
Minggu, 23 November 2014

Writing IV: Extension program

Final draft for the introduction: Send the final draft of the introduction part of your research proposal. Include the topic. Please indicate each stage of research introduction following the draft. deadline; not later than 27 November midnight.

11 komentar:

  1. Assalmu’allaikum wr. wb
    I’m from Group 1
    Name : MISNAWATI
    Reg. num : A1D4 12 026
    This is my title proposal
    A Study The Importance Use of Code Mixing in Learning Process

    1.1 Background of Code Mixing
    Code mixing is a mixing of two codes or languages, usually without a
    change of topic. Code mixing often occurs in the level of syntactic structure level
    within a sentence. Thus, within one sentence, one element is spoken in language A and the rest in language B. Code mixing is found mainly in informal interactions and in formal interaction.
    Code-mixing is similar to what we call language interference in code-mixing; the speaker takes components from another language while he is speaking a certain language (Panca Javandalasta Putra, 2010). Code mixing is usually occurs in the middle of a sentence. According to Suwito (1985:78) in Maulidini (2007:23), code mixing is usually occurs in the middle of a sentence. Code mixing divided into two kinds. They are inner code mixing and outer code mixing. Based on the unsure of language that involve in it, there are some forms of code mixing, they are the insertion of words, insertion of phrases, insertion of hybrids, insertion of word reduplication, insertion of idioms, and insertion of clause. Muysken (2000) also defines three types of code mixing: insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization. In his view, insertion occurs when lexical items from one language are incorporated into another.
    The gape my proposal is for the use of code mix in the teaching and learning process more to understand, especially when the teacher explains the material about the object.

    1.2 The purpose
    The purpose of this mixed code is :
    1. To find out how important the use of mix code in learning process
    2. To determine the impact of use mix code in learning process
    3. To find out there is a tendency the use of mix code in learning process
    4. to know why the causes of mix code

    NIM: A1 D4 12 030
    Group 2


    1.1 background of study
    Communication is the most important thing that human needs to stay connected to another people in the world. Communication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior. In general, communication done verbally and it can be understood by both of the communication doer. To make the communication be connected we need the component of communication. The most commonly component of communication is language.

    Learning (instruction) is an attempt to make students learn or an activity to the learning of students. In other words, learning is an effort to create the conditions to enable the learning activities (Bambang Warsita, 2008: 85).
    The Audiolingual Method is a method for teaching foreign languages. Linguists at the University of Michigan invented this method in the late 1950s. In the Audiolingual method, students first hear a language. Later, they speak the language, and after that, they read and write in it. This way of language teaching is similar to the Direct Method. Like the Direct Method, the Audiolingual Method does not use the students’ native language. For example, if you are in an English class in Turkey, the teacher only speaks English, and no Turkish. However, unlike the Direct Method, the Audiolingual Method does not teach vocabulary. Rather, the teacher drills grammar. In the Audiolingual method, grammar is most important for the student. In other words, the student must repeat grammar patterns after the teacher. The students do not learn lots of vocabulary. This method also uses psychology. The students get a reward for speaking correctly. They get punishment if they speak incorrectly; because it is based on habit formation, which is establishesd by stimulus, response and reinforcement. It gives priority to speaking the target language, and using the native language is not allowed.
    There are some problem in teaching and learning pronunciation in the school in Indonesia. For the first is some of the students have low motivation in learning English. The second is the social background of the students. The students don’t use English as their primary language. It makes they hard to pronounce the word or the letter in English. Then the lesson time. It was only 2 times per week the English lesson in school. The English material be learned isn’t focused on pronunciation, the material is English commonly. So they don’t get enough time to learn about English pronunciation. The third problem is about the teacher. Sometimes the teacher uses the bored technique or method in teaching English. It makes the students don’t pay attention to the teacher. The teacher usually teach English using Indonesian language, so the students can’t learn and practice to pronounce the word. And if the teacher using English to communicate in teaching English, sometimes their pronunciation is not true. They speak by themselves. But its not a big problem. Among the problems that we faced in teaching pronunciation in the school, we should can managed the condition in teaching and learning process. We can use media to make the students interest with the lesson. For example is using audiovisual media, especially video media.

    thank you mom


    The Influence of Using Animation Movie to Improve Speaking Skill of Junior High School Students

    1.1 Background

    First Stage: Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information In the teaching of speaking, English. Teachers should introduce the cartoon animation movie as an alternative way to give variation to the students in the teaching and learning process. The images and sounds that appear in the film that features footage in the form of an animated cartoon story also makes the students do not get bored. Through audio-visual media students will be interested in learning speaking.

    Second Stage: Sudjana and Rival (1992: 2) argues the benefits of the medium of instruction in the student's learning process, the teaching will attract more attention so as to motivate students to learn and students can more learning activities because not only listen to the description of the teacher, but also other activities such as observing, perform, demonstrate and play. Hamalik (Arsyad. A: 2003: 15) argues that excess use of animated films in the learning process can complement the student experience speaking in terms of speaking.

    Third Stage: The findings of studies examining the use of media animation movie, studies by Hendriana (2005 : 73) and Ernawati (2008 : 47) indicated influence the using of animation movie improve students speaking skills, Lutfiyah (2008 : 68) indicated the lack of significant effect. From the findings of studies above, the need for more research to ascertain the impact of the use of animated films.

    Fourth Stage: The purpose of the study was to find the evidence if animation movie can improve students speaking skill and to explain how the animation movie improve students speaking skills of Junior High School.


    I'M NURDIANA (A1D4 12 011)



    Speaking English is the main goal of many adult learners. According to Chaney (1998), speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts.There are many ways to help the students to improve their speaking skill. One of the ways is through communicative language teaching (CLT) approach. Applebaum (2007) states that using CLT will allow students the opportunity to use the target language in an authentic and meaningful way. (FIRST STAGE)

    There are some research that have been study, for example study by Imam Kukuh Wibowo (2013) who conducted communicative language teaching (CLT) approach in Speaking class at the second grade of MAN Tengaran and Sumarlia (2012) who conducted The Using of Communicative Approach (Teaching English using Communicative Approach). Those research using CLT to improve speaking ability of students as well as students would communicate well after applying this method. (SECOND STAGE)

    Relating to those research above, teaching and learning process still use standard procedure or conventional. Although in this research, the researcher try to use technique in CLT. They are information-gap and role-play. Harmer (2001) states that in line to CLT the pedagogical solution to the problems of getting students to speak the target language in large EFL classrooms is to engage learners in meaningful activities such as information-gap and role-play activities. This approach has been previously successful in ESL situations pair and group activities because teacher gives learners opportunity to use the language and to develop fluency speaking english. (THIRD STAGE)

    Based on the explanation above, the research decided to take Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) as the research by title “Applying Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) To Develop Speaking Skill In EFL Classroom”. (FOURTH STAGE)

    The purpose of this research to ensuring that, with the communicative language teaching approach can improving students communication with their friends. For those reasons the writer is interested in discussing whether the information-gap and role-play speaking activity as a part of CLT are good to apply in teaching speaking and how the procedure of teaching speaking using those techniques. (FIFTH STAGE)


  5. assalamualaikum wr. wb

    Name : Egi Irmawanti Puhid
    Reg. no : A1D412028
    Group : 2

    1.1 Background Of Study
    English is the international language that is used in almost all the world as a second language (second language). Because the English language has a very important role in industry, technology, and even politics. Surely an early stage to know that with memorization English language vocabulary. Vocabulary is a list of words in a language with Reviews their meaning (Hornby, 2000: 1331). Vocabulary definitions according to Penny (1991: 60), he said, "Vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as the words we teach in the foreign language." So according to the penny vocabulary "vocabulary" are the words that we teach in a foreign language. “So, if the new language vocabulary considered if the vocabulary is derived from the vocabulary of a foreign language.

    Thornbury (2002, 18) says, "Acquiring a vocabulary requires not only labeling but categorizing skills." The writer chooses mind mapping as a technique to help the students in memorizing the words roommates are expected in improving Reviews their vocabulary proficiency by memorizing easily. Rivers (in Thornbury, 2002: 144) states that vocabulary cannot be taught, it can be presented, explained, included in all kind of activities and experienced in all manner of association, but it is Ultimately it is learned by the individual. "Mind mapping is believed as one of the techniques or activities which can be used in teaching vocabulary roommates involve the essential idea and encourage memorizing vocabulary easily.

    Edward (2009: 64-65) says that, mind mapping system has many advantages such as: mind mapping process of making fun, because not solely rely on the left brain is unique and so easy to remember and to draw attention to the eyes and brain. Therefore, the method maps the mind (mind mapping) will greatly help facilitate students in the learning process are mainly used in increasing vocabulary.

    Basically, the purpose of using mind mapping learning model that is to increase students' vocabulary in English and see the creativity of students in which students record any ideas they have - no matter how crazy or random idea. Benefit from the use of this mind mapping learning model that makes the students more active, as well as gain more vocabulary, and also allows the brain to understand and absorb information quickly and increase creativity and individual and group activities

    thank you mom

  6. Assalamu Alaikum wr.wb
    This is my assignment
    Name : Fathullah Nurussalam
    Reg.no : A1D4 12 043
    Group : III

    The correlation between vocabulary and speaking abilities

    Background of the Study

    Basically, language as a means of communication ideas, thought, desire and feeling. Now days, English has been used in international meeting, seminar and workshop. People learn English for many purpose such as business and class presentation. Most of people said that language consist of four elements that are listening, speaking, reading and writing. These elements called as language skills. Inside each of skill there are some of the language form that is grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. When a person tries to understand something he/she must well master grammar and pronunciation as a language form.

    Teaching and learning is one kind of activities which can improve someone abilities an their skill. But in teach and learning process, it has some treatment, in this case to improve an activity. Like teach and learn in vocabulary and speaking. Speaking is an ability that requires the process of communicative competence, pronunciation, intonation, grammar and vocabulary improving.

    If we talk about speaking, usually connect with English study. English widely used in mass media and oral communication it means for exchanging information, science, research technology and tourism. Effective speaking benefit from the negotiatory language we use to seek clarification and how to compose the structure of what we want to say, speakers also needs to compose their discourse if they want get a deeply understanding, one hand like speech such as giving presentation, they need to use certain phrases to highlight the content structure of their discourse (hormer Jeremy,2001.270).

    There are many problems that face some students when they want to explore their idea orally and the difficulty to express their capability in English skill. The objective of language is the production of the speakers’ competence to communicate in the target language, (Panist and Bruder 1975). But often students feel difficult learn speak English, because difficulty memorize vocabulary and use the in grammar, the speaking ability need vocabulary, if we will be better, if we try to memorize it more perfect.

    Speaking can divided in two categories, namely accuracy and fluency. Accuracy focus on explain about correct of use of grammar vocabulary, and other skill, in this statement have explain about connection or relation between vocabulary and speaking ability. Fluency is the ability to speak smoothly and clearly.

    Based on the reasons above, the writer interests to conduct a research how to improve students’ speaking skill. The title is “The correlation between vocabulary and speaking abilities of student.

  7. Assalamualaikum, wr.wb. and good evening, mom..

    REG.NO : A1 D4 12 018



    1.1 Background


    Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning. The learner can communicate well if they have speaking ability well. Brown (1994) and Burns & Joyce (1997) states that Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information. But, the most difficult skill mastery for most students of junior high school is speaking skill. Therefore, in the effort of improving students’speaking ability, the researcher decided to use an technique that could promote and involve students’ activeness in the class and automatically this activity can improve the students’ speaking ability. It is story telling. By using this method, they can increase their sensitivity in recognizing pronunciation errors, increase vocabulary mastery, understand how to make sentence in a good structure, and speak fluently in concrete content.


    Furthermore, there have been number of study on the improvement of speaking skill by using story telling technique that had been done by some researcher. For example, Toni Maharjo (2008) who conducted teaching english speaking using story telling technique at SMP Pasundan Purwakarta. Likewise, Tsinta Nur Fajriah (2011) story telling sebagai media peningkatan kemampuan berbahasa inggris anak. Those studies also shown the significant improvenments of students’ speaking ability after applying story telling technique. but the teaching procedure still conventional and not provide a teaching media like picture or video animation that will increase student’s curiosity and motivation.


    Story telling is one of technique where students tell a narrative story with involve eye contact, use of voice and gestures. Using video animation in story telling would make student feel comfort and facilitate students to tell story. Besides that, another reason is video animation will evoke another students’ curiosity about the story during the telling process. Students’ motivation in speaking skill mastery would be better.


    Based on the explanations above, the researcher is interested in applying the technique used in improving students’ speaking ability under the title “The Influence of Story Telling by Video Animation to Improve Students’ Speaking English Ability at The Second Year Students of Junior High School”.


    Thus, this study’s purpose is to ascertain the influence of story telling technique as an alternative strategy for the students to learn speaking english skill and certainly for the teachers themself to give motivation and student’s curious to learn english speaking.

    Thanks, mom..

  8. Assalamu Alaikum wr.wb
    This is my assignment
    Name : Yulius Pangiman. P .
    Reg.no : A1D4 12 027
    Group : I



    1.1 Background of the study

    Reading is one of the English language skills besides the other skills like listening, speaking, and writing. Being able to read English is very important. Reading is a good way to develop and understanding English. The acquisition of the reading skill in the second language learning in considered as a priority. This idea is supported by the fact that reading has become a part of our daily activities, we read many texts, ranging from holiday brochures to academic books. Therefore, the ability to read English texts in any form will give a great number of advantages to or lives.
    Now days, teaching reading generally has not stimulated students become active in English instruction. It more employs teacher dominant, talk and chalk mode. It more exercise students to do written exercise. The students just sit and listen quietly to the teacher and don’t interact with their classmate. They only are asked to read and translate the text. Consequently, the students get bored in teaching and learning process because of less motivation. Therefore, teacher should find appropriate and effective method of teaching reading which can involve the students’ dominant than the teacher’s dominant, help the students increase understanding better, don’t fell bored and they become active. And to achieve that, the teacher need strategies.
    Reciprocal teaching can be used to improve students’ Reading comprehension. Reciprocal Teaching, which was developed by Paalinscar and Brown ( 1984 ), is an instructional procedure to enhance students’ reading comprehension of a text. The student will work in group and do their role as questioner, summarizer, classifier, or predictor. Based on the theory above, Brown and Campione ( 1992 ) describe the component of reciprocal teaching as follow : First is predicting. Students will combine or compare their prior knowledge from ten text. Predicting provides an overall rationale for reading-to confirm or dis confirm self-generated hypothesis. Second is questioning. Student can practice how to make a good WH questions like teachers’ questioning stage provides a context for exploring the next more deeply and assuring the construction of meaning for students. Third is clarifying. It can be increase students’ vocabulary knowledge. Because it ca be used by the student to know unfamiliar words or phrases they found on the paragraph by using dictionary. And the last is summarizing. In summarizing the student will practice to determine the main idea and supporting ideas in the paragraph.

    Gerry hewit ( 1995 ), also introduced reciprocal teaching which covers the strategy of summarizing, questioning, clarifying, and predicting as a technique to improve students’ reading comprehension of a text while involving them in a verbal exchange of ideas. It is characterized by a structured-dialogue between the students and the teacher, where each taking turns in the role of dialogue leader. The purpose is to provide opportunities for students to practice all the English skills, mainly reading, with or without the teacher. It also gives a chance to the students to monitor their own reading a well as their comprehension. Besides, it has several benefits, i.e, it can help improve students’ reading ability and increase their cooperation. Give them bigger opportunity to practice the four language skills, give them more self confidence and motivation.
    Based on the above explanation, the researcher is interested to conduct a research entitled “ The effect of Reciprocal teaching on the Second Year Students’ Reading Comprehension”



    Writing is the activity of creating pieces of written work, such as stories, poems, or articles. Thinking is the basic of writing. Writing is the way for writers to explore their thought and ideas. It is a method of representing language in visual or text form. Writing systems use teaching storytelling, using technique picture.

    anastasia suen opine : that teaching storytelling using picture technique is a way to help student getting their imagination more easily, and increase creativity for writing, and improving student get their idea about picture storytelling that given by writer.

    The findings of studies examining the by eric gould, " says that applied methodically to a topic teaching storytelling using picture technique , by using a picture based on the topic that given by writer . the student will get their ideas and know what they want to write when see the picture, then beginning writing story short to improve writing ability student.

    The purpose this proposal is for expressing the ideas for the ideas should be seen as the most important aspects of the writing. On the other hand, the Also writer needs to pay more attention to formal aspects, Reviews such as neat handwriting, correct spelling, punctuation, well and acceptable structures and selection of the vocabulary. in teaching writing through story telling technique by using pictures to solve the problems above make student creative , and will lead students feel more interesting and enjoy doing writing activities


  10. Good night mom...
    Reg. NO : A1 D4 12 038


    1.1. Background of the Problem
    Language is one of the most important things in communication and it is used as a toll of communication among the nations in all over the world. As an international language, English is very important and has many interrelationships with various aspects of life owned by human being. In Indonesia, English considered as the first foreign language and taught formally from elementary school up to the university level.

    In English, there are four skills that should be mastered, they are: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The reading skill becomes very important in the education field, students need to be exercised and trained in order to have a good reading skill. Reading is also something crucial and indispensable for the students because the success of their study depends on the greater part of their ability to read. If their reading skill is poor they are very likely to fail in their study or at least they will have difficulty in making progress. On the other hand, if they have a good ability in reading, they will have a better chance to succeed in their study.

    One of the methods researchers uses to get a clearer picture of what learners generally do while reading in a foreign language is think aloud. This is one type of verbal reports, obtained from the readers during reading (Cavalcanti, 1987). Think-aloud means that readers report their thoughts while reading, but they are not expected to analyze their behavior as in introspection (Cohen, 1987). By means of asking their subjects to say out loud whatever goes through their minds, researchers hope to get a more direct view of the mental processes readers are engaged in while reading (Rankin, 1988). In order to master reading skill, a teacher as an educator have to use good method in teaching learning process.

    THANK YOU...

    REG.NO: A1D412034


    A. Background
    Being successful in teaching English is the dominant factor that the English teacher should pay attention to, especially in teaching reading. Through reading, one can enhance his experience, develop new concept, solve his problem, and broaden his horizon of thinking, which are needed to ensure continuing personal growth and adopt the change in the world yet the importance of reading has not been realized by most of our society a large number of our population is classified as poor readers and the majority of the people are content to read materials of poor quality.
    In reading comprehension, the message to be imposed in the written form is the most important element that the students must recognize, because the primary purpose of reading is to know the thoughts expressed in the printed material. Therefore, reading wit comprehension is only a way for the students to arrive at what they want to know from the reading material. However, the problem is how to make them comprehend. For students from elementary to university level, reading is something that has to be done. They have to read their compulsory books or other materials related to their lesson. For students who are studying languages, reading is one of the skills, which has to be learned and is considered as the most important one because it can influence other language skill (listening, speaking, and writing). According to Kustaryo (1988;2) it is certainly not easy to present the English reading for Indonesian students whose language system is different. Reading is a complex process which involves not only the read the text but also their experience to comprehend it. Because of its complexity, many teachers of English at junior and senior high school find difficulties in all teaching reading and prefer teaching structure to reading. Based on all reason above, the writer thinks that humour stories can motivate students to read, because humour stories are interested in conducting research entitle “ Improving the student’s Reading comprehension by using humour stories” of the second grade of year students of SMA.

    In the teaching reading, English. Teacher should introduce the humour stories as an alternative way to give variation to the students in teaching and learning process. Based on the junior high school curriculum, reading is one of the four skills in studying English. Reading consists of narrative, descriptive, procedure, news item, recount, and anecdote. The aim of the students learn reading, they have to know basic competence and achievement indicators in reading. Basic competence of reading: Understand transactional discourse, interpersonal discourse, and oral monologue especially in the forms of descriptive, narrative, anecdote, analytical exposition, and hortatory exposition using oral language variation. And achievement indicators; Students can read continuous story, students can identify rhetorical moves of a text in the narrative, descriptive, and anecdote form, students can identify main ideas, Supporting ideas, and detailed information of the text, and students can identify and use the tense.

