
Minggu, 17 Agustus 2014

SP: Speaking II

1. Final Test: Monolog; discussing or explaining any topic related to teaching of your own choice. (Duration 4-5 minutes).
2. Mid Test; with Peer- interviewing each other about some strategies you have used to develop your English Speaking competence and how the strategies work for you. (7-8 minutes)
3. Assignment: (untuk nilai tugas) write the script of the monolog (no 1 above) and the interview (no 2 above)
*Nos 1 and 2 should be produced in a Compact Disk (supposedly 1 for collecting all students tasks)
No 3 is to be sent to the comment of this post OR you can submit the print out along with the CD to my office.
**Last but not least, I'd like to mention my apology for this late post regarding to technical problem.
***Deadline: Monday, August 25, 2014 (midnight)

3 komentar:

    NIM: A1D211087
    A: HY ida.. what are you doing?
    B: Oh hy..nothing. i’m just having a sit.
    A: Are you alone?
    B: Yes,,like you see. And you?
    A: Yes i’m alone too.
    B:It’s rather suprising to find you here actually.
    A: I just feel like to come pray to the mosque. So here i am.
    B: Ohh..really?
    A: Yeah, by the way, are you always here everyday?
    B: Ghmm.. not really, i just come if i have free time. Do you have any lecture today?
    A: Yes, speaking III class.with Mrs. Nurnia.
    B: Really? It’s the same with me. Did you finish your task?
    A: Not yet. What about you ?
    B: Me too. I just don’t know what to do.
    A: But, it seems to me your english is pretty good. How do you practice your english?
    B: Well, usually I read some short stories out loud and try to see the sound by recording it and play it back to hear how I produced the words. It was exarcising my tongue to speak english and i can know what is my weakness from the recording. Besides, sometimes i download some tutorials of speaking for my practice. It helps me to know how the word should be pronounced. But, just what you would expect from a beginner, i can hardly follow the speech.
    A: Why? Is it that fast?
    B: Yeah,,it’s so fast. A native speech.
    A: Can’t you slow it down in your laptop?
    B: I can’t. I don’t know how to do it.
    A: You know, if you are using KMP Player, you can just press “x” botton on they keyboard. It will slow it down.
    B: Really?
    A: Yes. I do it sometimes when i’m listening musics.
    B: Oh..well, thanks for your information. By the way, what about you, have you done some strategies to develop your speaking skill?
    A: Your welcome. Yes i have. I like to listen to western song. It gives me a lot of new vocabularies that are very usefull.
    B: Really? Do you have fun learning that way?
    A: Pretty much. But, it’s still hard for me to speak in english.
    B: Not only you. I feel so . that’s way we need to learn more.
    A: We definitely do.
    B: I wonder why is it some of us are very good in english.
    A: They sure have practice a lot.
    B: You think we can be good too?
    A: Of course we can. But, we have to study harder
    B: Yeah..i think so.

    A: When does the class start?
    B: It’s two o’clock
    A: Then we should be doing back, don’t you think?
    B: Yes..let’s go back.
    A: I will try to finish my task when i get home.
    B: Yeah, me too.i don’t wanna get “E” for this subject.
    A: Well, of course you don’t.
    B: Well, see you in class.
    A: See you.

    A refers to Himaya
    B refers to Nursaidah

    NIM: A1D211087
    Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
    Good Morning,
    Welcome to my “first video”
    Today, i am going to teach your students a real reading. Why? Because some students can read and pronounce words fluently but do not have a clue of what they are reading.
    So, what makes a reader, a good reader?
    The answer is a reader who reads for a purpose.
    There are some strategies that can be used to make the students good reader.
    First of all, make some predictions.
    Ask the students to predict things on what they are reading. When they are reading a story, for example, before continuing to the next pages of the book, you can first ask them to think of “ What might happen next?
    Second, do some visualization.
    Make the students think visually. Let them see the shapes, color, and movements of what they are reading. This makes them more imaginative. Visualization allows the students to see the story inside their mind.
    Third, do some “Question and answer” activity.
    This will help students to recognize confusion and encourage active learning.
    Fourth, Retell and summarize.
    Make the students summarize and retell what they have read. This will make them remember the content better. Besides, summarizing make them remember the clues instead of the whole story.
    Finally, Ask them to relate any thing they read with their real life experience.
    This may allow them to get better understanding of the content of their reading.
    Well now, that is all for today.
    Thank you for watching and have a nice teaching..(^_^)..
    NIM: A1D211087

  3. NAME: HIMAYA (A1D208094)
    My name is Himaya. In today’s video I’d like to talk about some tips in teaching writing. Teaching for some people might sounds easy, but it is actually not. Here are some tips you can use to make a creative teaching of writing.
    The first, plan your teaching. Take some issues from magazines or newspaper. Line them up in the order that you will use in your schedule. Prepare one issue for every meeting.
    The second, plan the activity that will involve the whole class. One of the problems in creative writing class is that in various class there are some issues that are not interesting for some students. In writing, what is most crucial is to show the students how it is done, don’t just tell them.
    The third is develop some brainstorming activity. Giving assignment, the teacher should be able to inspire the students, to move them to do their writing on their own, willingly.
    The forth is do some ‘find out ’ activity. So that the students will be able to observe the thing they want to write. This is a great method of developing the character of the students.
    The fifth is do not force the class participation. Just attract the students. Give them some fun, enjoyable activity and let them to decide to do the exercise or not. This way, the students will be able to do all the exercise in the class willingly.
    Well, that’s all about teaching writing. Thank you very much for watching.
