
Selasa, 08 April 2014


Assignment 1. Plan for your research topic or interest and post it to this thread not later than Saturday 12 April 2014 midnight. Any queries should also be sent here particularly by those missing last Monday class.

93 komentar:

  1. Arranged by Anna Nurawalia

    As Pederson and Williams (2004) suggested that, “Essential to student-centered approaches is student ownership of their goals and activities. Because students make decisions about which actions to take to meet their goals, their work is meaningful to them, a condition that encourages depth of understanding and an intrinsic motivational orientation” (p. 284). Therefore, I would like to design my research based on students’ interesting way of learn and I proposed Hybrid as the best one. My proposal will be entitled “Comparing the effectiveness of Hybrid and Conventional tuition for teaching writing”.

    1. A good start Ana. Can you elaborate a little about 'Hybrid' in teaching writing.

    2. What kind of conventional tuition does the school apply?

    3. i am so sorry for being late replying your queries mom, furthermore, In my research, I assume that the hybrid can be well used in teaching language courses at the level of routinized outside and inside of teaching learning process affecting on improvement of communication skill including verbally (speaking) and non-verbal (writing aspect). Hybrid courses are defined as classes in which online and face to face instruction takes place in a traditional classroom setting augmented by computer-based or online activities which do not replace exactly the classroom seat process at all, however assist and maintain the ongoing courses. This model will make students more responsible for their learning because they cannot passively rely on teacher instruction alone in face to face courses and class time for review of grammar and drilling to reinforce forms, structures, and vocabulary when they want to construct a writing. Despite, conventional tuition is all kind of method used by teacher as general and only rely on face to face discussion without the assist of technologies. I propose Hybrid as the best one including website, emailing, chatting, and so on used by teacher and students to interact.

    4. I examine Hybrid compare to conventional tuition for teaching writing particularly in Compare and contrast text, why should Compare and Contrast? Since this text is virtually the most difficult one rather than another expository text, and being able to identify and understand this text will not only help students' comprehension, but also helps their writing as it it is helps them organize and express thoughts. Furthermore, I am going to investigate What is the students’ perceived differences between in-class online and face to face discussions on hybrid and in-class face-to-face discussions in conventional tuition besides do second language students participate more equally in small group discussions held electronically and face to face course system or hybrid than in those held in a traditional face to-face manner or conventional tuition.

    5. Ana, your title is talking about the hybrid which applies in writing skill. I get a little description about your topic. But, I was wandering if you could give me a specific explanation (give some examples) about the hybrid itself.....

      I know that the students will use a technology may be “laptop or computer” to do online activities such as : website, emailing, chatting, etc. But, how do the students can improve their skill in writing, what is method do you want to apply in hybrid for teaching-writing???
      and how the teacher can explain the material (e.g. grammar) after the student do the online activities????

    6. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    7. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    8. Well ana, I am excited of your title but I only know little information about hybrid. I was wandering if you could tell me more about Hybrid.. 

    9. comparing hybrid and conventional method in writing are good, but how you can provide a facility for those samples? I think it's quite hard to provide such facility to support your method especially the "online" one. We never know how many samples that required, but as long as the facility is well prepared, I think there will be no necessary attention of problem that you are going to face.

  2. Name : Kartini Tahir
    Reg. Number : A1D211121

    Writing is a principal one because through writing you can show who you are as a persons (Chappell, 2007). In writing, most of people express their feeling, ideas, story, personal thinking in many ways. In previews time, people wrote something not only on the paper but also used stone as facilities to write. On the other hand, in globalization era, the technological is increasing in this case internet, which can write themselves own words by technological with such as web blog. In this case, I would like to applying a "Web Blog" as a good one in my research study. The title is "THE USE OF WEB BLOG IN THE TEACHING OF WRITING PERSONAL RECOUNT"

  3. Good title Kartini. Is it an experiment? Will you explain a little bit about types of activities you plan for the students through the blog.

  4. Yeah mom. it is experimental design. I choose pre-experimental design. So, in this case, I used pre-post test design. For the First time I used Pre-test. it is aimed to know the students’ writing ability before being given the treatment Second is treatment. Giving treatment means that the teaching and learning process under Web-Blog. Last is, Post Test. It is aimed to know the students’ writing ability after giving the treatment under Web-Blog. Actually, Why I choose Web Blog as a technique in my research because of you mom. You are my inspiring teacher. You teach and introduce me looks like a something new in my life. Everything is interesting, mom. That's why, I really enjoyed of this and I try to applying it in my proposal mom....:)

    1. Assalamu’alaikum....

      Good title ukhti Kartini....
      I was quite understand about your method. You choose experimental design as your research design which the kind is pre-post test design. You will give pre-test for your students to measure their writing ability. I hope you can tell me the explanation what kind of the pre-test you will give?? And I hope with the example......

    2. Thank you ukh for your comment, actually pre-test and post-test are simmilar that given their personal recount text. For instance, unforgettable Moment. For the first meeting, I will give this test and post test is too. In other words, the students can tell about their experience using personal recount. Thank you ^_^

  5. Name : Bambang Sudarsono
    Number : A1D211003

    Speaking considered as one main ability that has to be mastered in English. Even though you are capable in comprehending either the structure or grammar of English, still you are not master in English if you cannot speak it fluently. That is why in my research, I try to raise the student motivation and eager to speak in English by using several pictures. By using picture, student will be easier to imagine the word that they want to pronounce more than using instruction. I apply this method in senior or junior high school. I decide my research as quasi-experimental design with title “THE USE OF SERIES PICTURES IN TEACHING SPOKEN PROCEDURE TEXT TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY”

    1. Perhaps, series of pictures? What is the focus of the speaking ability? Accuracy or fluency?

    2. Assalamu’alaikum
      For Bambang, I was wandering if you could tell me, what does the strategy do want to apply in speaking skill by using series picture in procedure text???

      Thank you....

    3. Wa’alaikumsalam
      Actually I think that this method will focus on both aspect mom wether it is accuarcy or fluency, when student speak according to the picture, the teacher will noticed what the student spoke about? does he/she speaks according to the picture? this will measure their accuracy in speaking. when they speak a material that have no relation to the picture, then could we conclude that he/she are lack of accuracy. then about the fluency is when the student speaks naturally, and have a good condtition in terms of grammar and structure. They also didn't feel nervous when speak which can caused "terbata-bata".

      For Lian, honestly I haven't find a good strategy for my proposal, I'm still searching for reference that refer to my methodology but if I can use my own strategy like using a procedure text which explain about how to do or make something usual or could be found in their daily activity, such as "the procedure how to cook a rice". this will make them easier to speak because by using picture and their understanding about how to cook a rice, it can train them to speak more accurate and fluent.

  6. Name : Sitti Ruhmita
    Number : A1D2 11 102
    In his investigation on 2004, Folse found clear pictures of the problem in teaching vocabulary in ESL program. First, in curriculum there was not any plan to teach vocabulary in the classroom. Second, the most common questions that appear in the daily classes were about vocabulary nevertheless it was grammar class, reading, listening, TOEFL, etc. Third, it is depended on the teacher that vocabulary is taught, and not the subject. These findings are mostly happen in every L2 classroom. In addition, most teachers do not know how to teach vocabulary other than ask the students to memorize the words. On the other side, most students feel burdened by the task to memorize the words but rarely applying them. Besides, this method is also considered as a boring activity. To overcome these problems, a lot of researches have been done to find better methods and media to teach vocabulary.
    One of them is through games. There are a lot of reasons of why game is included as one of teaching media as well as teaching method. Lee lists several main advantages when games are used in the classroom, including "a welcome break from the usual routine of the language class", "motivating and challenging" "effort of learning", and "language practice in the various skills” (Nguyen & Khuat). Based on the rationales above I would like to apply a design which applies game as teaching media in language learning language, especially vocab. Therefore, my academic proposal title is “THE EFFECT OF USING SNAKE AND LADDER GAME AS TEACHING MEDIA ON STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY ACQUISITION”.

    1. Are you going to INCREASE the number of students vocabulary or ESTABLISH their vocabulary knowledge. If to increase, how games can increase?

    2. I think, i am going to increase the students' vocabulary, ma'am. Because game is a fun activity, i think it's possible for the students to learn new words easily. I mean, in the application of this study i will give them a mission card. the card will contain an incomplete passage, and they must collect words to complete the passage by playing the Snake and Ladder game.
      Every time they stop on one square, they will collect a picture contains one vocab with its name in English (without the meaning in Indonesian). I think they can guess the meaning without looking at the dictionary.
      That is my plan for this study. Is it possible to apply this study, ma'am?

    3. Ok just make sure that the target word will be predictable from the game. If not, the students will be demotivated. Mostly, games are used to establish our knowledge on the vocabulary we have previously learnt.

    4. Yes, ma'am. Thank you very much.

    5. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah

      Dear Sitti Ruhmita
      You want to apply “SNAKE AND LADDER GAME” in your method. could you give me a simple explanation of this method???
      Is this game Just for one student, two students or may be in group???
      your comment please....

    6. Umi, I was wandering if you could explain me how this game is applied ?
      Thank you :3

    7. Dear Lian and Unie...
      Snake and Ladder game is one of the board games. It uses special board, marker/pieces, and a dice. This game is played in group (3 to 4 people) and each member in the group must compete to reach the finish line.
      My planning for this game application is:
      First, i will put several pictures in the board. The pictures will be about Verb and Noun (actually i am planning to include adjectives, but may be it will be difficult since Adjective is rather difficult to be described in a picture.
      Second, i will give the students a mission card. The mission card contains instruction. For example: "Some children have been kidnapped from your village. You must save them by defeating the Lord Devil. Start your adventure by collecting the items you need to defeat him." (Well, something like that. I am still developing this, tough).
      Third, Students must play the game to collect the words they need. The pictures will have the english name in it, but not the Indonesian. I am trying to make them understand the meaning of the word without looking at the dictionary.
      Fourth, after they finished their game and collected all the words. I will give them the incomplete passage to fill using the words they collected in the game.
      Fifth, I will review the word at the end of the class.
      Note: This is still in planning. If you have advices for me, i will gladly to hear (or read) them. ^__^

  7. Name : Ivon Wisda
    Students ID: A1D211059
    Comprehending a reading text is not only a matter of understanding every word that is read, but also the capability to understand and receive the message from the text (Nation, 2004). Those are also included in the curriculum of the school that expects the students who take language subjects. However, contrast to the expectation, one of the most common problems in language classroom is the student difficulties in understanding and conveying a message from the reading text. Moreover, the students themselves show the unwilling attitude in learning language in which they are expected to read. Based on these problems, I am interested in researching one of method in teaching reading comprehension that might overcome students’ problem in understanding the reading text as well as their attitude in reading. The method I am interested in is the reciprocal method.
    Reciprocal teaching involves a high degree of social interaction and collaboration, as students gradually learn to assume the role of teacher in helping their peers construct meaning from text. Rosenshine and Meister (1994) states that there are four important instructional practices embedded in reciprocal teaching: (1) Direct teaching of strategies, rather than reliance solely on teacher questioning; (2) Student practice of reading strategies with real reading, not with worksheets or contrived exercises; (3) Scaffolding of instruction; students as cognitive apprentices; and (4) Peer support for learning. In conclusion, I am interested in engaging a Claaroom Action Research with title “IMPROVING STUDENTS’ READING ABILITY USING RECIPROCAL TEACHING”.

    1. Hi Ivon, I think your title is very interesting. From your short explanation about reciprocal teaching, I get the outline where the student becomes a teacher for her/his friends, is it right? if it's right, the student must have confident to become a teacher, but if they don't it, how can you solve it? I think that can become a problem in your research later.
      But, your decision to use reciprocal teaching for improving students' reading ability is a good choice.
      good luck and two thumbs for you.

    2. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah....

      Dear Ivon,
      According to Rosenshine and Meister (1994) states that there are four important instructional practices embedded in reciprocal teaching.
      Could you elaborate the second point of four important instructional in reciprocal teaching???

    3. dear my beloved friend jeiiiinnnnn ^_^ ....it is right that the students will be a teacher in front of their friend..and of course they have to confident to do it,about the student who has not a confident, I think it's so easy, I will make my study/research as their assignment. so they don't have any choice to not believe their self. I believe that they will enjoying this activity. I hope that....
      Any way please give me your recommendations my friend ...:)

  8. Name : I Made Rian Irwanto
    Reg. Number : A1D2 11 101
    Writing is part of learning language skill. Through writing, students may express their ideas freely without having to face the reader directly. Students need to explore their ideas and compose into a good text. They are required to be creative and expressive to share their ideas through writing. Media can help students to give their idea when they start to writing something, it make easily teacher to teach writing. According to Raimes (1983), pictures can be valuable resources for teaching writing. Picture provides a shared experience for students in the class, a common base that leads to a variety of language activities. A wordless picture is one of the various potential media to teach a descriptive text. The wordless picture guide students to describe a person based on the picture’s context or situation. Furthermore, teaching descriptive text writing by using wordless pictures may motivated the student to write. They are guided to develop and express their idea in writing by looking at the picture. Then, wordless picture are simple media that bring an innovation in teaching especially to teach descriptive text writing skill. It makes students pay more attention in the learning process and guides them to build up their in writing activity. It was interesting to conduct a research on applying this media in junior high school. I decide my title is “THE USE OF WORDLESS PICTURES IN TEACHING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL”

    1. dear Ryan.. can you explain more about wordless picture ? what it is and how it looks like because I am still confuse about that. thank you

  9. Ade Irma Yulianty M.S

    A1D2 11 135

    Punctuation marks are symbols that indicate the structure and organization of written language, as well as intonation and pauses to be observed when reading aloud. In written English, punctuation is vital to disambiguate the meaning of sentences. Rumki (2005), stated that wrong punctuation can interrupt the flow of ideas and change meaning, but properly used punctuation not only helps readers understand your meaning but also makes them engrossed in one's writing. Without punctuation marks, many sentences are mere jumbles of words. So, I would like to design this proposal to minimize students errors in using punctuation mark. My proposal entitled “An Analysis of Students Errors in Using Punctuation Marks in Writing at Second Grade Of SMPN 04 Kendari” .

    1. Can you relate the students' errors and their writing quality?

    2. Ok Mom, thank you
      Between students’ errors in using punctuation mark and students’ quality in writing have an important relation because writing is a method of representing language in visual or tactile form. So, students have to know all the writing components to make their writing is good, one of the component itself is punctuation mark. Besides of that, writing with out punctuation can be difficult to understand or in a language that is more to know well called "ambiguous". If our writing is considered ambiguous, then obviously it will confuse our readers.

  10. Yunisa A. Djannah

    A1D2 11 123

    Ramelan (1991:22) states that the poor mastery of English speaking of students is result of the old ways of teaching which do not give stress to the mastery of spoken language. It means the poorness of students’ writing ability becomes the problem of learning process in Indonesia because some teachers of Indonesia use the old ways to teach their students as like the old methods and the teachers do not use the good media in the teaching learning process. They just concern on the theory not on the practiced. Although improvement of writing skill is the important problem, in fact only some teachers realize it. So, I thing, the title “The Correlation Between Students’ Rewriting of the Story in Film and Their Vocabulary Mastery ( A Correlation Study in the Second Grade of SMP Negeri 9 Kendari )” is suitable to increase students ability in writing.

    1. What is the variables of the study? Is a correlational study aimed to increase ...?

    2. The variable of my study is The students' Vocabulary mastery.
      Yes, mom. Due to rewrite the story of the film student will memorize some new vocabulary that they get on the film. They can use the new vocabulary on their writing. So their vocabulary will increase. For the film, I will pick the enjoyable story for them. For example, cartoon, comedy or fantasy film etc.

  11. English as a foreign language in Indonesia is taught at Senior High school (SMA/MA) as a compulsory subject. The implementation of English teaching at present is based on the Content Standard. Its target is to have the students reach an informational level of literacy. It means that the students are expected to be able to access knowledge by using English (Depdiknas, 2006). It is in line with the idea of Wells (1987, in Alwasilah, 2006:109) that learning a language, basically, aims at developing ‘the four levels of literacy, namely performative, functional, informational, and epistemic levels’. These four levels of literacy respectively refer to the ability to read and write, the ability to use the language in everyday communication, the ability to access knowledge, and the ability to transform knowledge. O’Malley and Pierce (1996) say that speaking seems to be an important skill that a learner should acquire. It is very important in order to enable students to communicate effectively through oral language because the disability of the students to speak may lead them to be unable to express their ideas even in a simple form of conversation. In addition, Burn and Joyce (1997: 54-55) state that one of the aims of most language programs is to develop spoken language skills and most programs aim to integrate both spoken and written language. Learning a language means using it in communication in oral or written form, and being able to express feeling, thoughts, and experiences in various contexts. That is why, Improving the Students’ Speaking Ability through Role-Playing Technique is as an effective way to improve this skill. Language is communication, speaking well will create a good communication, and last a good communication will not bring miss understanding between the speaker and hearer.

    1. Are you planning to do an experiment or an action research?

    2. dear saifullah.. can you tell us what kind of students' speaking ability you try to improve ? fluency ? or what ?.. Thank you

    A1D211 107
    English as a foreign language in Indonesia is taught at Senior High school (SMA/MA) as a compulsory subject. The implementation of English teaching at present is based on the Content Standard. Its target is to have the students reach an informational level of literacy. It means that the students are expected to be able to access knowledge by using English (Depdiknas, 2006). It is in line with the idea of Wells (1987, in Alwasilah, 2006:109) that learning a language, basically, aims at developing ‘the four levels of literacy, namely performative, functional, informational, and epistemic levels’. These four levels of literacy respectively refer to the ability to read and write, the ability to use the language in everyday communication, the ability to access knowledge, and the ability to transform knowledge. O’Malley and Pierce (1996) say that speaking seems to be an important skill that a learner should acquire. It is very important in order to enable students to communicate effectively through oral language because the disability of the students to speak may lead them to be unable to express their ideas even in a simple form of conversation. In addition, Burn and Joyce (1997: 54-55) state that one of the aims of most language programs is to develop spoken language skills and most programs aim to integrate both spoken and written language. Learning a language means using it in communication in oral or written form, and being able to express feeling, thoughts, and experiences in various contexts. That is why, Improving the Students’ Speaking Ability through Role-Playing Technique is as an effective way to improve this skill. Language is communication, speaking well will create a good communication, and last a good communication will not bring miss understanding between the speaker and hearer.


    Influenced by structural linguistics and behaviorists in the 1960s, most writing teachers usually treated writing as a product and often put strong focus on grammatical features of texts. So in the other words, most teachers focus on students’ product in writing when the most important thing is the process of the writing itself. Some activities involve in writing process such as brainstorming, outlining, peer responses / feedback, teacher-student conferences, and multiple drafts. Talking about peer feedback, Li (2009) states that peer feedback allows students to gain confidence and reduce apprehension by seeing peers’ strengths and weaknesses in writing. Either the givers and the receivers can improve their writing ability also their critical thinking by doing peer feedback. Compared to face-to-face oral or written comments, online peer feedback through blog has the following advantages: (1) time independent; (2) place independent; (3) no pressure to quickly respond; (4) the ability to monitor conversations (Tuzi, 2004). Looking at those benefits of online peer feedback through blog, I am interesting in engaging a research entitle “ Students’ Motivation and Attitude Toward Blog Peer Feedback “.

    I am also interesting and curious about research in literature and I will be very happy if there is information about how we conduct research in literature during the class meeting... Thank you

    1. Nice description Guys, feedback is very important to know how the students respon or progress in learning process. as your title is talking about " Students' motivation and Attitude Toward Blog Peer Feedback" I was wondering, what kind of design you used? and Would you explain a little bit about types of activities you plan for the students through the blog?

    2. Sounds nice Faiza. Btw, are you going to teach a writing class using blog peer feedback?

    3. @ Kartini Tahir : the activities probably like what we are doing now with Mrs. Nurnia. I probably use a class blog where students can post everything and also see their friends posting, then give the feedback. But somehow I think that i should modify the activities so it doesn't have to be a class blog because in the other sides i think it will be mess when 30 students post and giving feedback in a class blog. there will be too many comments.
      i probably ask the students to make their own blog, students' blog will be linked to the class blog and it will be shown in it. students or teacher can give feedback by open it via class blog. so the activities will probably like that. thank you

    4. @ Mrs. Nurnia : Yes mam, i think it is possible to teach writing through blog peer feedback.

  14. Technology-enhanced learning, particularly CALL, has been the trending issue in research in English Language Teaching. Levy (1997: p.1) defined CALL as “the research for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning.” CALL is essentially a tool for teacher to facilitate the language learning process. Recently, Felix (2008) claimed that there has been enough data in CALL to suggest positive effect on spelling, reading, and writing. However, more research is required to determine its effectiveness in other areas, especially speaking.
    For this reason, I would like to conduct a research looking at CALL’s effect on students’ speaking proficiency. The title of the research would be “Computer Assisted Language Learning and Its Effect on Students Speaking Proficiency”. This research will be using one group pre-posttest design and would make use of purposive sampling.
    Regardless my decision of taking speaking as the subject to my research, I was wondering if it is okay to conduct a research on CALL’s effect toward students writing in Kendari. Despite to what Felix had claimed, we are living in a culturally different environment of learning for we do not engage with technology so long yet in our teaching learning activity.

    1. The effect of CALL on students' Speaking Proficency? OR are you also investigating the application of CALL? Are you planning to use a certain software for speaking?

    2. Yes, mam. It is the effect of CALL on students' speaking proficiency that I am going to observe and I do plan on using certain software for speaking activity. I have done some research, mam and I found some software suitable for speaking activity. As an aid to the software I also plan on providing the students tutorials of speaking activity to encourage them to do self-practice and evaluation by the support of their computer.
      Excuse me, mam, but I did not get the point of "investigating the application of CALL". Would you mind giving me some hints, mam?

    3. It is something to do with the formulation of the title of your planned research. Anyway, if it is only the effect, then you could just formulate as 'the effect of X on Y'

    4. thank you, mam. I just realize that my title is ambiguous. It could be wrong interpreted by anyone. I do not plan on investigating the application of CALL in the classroom, mam. So I change the title the way you suggest to be "The Effect on CALL on Students Speaking Proficiency". thank you, mam.

    REG.NO : A1D2 11 007
    I was interesting in the topic about e-learning and teaching strategy mam, in my opinion, in the era of globalization in education; nowadays the ability to speak in second language (English) becomes important. According to Pallos in 2010, as part of efforts to improve the effectiveness of English Education, teaching and learning theories and also approach that combine blended learning with Web 2.0 or educational technology have been studied in recent years. Blended learning itself refers to a course methodology or learning activity that combines online and traditional face to face instruction (de Leng et, al., 2010). Actually blended learning (in this case I choose Video Blog as a media) can motivate students who would otherwise be afraid doing face to face interactions to more actively participate, and can positively affects lerners’ willingness to communicate and express themselves to the teachers and their friends. In here, cooperative learning help the process of the blended learning itself.
    I planned quasi experiment research design to develop this study (nonequivalent pre and posttest design) with random assignment using purposive sampling of second grade students in SMAN 4 Kendari. For research methodology I will combine qualitative and quantitative approaches. They are include peer and feedback from the instructor, self-reflection of students, questionnaires, and interviews the students. For conclude all of them I have been gave the tittle of my study “ THE IMPACT OF USING BLENDED LEARNING (FACE-TO-FACE AND VIDEO-BLOG) ON ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS.”

    1. Very good, nes, To make efficient time, not only teaching process in classroom but also we can follow in outside of class in through Blended Learning especially video blog. Could you explain a little bit how to assess in your research in terms of speaking?

    2. Based on title you will use video on your study. So, I was wondering if you could tell me will you use some application on this study ? What application ?
      Thanks :)

    3. @ Kartini Tahir : Thank you for your question, as an answer of your question I would like to choose CBSE or IELTS assesment in my study. of course I will combine General Indtroduction, Mini Presentation, and Pair Interaction in one time to asses students speaking ability of students.

      @Yunisa A. Djannah: Thank you for u too dear, yes of course I would like to use some application here to compress the video before students upload their video into blog. I'll try to use Format factory for the application. for blog itself I would like to use simple blog in the blogger.com like us...

    4. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  16. Erindah Saptarina A1D2 11 115

    The effect of MURDER (Mood, understand, recall, detect, elaborate and review) technique on studEnts' comprehension at the second year of SMAN 2 KONAWE SELATAN.

    I took this title because I want to know how to influence MURDER technique on students reading at school before I use this method when I became a teacher later.

  17. Hugley et. Al. (1983: 38) states that writing is often found as the most difficult skill among all of the English skill both as the first and as the second language. Moreover, Murcia states that writing skill is often perceived as the most difficult skill to be mastered because it requires many aspects of language in its production, such as organization, content, language use, mechanic, and vocabulary. Therefore, I would like to proposed a research entitled: The employment of web-quest in teaching writing skill to senior high school students.

  18. There are three things about education that we all know: the first is motivation, th second is motivation,and the third is motivation. Motivation in learning is urgent. There have been some statistics data which tells that Motivate Students / Learners is the first most wanted thing which indicate good English teacher, while ability is on the second, or after this "Motivating student" position. Moreover Dornyei (2005) figures out that high motivation will lead to success in learning. Other statement, he also says that sufficient motivation is that working knowledge of language regardless of aptitude and ability. Well, anyway, What is motivation? To be motivated means to be moved to do something... Someone who is energized or activated toward an end is considered motivated. (Ryan & Deci, 2000: 4). Here are some nice quotes I got from Willy A. Reanandya's journal entitle "The 5ts of Motivation in the language Classroom : ‘The best motivational intervention is simply to improve the quality of our teaching' - Dornyei (2001). "The resposibility to motivate students to keep them motivated during tenure of their studies rest with the teacher (Renandya, forthcoming) Teacher affects students' motivation in learning a lot. I myself have ever experienced how learning felt boring or exciting depending on the way teacher deliver the knowledge in the class. It is hard to deny that teacher plays important role in maintainning students' motivation. Therefore, through this simple explanation, I would like to convey my interest in research entitle " The correlation of Students' motivation in Learning and Teacher". That's my interest. I hopefully wish so much help and effort to develop my idea. Thank you mom.. Best Regard, your student. Nurul Ittaqullah.

    1. Sounds good Nurul.... The purpose of correlational research is to discover relationships between two or more variables. Can you explain what kind of variables you used?

    2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    3. Can you tell me your own opinion as teacher aspirant about the correlation between students motivation and teacher ?

    4. Dear Nurul,
      I am very interested with your topic, actually I think study about the role of the teacher it self is difficult, because why? because there are no teachers who wants to be a subject of study itself. of course they will thinking about their weaknesses, " How about if anyone knows about my weaknesses in teaching process " (I think it is the sentence which out of their mind). But, in my mind I 100% agree with your idea of your study. one of our lecture ever said, find the way to make a research about them without let them know what your aim is. But, you should do a positive research of course.
      so, do your best sister :)

  19. Syamsar Obe
    Speaking is the main skill that has an important role in learning language because the main purpose of learning foreign language is the ability to communicate using the target language. There are three reasons why people
    communicate. First, they want to say something. Second, they have some
    communicative purposes. Third, because they select from t heir language store (Harmer,2001:48).
    Latief (2011:144) stated that “Classroom Action Research is an effective media in improving the quality of English teachers’ performance in instruction as well as students’ achievement in learning English in classroom.
    CAR is research design which used to improve the quality of the teaching and learning in the class.
    I've been considering many things what kind of research that I'm going to conduct. my interest is speaking ability, so for me, it's quite easy but challenging to conduct a classroom action research. The title that i try to purpose is "Student's Speaking Improvement Through Three Step Interview Technique. Thanks.

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    2. Dear...Obe ^_^
      i would like to ask about three step of your interview technique, could you elaborate them all?
      that is a great sound of study that focus on speaking ability and in use CAR. ^_^.
      thank you

    3. Dear my beloved Obe *_*...
      my suggestion for your classroom action research is... you should involve directly in the class activity first and then remember to find out major problem than minor problem. because classroom action research solving the problem of that class only, not for another class. do not wrong to consider the problem is. if you feel the problem of the class can be solve by Three Step Interview Technique so go on please, but if the problem is about reading, listening, or writing do you still use this technique using it?.
      thank u :*

  20. Name: Nur fitri Hamid
    NIM: A1D211126
    Everybody know there are many advantanges of reading. You will get as many information as you can to increase your knowledge. Such as, you are a teacher, so you always read books that have corelation with your profesion. But in the fact, most ot the people do not care to make reading as their habitual. This is happent too in our English classroom. The student do not have willingness to join and study about English and lack of motivation. They just come and then sitting in the class, and get bad score in English. Especially in reading subject. Through this reason I would like to use Extensive Reading (ER) approach to do reading in another way.
    According to Davis (1995) of Extensive Reading “ pupils are given the time, encouragement and materials to read pleasurably, at their own level, as many books as they can, without the pressure of testing or marks” (p.329). I would like to exposing student to read as many books as they can in their own level without pay attention on the score. ER give a freedom to choose what kind of books that they want to read and free to change the books. So, they will feel free and enjoy to read.
    Finally, I decided to do a study with a title “ The Effects of Extensive Reading on Students’ Reading Ability Development for 2nd-year Students at SMPN 10 Kendari. ^_^

    1. Hello Nur. How's life?
      By the way, your title is really good and interesting. talking about reading the common problem that we can face among the students is motivation to read especially English book. I want to ask you, is it okay for students to use bilingual books (Bahasa Indonesia and English) to see their reading ability? because sometimes students don't understand the meaning of some words and because of laziness factor, they don't want to open dictionary. And if you ignore about students' score, how can you measure their reading ability and see their progress?
      Thanks and good luck Nur. :)

  21. I'm sorry mom, if I'm too late to post my research topic. Actually, I don't know if there is a task.

    Name : Jein Indri P.
    Reg. No. : A1D211009

    For my research topic, I have been interesting with the effect between the parental involvement with students' ability in English, especially in vocabulary. It comes when I see many parents that teach their children English in young age and when they are in school level they can use English very good. So, here not only role of the teacher or the students themselves that can give good effect in mastering English but parents also have an important role to improve students' vocabulary English.
    The eighth goal in the Goals 2000: The Education of America Act of 1994 states that, “Every school will promote partnerships that will increase parental involvement and participation in promoting the social, emotional, and academic growth of children” (National Education Goals Panel, 1997). Here, the role of parental involvement is really important and it becomes national priority.
    If in America, it has become a priority, how about in Indonesia? Can it also become a priority? So, here I want to see how far Indonesian parenting involvement in improving Students' vocabulary in English.
    In the end, the title of my research is "The Effect between Parental Involvement with Students’ Ability in Mastering English Vocabulary".
    Thank you very much mom.

    1. Dear my beloved friend , JEIN 
      I’m so interested to read your statements in this blog about vocabulary, because it’s the most important thing for the children to speak. If they don’t have vocabulary bank, how can they tell us what they want to say?? But , could you tell me what does the strategy do you want to use in this case? Also, if there is a child who her or his parents are mute how do you measure their parental involvement? And exactly, where is the region will you conduct your research plan? 

    2. dear Jein Indri..) how a nice title "the effect between parental involvement with students' ability in mastering English vocabulary
      my first impression when i read your briefly explanation about your research, i thought, what are you going to do for your scope? is there any family that focus to teach English as their foreign language at home or as their first language? also about the specific age of your study's suspect, for senior high or junior high even elementary? because as the fact, for elementary or junior high have different level vocabulary in use daily, from environmental aspect, ya..over all that is interesting to study, thank you Je in :)) nur rahmawati w

  22. Name : Nur Rahmawati Waji
    No.Reg : A1D211132

    Regarding Richards, Platt, & Platt, 1992, p.26 on their statement that memorising is the process of establishing information in memory. The term ‘memorising’ usually refers to the conscious process. Most of students have different learning style in teaching English as foreign Language, I interest to take study entitle “LEARNING ENGLISH AS FOREIGN LANGUAGE BY MEMORISING TEXT’.
    When students learn something by memorising, they may be able to recite all the words but might not necessarily understand what the words mean at all, what is actually captured in this quotation is the relationship of memorization and natural understanding come from their own knowledge of learning English. For more specifically, the texts are not confined to texts in the coursebook, include any short essays, dialogues, paragraphs, also song lyrics are all included here, as authentic materials for memorisation. Some references from journal is needed. Thank you mam..

    1. Dear Nur Rahmawati Waji,
      the idea to see the relationship between students memory and their understanding of English is quite interesting. However, it should be clear in your title what text the students are going to memorize and what aspect of English would they or your research be focus on. remembering all kinds of text randomly will not be effective since each text has its own function and style and some of them, like song lyrics and dialogues, are mostly ungrammatical.
      In addition to that, the term "learning English" is too general. It covers all skills of English competence including speaking, reading, writing, and listening. it is way too difficult, if not impossible, to cover all these skills under the heading of one strategy of learning. therefore, as I contend before, it would be simpler for the researcher to pick and focus on one aspect of English to observe.

    2. Very Interesting, Rahma, Could you explain how the teaching process? what kind of variable you observe? how about the skill you focus on?

    3. thanks for the comment novia and tiny, English skill that I focused especially in reading through memorizing text, about the text I use, not only text in coursebook but also song lyric, dialogues, etc because students are more like to read song lyric and memorize it, thank you)

  23. sorry to late for this assigment mem,because I don't information about this before.


    for my research,I interesting to speaking ability.speaking ability is important thing in english language because we cannot communicate with the other people if we can't speak.I choose this issue because I want observe the ability in speaking by using group conversation.
    According to Nunan (1991: 47) Speaking is one of four skills of English. It can help people to understand something from other interlocutors of language. Speaking will be focus for the first section on speaking. It involves fluent and accuracy expression meaning, the exercising of pragmatic, or communicative, competence and the observance of the rules of appropriate. Communication is a collaboration venture in which the interlocutors negotiate meaning in order to achieve their communication.
    According to Widdowson (1985: 57) that speaking is an oral communication that gives information involves two elements, they are; the speaker who gives the message and the listener who receives the message in the world, the communication involves the productive skill of listening. And he also states that an act of communication through speaking is commonly perform in face to face interaction and occur as a part of dialogue or rather than form or verbal exchange.
    From definition above, the writer concludes that speaking is a form to say or talk something with expressing of ideas, opinions, views and description to other for getting response or way of conveying message in order to make understanding of wishes to other and to contribute to the other. To do speaking activities, it must involve the speaker and the listener or only speaker involved.

    1. Dear Ernawati,
      to observe or wanting to know students ability of speaking is good for we are the candidate of teachers. However, simply knowing they capability or quality of students speaking would not bring much difference to both students and teachers. Plus, up till now, it is still the common knowledge that students in Kendari are mostly lack of speaking capability. therefore, I suggested that instead of just observing their ability, you can propose one particular method or strategy to help improve their speaking performance as well.
      finally, ms. Erna, would you mind telling us your proposed title of research?

  24. Titin Astina
    A1D2 11043

    Since English become an international language. it seems important for the society to master English as a tool of communication around the world. Furthermore, it become one of subject in high school nowadays.
    in mastering English, of course we need process. there are four important basic skill that we have to pay attention in mastering English namely Reading, Speaking, Writing and Speaking. those item or skill are the basic but important skill to master for them who want to mastering English. from those skill the most difficult skill is speaking. because there are some student which learn English, has mastering reading and writing, but it is important for them to state the argument using English. there should be some factors. then, some expert has provide a lot of method and approaches in teaching English. one of them which very popular is "Cooperative Learning." Cooperative learning is one of approaches/method in teaching English, which require the whole students to be active while learning process. in cooperative learning also the class are work in group, so besides they could share with their teacher, it is also probable to share the lesson with their friend.
    beside cooperative learning, there are others method that could be applied in teaching speaking, recently, the most popular method in teaching is using e-learning. it utilize the technology nowadays.
    then, I was wondering, how if Cooperative Learning be compared with e-Learning especially CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning).
    finally, I was interest to do a research with title of "Comparing Cooperative Learning with CALL in Improving Students Speaking Skill of Senior High School Grade XI."

    *Mom, I'm sorry for being to late in submitting this assignment, because I don't have a connection with the internet three or two days later (i don't have a internet data packet). I'm so sorry mom...

    1. dear Ms.Titin Astina
      if you are choosing that as your research, you provide us a very good proposal, however you may also have to think carefully and specifically about the experimental design that you are going to pick up, and match it to your tittle. is that you wanna see the effectiveness or what you gonna compare on both of those mode of English learning teaching?

    2. dear ms. titin
      your title sounds good to me since it is aimed to see the difference between two learning circumstances. the title is clear enough,too. I just want t suggest that the word "with" in your title be replaced with "and" since these two words bring into different meaning to your title.

      dear titin, I am very interesting to your tittle because you choose speaking ability as a problem to observe.I think that is a good planning cause there some students and researcher always doing research about writing and reading.only a few student take this ability to observe and your method is a nice method.could you give us the variables that you would to increase in speaking ability by using e-learning method?

    4. dear my beloved friend titin,
      talking about CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) of course we will talk about softwares and hardware. So, I was wondering what kind of the software that you will choose?
      and then, in my opinion the word of "comparing" is better replaced by "mixing". so does elviana said before the word "with" is better replaced by "and". and the last is the words "in improving" is better replaced by "to improve". How about your feedback comment titin?

    5. Hwaa.. I just read those comment from Innastya, Anna, Erna And Elviana...
      let me strat from Anna... Well, I Guess I'm gonna see how affective both of those method An,You know... sometimes it's confusing me, which one is better.. ICT or method that we were learned in TEFL Subject :)

      Next is for Erna...
      Thank You Erna :)
      Actually, I'm not gonna do an e-Learning but I'm gonna use CALL. there is a significant effect between them, Right?
      How ever, Tq so much :)

      Okay Sister

      For Inez,
      Absolutely my friend,, that's what I'm thingking about now...

  25. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  26. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh

    I’m so sorry mom, I was late to send my journal topic because of my laptop has broken so, I have to repair it before I do my assignment...
    Please forgive me mom.....

    Complete Name : Lian Mulyani Muthalib
    Student’s number : A1D2 11 053

    There are some problems which are faced by students and teachers in teaching- English especially speaking in Indonesia. One of problems faced by the teacher is about the technique and method that is used for speaking English. But sometimes when students learn English, they are not pleased. It can influence the students comprehension. The common problems are because they are lack of vocabularies and motivation in speaking. So, the teacher should make the learning activity in the class becomes more interesting and enjoyable.
    Brown (2001:267), speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information. Its form and meaning are dependent on the contest in which it occurs. We generally use speaking as a means of communication daily interaction.
    Brown (2001: 183), role-play minimally involves (a) giving a role to one or more members of a group and (b) assigning an objective or purpose that participants must accomplish. He suggests that role-play can conducted with a single person, in pairs or in groups, with each person assigned a role to accomplish an objective.
    The reason why I used role-playing as a method because the students could enjoy the learning activity and comprehend the lesson or the vocabularies such as things in the classroom, parts of body, animals, fruits, professions, tools of the kitchen, etc. So, I would like to use research method in a Classroom Action Research (CAR) with title “IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY THROUGH ROLE-PLAYING METHOD"

    1. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabaraktuh
      My beloved friend Lian
      I love your title and the way how you want to increase students’ speaking ability. You tell as how important speaking ability with expert explanation and the reason why you choose this method.

    2. Wa a’laikum salam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
      Thanks for your comment Ade....
      Yes, speaking is the most important thing to keep a communication to other person. Although you have a good academic in grammar but very low in speaking, you can not still called as a good english student. The strategy that I want to apply to my students is through the role-plays. Actually, using the role-play, we as the teacher can make some games to improve the students’ ability in some skills especially in speaking skill. For example, I can use picture, watch movie, using card, etc. The reason why I choose this one because it is simple way to teach my students. I can explore my knowledge in some interesting activities. I think it is fun and enjoyable....

    dear titin, I am very interesting to your tittle because you choose speaking ability as a problem to observe.I think that is a good planning cause there some students and researcher always doing research about writing and reading.only a few student take this ability to observe and your method is a nice method.could you give us the variables that you would to increase in speaking ability by using e-learning method?

  28. i'am so sorry mom, i just have know this information today.

    Name : riks asis ode
    number : A1D211118

    Writing Narrative Text Through Writing Marathon Technique

    Nowadays, English has been studied in all level of school but not all of students like the method which is given by their teachers. In fact, learning English which the same teaching technique sometimes make the students bored. Especially in writing, sometimes students are lack of vocabularies so that it can be obstruction to do that. However, we need the technique which can encourage the creativity and a sense of writing. The students need too the conducive to invite their brain to thinking and we now many tools that the students can use to increase creative ideas in learning English, especially in writing activity.
    The students sometimes could not write their task with many reasons. Many aspect make the students could not write such as the students do not know how to start the writing, they do not have enough ideas to write, and could not generate their ideas, probably they understood what should they do but they could not make it. Many students become anxious when they attempt to write. Some get panicly at the sight of the blank pages and say they have writing phobia.
    To solve problem above, the researcher would use Writing Marathon Technique to improve the students writing ability in case of narrative text. It could help the students to express their ideas or opinions in the written form because sometimes they were blocked by limiting ideas

  29. Siti Harsia
    A1D2 11 075

    I am sorry mam, I was late to post my research topic, because I also have know this information today, before I was sick for a week...

    My title research is " The Effect of Join English Club- Creative English Society (CES) in Improving Students' Speaking Ability at Fifth Semester of English Department, Halu Oleo University ".

    In general , there are two characteristics of student skills in the principles of life - long learner, namely academic competencies ( hard skills ) and supporting competencies (soft skills). Supporting competence (soft skill) includes the ability to support communication , initiative , creativity, innovation, leadership and entrepreneurship are the competence that not obtained intensivelly in academic environment. Thus, organizations or study club give opportunities for students to develop these skills, especially communicative skill.
    As Richards and Renandya (2002: 204) state that effective oral communication requires the ability to use the language appropriately in social interactions that involves not only verbal communication but also paralinguistic elements of speech such as pitch, stress, and intonation. Moreover, nonlinguistic elements such as gestures, body language, and expressions are needed in conveying messages directly without any accompanying speech. Brown (2007: 237) states that social contact in interactive language functions is a key importance and in which it is not what you say that counts but how you say it what you convey with body language, gestures, eye contact, physical distance and other nonverbal messages.
    Most students of English Department of Halu Oleo University know some English club or English organization that develops outside the campus . For example JILC , Briton , and CES ( Creative English Society ).
    CES is one of the English clubs are much in demand by English student at the University of Halu Oleo. Diversity of activity that can train language skills is one of the main attractions of this club. There are some significant benefits gained by each of its members. So that, I become interested in this topic to see how big the effect given by the Creative English Society (CES) in improving the English language proficiency of students who join the club.
