
Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014


Some important links for academic writing. (Students enrolled in Writing IV course are required to complete readings and work for some assignments related to these resources.

1. http://m.bookfi.org/book/1311396
 College writing: from paragraph to essay,

2. http://m.bookfi.org/book/1026126
 Academic Writing and Plagiarism: A Linguistic Analysis by

3. http://m.bookfi.org/s/?q=study+writing
Academic Writing Course: Study Skills in English

 Academic Writing and Publishing: A Practical Handbook

*During the first week of the course, above links should have been visited. Please comment to this post to announce your having downloaded the books or any problems you found when downloading them.

Minggu, 17 Agustus 2014

SP: Vocabulary

1. Final Test: Write  a paragragh of about 150-200 words consisting of 10 words taken from the third thousand word list (Vocabulary List; Nation, 1986). Underline the ten words. Below the paragraph, write the list of the ten words with Indonesian translation, part of speech and English pronunciation.
2. Mid Test: choose 20 words from the second thousand list (the book as no 1 above). Make sentences using those words. Underline the words, write the meaning and part of speech.
3. Assignment (for nilai tugas): Choose 20 words from the first thousand list of the book. Show the meaning of the words either by pictures, synonim/antonym, or collocation.
*All these tasks should be sent to my office not later than Monday, 25 August 2014.
*This post should have been sent earlier for you not to rush in working on them. As it has been for some technical problem, I must mention my apology to make you work in such a way. Good luck.

SP: Speaking II

1. Final Test: Monolog; discussing or explaining any topic related to teaching of your own choice. (Duration 4-5 minutes).
2. Mid Test; with Peer- interviewing each other about some strategies you have used to develop your English Speaking competence and how the strategies work for you. (7-8 minutes)
3. Assignment: (untuk nilai tugas) write the script of the monolog (no 1 above) and the interview (no 2 above)
*Nos 1 and 2 should be produced in a Compact Disk (supposedly 1 for collecting all students tasks)
No 3 is to be sent to the comment of this post OR you can submit the print out along with the CD to my office.
**Last but not least, I'd like to mention my apology for this late post regarding to technical problem.
***Deadline: Monday, August 25, 2014 (midnight)