6. POPULATION and SAMPLE : The population of this research is the 2nd year students of senior high school, 30-40 students. And the sample of this research is one class in 2nd grade, consist of all students in the class, male and female
1. TITLE : THE EFFECT OF EXTENSIVE READING ON STUDENTS’ READING ABILITY DEVELOPMENT 2. VARIABLE : Dependent variable : students’ reading ability by extensive reading activity Independent variable : the use of textbook and its free kinds of text in teaching reading for the students
3. DESIGN : DESIGN : Pre-Experimental Research, do pre-test and post-test, one control group and experimental group
4. RESEARCH QUESTION : • Is there any significant development of students’ reading ability by using extensive reading ? • What is students’ perception of teaching extensive reading after the experimental test ?
5. HYPOTHESIS (optional) : H0 = There is no significant development of students’ reading ability in teaching extensive reading. H1 = There is significant improvement of students reading ability in teaching extensive reading.
6. POPULATION and SAMPLE : The population of this research is the 2nd year students of junior high school, 30-40 students. And the sample of this research is one class in 2nd grade, consist of all students in the class, male and female
A. The tittle of my subject is writing narrative text throught writing marathon technique B. Reseaach question there any influance of writing marathon technique to writing skill ? 2. how writing marathon technique can influance student’s witing skill ? C. hypothesis writing marathon technique can improve student’s writing skill ability D. Design Quasi experimental design E. Variable 1. Indenpendent : writing narrative text 2. Dependent : writing marathon teqnique F. Sample The students of class two in sma 1 tongkuno.
syamsar Obe A1D211019 Title “students speaking improvement through three-step interview technique”
Research Question can three-step interview technique improve the students’ speaking at…..grade of senior high school…?
Action Hypothesis If three-step interview technique is used in teaching speaking at …….grade, it will improve students’ speaking fluency? Variable *independent Variable is three-step interview technique *dependent variable is students speaking improvement Design This is Classroom Action Research where there sample of course only one class.
Title : " The Effect of Join English Club-Creative English Society (CES) on Improving Students' Speaking Ability at Fifth Semester of English Department, Halu Oleo University".
Research question : “ Does English Club - CES (Creative English Society) can improve students speaking skill at fifth semester of English Department, Halu Oleo University ?”
Hypothesis : H0 : There is no significant effect of joining English club-CES on improving students' speaking skill. H1 : There is a significant effect of joining English club-CES on improving students' speaking skill.
Variable : - independent variable : join English club - Creative English Society (CES). - dependent variable : students' speaking skill.
Design : design of this research is by using 'descriptive design'
BalasHapusREG. NUMBER : A1D211121
2. The research question as follows:
a). Is there significant effect of using web blog for students' to write personal recount?
b). What are the students’ perceptions of using web blog in writing personal recount?
3. Hypothesis
The possibilities outcome hypotheses of this study are :
1. H0= There is no significant effect of using web blog on students' writing personal recount.
2. H1 = There is significant effect of using web blog on students' writing personal recount.
4. Design
The design of this study was pre-experimental design by using one group pre-test and post-test, which aimed to see the change or improvement of pre-test and post-test. This design did not use control or compare group.
5. Variables
a) Independent variable of this study is the use of web blog in teaching writing on the personal recount (X: Treatment).
b) Dependent variable of this study is the students’ writing ability before and after treatment of using web-based writing program (Y1-Y2)
6. Sample
The technique of taking sample of this study is purposive sampling. It means, determining the sampling class is based on the purpose of the study. The students’ placement in every class is not based on students’ point when they were enrolled to their class. By using this technique, the researcher chooses the class X CI as the sample 20 students will be taken as subject of this study.
Be consistent. It's sample not subject.
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
HapusI am so sorry mom ^_^
HapusThe study chooses X CI as the subject of this research. The reason of choosing X CI was because the students in this class were easier to understand the materials, and they have learned about personal recount and the use of web blog. Therefore, this class was expected to be the subject of this study that emphasized on the use of web blog as media in writing personal recount, but the researcher just took 20 students as the subject of the study.
Find the difference between sample and subject.
HapusI quite understand mom, Actually I mean sample mom based on previous explanation. The technique of taking sample of this study is purposive sampling. So, researcher will choose X CI as an experiment class in SMAN 4 Kendari. 20 students from class will be taken as the subject of this study.
HapusThe last sentence
HapusSo, researcher will choose X CI as an experiment class in SMAN 4 Kendari. 20 students from class will be taken as the sample of this study. Am I right mom.......:) ?
HapusCouldn't agree more
HapusThank you mom....:)
HapusINNASTYA JKPM (A1D2 11 007)
BalasHapus1. Title
2. The research question as follows:
a. Is there any impact of using blended learning for students’ speaking skill?
b. What is the students’ perception towards the blended learning method?
3. The possibilities outcome hypotheses of this study are :
H1 = There is a significant impact of using blended learning on students’ speaking skills.
H1 = There is a positive students’ perception towards the blended learning method.
4. Design
The design of this study is quasi-experimental design by using Control group pre-test post-test design.
5. Variables
a. Independent variable : Blended Learning
b. Dependent variable : Students’ speaking skill
6. Sample
The technique of taking sample of this study is purposive sampling. So, researcher will choose XI. IA1 as an experiment class and XI.IA2 as a control class in SMAN 4 Kendari. 30 students from each class will be taken as the subject of this study.
I mean 30 students from each class will be taken as the sample of this study
HapusImpact on...not for..
Hapus. research question 2 may not need a hypothesis.
yes mam..
Hapus2. The research question as follows:
a. Is there any impact of using blended learning on students’ speaking skill?
thank you for your advice mam..
Hapus1. The title of my research is "The Effect of MURDER (Mood, Understand, Recall, Detect, Elaborate, and Review) Technique on Students' Reading Comprehension at The Second Year of Senior High School".
BalasHapus2. The Research Question of This study is "Is there any Significant effect of Using MURDER technique on students' reading comprehension at the second year of Senior High School?"
3. The Hypothesis of This study is :
There is a significant effect of Using MURDER technique on students' reading comprehension at the second year of Senior High School.
4. The Design of This study is Quasi Experimental Design with Control Class.
5. Independent variable : Using MURDER Technique
Dependent variable. : Student's Reading Comprehension
6. The population of This study is All the second year students' of SMAN 02 Konawe Selatan. To determine the sample of This study, the researcher used purposive sampling technique. So that, the researcher takes the class XI IA 1 and XI IA 2 as the sample which consist of 30 students in each class, class XI IA 1 as the experimental class and XI IA 2 as the Control class.
Title: you may not include 'the second year students...' or you can write it in brackets (a case of SMA ...)
HapusErindah Saptarina
BalasHapusA1D2 11115
Title:The Effect of Computer Assisted Language Learning on Students' Speaking Proficiency
BalasHapusResearch Question
1. Does CALL affect students' speaking proficiency?
2. What are students' perception on CALL?
Hypothesis: CALL does affect students' speaking proficiency
Design: mixed method design
1. Independent variable: Computer Assisted Language Learning
2. Dependent: students' speaking proficiency
Population: English Department students, year 2013
Sample: speaking class A or B of students year 2013
Will the speaking course use CALL? Have you discussed it with the lecturer
HapusYes mam. The speaking course will be using CALL. The software will be installed to students' computer to allow them practicing speaking by the support of their computer. The students will be practicing with this software both in class and at home.
HapusI have not yet discussed this with the lecturer, mam. This research will be conducted in the next semester so I do not know yet who will teach speaking 2 for students year 2013 next semester.
1. Title
BalasHapusthe title of my research is "The effectiveness of employing We Quest in teaching writing at senior high school 2 Kendari"
2. Research question:
=> does Web Quest effective to use in teaching writing at senior high school 2 Kendari?
3. The hypothesis in this research is "Web Quest is effective to use in teaching writing at senior high school 2 Kendari"
4. this research employes 1 group pre-post test design
5. Variable:
the independent variable is Web Quest
the dependent variable is students' writing skill
You need later to well define what you mean by effective. Is it to improve students' writing skill. You of course can also investigate its effectiveness in improving the students writing process. That would bring a new research insight.
BalasHapusthank you, mam. what I mean by the effectiveness is whether or not it will improve students writing skill. and now, I will include the investigation of students writing process in my research. therefore, I will include the second research question that is "Does Web Quest improve students writing process".
HapusDefine the writing process as well.
HapusDefine the writing process as well.
Hapusyes mam, writing process in definition means the instrumental in shifting teachers focus from students written product to the process in which the students create or compose their writing. As a short description, I would like to make these students work under the instruction in the web. once they collect their writing there will be pair correction. the students will correct each others' writing, and will give back the correction to their friend to recheck their writing and re write the writing based on the correction they got. finally, the students will collect their writing to the teacher and the teacher will correct it for them. after the correction, the teacher will give back the paper to the students and they will re write the text based on the correction they got before collecting it again to the teacher.
HapusThe title of my research : “The effectiveness of using hybrid and conventional tuition for teaching writing”
BalasHapusResearch Question :
1. What are students' attitudes, motivation and perseption toward participating in electronic and face-to-face discussion and how do these attitudes correlate with changes in amount of participation?
a. What are students' attitudes toward participating in electronic and face-to-face discussion?
b. What are students' motivation toward participating in electronic and face-to-face discussion?
c. What are students' perception toward participating in electronic and face-to-face discussion
a. Hybrid does affect students' writing proficiency
b. Conventional does effect students’ writing proficiency
( The hypothesis would be design through the result of the study, since it is still need to be considered as well)
Design: True Experiment. Pre post test control group design
1. Independent variable: Hybrid and conventional tuition
2. Dependent: students’ writing skill
Population: English Department students, year 2013
Sample: writing class A and B of students year 2013
1.title: "the effect of using movie on student ability in listening"
2.research question :
a.Is there any significant effect on using movie in student ability in listening?
3.hypothesis: using movie has effect on student ability in listening group pretest - post test design
independent variable: using movie
dependent variable: student's listening skill
Complete name : Lian Mulyani Muthalib
BalasHapusStudent’s number : A1D2 11 053
2. Research question :
- Does the role-playing method can improve students’ speaking ability?
3. Hypothesis : I would like to propose the hypothesis as follow: The students who are through role-playing method achieve better than students who are taught conventionally.
4. Design : classroom action research design
5. Variables :
- Independent variable is role-playing method
- Dependent variable is student’s speaking ability
6. Population : According to Arikunto (2009: 233), “population is the complete set of individual units whose characteristic we want to know”. The population of research was studens at Ten grade. Consisting of 30 students and they were divided into one class is Ten grade.
7. Sample or subject : Sample is part of the population to provide information or data required in a study (Arikunto, 2009: 234). The sample of reserach was Ten grade student of as the one class. It consist of 30 students male (20) and female (10).
Name : I Made Rian Irwanto
BalasHapusReg. Number : A1D2 11 101
2. The research question on this study is: “Is there effect of using wordless pictures in teaching descriptive text to improve students’ writing skill?”
3. The possibility outcome a hypothesis of this study is: “There is a significant effect of using wordless pictures in teaching descriptive text to improve students’ writing skill."
4. The design of this study is pre-experimental design by using one-group pre-test post-test design.
5. The variable of this study are:
a) Independent variable: wordless picture.
b) Dependent variable: students’ writing skill.
6. Population and sample of my study are:
a) The population of this study is the students of seventh grade (The year-VII students of Junior High School).
b) The sample of this study is one class selected randomly, which consist of 25-30 students.
BalasHapusREG.NO : A1D2 11 059
1. Title:
2. Research question:
The research question of my study is : Does reciprocal teaching can improve students reading ability of the second year class at SMAN 2 WAWOTOBI ”.
3. Action Hypothesis
• Students will work in group of three
• Every group will get a text to summarize
• Students will summarize the text
• Students will write the question that may appear in the text
• Students will clarify or identify parts of the text that make them confuse including words, phrase or sentence which too difficult for them.
• Students will anticipate what they might read next based on the terms in the text
• One Student from each group will come to in front of the class
• Student tell their friends about the text that their group has analyzed, especially determine the main info in the text
4. Design
Design of my research is Classroom Action Research
5. Variable : Independent : Reciprocal teaching
Dependent : Students reading ability
6. Subject
Subject of this study is all of students in Science department of the second year class at SMAN 2 WAWOTOBI
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BalasHapusYunisa A. Djannah
BalasHapusA1D2 11 123
The title of the study
The tittle of my study is " The Correlation Between Students’ Rewriting of the Story in Film and Their Vocabulary Mastery ( A Correlation Study in the Second Grade of SMP Negeri 9 Kendari ) "
Research Questions
Is there any correlation between Student's rewriting of the story in film and their vocabulary mastery ?
There is a corellation between Students’ Rewriting of the Story in Film and Their Vocabulary Mastery.
The design of this study is Correlation Design.
The variable of this study are:
a. Independent variable is Student's rewriting of the story
b. Dependent variable is Student's Vocabulary mastery
Population & Sample or Subject
The population of this study is the students of second grade of SMP Negeri 9 Kendari. The researcher will choose the class that consist of 30- 40 students as the sample of this study.
Design of my study is quasi experimental design.
Variables are:
dependent is students speaking ability
independent variable is communicative language teaching
research question of my study is
is there is a effect of communicative language teaching in improoving speaking ability?
hypothesis of my study is there is an effect of communicative language teaching in improving students speaking ability.
population and sample of my study is the students of first grade in SMAN 1 LOHIA. I will choose the class that consist of 30-50 students as the sample of this study.
1. Title
BalasHapusThe title f mw research is An Analysis of Students Errors in Using Punctuation Marks in Writing at Second Grade Of SMPN 04 Kendari.
2. Research Question
This research sought to answer these questions: What are the students errors of using punctuation marks in writing at second grade school of SMP Negeri 04 Kendari ?
3. Hypothesis
4. Design
The design of this research use descriptive qualitative design. That includes frequency of punctuation errors. Using a comprehension passage without punctuation marks and asking the students to insert the correct punctuation marks was the tool used to collect the necessary data. The researcher used this comprehension passage as it requires from students to refer to almost all punctuation marks.
5. Variable
Independent variable : Using punctuation mark
Dependent variable : Students’ writing
6. Population, sample or subject
Population : SMP Negeri 04 Kendari students’, year 2013/2014
Sample : in class VIII2, which consist of 39 students, year 2013/2014
BalasHapusA1D2 11 1036
1. Title of the study
The title of my study is " Students’ Motivation and Attitudes Toward Blog Peer Feedback "
Research Questions
How is students’ motivation and attitudes toward blog peer feedback ?
The design of this study is descriptive qualitative Design, where I will try to figure out what is happening (students’ motivation and attitudes )in natural setting of the using of blog peer feedback in the class.
The variable of this study are:
a. Independent variable is blog peer feedback
b. Dependent variable is Student's motivation and attitudes
Population & Sample or Subject
The population of this study is the students of English Study Program at Halu Oleo university. The researcher will choose a Writing class which consist of 20 until 30 students as the sample.
BalasHapusNo.Reg: A1D211107
1. The title of my study
“improving speaking skill by using Role-play”
2. Research Question
a). How is the interaction by using Role-play in teaching speaking of the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Gu?
b). How is the improvement in speaking ability of the eleventh grade students of SMA N 1 Gu after having a class Role-play?
c). How is the activity of the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Gu after having a class with Role-play?
3. Hypothesis
“there is no hypothesis of this research”
4. Design
“Classroom Action Research”
5. Variables
a). dependent variable is improving speaking skill
b). using Role-play is independent variable
6. Population and sample or object
The population of this study is the students of eleventh grade IPA Satu of SMA Negeri 1 Gu.
BalasHapusNUMBER : A1D211003
Research Question
a. Is there any significance effect of applying appreciative listening to increase student’s listening skill in class?
b. How is student’s participation towards this method?
H1 : There is a significance effect of applying appreciative listening to increase student’s listening skill in class.
Ho : There is no effect of applying appreciative listening to increase student’s listening skill in class.
I use pre-experimental design as my research by using the one-group pre-test post-test design where a group is measured on a variable of interest. The group receives the experimental treatment. The measure is again taken, and then compares the pretest with the posttest to see if the hoped-for change has occurred.
a. Independent variable is appreciative listening.
b. Dependent variable is the student’s listening ability.
The sample of this study is the students of XII IPA 1 from SMAN 3 Kendari. I’ll took about 35 student’s for this study.
Mom, can I change my research title?
BalasHapus1. Title of my research
The effect of Panauricon Technique on improving students' speaking ability.
2. Research question
is there any effect of Panauricon technique on improving students' speaking ability?
3. Hypothesis
- H0 : There is no effect of Panauricon Technique on improving students' speaking ability.
- H1 : there is effect Panauricon Technique on improving students' speaking ability.
4. Design
Pre-experimental design
5. Variable
- Variable dependent : Students' speaking ability
- Variable independent : Panauricon Technique
6. Population and sample
- The population is the second grade of students in SMAN 5 Kendari (2013/2014)
- The sample consists of 30 students.
Novi Alviana (A1D211013)
BalasHapus1. Title : The Effect of Using Social Media (Twitter) in Improving Students' Grammar Comprehension
2. Research Question :
• Can “Twitter” improve students’ grammar comprehension?
• How was students' perception after about the using of social media as their learning media?
3. Hyphotesis :
H0 : Students’ grammar comprehension will not be improved by using ‘Twitter’
Ha : Students’ grammar comprehension will be improved after using ‘Twitter’
4. Design of Study: : Pre- Experimental Design (Pre and Post test design)
5. Variable :
• Independent variable : The using of social Media
• Dependent Variable : Students’ Grammar comprehension
6. Populatiopn: XI grade students at SMAN 6 Kendari
• Sample : XI IPA 3. The technique in drawing the sample is by using purposive sampling. This sample is consist of 32 students.
Titin Astina
BalasHapusA1D2 11 043
"The Effect of Cooperative Learning and CALL on Students' Speaking Ability of Senior High School II Kendari Grade XI"
Research Question:
1. Does Cooperative Learning has any significant effect on students speaking ability?
2. Does CALL has any significant effect on students speaking ability?
3. Which one is the most significant method between Cooperative And CALL?
Ho: There is no any significant effect of applying cooperative learning and CALL on students' speaking ability
Hi: There is a significant effect of applying cooperative learning and CALL on students' speaking ability
Design of Study:
Counterbalanced design
Independent variable: Cooperative Learning & CALL
Dependent Variable: Speaking Ability
Population: Senior high School II Kendari Grade XI
Sample: Grade XI Ia 1
Sampling: Purposive
Sitti Ruhmita (A1D2 11 102)
"The Effect of Using Snake and Ladder game as Teaching Media on Students' Vocabulary Development at 8th Grade of SMP Negeri 5 Kendari"
Research Question:
1. What effect does Snake and Ladder game have on students' vcabuary development?
2. What is students' attitude on Snake and ladder game as teaching media after the treatment?
Design of Study:
Independent variable: Snake and Ladder game
Dependent Variable: Vocabulary development
Population: 8th grade students of SMP Negeri 5 Kendari
Sample: (Not yet decided)
Sampling: Purposive
BalasHapusREG. NO : A1 D2 11 132
1. TITLE :
Dependent variable : students’ vocabulary achievement using text memorization
Independent variable : the use of textbook in teaching English vocabulary for students
Classroom Action Research
• Is there any significant improvement of students’ vocabulary through text memorization ?
• What is students’ perception of teaching English through memorising text rather than learn by heart ?
5. HYPOTHESIS (optional) :
H0 = There is no significant improvement of students vocabulary through text memorization.
H1 = There is significant improvement of students vocabulary
The sample of this research is the 2nd year students of senior high as one class, consist of all students in the class, could be male and female
The population of this research is the 2nd year students of senior high, 30 students (medium class)
BalasHapusREG. NO : A1 D2 11 126
1. TITLE :
Dependent variable : students’ reading ability by extensive reading activity
Independent variable : the use of textbook and its free kinds of text in teaching reading for the students
Pre-Experimental Research, one group pre-test and post-test
• Is there any significant development of students’ reading ability by using extensive reading ?
• What is students’ perception of teaching extensive reading after the experimental test ?
5. HYPOTHESIS (optional) :
H0 = There is no significant development of students’ reading ability in teaching extensive reading.
H1 = There is significant improvement of students reading ability in teaching extensive reading.
The population of this research is the 2nd year students of senior high school, 30-40 students.
And the sample of this research is one class in 2nd grade, consist of all students in the class, male and female
HapusREG. NO : A1 D2 11 126
1. TITLE :
Dependent variable : students’ reading ability by extensive reading activity
Independent variable : the use of textbook and its free kinds of text in teaching reading for the students
Pre-Experimental Research, do pre-test and post-test, one control group and experimental group
• Is there any significant development of students’ reading ability by using extensive reading ?
• What is students’ perception of teaching extensive reading after the experimental test ?
5. HYPOTHESIS (optional) :
H0 = There is no significant development of students’ reading ability in teaching extensive reading.
H1 = There is significant improvement of students reading ability in teaching extensive reading.
The population of this research is the 2nd year students of junior high school, 30-40 students.
And the sample of this research is one class in 2nd grade, consist of all students in the class, male and female
Name : Riks Asis Ode
BalasHapusReg number : A1D2 11 118
A. The tittle of my subject is writing narrative text throught writing marathon technique
B. Reseaach question there any influance of writing marathon technique to writing skill ?
2. how writing marathon technique can influance student’s witing skill ?
C. hypothesis
writing marathon technique can improve student’s writing skill ability
D. Design
Quasi experimental design
E. Variable
1. Indenpendent : writing narrative text
2. Dependent : writing marathon teqnique
F. Sample
The students of class two in sma 1 tongkuno.
syamsar Obe
“students speaking improvement through three-step interview technique”
Research Question
can three-step interview technique improve the students’ speaking at…..grade of senior high school…?
Action Hypothesis
If three-step interview technique is used in teaching speaking at …….grade, it will improve students’ speaking fluency?
*independent Variable is three-step interview technique
*dependent variable is students speaking improvement
This is Classroom Action Research where there sample of course only one class.
Siti Harsia
BalasHapusA1D2 11 075
Title : " The Effect of Join English Club-Creative English Society (CES) on Improving Students' Speaking Ability at Fifth Semester of English Department, Halu Oleo University".
Research question :
“ Does English Club - CES (Creative English Society) can improve students speaking skill at fifth semester of English Department, Halu Oleo University ?”
Hypothesis :
H0 : There is no significant effect of joining English club-CES on improving students' speaking skill.
H1 : There is a significant effect of joining English club-CES on improving students' speaking skill.
Variable :
- independent variable : join English club - Creative English Society (CES).
- dependent variable : students' speaking skill.
Design :
design of this research is by using 'descriptive design'