
Jumat, 31 Oktober 2014

Writing IV - Extension Program

Sample of an introduction:


During the past 40 years, the United States has experienced the integration of the computer into society. Progress has been made to the point that small, inexpensive computers with expanded capabilities are available for innumerable uses. Many schools have purchased and are purchasing microcomputers for infusion into their directed learning programs.

Most individuals seem to agree that microcomputer will continue to hold an important role in education. Gubser (1980) and Hinton (1980) suggested phenomenal increases in the numbers of computers both in the school and the home in the near furture. Schmidt (1982) identified three types of microcomputer use in classrooms: the object of a course, a support tool, and a means of providing instruction. Foster and Kleene (1982) cite four uses of microcomputers in vocational agriculture: drill and practice, tutorial, simulation and problem solving.

The findings of studies examining the use of various forms of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) have been mixed. Studies by Hickey (1968) and Honeycutt (1974) indicated superior results with CAI while studies by Ellis (1978), Caldwell (1980) and Belzer (1976) indicated little or no significant effect. Although much work has been done to date, more studies need to be conducted to ascertain the effects of microcomputer-assisted instruction in teaching various subjects in a variety of learning situations.

The purpose of this study was to ascertain the effect of using micrrocomputer-assisted instruction as compared to a lecture-discussion technique in teaching principles and methods of cost recovery and investment credit on agricultural assets to graduate students in agricultural education. This topic was identified as being of importance to teachers in providing them the necessary background to teach lessons in farm records.

Five Stages of the Introduction

First stage: general statement(s) about a field of research to provide the reader with a setting for the problem to be reported

Second stage: More specific statements about the aspects of the problem already studied by other researchers.

Third Stage: Statement(s) that indicate the need for more investigation.

Fouth Stage: very specific statement(s) giving the purpose/objectives of the writer’s study.

Fifth Stage: Optional statement(s) that give a value or justification for carrying out the study.


1. Write a brief introduction part of your study (as example above) following the steps provided. Indicate your group number. Deadline: Wednesday midnight, 5 November 2014.

2. Send comments to the writings produced by your coresponding group only not later than  6 November 2014, Thursday midnight. Print a copy to the comments for classroom discussion in the regular class on Friday.

69 komentar:

  1. kelompok 1
    yulius pangiman panete
    putri parha raehana
    sri wahyuni handayani
    ika endang siti m
    wa ode siti hariani
    nur walman julianti
    kelompok 2
    ratih prihatini
    ferawati hamid
    andi asmiati ali
    egi irmawanti puhid
    intan putriani yusuf
    aljody pahlevi
    syamsul rijal basri
    sintha pebriani patarru
    kelompok 3
    fathullah nurussalam
    yohana saleh
    epti damayanti
    ahmadal badawi
    la irimani
    husni yohan

    apabila memposting tugas nya di sertakan dengan grup nnya contoh
    NO.REG : A1D412 016
    GROUP: 3
    sekian terima kasih

    1. Group 1
      Name: yuliana
      Reg number: A1D412012
      Assalamu’allaikum wr.wb …… mom
      This is my assignment about the proposal
      1.1 Background of the Study
      As a developing country Indonesia fairly and unceasingly needs to adopt more and more science and technology from advanced countries. This clearly implies that communication has a very important role to help all people in the world do interaction among themselves. To interact to each other, there are many ways that people can use, one of them is language. One of the languages that is mostly used by people all over the world is English. Both written and spoken means of communication are absolutely necessary for the student in Indonesia. In fact to accelerate and enhance the adoption transfer process of different spheres of science and technology from developing countries, Indonesian students as future scientist should be equipped with communication skill in English because English is an international means of communication. English is an international language. It is used as a means of communication among nations in the world. Communication is sharing or providing entertainment by listening, reading, speaking and writing. In Indonesia, English as a foreign language has been taught starting from elementary school up to the university or colleges.
      Traditional methods of learning a foreign language die hard. As early as 1921, Dr. Harold Palmer, (Alexander L.G practice and progress, 1967: vii) has worked and learned how to use it. Since that time, He great many effective technique have been developed to enable students to learn a foreign language. Hancock (1987:54) defines the main ideas as “the essence of the paragraph” or rather what the author is trying to get across to the reader. In other words main idea is what the author wants a reader to know about. So, the main idea is the important point that the author develops throughout the paragraph. Then, the function of the entire paragraph is to explain, develop, and support the main idea.
      1.2 The Purpose of the Study
      Methodology speaking, any scientific investigation intends to answer the research question that has been previously formulated and determined. In line with this rationale, the purpose of this research study is to find out effectiveness of scanning technique in improving the reading ability of the first year students of SMAN 6 KONSEL.

    2. asssalamualikum ..

      hy Yuliana..,
      I've read the background of your proposal, I get a sentence like the following: "One of the languages that is mostly used by people all over the world is English. Both written and spoken means of communication are absolutely Necessary for the student in Indonesia. In fact to Accelerate and Enhance the adoption of the transfer process of different spheres of science and technology from developing countries, Indonesian students as future scientist should be equipped with communication skills in English Because English is an international means of communication."
      Can you explain about the sentence above, what is the relationship between your topic with that sentence? while as I've read, you use reading skill. but you write by speaking n writing ?thanks

    3. my name : yuliana
      reg,num : A1D4 12 012


      And good night MOM this my title proposal about
      Teaching Reading Through Scanning Technique to the First Students of SMKN 6 konsel

  2. Assalamualaikum, Wr, Wb.

    No.reg: ( A1D4 12 009 )
    From group: 3

    Five stages of the introduction

    Indonesia government has realized the important of learning a foreign language, especially English. It becomes one of the most needed languages in this globalization era. English has been learned and is considered as the first foreign language used in every aspect of modern life such as education, politics,
    Economics and sciences. We can see that English that English has been made a compulsory subject in all schools in Indonesia, especially senior high schools. So the government expects that the students are able to master English as a means of communication and for increasing their knowledge.

    As stated by Lewis and hill (1997:23), language is used to convey information, emotion, and attitude; to help the memory in note taking; to entertain and instruct in play; to explore feeling and understanding in feelings. Speaking is a key to communication. It is the process to sharing meaning by using verbal symbols. As stated by Chaney in Kayi (2006), speaking is the process of buildings and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non- verbal symbol in a variety of context.

    From the above definition of speaking, the researcher considers that speaking is the key to communication and is also the most important language skill of all. It is the interactive process of sharing our meaning which involves producing, receiving and processing information by using verbal and non-verbal symbol in a variety of contexts.

    This study is about the speaking problems found at the first grade of senior high school. And based on the observation and interview, the researcher found some problems which make the students” speaking ability low and rather than be passive in studying process”. Related to the problem, the researcher assume that by applying inside – outside circle technique in teaching it could be solved because in this technique all participants have the same opportunities in expression their idea.

    Based on the above reason about speaking researcher interested in applying this technique entitled “Speaking Teaching Methods by Combining the Method CALL” because it seems to be success when using this technique since students have many opportunities in expressing their idea in speaking and can correct each other in group.
    Thanks. Wassalamualaikum, Wr, Wb.

    1. what is the mean paragraph 3? and , I think paragraph 4 is paragraph 3 , because paragraph 4 , about investigation and the finding problems about your proposal . just that

    2. The meaning of paragraph 3 is to indicate the need for more investigation. Where, in my point of view when we want to investigate continuously, certainly we can see that how an important speaking for communication and is also the most important language skill of all. So, I consider this paragraph is true and similar to the paragraph 4. Thanks…..

    3. not, paragraph four just for purpose how to solve problems your proposal, so you combine paragraph three and four?????

    4. Well, I will know you about paragraph 4 in my point of view;
      for the researcher to overcome students” speaking ability low “or it's problem maybe, by applying inside – outside circle technique so can give the participation and opportunity for all of students. That’s all. Thanks for your correction..!!!

    5. I new know about " INSIDE OUTSIDE CIRCLE TECHNIQUE " if you meet me can you explain about you technique , thanks badawi about you answer

  3. Name: Ika Endang Siti Maryati
    Reg. Number: A1D412039
    Group: 1

    In Indonesian, English is a foreign language. It is a language studied in an environment where it is not the primary vehicle for daily interaction. The other hand English is one of the international languages because it is used by almost all countries in the world. So English is a very important language for daily communication.

    English is one of the compulsory subjects at school is considered to be a very important language. It is taught from third grade of elementary school. It is an alternative subject but from the first grade of junior high school up to third grade of senior high school. It is one of the compulsory subjects and it becomes a subject tested in Ujian Nasional or National Examination.

    Many experts of education try to reveal the problems of English learning. They try to carry out different attempts to improve English teaching process. The curriculum, teach, method, technique of English teaching, and quality of English teachers are always revised and improved in order to meet the goals of the
    teaching learning process.

    David Paul (2007:137) states that one of the successes of English teaching-learning process at school is a teacher because effective teachers have much i n common with effective learners. They also build theories, make guesses based on theories, reflect on the results, and so learn. It is considered that if the teachers do not have good competence in the teaching learning process, the student will not achieve the objectives.

    Poedjosoedarmo (2007:166) states that one of the influences English learning is motivation. Motivation is the crucial force which determines whether a learner embarks on a task at all, how much energy he devotes to it, and how long he preserves. Motivation is a complex phenomenon influenced by both personality and environmental factors.

    The purposes of the study can be stated as follows:

    1. To describe the Students’ Learning Activity of the nine grade students at Junior High School.
    2. To describe the English Learning Achievement of the nine grade students at Junior High School.
    3. To explain possible correlation between the students’ activity and English learning achievement of the nine grade at Junior High School.

    1. assalamualaikum Mom,

      Thanks Mom,


  4. Name: Risal
    No.Reg: A1D4 12 016
    Group : 3

    1.1 background
    Vocabulary plays as in important role in learning a foreign language. It is one element that links the four skills listening, speaking, reading and writing all together. In order to communicate well in foreign language, student should acquire an adequate number of words and should know how to use it accurately. Vocabulary building is really important in any language learning. Vocabulary also becomes the most important aspect in acquiring a language and mastering the second language

    Vocabulary is one of English language elements that should be mastered by students. According to Gower, Phillips and Walters (1995:142) vocabulary is important to students. It is more important than grammar to communicate purposes, particularly in the early stages when students are motivated to learn the basic word , they will learn language easily. Anderson and Freebody (1979) in Meagher (1993: 199) express that “The more vocabulary student posses, the better able they are to understand what they are reading”
    the finding of the studies that the students get difficulties to learn vocabulary. The students have difficulties in spelling the English words that they learnt. The students have difficulties memorizing the meaning of the English words that they learnt. The students also tended to pronounce the words they learnt in Indonesian way. The researcher also found the teaching and learning process was not effective. The students cheated while doing the exercise given by the teacher. Moreover many students don’t pay attention to the teacher. They are chatting with their friends and playing with their writing equipments when the teacher explains the material. Most of the students are passive during teaching and learning process

    From above problems, I have purposes. I will try to overcome it by applying WORD GAMES AND PICTURE. Word games and pictures will make teachers should use interesting media to teach vocabulary. Moreover, teachers should make the students interested in the lesson by paying attention to the learning processes. Making students enjoy the lesson during teaching learning process is one important aspect to achieve successful learning goals, especially in vocabulary. The goals of vocabulary lesson are students can understand the meaning, pronounce the word correctly , spell the word correctly , and understand function of words in the written and oral communication

    thanks ;)

    1. Assalamulaikum….,..Risal. Your proposal introduction is good but I will ask you about the last paragraph. Why you do not write about optional statement in the last paragraph????

    2. thanks with your comment , okey , why I dont write optional because from paragraph four I think this is clear that with using word games and picture can improve vocabulary achievement . and lecture said " you can write optional statement if you necessary. thnks

    3. ok. thanks for your explanation and maybe we will discusses it tomorrow. thanks...!!!

    4. ok . see you tomorrow in the classroom .


    REG :A1D4 14 022
    GROUP : 2


    One of language skill aspects which are very important in yielding creative, critical and smart future generation is speaking skill. By mastering speaking skill the students will be able to express their thought and feeling intelligently based on the situation and context when they speak about the language. English has been used by people in different countries and different languages as a means of communication. In order to educate Indonesian people have a good competence in using English as a means of communication, Indonesian government has included English as a foreign language which needs to be studied at schools or colleges.
    On of method to get knowledge about speaking with reading, because with read we can get knowledge especially about vocabulary. Based on the description above, the writer is interested in conducting a study on “ Retelling a Reading has been Read in Form Speaking, Grade Senior High School”.

    According to William Nemser (in Ricard, 1997: 55) the language systems represent in a contact situation can be classified in accordance or agreement with their functions as: (1) the target language is that in which communication is being attempted; in the case of a learner it is the language, he is learning when he uses it. (2) The source language is that acting as a source of interference (deviations from norm of the target language), it is normally the learner’s language. There are some symbols can be used to be understood the statements above, those are: (1) LT: Target Language, (2) LS: Source Language, (3) La’ S: An approxiamtive System and (4) La1...n: Indices referring to systems at successive or continuous stages of proficiency. John Lotz, (in Richard, 1971: 55). According to John Lotz, William W. Gage (in Ricard, 1997: 56), in identifying a specific type of La, the name of the LS proceeds or first that of the LT: Thus “Indonesia-English” refers to La typical of native speakers of Indonesian communicating imperfectly in English.

    In order to reach the expected goal, it will be impossible for the writer to solve all the stated problems. So this research is purposed, to know why the students in the grade of Senior High School still have difficulty in speaking skill. To explain how read improve students speaking skills.

    The result of the study is expected to be able to give some advantages for the students, the teacher and the researcher. For the students, this study is expected to be able to improve the students’ speaking skill in an enjoyable classroom environment. For the teacher, this study is expected to give consideration or alternative for the English teacher in understanding the concept of teaching speaking. For the researcher, this study is expected to give the researcher a valuable experience which can be used for doing a better action research in the future.

    1. hi sinta ,after I read your proposal, obvious very interesting and i agree your opinion in paragraph end, which one the result in your proposal, to be able to give some advantages for the student. and recommendation from me , should you give tittle in your proposal so that other people can easy for understanding when reading your background proposal,

      i think so thanks


    REG. NO:A1D4 12 011


    Communication is a part of human’s daily activities. Through communication, people share ideas and thought with others. In that way, active interaction among people can take place. In line with the more sophisticated world, people are demanded to be able to communicate not only in mother tongue but also in foreign language, especially English.
    In learning English sometimes the students are bored with certain teaching atmosphere. There are various approaches and methods used in teaching language skills: one of them is Communicative Approach. Communicative Approach assumes that students are able to acquire written or oral language when they are motivated and are not nervous. Communicative language teaching (CLT) is an innovation in English language teaching (ELT). CLT emerged as a new teaching approach in Britain in the 1970s. Proponents of CLT regarded CLT as an innovation with many specific characteristics. CLT views language as a tool for communication. It insists that interactional speaking activities in classrooms will be illustrations of real communication. It ensures that students have sufficient exposure to the target language.
    Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) or the “communicative approach” it is an approach to the teaching of second and foreign languages that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language. This approach aims to enable students to read and appreciate foreign language. The “communicative method to the teaching of foreign languages” emphasizes learning a language through genuine communication..Learning a new language is easier and more enjoyable if it is truly meaningful. The communicative approach is a flexible method rather than a rigorously defined set of teaching practices. It can be defined with a list of general principles.
    The purpose of this method is to ascertain with using communicative approach their speaking ability is more improve than before. So that I take “USING COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING (CLT) APPROACH TO INCREASE STUDENTS SPEAKING ABILITY” as the title of this paper.


    1. Assalamualaikum, and good evening.

      firstly, let me to inform you about example of an introduction from Mrs.Nurnia.. so, there are some questions from me, such as:

      1. I think you had explain more about CLT. but, you didn't state another specific statements about the aspects of the problem already studied by other researchers.

      2. "This approach aims to enable students to read and appreciate foreign language" what is this sentence mean? I think that you had choose speaking skill

      3. as a suggestion, you have to ascertain the correlation between the skill and method (CLT), so the background will be more better and obvious.

      thanks, diana...

    2. hy nurdiana , i think your title "USING COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING (CLT) APPROACH TO INCREASE STUDENTS SPEAKING ABILITY " very interesting to me , and I have recommendation for your proposal. I think you must give paragraph in your background, so that, other people can more understand.

      i think just it thanks Diana.

    REG : A1D4 12 008
    GROUP : 2
    Vocabulary is important. Proficiency in other aspects is not enough to guarantee that a person can master the English language with a limited vocabulary, for example, because the grammar can make grammatically correct sentences. In fact, we can say grammatically correct sentences and the other is wrong grammar. But limited vocabulary mastered, we can only make simple sentences and sentences are limited. And then, in using language, we use thousands of words to communicate every day. In addition to limited few sentences, lack of understanding in vocabulary inhibit communication. Have you ever read a book and you do not understand the sentence?
    Well, the students learn English should know about vocabulary. Because by knowing the words, students will work out how to use it to express ideas and communication. In fact, the vocabulary can not be separated from other aspects of language. Thus, by knowing the vocabulary, children will be able to develop language skills such as: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

    (Hugehs, 1993: 64). We know that we've got our language because we are children, we get it from our parents, friends or our environment. And we use it as our first language. When we grow up, we get the other languages of our school such as English, and we use it as our foreign language. Mastering English is not pleasure or prestige of knowing the language, but it is the key to international communication and also for technology and trade in the era of globalization (Hutchison, 2004: 195). As we know that English is the international language, so many people learn English for many purposes, such as for economic purposes, a teacher of English, tourism etc. So, English is very important in the process of international communication. English learning difficulties not only in secondary schools, but also in high school and even in college.
    In daily classroom activities, students often find difficulty in vocabulary and different ways of verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and nouns. On the junior high school classes in the third year of less knowledge of the vocabulary. When people are able to master the grammar and pronunciation better, they will be difficult to communicate, but if they are better vocabulary than grammar and pronunciation they will be easy to communicate

    1. Hi. verawati !! After I read your proposal, I think You must add paragraph about problem your proposal, and what purpose from your proposal , i think just it recommendation from me thanks.

    2. assalamualaikum, verawati...

      I agree with Andi asmiati that your background isn't complete, there are some less clear, such as title, why do you not enclose it in background? so, problem and purpose of your proposal will be more clear..

      ok verawati, maybe just it what i can suggest,.. thanks..

  8. Assalmu’allaikum wr. wb
    I’m from Group 1
    Name : MISNAWATI
    Reg. num : A1D4 12 026

    1.1 Background of Code Mixing
    Code mixing is a mixing of two codes or languages, usually without a
    change of topic. Code mixing often occurs in the level of syntactic structure level
    within a sentence. Thus, within one sentence, one element is spoken in language A and the rest in language B. Code mixing is found mainly in informal interactions and in formal interaction.
    Code-mixing is similar to what we call language interference in code-mixing; the speaker takes components from another language while he is speaking a certain language (Panca Javandalasta Putra, 2010). Code mixing is usually occurs in the middle of a sentence. According to Suwito (1985:78) in Maulidini (2007:23), code mixing is usually occurs in the middle of a sentence. Code mixing divided into two kinds. They are inner code mixing and outer code mixing. Based on the unsure of language that involve in it, there are some forms of code mixing, they are the insertion of words, insertion of phrases, insertion of hybrids, insertion of word reduplication, insertion of idioms, and insertion of clause. Muysken (2000) also defines three types of code mixing: insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization. In his view, insertion occurs when lexical items from one language are incorporated into another.

    1.2 The purpose
    The purpose of this mixed code is :
    1. To find out how important the use of mix code in learning process
    2. To determine the impact of use mix code in learning process
    3. To find out there is a tendency the use of mix code in learning process
    4.to know why the causes of mix code

    1. assalamualaikum Misnawati,

      I have a little suggestion for your proposal above. I think you must give paragraph that we can more understand.


    2. my name : MISNAWATI
      reg. num : A1D4 12 026

      Assallamu'allaikum.wr.wb.....and good night MOM

      This is my title proposal
      A Study The Importance Use of Code Mixing in Learning Process

  9. Assalamualikum wr.wb
    I’m from group III
    Name: Fathullah Nurussalam
    Reg.no: A1D4 12 043

    The Correlation between Vocabulary and Speaking Abilities

    1.1 Background of the Study

    Basically, language as a means of communication ideas, thought, desire and feeling. Nowadays, English has been used in international meeting, seminar and workshop. People learn English for many purposes such as business and class presentation. Most of people said that language consist of four elements that are listening, speaking, reading and writing. These elements called as language skills. Inside each of skill there are some of the language form that is grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. When a person tries to understand something he/she must well master grammar and pronunciation as a language form.
    Teaching and learning is one kind of activities which can improve someone abilities and their skill. But in teach and learning process, it has some treatment, in this case to improve an activity. Like teach and learn in vocabulary and speaking. Speaking is an ability that requires the process of communicative competence, pronunciation, intonation, grammar and vocabulary improving..
    If we talk about speaking, usually connect with English study. English widely used in mass media and oral communication it means for exchanging information, science, research technology and tourism. Effective speaking benefit from the negotiatory language we use to seek clarification and how to compose the structure of what we want to say, speakers also needs to compose their discourse if they want get a deeply understanding, one hand like speech such as giving presentation, they need to use certain phrases to highlight the content structure of their discourse (hormer Jeremy,2001.270).
    There are many problems that face some students when they want to explore their idea orally and the difficulty to express their capability in English skill. The objective of language is the production of the speakers’ competence to communicate in the target language, (Panist and Bruder 1975). But often students feel difficult learn speak English, because difficulty memorize vocabulary and use the in grammar, the speaking ability need vocabulary, if we will be better, if we try to memorize it more perfect.
    Speaking can divided in two categories, namely accuracy and fluency. Accuracy focus on explain about correct of use of grammar vocabulary, and other skill, in this statement have explain about connection or relation between vocabulary and speaking ability. Fluency is the ability to speak smoothly and clearly.
    According Thornburry (2005) Speaking is so much a part of daily life that we take it for granted. The average person of produce thousands of words a day, although some may produce even more than that. So vocabulary is very important for speaking ability students’.
    Vocabulary is an essential component of language learning. Work in the last two decades has described its importance in the academic world. (Coady and Huckin 1997, Huckin et al. 1993; Nation, 1990,2001; Schmitt, 2000; Schmitt and Mc Carthy 1997; Singleton, 1999). One of the major interests addressed by researchers is the number of words a learner needs to communicate successfully. The general consensus is that around 2000 word families provide the lexical resources for learners to speak conversationally in a L2. (Nation and Meara,2000; Schmitt,2000). This figure is based on the findings of the Schonell study (Schonell et al.,1965) which showed that around 2000 family words covered 99% of words used in the speech produced by Australian workers. Adolph and Schmitt (2003), described some of the shortcomings of this study when viewed from the perspective of today’s research methodology.
    Based on the reasons above, the writer interests to conduct a research how to improve students’ speaking skill. The title is “The correlation between vocabulary and speaking abilities.

  10. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    1. Hay ratih I think your title of proposal “THE INFLUENCE OF STORY TELLING TO IMPROVE STUDENTS SPEAKING ABILITY AT THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL “ very interesting,and I think, all of student need accustomed speaking English for student education to be smart. for continue education in senior high school.


  11. Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
    Name : Nur Walman Julainti
    Reg.No. : A1D412020
    Group : I


    Chapter I

    A. Language is the most important aspect in human interaction. People communicate and interact with others using the language. In widely community, English has become international language. Most of the community in the whole world use English in order they can communicate with others who have different language. From this, English is important to be taught and learned by the students. And as the form of our government’s response toward this case, English language has been put in the educational system in our
    country, and it is taught from Elementary School until University and become a compulsory subject.
    As a compulsory subject in English teaching and learning process vocabulary is the important aspect to support the English language component skills, namely: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. So learning vocabulary for learners is important because the ability of students to learn English is determined by vocabulary that they have. Through vocabulary, someone can communicate his/her idea, feeling, emotion, and desire.
    Teaching English at Junior High School and Senior High School is quietly different. Teaching English at Junior High School need simple and easy method. Furthermore, fun method can get the student interest in learning it because the students feel enjoy with it. The method used for children mostly games learning method because riddles game require ingenuity to solving riddles, so it can make students’ more
    training their brain, with it students can be more motivated to learn vocabulary. This
    research must be done, to know how is effect by using riddles game to improve
    students’ vocabulary.

    NO : A1D4 12 013


    A. Background of the Study
    In curriculum 2013, the objective of English teaching at senior high school is the ability to speak English. But in the reality, so many students are not able to speak. Commonly they only have capability in grammar, reading and writing. We can find this problem in almost all English classes.
    This problem is used by conventional teaching techniques which only use the same way in each section of teaching English. In grammar class, reading class, writing class, and speaking class the teaching learning process only run in one way, from teacher to students. The students just listen what the teacher say. There are no interaction among the teacher and all students in the classroom. The monotonous and inappropriate teaching technique used by the teacher might cause low motivation on the students in learning English which affect their ability in speaking. Most students are unmotivated in learning as the result of the teacher’s monotonous teaching techniques. The students soon get bored and uninterested in learning
    Table 1.1 the description of the students’ problems.
    No Problems Indicators
    1 The students’ low speaking ability - The students just spoke a few words when they were asked to introduce him/her self.
    - The students just smiled when the researcher tried to converse with them out of classroom.
    - The students just gave a little response when they were asked in English.
    - When the students were asked to describe the pictures orally, they just spoke a few words.
    2 The students’ low motivation in learning English - The students did not pay attention to the teacher and were not enthusiastic to the subject matter.
    - The students seemed get bored soon and uninterested in English subject.
    - The students did not participate actively in the instructional activity.
    - Some students look sleepy during the instructional process.
    3 The teachers’ monotonous and inappropriate use of teaching techniques - Classroom activities were mostly based on the students’ worksheet.
    - The teacher just explained about the language, translated word by word, gave written task, and asked the students to look for the meaning of new words in the dictionary.

    We must solve this problem, we must fine the suitable technique in order to make the students be able to speak using English because being able to speak English is not easy for most foreign language learners. The suitable technique is needed in order to make the students be motivated in speaking English in the classroom and out of classroom.
    O’Malley and Pierce (1996) say that speaking seems to be an important skill that a learner should acquire. It is very important in order to enable students to communicate effectively through oral language because the disability of the students to speak may lead them to be unable to express their ideas even in a simple form of conversation. In addition, Lado (1964: 51) states that to know the language is to use it. He further states that students do not know a sentence until he can speak it. In this research I use the Role-Playing technique in the teaching speaking and learning process. The technique is identical conversation of students. In this matter, students have time to speak one anather with themselves. There are some reasons why Role-Play technique is important to the students. It’s the students commonly will be interested for them. Because when we tried to use the this technique, the students suddenly had an interest to speak.
    Based on the reason above the purpose of study to increase speaking students with Role-Play technique because it’s suitable technique in teaching speaking. It also makes the students in the teaching and learning process can be active. If the students are active in the learning process, the learning process will be effective. As we know that one of the characteristic of effective learning is the class active from the beginning to the end.

  13. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  14. Name : Egi Irmawanti puhid
    Reg.no : A1D412028
    Group : 2

    assalamualikum wr. wb
    this my assignment about Proposal Background

    1.1 background Of The Study

    English is the international language that is used almost all over the world as a second language. Because the English language has a very important role in industry, technology, and even politics. One way to improve is by learning English through English Club.

    Learning English through English Club is very helpful in improving English language learning, many teachers or community who implement the system English Club to improve one's knowledge or students in English, for example learning English club that has managed that in MIBABUSSALAM has many achievements one "Champion 1 English Competition "East Java provincial level. This feat was achieved by "Happy Adam Asyhar"

    The finding of the studies to determine how large or reviewing students' interest in learning English as well as to improve the knowledge of learning English through English club where the profits or benefits that can be in learning English through English club very much at all.

    Basically, the purpose of learning English Club is to improve the English language skills at the same time the student's interest in learning English through English club, because the teaching of the English language through English club can help improve students' skills in English in which to mentor students in more active in their efforts to learning English one of them is speaking, and this topic is certainly very useful for students in which the students were invited this topic and on the swatch for ways and means to further enhance knowledge in learning a language learn English.

    thank you mom
    wassalamualaikum wr. wb

    NO REG: A1D412037
    GROUP :3

    1.1. Background of the Problem
    Language is one of the most important things in communication and it is used as a toll of communication among the nations in all over the world. As an international language, English is very important and has many interrelationships with various aspects of life owned by human being. In Indonesia, English considered as the first foreign language and taught formally from elementary school up to the university level.
    The most often become to complain is the teachers ability in applying appropriate approaches, methods, strategies or techniques in teaching or learning. So, many students are not interest in learning English. Therefore, the English teach suggested in order to be able mastering of method, such as, Nababan (1991: 4) notices that a qualified teacher is the teacher who is able to suit best method or technique to the material that is being taught.
    In English, there are four skills that should be mastered, they are: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The reading skill becomes very important in the education field, students need to be exercised and trained in order to have a good reading skill.
    Reading is also something crucial and indispensable for the students because the success of their study depends on the greater part of their ability to read. If their reading skill is poor they are very likely to fail in their study or at least they will have difficulty in making progress. On the other hand, if they have a good ability in reading, they will have a better chance to succeed in their study.
    One of the methods researchers uses to get a clearer picture of what learners generally do while reading in a foreign language is think aloud. This is one type of verbal reports, obtained from the readers during reading (Cavalcanti, 1987).
    Think-aloud means that readers report their thoughts while reading, but they are not expected to analyze their behavior as in introspection (Cohen, 1987). By means of asking their subjects to say out loud whatever goes through their minds, researchers hope to get a more direct view of the mental processes readers are engaged in while reading (Rankin, 1988).
    In order to master reading skill, a teacher as an educator have to use good method in teaching learning process. In this case, the researcher concerns with the effect of think aloud strategy toward students reading skill study at 9th grade SMP

    1. I think , just paragraph 2 you use expert , but in you background so many expert , start paragraph one and two , Thanks where is purposes to your background???? can you explain me

  16. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    REG.NO : A1D412034
    GROUP 3



    1.1. Background of the study

    Being successful in teaching English is the dominant factor that the English teacher should pay attention to, especially in teaching reading. Through reading, one can enhance his experience, develop new concept, solve his problem, and broaden his horizon of thinking, which are needed to ensure continuing personal growth and adopt the change in the world yet the importance of reading has not been realized by most of our society a large number of our population is classified as poor readers and the majority of the people are content to read materials of poor quality.
    In reading comprehension, the message to be imposed in the written form is the most important element that the students must recognize, because the primary purpose of reading is to know the thoughts expressed in the printed material. Therefore, reading wit comprehension is only a way for the students to arrive at what they want to know from the reading material. However, the problem is how to make them comprehend. For students from elementary to university level, reading is something that has to be done. They have to read their compulsory books or other materials related to their lesson. For students who are studying languages, reading is one of the skills, which has to be learned and is considered as the most important one because it can influence other language skill (listening, speaking, and writing). According to Kustaryo (1988;2) it is certainly not easy to present the English reading for Indonesian students whose language system is different. Reading is a complex process which involves not only the read the text but also their experience to comprehend it. Because of its complexity, many teachers of English at junior and senior high school find difficulties in all teaching reading and prefer teaching structure to reading. Based on all reason above, the writer thinks that humour stories can motivate students to read, because humour stories are interested in conducting research entitle “ Improving the student’s Reading comprehension by using humour stories” of the second grade of year students of SMA.

    In the teaching reading, English. Teacher should introduce the humor stories as an alternative way to give variation to the students in teaching and learning process. Based on the junior high school curriculum, reading is one of the four skills in studying English. Reading consists of narrative, descriptive, procedure, news item, recount, and anecdote. The aim of the students learn reading, they have to know basic competence and achievement indicators in reading. Basic competence of reading: Understand transactional discourse, interpersonal discourse, and oral monologue especially in the forms of descriptive, narrative, anecdote, analytical exposition, and hortatory exposition using oral language variation. And achievement indicators; Students can read continuous story, students can identify rhetorical moves of a text in the narrative, descriptive, and anecdote form, students can identify main ideas, Supporting ideas, and detailed information of the text, and students can identify and use the tense.

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  19. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  20. Hi. Hanna!! After reading your proposal introduction I get point that you must add some of the problem already studied by other researchers because it is still not enough in the second paragraph and in order that you proposal introduction will be more complete so you must make the optional statement in the last paragraph!…ok..!!!

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    2. I think your title is very interisting with give humor stories , and that make students not boring because your storise is very fun and I give you suggestion , if you give humour stories you have to combine with pictures . Ok

    3. I agree with you risal because This may rarely be done by the schools so this could be something new.

    NO.REG :A1D412046
    GROUP : 2
    Language as a main tool of communication is very important to learn. Nowadays, English has become an international language that holds an important role in the world life and makes us easy to interaction each other It is interesting to be studied and mastered, in order to be able to communicate with people from another country.

    Writing is the activity of creating pieces of written work, or writing is skill such as stories, poems, or articles to improve students’ ability to function effectively in such written context it is a method of representing language in visual or text form. “Crimon (1983) said that writing is hard work. Therefore students need a lot of practices to apply their writing ability. Writing is an effective way to communicate and express our thoughts, feelings, and opinions to others.

    Based on the my experience, writing is the most difficult skill to be mastered because it is a complex skill to be learned. The students have to master not only vocabulary but also grammar. This argument in line with "Fowler", he says, “Writing is as we have seen, a complex process and it is the last of the language skills to receive attention in school”.

    Based on the problems discussed above ,i have the purpose, and i interested in applying the technique write used pictures skills . i will to study more about “Using Pictures skills " then, i will try to teach to student with gives picture skills , after that ,i think student can easy understand material who teacher give with easy. with picture skills and in Teaching Descriptive Writing I think study language English the students will get their ideas and know what they want to write

  22. NAME : WA ODE SITI HARIANI (A1D412015)

    1.1 Background of The Study
    Reading as a skill of language has important role for the students when they want to know the knowledge and accurate information in the text. They need good reading skill to gain knowledge and learning information. Besides that, through reading students could get input in terms of vocabulary, grammar, and complement of the other language skills (Browton, 1962). The purpose of reading is to extend our experience in the world where we live. In connection with above statement, reading capability as one of the aspect in language skill must be paid attention seriously in teaching learning process. Reading is necessary when students want to continue from elementary school until university level. They need good reading skill for acquiring knowledge and learning new information. As Krashen and Terrell (1983) state that reading is one of english language skills which can serve as an important source of comprehensible input and may take a significant contribution to the development of overal proficiency.
    Reading is integrated in the teaching and learning process. Students must have the ability to read in a wide range of English texts because it is useful for them in following written directions both in the classroom and in common everyday experience. They need reading skill that helps them to know the instruction of the text and the content of reading task. Therefore, teacher has to emphasize in reading rather than other skills.
    In general, there are some problems that were found in teaching reading in Indonesia. First, the reading material that is used in the teaching of reading.The effectiveness in teaching reading related with the difficulty and the level of the text (Carver, 1994). Then, the technique or the method that applies in teaching reading. The applying variation technique or method will increase students’ motivation and make them do not bored in teaching reading. In fact, most of the teachers in Indonesia have not applied the appropriate methods or technique in teaching or learning process and still use traditional approach in the teaching of reading. Thus, the students tend to be passive and it is impact students’ reading comprehension be lower. Not aside from the teaching reading in SMA Negeri 2 Kendari. Based on my observation in SMA Negeri 2 Kendari, the researcher found that the teachers in this school still use the conventional method or technique that was affect the students’ English competence especially in their reading comprehension in the low level.
    Therefore, English teacher as cultivate of teaching and learning process in the class has the important role to determine the objective of the teaching and learning in the classrooms. A good teacher needs to find a technique in teaching reading in order to solve this problem,and one of the ways to improve students’ reading comprehension is to apply SQ3R technique. This statement supported by Nuriani (2005) at the second year of SMA 1 Pasarwajo. In her research, she found that most students have many problems in reading activity included inappropriate methods or technique in teaching reading. So, she investigates a study in teaching reading comprehension through the SQ3R technique. The result of her study showed that there was a significant improvement of students’ ability on reading through SQ3R technique.
    Using SQ3R technique in teaching learning process has a good effect toward student thinking the way of learning, and how the students get the motivation in learning process because this technique relevant with improving students’ reading comprehension that suitable for all grades.

    1. Sorry Ani, I want to ask you, what is the title of your research?

      Then for the background of your research, what the general statement about a field of your research, and how the teaching of reading, during this time you can see and notice that you are interested to investigate.

      Thank you 

    2. thanks parha for your comment.

      I'm sorry parha, the tittle of my research is THE EFFECT OF USING SQ3R TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS READING ACHIEVEMENT AT THE FIRST YEAR OF SMAN 2 KENDARI and about general statement , you can see at the first stage in my background.
      then, about how teaching of reading , i don't describe yet about it, it will be discus chapter III About procedure ,


  23. Hy hanna, good evening 
    I am very interested in your title, because I also think that reading to be boring if it’s not interesting to read. As you say that you would give a humor story, but what do you do if there is a reading or story such as analyzing a novel or a particular passage that is not filled with humor, what would you do? And How the strategy or technique would you do?

  24. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    Group 2

    A teaching Story through writing technique by using picture and using picture skill in teaching descriptive writing

    Language as a main tool of communication is very important to learn. Nowadays, English has become an international language that holds an important role in the world life and makes us easy to interaction each other it is interesting to be studied and mastered, in order to be able to communicate with people from another country.

    Writing is the activity of creating pieces of written work, or writing is skill such as stories, poems, or articles to improve students’ ability to function effectively in such written context it is a method of representing language in visual or text form. “Crimon (1983) said that writing is hard work. Therefore students need a lot of practices to apply their writing ability. Writing is an effective way to communicate and express our thoughts, feelings, and opinions to others.

    Based on my experience, writing is the most difficult skill to be mastered because it is a complex skill to be learned. The students have to master not only vocabulary but also grammar for can write with true.

    Based on the problems discussed above, I have another purpose for my proposal, and I interested in applying the technique write use pictures skills. I will to study many about “Using Pictures skills" then, I will try to teach many to student with give them a test using picture then they are can analysis what mean for that picture , after that ,I think student can easy understand material who teacher give with easy. With picture skills and in Teaching Descriptive Writing I think study language English the students will get their ideas and know what that they want to write.

    Thanks  

    1. assalamualaikum and good morning, mia..

      I've just realize that we have same title, actually, it is good technique and that's why i choose this title.

      well about your background, i have little confused about your title, i'm sorry i have to say that your title is not arranged well. so, i suggest, please correct it again..

      thanks , mia..

    2. thanks for your comment ratih, :) I'm sorry about title my proposal,because i am still confused ratih, but i will think again .

      thanks ratih

    3. hi, mia..i will give suggestion for you, next time, before you begin to write down your proposal's background, it is better you should arrange the correct title in order we know what your problem's focus is.

      oke? thanks..

    4. thanks for recommendation ratih.
      This is the title of my proposal is correct " Improving student writing skill in descriptive teks by using visual aids ( picture) media


  26. Assalamualaikum WR.WB, and Good Night ...

    Name : SRI WAHYUNI HANDAYANI (A1D412038)


    Language is one of the most important things in communication and it is used as a toll of communication among the nations in all over the world. As an international language, English is very important and has many interrelationships with various aspects of life owned by human being. In Indonesia, English considered as the first foreign language and taught formally from elementary school up to the university level.
    The most often become to complain is the teachers ability in applying appropriate approaches, methods, strategies or techniques in teaching or learning. So, many students are not interest in learning English. Therefore, the English teach suggested in order to be able mastering of method, such as, Nababan (1991: 4) notices that a qualified teacher is the teacher who is able to suit best method or technique to the material that is being taught.
    In English, there are four skills that should be mastered, they are: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The reading skill becomes very important in the education field, students need to be exercised and trained in order to have a good reading skill.
    Reading is also something crucial and indispensable for the students because the success of their study depends on the greater part of their ability to read. If their reading skill is poor they are very likely to fail in their study or at least they will have difficulty in making progress. On the other hand, if they have a good ability in reading, they will have a better chance to succeed in their study.
    One of the methods researchers uses to get a clearer picture of what learners generally do while reading in a foreign language is think aloud. This is one type of verbal reports, obtained from the readers during reading (Cavalcanti, 1987).
    Think-aloud means that readers report their thoughts while reading, but they are not expected to analyze their behavior as in introspection (Cohen, 1987). By means of asking their subjects to say out loud whatever goes through their minds, researchers hope to get a more direct view of the mental processes readers are engaged in while reading (Rankin, 1988). In order to master reading skill, a teacher as an educator have to use good method in teaching learning process.

    Thanks mom...

    1. Assalamu'alaikum WR. WB. Hy Uni :)

      I am very interested in your title, I also think that it took a concentration reading is different, but we see more of what books we read, we are may do not read comics or books that entertained it requires a level of thinking is more, we are back again at the reader. Now I want to ask, what is the reason your taking this title, and from your title and according to the research that you have read according your title, strategies and techniques what will you do to continue the existing research?

    2. thanks parha,.
      to the point, i'll answer your question, yahh... I chose this title because I want to know about :
      1.To what extent is the achievement of students’ Reading skill?
      2. what extent is the effect of think aloud strategy toward students reading skill?
      I think thats,. tq

  27. Assalamualaikum wr.wb, and good morning, mom...

    Name : Ratih Prihatini
    Reg. No : A1 D4 12 018



    1.1 Background

    Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning. The learner can communicate well if they have speaking ability well. Brown (1994) and Burns & Joyce (1997) states that Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information Therefore, in the learning period, students need to be assisted in expanding their speaking ability.

    Speaking is the most difficult skill mastery for most students of junior high school. In the effort of improving students’speaking ability, we decided to use an activity that could promote and involve students’ activeness in the class and automatically this activity can improve the students’ speaking ability. It is story telling. By using this method, they can increase their sensitivity in recognizing pronunciation errors, increase vocabulary mastery, understand how to make sentence in a good structure, and speak fluently in concrete content.

    Furthermore, there have been number of study on the improvement of speaking skill by using story telling technique that had been done by some researcher. For example Toni Maharjo (2008) who conducted teaching english speaking using story telling technique at SMP Pasundan Purwakarta. Likewise Tsinta Nur Fajriah (2011) story telling sebagai media peningkatan kemampuan berbahasa inggris anak. Those studies also shown that there is significant improvenments of students’ speaking ability after applying story telling technique.

    Based on the explanations above, the researcher is interested in applying the technique used in improving students’ speaking ability under the title “The Influence of Story Telling to Improve Students’ Speaking English Ability at The Second Year Students of Junior High School”.

    Thus, this study’s purpose is to ascertain the influence of story telling technique as an alternative strategy for the students to learn speaking english skill and certainly for the teachers themself to give motivation and student’s curious to learn english speaking.

    Thanks a lot, mom..

    1. Hay ratih I think your title of proposal “THE INFLUENCE OF STORY TELLING TO IMPROVE STUDENTS SPEAKING ABILITY AT THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL “ very interesting,and I think, all of student need accustomed speaking English for student education to be smart. for continue education in senior high school.


  28. Name : Husni Yohan
    NIM : A1D4 09 026
    Group : 3
    The effect of Using Movie On Students Vocabulary Achievement
    1.1 Background
    English language was known as an international language that used in all countries over the world, including Indonesia. English is thought as an essential aspect to be learned whether it aims to improve one’s capability in exchanging information about knowledge or even expanding social intercourse in the world.
    In process of understanding language, vocabulary plays an important role that helping to deliver meaning, express one’s feeling and desire, and communicate with others. Meara (1980) points out that language learners admits that they encounter considerable difficulty with vocabulary even when they upgrade from an initial stage of acquiring a second language to a much more advanced level. In learning English, there are four skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing that should be mastered. And vocabulary has becomes one of a fundamental factor in which believed can support the process of mastering those skills. Tarigan (1989) states that the quality of language skill depends on quantity and quality of vocabulary. Further, Wilkins (1972: 111) states that without grammar very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. Thus, it necessary to have sufficient vocabulary.
    Based on English curriculum that is used in school, teaching of vocabulary is integrated in teaching four skills of the language with the purpose of helping students in applying students’ competences upon those skills. Although the teaching of vocabulary is integrated, it still has a chance to be taught separately as long as the topic or theme that students should learn still related to the material of vocabulary is taught. It becomes the main concern for teachers who teach English in School. When students get a text for reading activity, and then if they find unfamiliar words, spontaneously they will look up in dictionary to find the meaning of the words.
    Teacher should choose effective media that is not merely used in situation where students study in classroom but also as a useful means to achieve same purpose in other circumstances. As Weatherford (1990) cited in Nisa (2012) points out that the strategies should be useful within the classroom as well as when learners are in a situation where they encounter new and unfamiliar words on their own. Subathra (2012) argues that the main account in modern education is on the awaking of curiosity, the stimulation of creativity, the development of proper interest, attitude, values and building of essential skills such as independent study and capacity to think and judge for one self. Further, he says that in modern education, students are encouraged to explore, to ask questions, to study themselves and to be creative. In other words, what we are going to have now is student-centered not teacher-centered.
    Based on those facts, as much as possible teacher is expected to be able to create some activities which are believed can engage students in learning process. For example, teacher can apply a kind of method which is supported by modern media to help students get success in the process; also perceive that English as a fun subject not the opposite. One of an interesting and fun media is movies. Movie is one of an authentic media which provide material for hearing, seeing, and also context about real life situation. Besides that movie has several advantages. First, combining both audio and visual makes film a comprehensive tool for language teaching. Second, the visual also supports the students: it helps learners by supporting the verbal message and provides a focus of attention while they listen. Additionally, Movies can also rouse feelings and opinions and create discussion.

    1. i think your title is very good , you using movie to know effect , this interisting if you meet me in the classroom tomorrow can you tell me about procedure you title ;) thanks

  29. From title Assessment for Learning
    1.1 Background
    English is very important to learn to communicate with the world and be able to know what is going on in the world. One of the means used to implement learning English using the Assessment for Learning (AFL). The AFL is basically formative assessment. Given the name of the AFL with the aim to emphasize that the assessment is done is assessment for learning improvement, not an assessment to see how much knowledge has been mastered by the student.
    In one paper, Young (2005) says that the AFL, if used effectively, can increase student achievement. The same is stated by Stiggins & Chappuis (2006) that the AFL can improve student success. In the UK, the AFL has been applied for a long time and proved to have been able to improve students' math skills. Assessment Reform Group in the UK, sponsored by the British Educational Research Association has conducted extensive research on the implementation of the AFL in the UK for some time. They claim that the AFL can improve students' skills in various subjects, such as those raised by Young (2005) and Stiggins & Chappuis (2006).
    In learning methods Assessment for Learning (AFL) is expected to be more compability with the existing curriculum at this time. Assessment for Learning themselves in learning more leads to the assessment at the time of learning and assessment during the learning terminated after. Many types of assessment methods, this method is actually directing students to be more active in learning so that students are able to master the lessons and continue to be active when the study ended. AFL method assesses students who are active in learning by using several different ways.
    AFL supposed to be held on three aspects, namely cognitive, affective aspects AFL, AFL on psychomotor aspects. However, sometimes, due to the characteristics of certain subjects, on a subject, AFL cognitive aspects more prevalent than any other aspect of the AFL. Likewise, on other subjects AFL affective aspects more prevalent than any other aspect of the AFL, and on other subjects again, AFL psychomotor aspects stand out from the other aspects of assessment.
    Based on the research that has been done, through various interviews with teachers, obtained findings that teachers have felt giving assessment (assessment) to students with good, good formative assessment (which is called the daily tests) as well as summative assessment (the so-called repetition end of the semester) . Based on the studies that have been conducted in Indonesia, according Budiyono, it can be concluded that the teachers do not implement formative assessment correctly, because the function of formative assessment as a vehicle to provide feedback (feed-back) to students as soon as possible not appear correctly on the assessment conducted by the teacher.

  30. Name : yulius pangiman . P .
    NIM : A1D4 12 027
    Group : 1



    1.1 Background of the study

    Reading is one of the English language skills besides the other skills like listening, speaking, and writing. Being able to read English is very important. Reading is a good way to develop and understanding English. The acquisition of the reading skill in the second language learning in considered as a priority. This idea is supported by the fact that reading has become a part of our daily activities, we read many texts, ranging from holiday brochures to academic books. Therefore, the ability to read English texts in any form will give a great number of advantages to or lives.
    Nowdays, teaching reading generally has not stimulated students become active in English instruction. It more employs teacher dominant, talk and chalk mode. It more exercise students to do written exercise. The students just sit and listen quietly to the teacher and don’t interact with their classmate. They only are asked to read and translate the text. Consequently, the students get bored in teaching and learning process because of less motivation. Therefore, teacher should find appropiate and effective method of teaching reading which can involve the students’ dominant than the teacher’s dominant, help teh students increase understanding better, don’t fell bored and they become active. And to achieve that, the teacher need strategies.
    Reciprocal teaching can be used to improve students’ Reading comprehension. Reciprocal Teaching, which was developed by Paalinscar and Brown ( 1984 ), is an instructional procedure to enchance students’ reading comprehension of a text. The student will work in group and do their role as questioner, summarizer, clarifier, or predictor. Based on the theory above, Brown and Campione ( 1992 ) describe the component of reciprocal teaching as follow : First is predicting. Students will combine or compare their prior knowledge from ten text. Predicting provides an overall rationale for reading-to confirm or disconfirm self-generated hypothesis. Second is questioning. Student can practice how to make a good WH questions like teachers’ questioning stage provides a context for exploring the next more deeply and assuring the construction of meaning for students. Third is clarifying. It can be increase students’ vocabulary knowledge. Because it ca be used by the student to know unfamiliar words or phrases they found on the paragraph by using dicctionary. And the last is summarizing. In summarizing the student will practice to determine the main idea and supporting ideas in the paragraph.

    Gerry hewit ( 1995 ), also introduced reciprocal teaching which covers the strategy of summarizing, questioning, clarifying, and predicting as a technique to improve students’ reading comprehension of a text while involving them in a verbal exchange of ideas. It is characterized by a structured-dialogue betweenthe students and the teacher, where each taking turns in the role of dialogue leader. The purpose is to provide opputunities for students to practise all the English skills, mainly reading, with or without the teacher. It also gives a chance to the students to monitor their own reading a well as their comprehension. Besides, it has several benefits, i.e, it can help improve students’ reading ability and increase their cooperation. Give them bigger opputunity to practice the four language skills, give them more self confidence and motivation.
    Based on the above explanation, the researcher is interested to conduct a research entitled “ The effect of Reciprocal teaching on the Second Year Students’ Reading Comprehension”

    1.1 Background
    Vocabulary plays as in important role in learning a foreign language. It is one element that links the four skills listening, speaking, reading and writing all together. In order to communicate well in foreign language, student should acquire an adequate number of words and should know how to use it accurately. Vocabulary building is really important in any language learning. Vocabulary also becomes the most important aspect in acquiring a language and mastering the second language

    Vocabulary is one of English language elements that should be mastered by students. According to Gower, Phillips and Walters (1995:142) vocabulary is important to students. It is more important than grammar to communicate purposes, particularly in the early stages when students are motivated to learn the basic word , they will learn language easily. Anderson and Freebody (1979) in Meagher (1993: 199) express that “The more vocabulary student posses, the better able they are to understand what they are reading”.

    the finding of the studies that the students get difficulties to learn vocabulary. The students have difficulties in spelling the English words that they learnt. The students have difficulties memorizing the meaning of the English words that they learnt. The students also tended to pronounce the words they learnt in Indonesian way. The researcher also found the teaching and learning process was not effective. The students cheated while doing the exercise given by the teacher. Moreover many students don’t pay attention to the teacher. They are chatting with their friends and playing with their writing equipments when the teacher explains the material. Most of the students are passive during teaching and learning process

    From above problems, I have purposes. I will try to overcome it by applying WORD GAMES AND PICTURE. Word games and pictures will make teachers should use interesting media to teach vocabulary. Moreover, teachers should make the students interested in the lesson by paying attention to the learning processes. Making students enjoy the lesson during teaching learning process is one important aspect to achieve successful learning goals, especially in vocabulary. The goals of vocabulary lesson are students can understand the meaning, pronounce the word correctly , spell the word correctly , and understand function of words in the written and oral communication

    1. i am sorry mam , I am late , because last night , network is very bad .

